Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.

How about we make America competitive again? Since when did we turn into a bunch of protectionist pussies, afraid the brown peeps will out do us?
How about we make American competitive again in-and-between-and-amongst Americans, not low-balling outsiders?

They are not "us".

They need to get-the-phukk out.
Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.

How about we make America competitive again? Since when did we turn into a bunch of protectionist pussies, afraid the brown peeps will out do us?
How about we make American competitive again in-and-between-and-amongst Americans, not low-balling outsiders?

They are not "us".

They need to get-the-phukk out.

Back when America was great, we welcomed anyone who valued freedom as much as we do.
...Back when America was great, we welcomed anyone who valued freedom as much as we do.
America was - and still is - great.

Back in the heyday of immigration... in the period 1840-1910 or so... America was a nation of 17 - 92,000,000 souls.

We had vast tracts of open land - much of it to be had for the taking or the giving-away - and jobs for anyone who wanted one.

Today, we are nation of 330,000,000 souls... all of the land has long-since been parceled out... and we are largely full-up.

We struggle routinely, periodically, in cycles, to house and feed and employ all of our own, never mind legions of outsiders.

Nowadays, we can continue to take-in a relative handful, with skills we need, but the Glory Days of Immigration are over.

Circumstance have changed since those Glory Days; it's just that you knuckleheads lack the Common Sense to realize it.

We no longer need nor want the vast numbers of newcomers that we once craved and needed.

Today, large-scale immigration is only of value to us as a political ideology talking-point.

Differentiating between those with Common Sense and those who live in fantasy world of endless capacity for absorbtion.

We are not obliged to continue to take-in poor, ignorant, slave-wages unskilled workers ad infinitum.

Comes a time - and that time is upon us - when we run the risk of turning into a Third World $hithole ourselves.

We do not need to inflict that upon ourselves nor hasten the day by filling ourselves to overflowing and beyond.

Enough is enough.

We have in recent years suffered an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens; present upon US soil without our permission.

They need to get-the-phukk out of our country, and we need to stop more from coming in.

Time to hang a No Vacancy sign on the Statue of Liberty for a generation or two.

If that hurts your "soul", then "tell it to the chaplain", but the door is closing, with or without your damned consent.
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If that hurts your "soul", then "tell it to the chaplain", but the door is closing, with or without your damned consent.

Says who? The debate continues. I'll fight you chickenshits tooth and nail before I let you turn our nation into a fascist police state.
Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.

How about we make America competitive again? Since when did we turn into a bunch of protectionist pussies, afraid the brown peeps will out do us?
How about we make American competitive again in-and-between-and-amongst Americans, not low-balling outsiders?

They are not "us".

They need to get-the-phukk out.

Back when America was great, we welcomed anyone who valued freedom as much as we do.
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
we are huge debt
foreigners want to and do KILL Americans
in the immigrant capital of the US [ California ] schools are overcrowded
we have a huge prisoner population already
more workers = less pay--higher prices
etc etc
immigrants just don't live in sod houses anymore
Back when America was great, we welcomed anyone who valued freedom as much as we do.
this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore

Yeah. Freedom and independence have fallen out of fashion.
they can be free and independent in their own country
...MANY jobs are going overseas--AND we are taking in people from these countries--a double Fk over---very stupid--very very stupid
If that hurts your "soul", then "tell it to the chaplain", but the door is closing, with or without your damned consent.

Says who? The debate continues. I'll fight you chickenshits tooth and nail before I let you turn our nation into a fascist police state.
Bring it on, Sugar Britches... good luck, with a 5-4 SCOTUS... soon to be a 6-3.

BTW... your Leftist Masters have brainwashed you into standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow countrymen.

It's a gigantic slice of the overall collection of reasons why so many Reagan Democrats bailed on you, on November 8, 2016.

Enforcing US Immigration Law, deporting Illegal Aliens, and halting en masse border incursions, is lawful and entirely American; not fascist.

