Hoarder Dies When House Collapses From All Her Stuff

Watching a hoarding show just now, Marine veteran of the gulf war, started hoarding after several of his men were killed. Is he a lunatic who deserves to be buried alive?

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Those hoarding shows cause nightmares for me. I watched the Buried Alive one a few times, but NEVER AGAIN.
I feel sorry for them...but at the same time, they disgust me. :(
Which makes me feel bad.
On second thought...maybe I don't feel so bad. I saw one show (last one I watched) about a woman that had poop piled so high in her toilet, it rised a foot ABOVE the toilet seat. She would just hunker over that pile and add to it.

Disgusting. And they are a hazard to neighboring homes due to disease potential.
I feel sorry for them...but at the same time, they disgust me. :(
Which makes me feel bad.

The feels are neither mutually exclusive nor unreasonable.

One can have sympathy for a self-destructive person, while also viewing what he is doing as disgusting.
I've watched that hoarder show on TV and except for 2 cases everyone has been white. Are there any stats on the racial makeup on this disorder or is it like the shows that depict primarily Blacks and Hispanics on the crime shows?

Interesting observation. It does seem as though hoarders are mostly white people lol

A good chunk of them are also elderly.
A Connecticut woman who police described as an apparent hoarder was found dead Saturday after the first floor of her house collapsed under the weight of all her clutter.

Hoarder Dies When House Collapses Under Weight of Clutter - TIME

Anyone know any hoarders?

I have 78 cans of cat food. Am I a bad person?

Yes. Your cat should eat kibble and drink water. Wet food is bad for his teeth. Get good quality dry cat food w/o ash in it.:smiliehug: Give him wet food on holidays and special occasions. :D
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I've watched that hoarder show on TV and except for 2 cases everyone has been white. Are there any stats on the racial makeup on this disorder or is it like the shows that depict primarily Blacks and Hispanics on the crime shows?

Yeah, these white hoarders are trying to keep black people from getting anything.

Its been like that every since Black people taught them the alphabet.
A Connecticut woman who police described as an apparent hoarder was found dead Saturday after the first floor of her house collapsed under the weight of all her clutter.

Hoarder Dies When House Collapses Under Weight of Clutter - TIME

Anyone know any hoarders?

That is unbelievable !!! almost bordering on the hilarious!

She gladly gave her life for her clutter.... at least she died a happy woman., wow!

Maybe you haven't watched those programs about hoarders and have never met someone like that. It is not about clutter, it's about hoarding things you don't need or use to the point these things take over your life. My foster daughter's parents were hoarders. You could smell their house as you drove up to it--from the street! To get around the house, there were narrow paths between all the junk that was piled up everywhere. There was no table top to eat on and no available space in the kitchen to keep anything clean or to barely keep food and cook it. The hoarding and condition of the house was one reason they lost their kids to foster care; there were other problems as well, like not sending my foster daughter to school. Her father was an IT tech at a local university; these were not poor people. Hoarding is a mental illness, not having a lot of clutter.
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Ed Iskendarian, though I'd call him more "pack rat" than hoarder.

When he dies (he's 94), collectors will go NUTS over his huge collection of memorabilia!
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A Connecticut woman who police described as an apparent hoarder was found dead Saturday after the first floor of her house collapsed under the weight of all her clutter.

Hoarder Dies When House Collapses Under Weight of Clutter - TIME

Anyone know any hoarders?


When we were living in an apartment, we befriended a couple who asked us to check on their apartment when they were gone. So when they were on vacation, we went in and we literally could not see the floor. They had cleared away space in the front landing by the door, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, but every other square inch of the floor was covered with stuff. We went into the bedroom and the floor was covered with coins, mostly pennies.

It was frickin' weird.
Hoarder Dies When House Collapses From All Her Stuff
I will confess and admit that I am a hoarder. Thing is I only hoard nonperishable food items like canned goods. I usually keep a 3 year supply of canned goods and various nonperishable drinks in the cellar in the event of an unforeseeable catastrophe. This would cover my family (wife, son, and myself), and a few close neighbors. Chances are an event of this magnitude may never occur, but the hoarder in myself refuses to acknowledge this.
Hoarder Dies When House Collapses From All Her Stuff
I will confess and admit that I am a hoarder. Thing is I only hoard nonperishable food items like canned goods. I usually keep a 3 year supply of canned goods and various nonperishable drinks in the cellar in the event of an unforeseeable catastrophe. This would cover my family (wife, son, and myself), and a few close neighbors. Chances are an event of this magnitude may never occur, but the hoarder in myself refuses to acknowledge this.

It's a good idea to keep a supply of non-perishable food stored, in case of an emergency situation. Three years is a lot though. When are you building your bomb shelter? :D
That is not hoarding, Jughead. That is good planning and no bugout bag needed!
A Connecticut woman who police described as an apparent hoarder was found dead Saturday after the first floor of her house collapsed under the weight of all her clutter.

Hoarder Dies When House Collapses Under Weight of Clutter - TIME

Anyone know any hoarders?

A buddy of mine knows a hoarder. His place got so full of "stuff" he had to go live in a homeless shelter. But he kept paying rent on his place plus several storage lockers needed for the overflow.

I'm a bit of a hoarder myself. I hate to throw anything out. But I overcome the remorse and go through the place once in a while and chuck stuff out, almost randomly. We moved one time and I took 9 pick-up loads of "stuff" (that I had gathered that just maybe I might find a use for) to the dump.

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