Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

Sure sure sure.. The CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least. Not to mention the release thru the Universal system and guaranteed cable income from the OWNER which is Comcast...

When you have the ACTUAL production costs, come back and whine some more will ya??? And while you're at it -- make sure the Chi-Coms aren't the big backers of this thing.. Could BE --- they just might be trying "to influence an election".... Or cause actual civil conflict..

Lawdy knows, they're backing and stacking a HUGE number of Hollywood turdish movies in the past couple years...

The film's budget is $18.2 million, genius.

That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....

It's the production budget. Ya know, how much it actually cost to film. Seeing as how the movie doesn't release for another month, you are making estimations out of thin air, again. Low budget movies barely recoup their production budgets. Most movies made on an $18 million budget ain't getting near $80 million. It likely won't even make $40 million, seeing as it's got a plot that's already been done to death with B list actors. Do you ever know what you're talking about?

Well, considering you're trying to tell us that a budget = actual cost, it's clear someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

Another retard. In this case, budget=cost of the film. Can you figure that out now? Want me to draw it in crayon for you?

Actually, budget equals what they ESTIMATE it will cost to make the film. Actual cost is what the film ended up being, and there are many times that films will run over budget.
Yep, Hollywood is all about conservatives.
It is not a Hollywood production, it's a low budget Indie from the Right leaning Blumhouse Productions. Universal was only distributing it, and now that they are not the Right will bitch about how Universal discriminates against CON$ervoFascist production companies.

Sure sure sure.. The CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least. Not to mention the release thru the Universal system and guaranteed cable income from the OWNER which is Comcast...

When you have the ACTUAL production costs, come back and whine some more will ya??? And while you're at it -- make sure the Chi-Coms aren't the big backers of this thing.. Could BE --- they just might be trying "to influence an election".... Or cause actual civil conflict..

Lawdy knows, they're backing and stacking a HUGE number of Hollywood turdish movies in the past couple years...

The film's budget is $18.2 million, genius.

That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....
But it sure does expose your LIE that the "CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least."

Probably not... Continuing royalties and profit sharing IS NEVER part of the industry "production budget" estimates.. NEVER...

And the reason so many high powered stars are INTO Indie films --- is for the fucking continuing royalties and profit sharing.. Learn how things work.. It would lessen the shame of not "thinking"....
Sure sure sure.. The CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least. Not to mention the release thru the Universal system and guaranteed cable income from the OWNER which is Comcast...

When you have the ACTUAL production costs, come back and whine some more will ya??? And while you're at it -- make sure the Chi-Coms aren't the big backers of this thing.. Could BE --- they just might be trying "to influence an election".... Or cause actual civil conflict..

Lawdy knows, they're backing and stacking a HUGE number of Hollywood turdish movies in the past couple years...

The film's budget is $18.2 million, genius.

That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....

It's the production budget. Ya know, how much it actually cost to film. Seeing as how the movie doesn't release for another month, you are making estimations out of thin air, again. Low budget movies barely recoup their production budgets. Most movies made on an $18 million budget ain't getting near $80 million. It likely won't even make $40 million, seeing as it's got a plot that's already been done to death with B list actors. Do you ever know what you're talking about?

Well, considering you're trying to tell us that a budget = actual cost, it's clear someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

Another retard. In this case, budget=cost of the film. Can you figure that out now? Want me to draw it in crayon for you?

Sure professor.. Budget = cost of MAKING THE FILM --- does not include the advert campaign, distribution, rights management and the MASSIVE profit sharing that goes out to the CAST and significant crew over the LIFE of the film...

The are committing to many times the "production cost" as real cost and significant members of the cast and crew are INVESTING IN THE PROJECT -- by taking deferred payments in royalties and profit sharing..
It is not a Hollywood production, it's a low budget Indie from the Right leaning Blumhouse Productions. Universal was only distributing it, and now that they are not the Right will bitch about how Universal discriminates against CON$ervoFascist production companies.

Sure sure sure.. The CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least. Not to mention the release thru the Universal system and guaranteed cable income from the OWNER which is Comcast...

When you have the ACTUAL production costs, come back and whine some more will ya??? And while you're at it -- make sure the Chi-Coms aren't the big backers of this thing.. Could BE --- they just might be trying "to influence an election".... Or cause actual civil conflict..

Lawdy knows, they're backing and stacking a HUGE number of Hollywood turdish movies in the past couple years...

The film's budget is $18.2 million, genius.

That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....
But it sure does expose your LIE that the "CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least."

Probably not... Continuing royalties and profit sharing IS NEVER part of the industry "production budget" estimates.. NEVER...

And the reason so many high powered stars are INTO Indie films --- is for the fucking continuing royalties and profit sharing.. Learn how things work.. It would lessen the shame of not "thinking"....
That BULLSHIT is about as true as the stars getting $80 million at least!
You as a Wing-nut just can't admit the truth.
Of course, after I'm done with bringing Universal/Comcast to their fucking senses over this -- I'll have probably SAVED them $100Mill in future costs and screwed the cast out of their royalties....
Sure sure sure.. The CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least. Not to mention the release thru the Universal system and guaranteed cable income from the OWNER which is Comcast...

