Holder Wants To Pack The Court

Who holds the Senate controls the USSC. With RBG and Breyer and possibly even Thomas looking to retire, if Trump wins in 2020 we're safe. If Trump loses, then the GOP needs to hold the Senate.

Sorry but if TRUMP loses we're screwed, I have no faith a republican controlled congress would do anything to push back against the new crazy democratic party.
Who holds the Senate controls the USSC. With RBG and Breyer and possibly even Thomas looking to retire, if Trump wins in 2020 we're safe. If Trump loses, then the GOP needs to hold the Senate.

Regardless of who holds Congress, any such real attempt would lead to bodies being found in ditches, and any ruling by such a court would be ignored.

Not a threat on my part. Merely an observation of current anger levels, which would rise considerably over such a development. The Democrats seek to nullify the Constitution. Those opposed would obviously apply force to prevent it.

They have been defeated under the rules. But you are dealing with leftists and the media is already softening the target. Search google for “court packing” and you will find Time, Slate, Washington Post, CNN et al with lengthy articles explaining to the rubes that yes sweetie...it’s perfectjy reasonable to add two or four more positions to the Supreme Court to undo Trump picks.

Not that I think it's a good idea I have to wonder what the remedy could be for how republicans have betrayed the supposedly nonpartisan spirit of American jurisprudence.
McConnell held a SCOTUS seat open for a year in order to deny Garland, a moderate, a seat...and then changed filibuster rules in order to seat Gorsuch and Kavanaugh...both right wing partisans
Garland was a flaming progressive shit stain... Wanted to eliminate the second amendment
Ahh, "the ends justify the means", the default excuse for authoritarian shitheads everywhere.

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