Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

So, a gaggle of rich gather to hunt down some poor sods, and the rightarded corporate propaganda masters assure deplorables they are being victimized in a flick no one has seen yet. The script, it turns out, is that the so-called "deplorables" kill off the rich guys, but still, the "deplorables" sure are being oh-so terribly victimized.

Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...
So the red state targets end up killing the blue state hunters

Sounds like a conservative fantasy

Why should any CONSISTENT THINKING person CARE about who wins... I guarandamntee if the plot was turned and Blue State voters were dehumanized, kidnapped and hunted -- YOU WOULD BE RIGHT HERE -- raising holy hell and blaming Trump...

I'm just doing what I always do.. Calling a consistent game of balls/strikes...
A film I never heard of was canceled in response to the recent shootings. So how was a movie I never heard of before, a "Hollywood blockbuster"? And then it has been pulled from release, does that even factor in here?
It is not even a Hollywood production. It is a low budget Indie from the Right-wing Blumhouse Productions.
Remember all the liberal outrage over the youtube movie satire of Islam

Yep I remember all us liberals rioting all over the world.......Oh no wait, that was Muslim Conservatives Wackos who did that. Never mind.

View attachment 273371

Your little bumper sticker left out a few items. But that how propaganda works.

It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind. On so many issues, we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past. And we cannot afford to get it wrong. We must seize this moment. And America stands ready to work with all who are willing to embrace a better future.

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt — it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, “Muslims, Christians, we are one.” The future must not belong to those who bully women — it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.

The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country’s resources — itmust be won by the students and entrepreneurs, the workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the women and men that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.

Where is the part about

The future must not belong to those who break laws by entering the country illegally and demand a right to the country's resources...

No where of course. The subject of the speech wasn't immigration. Besides, the false narrative had not been made up yet.
Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...

Of course, they sell that crappy piece of horse manure all "the SAME FUCKING WAY". Victimization sells, and best before they, or anyone else, has actually seen that flick.

But it's nice you are engineering me on a "side", "your side". When, in fact, I hold Hollywood in contempt, have never done otherwise, and you sure haven't even a shred of evidence to the contrary. I rather hold, they are selling whatever sells, and they are exploiting everything and everyone in order to make a profit, but they have very little influence. Trump's recently unearthed theory that Hollywood causes the recent spate of mass shootings is as ridiculous as it is self-serving, the most transparent finger-pointing by one with both hands right up to the elbows in the cookie jar. Compared to them pompous Hollywood moguls', the words of a president have immeasurably bigger weight. And he needs to be taken to account, no matter your supine support to his finger-pointing.

Your attempt at hyperventilating over Hollywood is risible, your apoplexy over hunted down sods and the starting shot of the next Civil war is nonsensical, and what you continue to forget, the oh-so victimized red-staters are winning, and killing off the "liberal" elites. So, if we took you seriously in all of that, the victimization would run exactly counter to your nonsense. If you hadn't misplaced your moral compass, you'd have to sell us an incitement to murder off the rich, oh-so liberal elites.
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So, a gaggle of rich gather to hunt down some poor sods, and the rightarded corporate propaganda masters assure deplorables they are being victimized in a flick no one has seen yet. The script, it turns out, is that the so-called "deplorables" kill off the rich guys, but still, the "deplorables" sure are being oh-so terribly victimized.

Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...
So the red state targets end up killing the blue state hunters

Sounds like a conservative fantasy

Why should any CONSISTENT THINKING person CARE about who wins... I guarandamntee if the plot was turned and Blue State voters were dehumanized, kidnapped and hunted -- YOU WOULD BE RIGHT HERE -- raising holy hell and blaming Trump...

I'm just doing what I always do.. Calling a consistent game of balls/strikes...
This movie seems like a conservative wet dream

Evil Liberal Elites hunting innocent conservatives for sport. The innocent conservatives win in the end.
Trump's recently unearthed theory that Hollywood causes the recent spite of mass shootings is as ridiculous as it is self-serving, the most transparent finger-pointing by one with both hands right up to the elbows in the cookie jar.

Not buying that as a primary Trump excuse for the shootings. He hit on video games, the rules on psych commitments and a NUMBER of possibilities. And even the academics are confused about the "causes".. For instance, when the defenders of gaming violence come on they quote "GENERAL POPULATION" evidence. Those numbers ARE of course ridiculously low and APPEAR to be totally uncorrelated.. But you're not studying the gen. population.. You're studying the effect on the twisted minds of a SMALL MINORITY of damaged brains that are susceptible to these suggestions..

You had the Aurora movie shooter chose a Batman movie and had a Batman mask in his apartment. This neuroscience grad student MIGHT have been one of those damaged people that ARE susceptible to suggestions that Hollywood makes.

Has as much "circumstantial" credibility as the El Paso shooter using the same word "invasion" that Trump used..

