Holder: REPEAL 100 y/o SYG Laws


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Holder: Time to Question "Stand Your Ground" Laws

By Bob Adelmann

The New American

July 19, 2013

When Attorney General Eric Holder (shown) told his audience at the NAACP’s annual convention on Tuesday, “It’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods,” he was either ignorant of, or didn’t want to consider, the precedents the Supreme Court has used for nearly 100 years to defend the “stand your ground” laws to which he was referring. Twenty-five states have adopted some form of those laws, including the State of Florida. Simply stated, those laws provide that an individual may be justified in using deadly force to defend himself against an unlawful threat without an obligation to retreat first

.Back in 2000, Second Amendment scholar and Research Director of the Independence Institute David Kopel published his analysis of a dozen self-defense cases brought before the Supreme Court in the 1890s. These cases laid the legal groundwork for a decision in 1921 that “became the most important armed self-defense case in American legal history, upholding and extending the right to armed self-defense,” according to Kopel. Calling them “The Self-Defense Cases,” Kopel examined each of them in turn, including the primary case — Beard v. United States — which led inevitably and directly to the 1921 decision, Brown v. United States, that has served as the touchstone that Holder now wants to “question.”"

So, liberals, like Holder, don't want to see people defending themselves if they are attacked. Got it.

We are supposed to do nothing and hope for the best even though there is no way to tell whether that intruder or person who comes after you is going to rape, assault or kill you. Just ride it out or try to talk them out of it, but do not harm them or attempt to kill them no matter how bad you are being hurt.

If you wake in the middle of the night to see a stranger moving towards your bed, don't assume they are there for some evil purpose. Don't shoot.

If someone comes up behind you and grabs you in the parking lot, don't assume they are going to do something evil. Don't shoot. What about pepper spray? Got a problem with that, too?

So, libs, when is it okay to defend yourself by shooting someone? Never, maybe? Try to dial 911 if you have time and wait for police? Just take whatever an attacker wants to dish out and hope you survive? Is that what it takes to be a good citizen these days? Just shut up and die. It's for the greater good because we don't want the attackers hurt. Best that the victim die instead.

Heaven forbid that libs just send a loud message to any criminals that they could die because people might be armed. We wouldn't want to offend rapists and sadists by telling them they are wrong and they deserve what they get if they break into a person's home or attack others on the street.
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Thats nice -- what is a black AG going to say to the NAACP? The bigger point though is -- who cares what you say about this? You have no role on the subject of shaping state law - no one is even really listening to this and if they are I can just see the rush in the legislatures of the states that have these laws to change them because Holder and Obama dont like them.

Whatever you think of them, laws like this get enacted not because people want to go out and kill people for shits and giggles but because of the recognition that the state cant and wont protect them from violent crime (any cop will admit that is not really their role, it cant be) so people want the ability to protect themselves.
They just don't want people running around defending themselves against black assailants that's all. There should be a right to beat up and kill white people.
Holder, Obama, Corrine Brown, and the other race pimps don't care about the laws. All they are concerned about is keeping the strife between the races going.
They just don't want people running around defending themselves against black assailants that's all. There should be a right to beat up and kill white people.

Unless the black assailants are beating/killing other blacks. In those cases, we are supposed to turn a blind eye.

I am tired of the presumption that whites are automatically at fault and considered racists when a minority loses the fight.
Trayvon Martin likely knew more about Stand Your Ground law than George Zimmerman. TM's parents have been going after SYG law even though it had nothing to do with TM's death. TM often wore his Cory Craig Johnson button as he did the night he was killed. Cory Craig Johnson's death is why the Martin family have such a keen interest in defeating the “Stand-Your-Ground” law. JOHNSON v. STATE No. 82-369.

Tell me exactly which law Zimmerman broke!

1. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon? - No!
2. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to continue following TM even after the police dispatcher recommended he stop? - No!
3. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to suspect someone spending 4 times more time looking around at night than walking home & met the description of someone committing a rash of burglaries in the area? - No!
4. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to carry a gun? - No!
5. Was the Stand Your Gun any part of the law used by Zimmerman's attorneys? - No! Anyone who's read this law knows it was not applicable in this case.
6. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon? - No! - Zimmerman faced great bodily harm inflicted by Trayvon....any reasonable person would have shot their gun under those circumstances.

TM left the 7-11 store at 6:24pm & GZ called police at 7:09pm. That is a full 45 minutes & it only takes 9 minutes to walk from 7-11 to where GZ first spotted him walking in yards next to houses & starring at them. It only takes 12 minutes to walk from 7-11 to his dad's GF house. TM spent 36 minutes scoping out houses instead of walking home. Anyone doing that is suspect. Police found a Slim Jim Burglar Tool in bush where TM hid.

Trayvon broke many laws & unfortunately it caused him to lose his life. First TM broke Florida 856.021 Loitering or Prowling Law. - (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. (2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern. (3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Then TM committed "Battery" with the first sucker punch that DD said he threw breaking GZ's nose knocking him to the ground. Then TM committed "Felony Battery" when he attacked GZ again as he laid on the ground screaming HELP! Then TM committed "Felony Attempted Murder" pounding GZ head onto concrete. TM stated his intent to kill GZ when he said "your are going to die".
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It's too bad and also very sad, that Holder can't see that it is that very type of ideology that is causing the violence in his own State, especially Chicago with all of the gang violence they have in that city.
They are totally against law abiding Citizens protecting themselves. Which in turn stops huge amount of gangs and robbery.
That whole philosophy of welfare creates more poor people, single parents and poor inner city education. The kids don't see any future so they turn to gangs and drugs.
Gang leaders take the place of them not having any Father roles.
Holder, Obama, Corrine Brown, and the other race pimps don't care about the laws. All they are concerned about is keeping the strife between the races going.

