Hogg is schooled by Bhengazi survivor, the kid needs to pay attention


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The anti-freedom, fascist, david hogg, was schooled about reality by a survivor of the Bhengazi attack...

Military Vet Who Survived Benghazi Attack Blasts Parkland Activist For Tweet

A U.S. military veteran who survived the 2012 attack in Benghazi slammed leftist Parkland activist David Hogg over Memorial Day weekend after Hogg tweeted about school shootings.

Hogg tweeted:

David Hogg


Remeber a time when there wasn't a school shooting every week? I don't because I wasn't alive.

Kris Paronto, who is a former Army Ranger, slammed Hogg for the tweet:

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Kris Paronto@KrisParonto

I remember, it was before your generation started shooting up the schools David, even though we still had guns. Thank you for confirming..again...that it’s not the gun, it’s person, and in particular you & your peers millennial culture. @davidhogg111 #whenhoggsaysstupidshit #2A
^^^ Maybe its his way of acknowledging the female gender. What he may not know is that not all females like the color pink. I don't.

God bless you and him always!!!


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