Holder Smoking Gun: We Must "Brainwash" People Against Guns.


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Breitbart.com has uncovered video from 1995 of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."

"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes."

Holder added that he had asked advertising agencies in the nation's capital to assist by making anti-gun ads rather than commercials "that make me buy things that I don't really need." He had also approached local newspapers and television stations, he said, asking them to devote prime space and time, respectively, to his anti-gun campaign.

More here: The Vetting - Holder 1995: We Must 'Brainwash' People on Guns

Video here: Holder 1995: We Must 'Brainwash' People Against Guns

And that people, was what "Fast and Furious" was about. It was to "brainwash" people against Guns. And that why there is such foot dragging about getting to the bottom of Fast and Furious. It was obviously meant to turn the American people against guns. It backfired and they know it leads right to Holder, here is the Smoking Gun (pun intended) that tells us the ideology behind Holder's actions.

At the time, handguns were illegal in DC and Holder was trying to discourage illegal gun use to cut down on crime.

The horror!

Another lie by teapee.
And I was right. Fast and Furious was about "brainwashing" people against guns.

Yesterday, Breitbart.com revealed exclusive video of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder speaking to the Woman’s National Democratic Club, stating that he wanted to “brainwash” people against gun ownership.
The video reveals Attorney General Holder’s early, consistent, and strident enthusiasm for gun control legislation. He wanted schools to talk about anti-gun propaganda “every day, every school, and every level."

Operation Fast and Furious -- in which Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ) smuggled guns illegally to Mexican drug cartels -- could finally have provided Holder the material for that anti-gun curriculum.

On December 7, 2011, CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson (who is the only one in the mainstream media faithfully reporting this story) shared documents proving that the motive behind Operation Fast & Furious was to implement harsher gun regulations.

Ms. Attkisson reported that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) officials within the DOJ discussed using the illegal gun sales to justify “Demand Letter 3,” which would require some gun shops to report the sales of multiple rifles or long guns.

Each new revelation pushes Operation Fast and Furious up the chain of command and provides more evidence that it was to be used for more gun control.

Here’s a review of what we know.

ATF Agent John Dodson sat down with Ms. Attkisson on March 3, 2011. He told Ms. Attkisson he had been assigned to Phoenix in 2010 and that he’d been involved in Operation Fast and Furious every single day since he arrived.

Agent Dodson had been assured that the “gun walking” strategy had been approved all the way up to the Department of Justice. That didn’t calm Agent Dodson and others. There was so much opposition that an ATF supervisor sent out an email that said, “Whether you care or not people of rank and authority at HQ are paying close attention to this case…we are doing what they envisioned.”

A few weeks, later on March 25, Ms. Attkisson released another report based on information from whistleblower Darren Gil, lead ATF official in Mexico at the time. She asked the most crucial question: who knew and how high up? She mentioned an interview President Obama had given with Univision, in which he claimed he or Mr. Holder had authorized it. However, Agent Gil’s interview contradicted President Obama’s statement about Mr. Holder.

What is really interesting is that Agent Gil and his counterparts in Mexico did not have any knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious--nor did those in charge want Agent Gil or anyone else in Mexico to know. Ms. Attkisson reported, “Gil says his supervisor at ATF’s Washington D.C. headquarters told him point-blank the operation was approved even higher than ATF Director Kenneth Melson,” right up to senior levels of DOJ.
Noting that bringing weapons illegally into Mexico could amount to an act of war, Gil explained that by ATF agents in Mexico had been put in danger: "They're leaving my guys out in Mexico alone, and they're not doing the right thing."

More damning evidence was presented at a congressional hearing in June 2011, at which emails were revealed showing that Melson had been briefed weekly about Operation Fast and Furious. He had also watched a live video stream of straw purchases in Arizona gun shops intended for the operation. Other emails indicated that a meeting had been held at DOJ consisting of senior officials from the FBI, DEA, and ATF, as well as U.S. Attorneys for all southwestern states, among others.

A lot more here:

Holder's Brainwashing Against Guns Foreshadowed Operation Fast and Furious

At the time, handguns were illegal in DC and Holder was trying to discourage illegal gun use to cut down on crime.

The horror!

Another lie by teapee.

I think we see who's trying to lie about this. More info in my second post this was about trying to make guns illegal everywhere.

I see the death of the blow hard Breitbart hasn't stopped his minions from being retarded.
I see the death of the blow hard Breitbart hasn't stopped his minions from being retarded.

I think we see who's being retarded.

This is what liberals do when they can't refute. And how can Ravi. The video is right there! Ravi can't deny Holder said those things.

Ravi can't deny Fast And Furious.

All Ravi can hope to do is derail the thread with personal attacks.

Sorry, but that's a fail Ravi. It just shows how desperate you are to NOT talk about the op.

It would be shocking it if it were not so predictable. The Left believes they can remake people's attitudes towards everything with enough propaganda. As we see with the numbskulls on this board it works.
It would be shocking it if it were not so predictable. The Left believes they can remake people's attitudes towards everything with enough propaganda. As we see with the numbskulls on this board it works.

It was bound to fail when it comes to our 2nd Amendment rights. There are just too many people who know why there is a 2nd Amendment and are not willing to blithely give those rights up.
Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea
Better go buy some more ammo.
Like the last time Obama was gonna take your guns, remember?

How did you like paying all that extra money for nothing more than the scarcity brought on by your own irrational panic ?

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Better go buy some more ammo.
Like the last time Obama was gonna take your guns, remember?

How did you like paying all that extra money for nothing more than the scarcity brought on by your own irrational panic ?

The only panic I see these day is from liberals like you who realize Obama isn't going to get reelected on his abysmal record.

Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the black youth unemployment rate, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.
Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the unemployment, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.

Damn good point. Remember when Kayne West said Bush "hates black people."

Well, look at the black unemployment rate under Bush and now under Obama.

African-American Unemployment Rises Under Obama
Yes "brainwash" young gangbangers that carrying guns is not a good idea

I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the black youth unemployment rate, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.

You are right, maybe we need to discourage gun possession in those youths
. Despite strict gun control efforts, Washington, DC was and remains one of the nation's most dangerous cities for gun violence, though crime has abated somewhat since the 1990s.

No we don't want to try to convince young people not to carry guns
I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the black youth unemployment rate, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.

You are right, maybe we need to discourage gun possession in those youths

How about encouraging responsibility instead?
. Despite strict gun control efforts, Washington, DC was and remains one of the nation's most dangerous cities for gun violence, though crime has abated somewhat since the 1990s.

No we don't want to try to convince young people not to carry guns

Well, we see gun control efforts have been a dismal failure.
I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the black youth unemployment rate, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.

You are right, maybe we need to discourage gun possession in those youths

I agree. Maybe "Reverend" Sharpton or Jesse Jackson have some recommendations. Midnight basketball or something. I'm trying to do my part but it's an uphill battle.
I wasn't aware that Holder said "gangbangers."

He said people. All people.

Nice try!


Exactly. Gun laws do not apply to that segment of the citizenry. Young blacks are apparently not on the Obama administration's radar anyway. Look at the black youth unemployment rate, homicide rate and other black-on-black crime, and the high school drop out rate for evidence of that.

You are right, maybe we need to discourage gun possession in those youths

Yeah, that's really going to work. You want to discourage them using guns in crimes.

Arm those they prey on to SHOOT BACK. Most thugs and criminals are cowards. They one thing they don't want is anyone that can shoot back.

Thus, home invasions go down every time you allow citizens to carry guns and they go UP when you take that right away.

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