Which is all about the laws, they want laws that are implemented, in order to keep the strife between the races going.
So, liberals, like Holder, don't want to see people defending themselves if they are attacked. Got it.


He can not possibly be serious. He is just grandstanding for his "liberal" base.

This is an administration which has been standing its ground in Syria, Lybia, AfPak......

So, liberals, like Holder, don't want to see people defending themselves if they are attacked. Got it.


He can not possibly be serious. He is just grandstanding for his "liberal" base.

This is an administration which has been standing its ground in Syria, Lybia, AfPak......


I hope the Stuttering Clusterfukk and Eric Himmler are stupid enough to prosecute Z on Civil Rights charges.

God, do I hope they do that.

It would be the end for them.

Anybody else remember 1994?

A big part, a REALLY big part of the 'Republican Revolution' was the rapist's Assault Weapons ban and his push for more Gun Control

God do I hope these two communist totalitarian asswipes push this.

It's our best shot at trouncing them and taking complete control of the Senate. I'm talking close to 60 seats.

The dimocraps have 21 Seats coming up for re-election. As it stands right now, 11 of them are vulnerable.

If the scumbag-in-chief and his Gestapo DoJ do file on Zimmerman, we could easily take all 11 'vulnerable' seats plus a couple more and that would put us at 60 seats.

Enough to stonewall anything the Nazi-In-Chief tries to do. And maybe even impeach AND convict him. dimocraps are notorious cowards, We could get a few to make it fly. At least enough to make him sweat and destroy the rest of his presidency.

Please do it, scumbags. Please, please, please

What a dirtbag this guy is. THE worst ever.
They just don't want people running around defending themselves against black assailants that's all. There should be a right to beat up and kill white people.

That's what's being left unsaid. All this shit about how scared blacks have to be. Obama just justified it for them. Do they think they are the only people who stores watch for theft ??? Security cameras follow EVERYONE. Not just niggas
Thats nice -- what is a black AG going to say to the NAACP? The bigger point though is -- who cares what you say about this?

The point is that if he brings federal criminal charges , Mr Z will have to accept a federal public "defender" who will promptly force to plead guilty.

And presto, they will get away with murder.

So, liberals, like Holder, don't want to see people defending themselves if they are attacked. Got it.


He can not possibly be serious. He is just grandstanding for his "liberal" base.

This is an administration which has been standing its ground in Syria, Lybia, AfPak......


while he is clearly grandstanding for his liberal - or more precisely black -base, i think he is also very serious.

Holder was making an appearance at a hotel in DC where my gym is also located -- and the security for him was UNREAL. The place was crawling with FBI and even the garage had 4 or 5 bomb sniffing dogs -- for ERIC HOLDER. so of course his world view is skewed and totally unrealistic
Thats nice -- what is a black AG going to say to the NAACP? The bigger point though is -- who cares what you say about this? You have no role on the subject of shaping state law - no one is even really listening to this and if they are I can just see the rush in the legislatures of the states that have these laws to change them because Holder and Obama dont like them.

Whatever you think of them, laws like this get enacted not because people want to go out and kill people for shits and giggles but because of the recognition that the state cant and wont protect them from violent crime (any cop will admit that is not really their role, it cant be) so people want the ability to protect themselves.

And that's not it.

The law has always been that you can defend yourself.

What it hasn't been is that you can stalk and kill someone at will.

And that's what SYG is..
Thats nice -- what is a black AG going to say to the NAACP? The bigger point though is -- who cares what you say about this? You have no role on the subject of shaping state law - no one is even really listening to this and if they are I can just see the rush in the legislatures of the states that have these laws to change them because Holder and Obama dont like them.

Whatever you think of them, laws like this get enacted not because people want to go out and kill people for shits and giggles but because of the recognition that the state cant and wont protect them from violent crime (any cop will admit that is not really their role, it cant be) so people want the ability to protect themselves.

And that's not it.

The law has always been that you can defend yourself.

What it hasn't been is that you can stalk and kill someone at will.

And that's what SYG is..

With all due respect it is not. Simply stated you cannot be the agressor and invoke stand your ground laws. Its just a variation of traditional self defense that does not require someone to retreat in the face of the REASONABLE fear of bodily harm from another.

Another way to look at it is that stand your ground is just a clarification that the right of self defense that exists against an agressor in your home (where there has never been a duty to retreat) applies against all aggressors.

So i knoew a lot of people want to sensationalize this to fit their narrative but they are not being honest or accurate.

Bottom line in the Zimmerman trial is that there is no way at all there wasnt reasonable doubt. No way. Sure maybe Zimmerman stalked him to kill him. Maybe the kid confornted and attacked Zimmerman. I dont know. You dont know. The proof wasnt there -- thats reasonable doubt.

And what obama and holder are doing is what i call part of their smash and gra mentality -- if the basic institutions and protections of society - like here the presumption of innocence and reasonable doubt dont fit the ends you wish to acheive -- attack them even when it really is your job to defend them.

Fair enough -- thats in their self interest but its another reason this country is so divided -- which btw i think is a very v ery good thing
Thats nice -- what is a black AG going to say to the NAACP? The bigger point though is -- who cares what you say about this? You have no role on the subject of shaping state law - no one is even really listening to this and if they are I can just see the rush in the legislatures of the states that have these laws to change them because Holder and Obama dont like them.

Whatever you think of them, laws like this get enacted not because people want to go out and kill people for shits and giggles but because of the recognition that the state cant and wont protect them from violent crime (any cop will admit that is not really their role, it cant be) so people want the ability to protect themselves.

And that's not it.

The law has always been that you can defend yourself.

What it hasn't been is that you can stalk and kill someone at will.

And that's what SYG is..

you fucking liar
SYG is not about stalking

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