Or does this matter touch you personally in some way? :21:
Again, it will be sweet when these people get amnesty, citizenship and we tell you racists to go fuck yourselves... If you are suck a loser an undocumented worker can get your job, that's Your problem, not mine.

How about we make America competitive again? Since when did we turn into a bunch of protectionist pussies, afraid the brown peeps will out do us?
How about we make American competitive again in-and-between-and-amongst Americans, not low-balling outsiders?

They are not "us".

They need to get-the-phukk out.

Back when America was great, we welcomed anyone who valued freedom as much as we do.

Nope, there were strict quotas, sorry.
It is a fucking outrage that this piece of shit was still in the country.

End sanctuary cities.
Throw sanctuary city officials in prison for life when illegals they harbor kill Americans, THAT will put a stop to this lawlessness.

Under what legal theory?

Look, we know you guys really hate the brown people, but the fact is, some places just don't hate them that much. Deal with it.

Standing with Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow countrymen?

I would have thought that you retards would have learned that lesson on the night of November 8, 2016.

Ah, well... ya can't fix Stupid.

Nope.. you also can't fix bigoted. And bigots aren't my countrymen.

I would not call Plumbers and Electricians and Roofers and Carpenters "suck-a-loser".

And it is those trades - amongst others whose wagers are being depressed by Illegal Aliens.

Oh, and, given that I'm in a rock-solid career-financial position, it's not me I'm concerned about...

It's my fellow Americans who are NOT so fortunate as I am.

Unlike you... my fellow countrymen are, indeed, "my problem" ...rather than outsiders who swarm over us like a plague of locusts.

Again, if you are in a trade where you can be easily replaced by a barely educated immigrant who barely speaks English, then you are a loser... and I'm not going to be that concerned about you.

What's hilarious is you guys let the GOP spend the last 40 years taking away your rights as workers, and then whine that some brown person wants half the pittance the rich let you have left.
Throw sanctuary city officials in prison for life when illegals they harbor kill Americans, THAT will put a stop to this lawlessness.

Under what legal theory?

Look, we know you guys really hate the brown people, but the fact is, some places just don't hate them that much. Deal with it.

Standing with Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow countrymen?

I would have thought that you retards would have learned that lesson on the night of November 8, 2016.

Ah, well... ya can't fix Stupid.

Nope.. you also can't fix bigoted. And bigots aren't my countrymen.

I would not call Plumbers and Electricians and Roofers and Carpenters "suck-a-loser".

And it is those trades - amongst others whose wagers are being depressed by Illegal Aliens.

Oh, and, given that I'm in a rock-solid career-financial position, it's not me I'm concerned about...

It's my fellow Americans who are NOT so fortunate as I am.

Unlike you... my fellow countrymen are, indeed, "my problem" ...rather than outsiders who swarm over us like a plague of locusts.

Again, if you are in a trade where you can be easily replaced by a barely educated immigrant who barely speaks English, then you are a loser... and I'm not going to be that concerned about you.

What's hilarious is you guys let the GOP spend the last 40 years taking away your rights as workers, and then whine that some brown person wants half the pittance the rich let you have left.
How about we make American competitive again in-and-between-and-amongst Americans, not low-balling outsiders?

They are not "us".

They need to get-the-phukk out.

Funny thing, I like Hispanics a lot better than I like inbred rednecks in Jesus-land.

True story.

Nowadays, we can continue to take-in a relative handful, with skills we need, but the Glory Days of Immigration are over.

Circumstance have changed since those Glory Days; it's just that you knuckleheads lack the Common Sense to realize it.

We no longer need nor want the vast numbers of newcomers that we once craved and needed.

Actually, we kind of do. You see, funny thing, all us old white folks are getting too old to work, and we kind of need brown folks from other countries to do the work we can't do anymore.

Been to a hospital lately? All the nurses are Filipinos and Indian.

We have plenty of land, and we kind of need the labor. The trick is assimilating them.

Then again, no one in my family speaks German anymore, after three generations...

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