Hogg Complains Clear Backpacks Infringe On His Constitutional Rights

"Is your uterus allowed in bars or movie theatres? Are you allowed to have it before you're 21? Do you need a permit to conceal it? Can you bring it with you on an airplane?"
Why do we keep talking about this kid? Ignore it and it will go away

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Case you didn't notice, millions of them are marching on DC today asking (demanding) for the government to take over all of our lives.

Yeah, I heard something about it. Seems there is a march every other week up there. I do not really pay attention to them
We didn’t even use backpacks when I was in school. Instead, you invented creative ways to carry your books. Girls cradled theirs in order to appear feminine.
Hogg breath is already pissing down his leg over the school policy of transparent backpacks, school supplied transparent backpacks at no charge to the whiners.
David Hogg is an extremist and has no business leading an anti-gun debate.

Never give a leftist an inch.
Anti-gun nutters, have one goal... control those they disagree with.
Why would anyone post anything this idiot David Hogg has to say? He's a 20 year old that graduated from high school in California. We should stop giving this CNN hire anymore publicity.
...for making the students wear clear back packs. The little fascist is about a big of a hypocrite as you can get. He care about millions of Americans rights being violated though. Typical fascist regressive.

David Hogg Displeased After School Listens to Him but Bans HIS Rights

In what may be deemed another non-solution from lawmakers on gun-control, some Florida students will now be required to use clear backpacks when on school grounds.

Last week, Broward County public school superintendent Robert Runcie announced that the district planned to implement a “solution” to avoid gun violence and that, after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s spring break ended, students would be required to use clear backpacks if they wanted to be admitted on school grounds...

David Hogg Displeased After School Listens to Him but Bans HIS Rights
This "kid" is really creepy looking. Looks like a skinny 35 and maybe he is. Anyway he claims he has a CONSTITUTIONAL right to a non-clear back pack!!!! HAHA

Anti-gun David Hogg complains clear backpacks at school infringe on students’ constitutional rights

march 24 2018 Broward County public schools superintendent Robert Runcie announced this week his district was implementing a “solution” to thwart future gun violence. He said that following students’ spring break, only clear backpacks would be permitted at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

David Hogg, the outspoken MSD student who has spent more than a month advocating for stricter gun control laws, believes the move infringes on students’ constitutional rights

According to Grabien News, Hogg appeared at a gun control forum hosted by Axios’ Mike Allen on Friday where he bashed the policy change and claimed it infringes on students’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.

Hogg said students shouldn’t feel as if they’re going to school at a “prison” and cited privacy concerns of female students who may not want other students to see their feminine products.

“It’s unnecessary, it’s embarrassing for a lot of the students and it makes them feel isolated and separated from the rest of American school culture where they’re having essentially their First Amendment rights infringed upon because they can’t freely wear whatever backpack they want regardless of what it is,” Hogg said.

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