Holder's Corrupt Opposition to Voter Id laws.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Apr 10, 2012 Sign-Up Can anyone think of an innocuous reason that President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder oppose state voter ID laws?

Obama and Holder appear to view almost everything through the prism of race or, at the very least, use race as an excuse to justify otherwise very dubious policies, from immigration enforcement to voter intimidation actions to strong-arming banks to make loans via allegations of racism.

In December, along these lines, Holder criticized redistricting maps that had been drawn by the Texas Legislature and used the opportunity to call for an aggressive federal review of voter identification laws in not just Texas but other states.

But what does all this have to do with voter ID laws? Well, Republicans have been engaged in lobbying for state voter ID laws throughout the nation as an effort to enhance fair and lawful elections and prevent voter fraud. These laws are simple and transparent; they would require voters to present a government-issued form of identification as a condition to voting.

Predictably, Democrats -- led by Obama and Holder -- claim that the move is a GOP ruse to suppress minority voting. Holder called on the parties "to resist the temptation to suppress certain votes in the hope of attaining electoral success and, instead, achieve success by appealing to more voters."

Notice the automatic assumption and, in turn, barely veiled accusation of GOP racism. Notice further how utterly patronizing Holder's attitude is to minorities.

Is Holder's position that minorities are incapable of or ill-equipped at obtaining identification to vote? Why shouldn't people be required to prove they are who they say they are in order to participate in the electoral process?

I would think minorities would be offended at the suggestion that laws requiring them to prove their identity as a prerequisite to voting would somehow disadvantage them. I would think they would have every bit as much interest in ensuring fair, fraud-free elections as non-minorities.

read it all here.
Holder's Corrupt Opposition to Voter ID Laws - David Limbaugh - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1
Mr Holder, according to J Christian Adams, former DOJ Voting Rights Attorney, reportedly carries with him at all times in his wallet a card reading "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney does with the society he is sworn to represent." Harmless, ehh? Are the Saudi and the other Islamic Madrassas harmless to the Israelis, spilling out hate filled graduate after hate filled graduate for nigh onto fifty years now. The World has been walking the tightrope between nuclear World war III and the abyss as a result for nearly as long. Yet we blithely allow Black Liberation Theology and its hatred and venom to flourish equally as well here. Mr Holder and the poison he believes is the latest example "To prosecute the NBPP for voting rights violations would be demeaning to my people".
Mr Holder, according to J Christian Adams, former DOJ Voting Rights Attorney, reportedly carries with him at all times in his wallet a card reading "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney does with the society he is sworn to represent." Harmless, ehh? Are the Saudi and the other Islamic Madrassas harmless to the Israelis, spilling out hate filled graduate after hate filled graduate for nigh onto fifty years now. The World has been walking the tightrope between nuclear World war III and the abyss as a result for nearly as long. Yet we blithely allow Black Liberation Theology and its hatred and venom to flourish equally as well here. Mr Holder and the poison he believes is the latest example "To prosecute the NBPP for voting rights violations would be demeaning to my people".

That is incorrect....

Actually, the card says......Kill Whitey!

Spread this around to your rightwing buddies on the interweb
Holder looks foolish. He sees no reason to enhance voter authentication and verification and has someone else besides himself get his ballot. The American People can see clearly that if it can happen to the Attorney General of The US, then it can happen to anyone. Moreover, it is indicative that the voting system is weak.

But, Holder and all of his supporters will stick to their position that any movement to improve the voting system will hurt minorities. The reality is that any improvement or enhancement to the voting system will only hurt people in the US illegally who are trying to vote, convicted fellons, dead people, and groups such as ACORN that rely on the status quo so they can effectively "organize" such peoples in order to impact an Election.
If the government can mail minorities money, it can mail them i.d. cards.
Hell, put it all in the same envelope and save postage.
The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process
Wow, imagine if you had to have a picture ID to receive government assistance!

Holder and Obama are nothing but race baiters that are out to fundamentally change America.
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The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.
The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.

The evidence is 30 million uninsured Americans, escalating healthcare costs, escalating bankruptcies due to inability to pay for treatment......
The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.

The evidence is 30 million uninsured Americans, escalating healthcare costs, escalating bankruptcies due to inability to pay for treatment......

And you turn to the Federal Government to make it "affordable"?? Now that's hysterical :lmao:

How about we take a long hard look at who's financing these insurance companies and who's reaping the benefits of those "escalating healthcare costs".

How about we put a lid on Trial Lawyers that grow filthy rich at the cost of all Americans whether they "win" or not. They get paid, win or lose, don't they.
[The walking, living, breathing definition of "Travesty Of Justice" "Hi! Hi! Ho! Ho! Eric Holder has to go!"
Repeat after me while holding up your right hand "The black criminal and the black attorney have more in common than the black attorney has with the society he is sworn to represent."]

"New Black Panthers Call For Race War During Planning Session For Trayvon Martin Protest: We Have To Spill The Blood of White Devils…

Holder’s people.