Your attempt at hyperventilating over Hollywood is risible, your apoplexy over hunted down sods and the starting shot of the next Civil war is nonsensical, and what you continue to forget, the oh-so victimized red-staters are winning, and killing of the "liberal" elites.

You missed the 3 posts where I stated I don't give a hairy damn WINS or which way the plot is told.. It's the act of CONTEMPORIZING hate killings in graphic detail to the increasingly violent political divisions in this country.. WhyTF you think it matters HOW the story is told -- just tells me you're trying to dismiss the psycho culpability also avoided by the writers, actors, directors, exec suits at Universal that really do need a psych eval to determine whether their TDS is becoming a "threat to society"...

Bet you're a fan of hate crime laws aren't you?? This film is Goebels hate crime... It's war propaganda dehumanizing the enemy...
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Does this movie hurt your feewings, snowflakes?
Not really. It is however an example of The Left continually calling to their emotionally unbalanced foot soldiers to continue to commit violence against Trump Supporters as they have done since 2015.
So, a gaggle of rich gather to hunt down some poor sods, and the rightarded corporate propaganda masters assure deplorables they are being victimized in a flick no one has seen yet. The script, it turns out, is that the so-called "deplorables" kill off the rich guys, but still, the "deplorables" sure are being oh-so terribly victimized.

Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...
So the red state targets end up killing the blue state hunters

Sounds like a conservative fantasy

Nah, just righteousness prevailing over evil.
So, a gaggle of rich gather to hunt down some poor sods, and the rightarded corporate propaganda masters assure deplorables they are being victimized in a flick no one has seen yet. The script, it turns out, is that the so-called "deplorables" kill off the rich guys, but still, the "deplorables" sure are being oh-so terribly victimized.

Not any right wing imagination.. ALL of the kidnapped trapped "animals" are from Red States. All of the elites are Blue state liberals. Read the fucking summaries I posted from Biz Insider, Yahoo News, and Deadline... They ALL described the plot the SAME FUCKING WAY.. Except for Universal's OWN site of course that the Happy Freak posted...

You just close your eyes when the despicable provocation goes your way and is cynically engineered by "your side"... You need to check your hypocrisy.. Because if you're going after Repubs and Trump for INFLAMING the culture and language of this country and IGNORING BLATANT COMMERCIAL capitalization on the hate, you've lost the ability to have a moral compass...
So the red state targets end up killing the blue state hunters

Sounds like a conservative fantasy

Why should any CONSISTENT THINKING person CARE about who wins... I guarandamntee if the plot was turned and Blue State voters were dehumanized, kidnapped and hunted -- YOU WOULD BE RIGHT HERE -- raising holy hell and blaming Trump...

I'm just doing what I always do.. Calling a consistent game of balls/strikes...
This movie seems like a conservative wet dream

Evil Liberal Elites hunting innocent conservatives for sport. The innocent conservatives win in the end.

Gotta love it.
Let it play!
Screw censorship and let the cards fall where they may.

If you want to play whats good for the goose is good for the gander, lets start with spitting on Obamas daughters (which I find reprehensible by the way). As far as the movie, you dont want to play guns with us, trust me.
Let it play!
Screw censorship and let the cards fall where they may.

If you want to play whats good for the goose is good for the gander, lets start with spitting on Obamas daughters (which I find reprehensible by the way). As far as the movie, you dont want to play guns with us, trust me.

There has already been numerous movies made in the past with the basic plot line of hunting humans for sport. No big deal.
As far as Obama's daughters catching loogies, I know not what you speak of.
Trump's recently unearthed theory that Hollywood causes the recent spite of mass shootings is as ridiculous as it is self-serving, the most transparent finger-pointing by one with both hands right up to the elbows in the cookie jar.

Not buying that as a primary Trump excuse for the shootings. He hit on video games, the rules on psych commitments and a NUMBER of possibilities. And even the academics are confused about the "causes".. For instance, when the defenders of gaming violence come on they quote "GENERAL POPULATION" evidence. Those numbers ARE of course ridiculously low and APPEAR to be totally uncorrelated.. But you're not studying the gen. population.. You're studying the effect on the twisted minds of a SMALL MINORITY of damaged brains that are susceptible to these suggestions..

You had the Aurora movie shooter chose a Batman movie and had a Batman mask in his apartment. This neuroscience grad student MIGHT have been one of those damaged people that ARE susceptible to suggestions that Hollywood makes.

Has as much "circumstantial" credibility as the El Paso shooter using the same word "invasion" that Trump used..

Your attempt at hyperventilating over Hollywood is risible, your apoplexy over hunted down sods and the starting shot of the next Civil war is nonsensical, and what you continue to forget, the oh-so victimized red-staters are winning, and killing of the "liberal" elites.

You missed the 3 posts where I stated I don't give a hairy damn WINS or which way the plot is told.. It's the act of CONTEMPORIZING hate killings in graphic detail to the increasingly violent political divisions in this country.. WhyTF you think it matters HOW the story is told -- just tells me you're trying to dismiss the psycho culpability also avoided by the writers, actors, directors, exec suits at Universal that really do need a psych eval to determine whether their TDS is becoming a "threat to society"...

