Just because a situation did not turn out like your political ideology would have preferred it doesn't mean something was "white washed".....
Yeah, it kind of does when you conduct an investigation and people cover shit up.
Lil’ Joey is in full tin-foil hat mode today... :laugh:

This is from the same tool who was adamant that Bill Clinton was “innocent” back in the 90’s. It’s ironic that he implicitly trusts the side that covers shit up and suspects the side of transparency of every conspiracy imaginable.
Welcome to another edition of Mexicans Behaving Badly.
Lil’ Joey is in full tin-foil hat mode today... :laugh:

This is from the same tool who was adamant that Bill Clinton was “innocent” back in the 90’s. It’s ironic that he implicitly trusts the side that covers shit up and suspects the side of transparency of every conspiracy imaginable.

Back in the 1990's i was one of you right wing nuts who screamed "Impeach him".

Then a good moral George W. Bush got in there, and at the end of that, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

Oddly, my reaction was not, "Well, thank God Bush didn't get a blow job from an intern and LIE about it!" Nope, I actually rethought about the people I supported up to that point. The kind of critical thinking you are incapable of, Poodle.

I don't think Clinton was innocent than or now. I just don't think "lying about a blowjob" is that big of a deal now.

As always, the American people disagree with you (because, well, you’re ignorant and we are informed).

Here's the thing. Obama was elected TWICE with overwhelming majorities.. Trump and Bush had to steal the election because they couldn't win it legitimately.

No one looks back at Bush today and says, "What a great President." If they did, you guys would have nominated Jeb instead of Trump.
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He manufactured them. You would understand what that means if you ever held a job instead of mooching off of society.

Um, no, actually, most of Iraq's military hardware was purchased from the US, France and Russia. If you ever served in the military, you'd know this.

The thing was, Reagan and Bush made sure he had years of easy credit to build up his arsenal.
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It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
On the municipal level...

Arrest every (past or present) mayor responsible for endorsing such legislation...

Arrest every (past or present) councilperson responsible for crafting or voting for such legislation...

Send US Marshals to drag them out of their offices or homes in handcuffs - at high noon, or 5AM - with the cameras rolling.

Charge them with conspiracy to evade and subvert and circumvent Federal immigration law and other fun charges...

Fun charges like obstruction of justice, sheltering Federal fugitives, littering, jaywalking, whatever...

Set very high bail-bonds for all... just barely within the realm of what can reasonably be considered 'defensible'...

Change the venue so that the trials are not "local".

Prosecute the hell outta them and, for those found guilty, throw the book at them, so that they rot in Federal pens for a long time.

Sending a message to others.

Letting them off the hook ONLY if the municipality repeals its Sanctuary City legislation...

Then rinse-and-repeat at the State level, as needed.


It'll never happen.

Leadership... past and present... lack the balls.

But that's one very effective way forward.

Entirely legal and defensible.
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It'll never happen.

Leadership... past and present... lack the balls.

But that's one very effective way forward.

Entirely legal and defensible.

An Unelected president arresting duly elected officials for doing the will of their constituents?

Yeah, that will go over well...

Look, here's the reality.... we all really want illegals... we say we don't, but we want to eat cheap lettuce and shit on clean public toilets.
Look, here's the reality.... we all really want illegals...
Yeah...we know Joe. It’s not an accident that you anti-American radicals refuse to enforce the law, hold press conferences encouraging the invasion of the U.S., and create sanctuary cities. We know you want illegals. You can’t win clean elections and you can’t take the U.S. down on your own. You need illegals.
Yeah...we know Joe. It’s not an accident that you anti-American radicals refuse to enforce the law, hold press conferences encouraging the invasion of the U.S., and create sanctuary cities. We know you want illegals. You can’t win clean elections and you can’t take the U.S. down on your own. You need illegals.

Poodle, this is why I think you are about 20... you seem to have no real life experience.

Why do you think we have "illegals' to start with?

We have them because there are some jobs white people don't want to do, but want done.

It's really that simple, buddy.

Whether it's working in a sweatshop sewing garments, picking lettuce, cleaning the dirty nappies of the Yuppie Larva, or just hanging that drywall after that DIY project turned out to be a lot harder than HGTV made it look, we all want people who will provide cheap labor for manual tasks.

This is why they are here. They are not here because they want to participate in our elections...
Yeah...we know Joe. It’s not an accident that you anti-American radicals refuse to enforce the law, hold press conferences encouraging the invasion of the U.S., and create sanctuary cities. We know you want illegals. You can’t win clean elections and you can’t take the U.S. down on your own. You need illegals.