Via the New Black Panthers organizational call planning for their Trayvon Martin April 9th National Day of action protest:

Time to get booted up and suited up for this race war we’re in, the things that are about to happen to these crackers, these honkeys. [...]"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » New Black Panthers Call For Race War During Planning Session For Trayvon Martin Protest: We Have To Spill The Blood of White Devils…

"Gunfire Hits Sanford Police Car Near Scene Of Trayvon Martin Shooting…


(Click Orlando) — A Sanford police car parked near the Trayvon Martin shooting scene was found Tuesday morning with bullet holes in it, according to authorities."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Gunfire Hits Sanford Police Car Near Scene Of Trayvon Martin Shooting…

"In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, a family member of George Zimmerman asked the nation’s top law enforcement officer why he has chosen to not arrest members of the New Black Panther Party for their rhetoric — some of which may fit the federal government’s definition of a hate crime — throughout the Trayvon Martin case.

The family member believes the reason Holder hasn’t made those arrests is because he, like the members of the New Black Panther Party, is black.

“I am writing you to ask you why, when the law of the land is crystal clear, is your office not arresting the New Black Panthers for hate crimes?” the family member wrote to Holder."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Zimmerman Family Challenges Holder To Arrest New Black Panthers…
And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.

The evidence is 30 million uninsured Americans, escalating healthcare costs, escalating bankruptcies due to inability to pay for treatment......

And you turn to the Federal Government to make it "affordable"?? Now that's hysterical :lmao:

How about we take a long hard look at who's financing these insurance companies and who's reaping the benefits of those "escalating healthcare costs".

How about we put a lid on Trial Lawyers that grow filthy rich at the cost of all Americans whether they "win" or not. They get paid, win or lose, don't they.

Every other country's governments in the world negotiate prices with their healthcare providers and thusly pay half of what Americans pay for their healthcare, shows government involved not only helps people but also businesses. So why not the US? Because in the US lobbyist dictate our country's healthcare policies, thus the status quo and the highest cost for heathcare by double in the entire world

Also, tort reform would only lower the cost of heallthcare by 1-2%.

But I guess some people don't care and just want to keep the status quo and pay for healthcare at outrageous prices versus the fair prices the rest of the world pays.

And yes, I do want the Supremes to rule against Obamacare.
The problem with this country is that not enough people vote......not that people vote illegally
The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.

lol you are quite the idiot
The evidence is 30 million uninsured Americans, escalating healthcare costs, escalating bankruptcies due to inability to pay for treatment......

And you turn to the Federal Government to make it "affordable"?? Now that's hysterical :lmao:

How about we take a long hard look at who's financing these insurance companies and who's reaping the benefits of those "escalating healthcare costs".

How about we put a lid on Trial Lawyers that grow filthy rich at the cost of all Americans whether they "win" or not. They get paid, win or lose, don't they.

Every other country's governments in the world negotiate prices with their healthcare providers and thusly pay half of what Americans pay for their healthcare, shows government involved not only helps people but also businesses. So why not the US? Because in the US lobbyist dictate our country's healthcare policies, thus the status quo and the highest cost for heathcare by double in the entire world

Also, tort reform would only lower the cost of heallthcare by 1-2%.

But I guess some people don't care and just want to keep the status quo and pay for healthcare at outrageous prices versus the fair prices the rest of the world pays.

And yes, I do want the Supremes to rule against Obamacare.

Yea tort reform would only lower the cost of health care by 1-2% and Obama care has how much additional cost than previously disclosed. Health care will never be "free". It costs someone, somewhere down the line. Those that don't want tort reform are sure making it seem like such a little bit. BTW, 2% of 2.6 trillion (the amount spent in 2010) is 52 billion dollars, a drop in the hat, right. :)

CNN: Obamacare's Hidden Costs - $363 billion (But That Barely Scratches the Surface of the Real Cost) :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

This has little to do with Holder's opposition to voter ID, sorry for the hijack. Back to the regularly scheduled Holder vs America debate.
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The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

Yeah, because we all know how intransigent the government gets at the prospect of adding more bureaucrats to the federal payroll. Last thing the Dimocrats want is even more public sector union voters, huh?
Kind of explains why Holder is messin' with South Carolina, Texas and Arizona. Obama is going to lose many swing states, now he and Holder want to rig some of the McCain States by not allowing Voter ID in those states to make up their 2012 losses in the states the GOP will flip next time around.
The Attorney General is sworn to prosecute crime. There is minimal evidence supporting that significant voter fraud is occurring to warrant adding a layer of bureaucracy to the voting process

And where's the evidence that Health Care is so "broken" as to warrant not only a layer but an entire ream of bureaucracy?

If we required a voter to simply die their finger as proof of having voted once, it would be considered an affront and infringement.

One person, one vote, one time. And prove you are who you are.

lol you are quite the idiot

That's MR idiot to you, bub.
The Republican War on Voting
^The 2006 attorney firing scandal. In 2005 the Bush administration fired US attorneys because they didn't frivolously prosecute democrats, or because they prosecuted republicans, or because they didn't
pursue voter cases that would result in disenfranchisement of minority voters.

Fake Group Hands Out Fliers Meant To Mislead Black Voters In Texas (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker
Reported dirty-trick robocalls prompt election-eve investigation | Wichitopekington | Wichita Eagle Blogs
^Conservatives leave information on cars that tries to trick Democrat voters into voting non democrat.
^Conservative call minority voters and tell them to vote on days that are not election day.

Daily Kos: Gov. Robert Ehrlich aide found guilty of conspiring to suppress black voter turnout
^Former GOP governor aid convicted of conspiracy to suppress black votes

Nebraska Dems cry foul over Douglas County changes
^NE republicans close half of the polling locations in democrat areas.
^They also knowingly sent on over 2,000 voting cards to democrats giving them the wrong voting location

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