When you have the ACTUAL production costs, come back and whine some more will ya??? And while you're at it -- make sure the Chi-Coms aren't the big backers of this thing.. Could BE --- they just might be trying "to influence an election".... Or cause actual civil conflict..

Lawdy knows, they're backing and stacking a HUGE number of Hollywood turdish movies in the past couple years...

The film's budget is $18.2 million, genius.

That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....
But it sure does expose your LIE that the "CAST for the film alone cost $80mill at least."

Probably not... Continuing royalties and profit sharing IS NEVER part of the industry "production budget" estimates.. NEVER...

And the reason so many high powered stars are INTO Indie films --- is for the fucking continuing royalties and profit sharing.. Learn how things work.. It would lessen the shame of not "thinking"....
That BULLSHIT is about as true as the stars getting $80 million at least!
You as a Wing-nut just can't admit the truth.

And you're ignorant about royalties and financing... I ain't a wing-nut of any type.. I'm here to call WRONG wrong.. And only way you'll ever hurt with name calling is if you catch me being inconsistent on what's right and what's wrong.. Nanny Nanny Bullwinkle...
The Democrats are copy-cats.
The German and Italian fascist also used entertainment to normalize their hate and violence
So, a gaggle of rich gather to hunt down some poor sods, and the rightarded corporate propaganda masters assure deplorables they are being victimized in a flick no one has seen yet. The script, it turns out, is that the so-called "deplorables" kill off the rich guys, but still, the "deplorables" sure are being oh-so terribly victimized.

Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...
Did you see a prescreening? Inquiring minds...
Of course, after I'm done with bringing Universal/Comcast to their fucking senses over this -- I'll have probably SAVED them $100Mill in future costs and screwed the cast out of their royalties....
You're shit-kicking-joking around, right?
What stinky orifice did you pull that analysis out of.. It's all Red State people being kidnapped and hunted for sport.. Don't think you spent 20 seconds watching the trailer or reading the 3 reviews of it that I posted...

As usual, you just can't follow the script and the facts....

There are 12 people being hunted, what 12 states are they from?
That's an estimate and does not include the advertising and distribution and major royalties that will be incurred on a nation theatre release.. Big suits at Universal need their lobster....

It's the production budget. Ya know, how much it actually cost to film. Seeing as how the movie doesn't release for another month, you are making estimations out of thin air, again. Low budget movies barely recoup their production budgets. Most movies made on an $18 million budget ain't getting near $80 million. It likely won't even make $40 million, seeing as it's got a plot that's already been done to death with B list actors. Do you ever know what you're talking about?

Well, considering you're trying to tell us that a budget = actual cost, it's clear someone doesn't know what they're talking about.

Another retard. In this case, budget=cost of the film. Can you figure that out now? Want me to draw it in crayon for you?

Sure professor.. Budget = cost of MAKING THE FILM --- does not include the advert campaign, distribution, rights management and the MASSIVE profit sharing that goes out to the CAST and significant crew over the LIFE of the film...

The are committing to many times the "production cost" as real cost and significant members of the cast and crew are INVESTING IN THE PROJECT -- by taking deferred payments in royalties and profit sharing..
You just make this shit up.
Prove it or STFU!

Just make it up? WTF, do you think this is CNN?
What stinky orifice did you pull that analysis out of.. It's all Red State people being kidnapped and hunted for sport.. Don't think you spent 20 seconds watching the trailer or reading the 3 reviews of it that I posted...

As usual, you just can't follow the script and the facts....

There are 12 people being hunted, what 12 states are they from?

All from Red States. What more you need to know? I quoted the Hollywood biz journal "DeadLine", Business Insider and Yahoo.. That's their story LITERALLY and I'm satisfied with that... Go read the links.. Catch me in a lie...
What stinky orifice did you pull that analysis out of.. It's all Red State people being kidnapped and hunted for sport.. Don't think you spent 20 seconds watching the trailer or reading the 3 reviews of it that I posted...

As usual, you just can't follow the script and the facts....

There are 12 people being hunted, what 12 states are they from?

All from Red States. What more you need to know? I quoted the Hollywood biz journal "DeadLine", Business Insider and Yahoo.. That's their story LITERALLY and I'm satisfied with that... Go read the links.. Catch me in a lie...

One of the hunted in the trailer said he was from Orlando. Florida has been blue as much as it is red, going for Obama both times. And Orange county where Orlando is located is very blue, Hillary won it by more than 15%.

I think you have been misinformed by your right wing sites.
Of course, after I'm done with bringing Universal/Comcast to their fucking senses over this -- I'll have probably SAVED them $100Mill in future costs and screwed the cast out of their royalties....

You have a very inflated view of your importance in the world. I can promise you that Universal/Comcast does not give a flying fuck about you and what you think
Sounds like a great flick
It’s also been recycled to death. Both on TV and in the Theatre. Hell they even had episodes related to “ The game” on Charlie’s Angels,Hart to Hart and Fantasy Island etc...

Hollywood. They place creativity goes to die.

This movie sounds like a ripoff of a film called 'Surviving the Game' starring Rutger Hauer made in 1994.

There has been about 8 or 9 of this type of movie.
Probably more than that, especially if you count aliens hunting humans,
Anyone get upset about the Hunger Games series of movies. Not the exact same thing -- the elites made the common people hunt each other.

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