Bet you're a fan of hate crime laws aren't you?? This film is Goebels hate crime... It's war propaganda dehumanizing the enemy...

The invasion from the South isn't just being mentioned, carelessly, in an unguarded moment. It's the central theme, the continuous drumbeat of the Trump presidency. You cannot possibly have missed that. And yes, that's bound to have some form of influence, after three years of propaganda.

And I don't give a flying fart how often you dismiss the actual story - the prey are winning - to get some room freed up for your silliness. This is the general theme of the genre, the hunted down prey fight back and win in the end. While I see how that inconveniences you, I still can't but remind you often.

I really would like to know whence you get your information about me. I have never, not once, advocated for hate crime legislation. I never did, nor would I. Murder is murder, usually a killing with malice aforethought. Propping "hate" on top of that is intellectually unsound. BTW, it's Goebbels. If you're angling for more shelves full of Godwin trophies, you could at least get the name right.
Let it play!
Screw censorship and let the cards fall where they may.

If you want to play whats good for the goose is good for the gander, lets start with spitting on Obamas daughters (which I find reprehensible by the way). As far as the movie, you dont want to play guns with us, trust me.

And there you go.. One of those susceptible minds that take the bait of this movie "plot"...
And I don't give a flying fart how often you dismiss the actual story - the prey are winning - to get some room freed up for your silliness. This is the general theme of the genre, the hunted down prey fight back and win in the end. While I see how that inconveniences you, I still can't but remind you often.

So you believe that because the Prey "wins" in the end -- it totally sanitizes and nullifies the massive lack of judgement for producing a politicized incendiary Molotov cocktail of insane proportions at a time like this??

If the plot was turned and it was Trump supporters kidnapping and sport hunting leftists -- you believe all these hypocrites in the thread would have same "Its just a movie" and funny posts? I'm not that naive. If MSLSD can lend credibility to the 88 nazi messaging in Trump choosing THAT DAY for the flag order to end -- there's no bar LOW enough that the TDelusionSyndrome afflicted will not cross....

Would it have gone to advert blitz and release if the THREE mass hate crimes hadn't stirred what's left of the dusty morals??? They KNOW they fucked it up.. It took a wake up call to overcome their political warrior instincts..
Sadly, this has to be placed under Politics. Imagine someone made a movie involving hunting Obama fans, or maybe some Chinese Communists? The MSM would be outraged!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting “deplorables” for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

“The Hunt” is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that “Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

“The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,” THR’s Kim Masters wrote. “It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.”

How can a movie be a "blockbuster" months before it even hits theaters?

What kind of fake news are you try to sell here?

Probably the marketing forecasts predicted this.. Because otherwise, there'd be no massive lack of soul or reason in the Universal planning for this release...

BlockBuster is a relative term ain't it? Universal doesn't plan massive release advertising for duds.. And they could win a weekend box office just in NYC, Los Angeles, and DC with this pornographic pandering to political derangement..

1. Find click bait headline from UK
2. Copy story to Fauxnews
3. ...
4. Profit?

A block buster refers to box office totals. It hasn't been released yet. The highly doubtful description of 'MAGA types' in the headline is bullshit. The hunted in the trailer are the heroes of the film, because they end up killing the elites in the end.

The Hunt (2019 film) - Wikipedia

As I always say, Wingers are dumb as dirt.
Sounds like a great flick
It’s also been recycled to death. Both on TV and in the Theatre. Hell they even had episodes related to “ The game” on Charlie’s Angels,Hart to Hart and Fantasy Island etc...

Hollywood. They place creativity goes to die.
Sadly, this has to be placed under Politics. Imagine someone made a movie involving hunting Obama fans, or maybe some Chinese Communists? The MSM would be outraged!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting “deplorables” for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

“The Hunt” is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that “Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

“The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,” THR’s Kim Masters wrote. “It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.”

How can a movie be a "blockbuster" months before it even hits theaters?

What kind of fake news are you try to sell here?

Probably the marketing forecasts predicted this.. Because otherwise, there'd be no massive lack of soul or reason in the Universal planning for this release...

BlockBuster is a relative term ain't it? Universal doesn't plan massive release advertising for duds.. And they could win a weekend box office just in NYC, Los Angeles, and DC with this pornographic pandering to political derangement..

1. Find click bait headline from UK
2. Copy story to Fauxnews
3. ...
4. Profit?

A block buster refers to box office totals. It hasn't been released yet. The highly doubtful description of 'MAGA types' in the headline is bullshit. The hunted in the trailer are the heroes of the film, because they end up killing the elites in the end.

The Hunt (2019 film) - Wikipedia

As I always say, Wingers are dumb as dirt.

Quibbling about a word.. Good job.. Ignore the topic and move on to your next fact check...

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