Poodle, this is why I think you are about 20... you seem to have no real life experience.

Why do you think we have "illegals' to start with?

We have them because there are some jobs white people don't want to do, but want done.

It's really that simple, buddy.

Whether it's working in a sweatshop sewing garments, picking lettuce, cleaning the dirty nappies of the Yuppie Larva, or just hanging that drywall after that DIY project turned out to be a lot harder than HGTV made it look, we all want people who will provide cheap labor for manual tasks.

This is why they are here. They are not here because they want to participate in our elections...
They are here because Big Agra and Big Business sucker them into working for peanuts - which is still more than they make back home.

Meanwhile, they've taken over dozens of niches and have dug-in like tics, flooded labor-markets, and depressed wages in many trades.

It's time to bring-out the tic-and-flea powder and send 'em scurrying home.

We got by, before they invaded us in large numbers.

We'll get by, again, after they leave.

We may end-up paying more to get a variety of jobs done, but at least the money will be going to our fellow countrymen.

This is one of the few topical areas where I actually support and enjoy what Trump is doing.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and he's on the right track with respect to Illegal Aliens and reversing this Invasion.

Don't care why they're here or why they're coming... we're full-up... Pharaoh has hardened his heart... get-the-phukk out.
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They are here because Big Agra and Big Business sucker them into working for peanuts - which is still more than they make back home.

Meanwhile, they've taken over dozens of niches and have dug-in like tics, flooded labor-markets, and depressed wages in many trades.

It's time to bring-out the tic-and-flea powder and send 'em scurrying home.

We got by, before they invaded us in large numbers.

We'll get by, again, after they leave.

We may end-up paying more to get a variety of jobs done, but at least the money will be going to our fellow countrymen.

This is one of the few topical areas where I actually support and enjoy what Trump is doing.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and he's on the right track with respect to Illegal Aliens and reversing this Invasion.

Don't care why they're here or why they're coming... we're full-up... Pharaoh has hardened his heart... get-the-phukk out.

Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.
Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.

How about we make America competitive again? Since when did we turn into a bunch of protectionist pussies, afraid the brown peeps will out do us?
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
View attachment 253040

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I’ll never stop “whining” about the failure of left-wing policy and the ignorance of those who embrace it. Not sorry.

Great strategy.
How about you get off your fat ass and do something about it instead of crying like a bitch?

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it's not whining if something is wrong
they can't even take them into custody if they know they are illegal !!!!
the only option left is to legally KILL them at the border when they try to invade
San Francisco to pay $190G to undocumented immigrant over sanctuary law violation, lawyer says
...Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.
Standing with Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow countrymen?

I would have thought that you retards would have learned that lesson on the night of November 8, 2016.

Ah, well... ya can't fix Stupid.


I would not call Plumbers and Electricians and Roofers and Carpenters "suck-a-loser".

And it is those trades - amongst others whose wagers are being depressed by Illegal Aliens.

Oh, and, given that I'm in a rock-solid career-financial position, it's not me I'm concerned about...

It's my fellow Americans who are NOT so fortunate as I am.

Unlike you... my fellow countrymen are, indeed, "my problem" ...rather than outsiders who swarm over us like a plague of locusts.
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Lil’ Joey is in full tin-foil hat mode today... :laugh:

This is from the same tool who was adamant that Bill Clinton was “innocent” back in the 90’s. It’s ironic that he implicitly trusts the side that covers shit up and suspects the side of transparency of every conspiracy imaginable.

Back in the 1990's i was one of you right wing nuts who screamed "Impeach him".

Then a good moral George W. Bush got in there, and at the end of that, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

Oddly, my reaction was not, "Well, thank God Bush didn't get a blow job from an intern and LIE about it!" Nope, I actually rethought about the people I supported up to that point. The kind of critical thinking you are incapable of, Poodle.

I don't think Clinton was innocent than or now. I just don't think "lying about a blowjob" is that big of a deal now.

As always, the American people disagree with you (because, well, you’re ignorant and we are informed).

Here's the thing. Obama was elected TWICE with overwhelming majorities.. Trump and Bush had to steal the election because they couldn't win it legitimately.

No one looks back at Bush today and says, "What a great President." If they did, you guys would have nominated Jeb instead of Trump.

^If you believe that horseshit, I have a toll bridge in Arizona for sale! You could make a mint! :eek:

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