
I told Crick it got cheaper. He disagreed.
Oh. I am sorry for your trauma, I guess... ?

But yes, it has gotten and will continue to get cheaper, per kWh. And we are true morons to wait around for it to become more economical than fossil fuels. The money should be going into R&D, not mostly into installing systems that are doomed to be obsolete soon.
Oh. I am sorry for your trauma, I guess... ?

But yes, it has gotten and will continue to get cheaper, per kWh. And we are true morons to wait around for it to become more economical than fossil fuels. The money should be going into R&D, not mostly into installing systems that are doomed to be obsolete soon.

Green ignorance doesn't cause me trauma.
The fact is that AT MOST 120PPM of CO2 will raise temperature .0024F
Given that it's already raised global temps by about 1.0C, that's a hilariously deluisional claim. But then, that's just directly observed reality, so it won't have any effect on you.

Oh, nice page from something. You're absolutely correct, an experiment in a 4" by 30" cylinder transfers exactly to the entire earth, and don't you let any normal person tell you otherwise. You're a very special boy who knows better than all the smart people.
Given that it's already raised global temps by about 1.0C, that's a hilariously deluisional claim. But then, that's just directly observed reality, so it won't have any effect on you.

Oh, nice page from something. You're absolutely correct, an experiment in a 4" by 30" cylinder transfers exactly to the entire earth, and don't you let any normal person tell you otherwise. You're a very special boy who knows better than all the smart people.

So you're telling us that you isolated all variables except for 120PPM of CO2, and you always get a 1C increase, but you never post an experiment.

Why is that?

Are you sure?

The only and only time the AGW Cult posts an experiment, it shows 0 to .0024F
I'm so unmoved by the "we know CO2 is causing the warming because Michael Mann and East Anglia say so!" argument

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