Holocaust deniers


Exhibit A. :lol: :lol:
Pictures of dead bodies doesn't prove the so called holocaust.

I don't see any Star of David on any of them.

The people could have been, german civilians, russian, soldiers, allied soldiers, etc.

Who died of disease, fatigue, starvation, or other factors. ... :doubt:
Pictures of dead bodies doesn't prove the so called holocaust.

I don't see any Star of David on any of them.

The people could have been, german civilians, russian, soldiers, allied soldiers, etc.

Who died of disease, fatigue, starvation, or other factors. ... :doubt:

if I want your fuckin' opinion ill give it to you
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Pictures of dead bodies doesn't prove the so called holocaust.

I don't see any Star of David on any of them.

The people could have been, german civilians, russian, soldiers, allied soldiers, etc.

Who died of disease, fatigue, starvation, or other factors. ... :doubt:

if I want your fuckin' opinion ill give it to you
.................^^ Looks like someone forgot to take their med's today......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Well the pics of India, Ukraine and Japanese camps are the same. Starvation and disease was a real killer during WWII. This doesn't mean mean that some civilians were not killed by cruel executions as well.This proves no gas chambers there, as those people did not loose all that weight after they died. They say these people were not sprayed with Cyclone B, how would they know that?

This is horrible indeed, and we can't even imagine the suffering that went on all over in WWII, that is why we should not have more wars.
Pictures of dead bodies doesn't prove the so called holocaust.

I don't see any Star of David on any of them.

The people could have been, german civilians, russian, soldiers, allied soldiers, etc.

Who died of disease, fatigue, starvation, or other factors. ... :doubt:

if I want your fuckin' opinion ill give it to you
.................^^ Looks like someone forgot to take their med's today......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

that the best you can really do??? your backing down now. thank you for confirming the holocaust did happened

Well the pics of India, Ukraine and Japanese camps are the same. Starvation and disease was a real killer during WWII. This doesn't mean mean that some civilians were not killed by cruel executions as well.This proves no gas chambers there, as those people did not loose all that weight after they died. They say these people were not sprayed with Cyclone B, how would they know that?

This is horrible indeed, and we can't even imagine the suffering that went on all over in WWII, that is why we should not have more wars.

yes the death camps did exist. they were located next to rivers ans streams. wonder why ???
if I want your fuckin' opinion ill give it to you
.................^^ Looks like someone forgot to take their med's today......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

that the best you can really do??? your backing down now. thank you for confirming the holocaust did happened
Incorrect peckerwood.......the so called holocaust is nothing but a made up zionist fantasy tale used to extort money from gullible people like you. .. :cool:

Well the pics of India, Ukraine and Japanese camps are the same. Starvation and disease was a real killer during WWII. This doesn't mean mean that some civilians were not killed by cruel executions as well.This proves no gas chambers there, as those people did not loose all that weight after they died. They say these people were not sprayed with Cyclone B, how would they know that?

This is horrible indeed, and we can't even imagine the suffering that went on all over in WWII, that is why we should not have more wars.

yes the death camps did exist. they were located next to rivers ans streams. wonder why ???

They were work camps and concentration camps, not death camps.
The jewish holocaust museum's collect B&W photo's taken of dead bodies during WWll in a desperate attempt to add them all together and come up with the magical 6 million number in order to bolster the holohoax myth.

But there is nothing in the pictures to identify the people as jews or that they were gassed to death. ... :doubt:
Well the pics of India, Ukraine and Japanese camps are the same. Starvation and disease was a real killer during WWII. This doesn't mean mean that some civilians were not killed by cruel executions as well.This proves no gas chambers there, as those people did not loose all that weight after they died. They say these people were not sprayed with Cyclone B, how would they know that?

This is horrible indeed, and we can't even imagine the suffering that went on all over in WWII, that is why we should not have more wars.

yes the death camps did exist. they were located next to rivers ans streams. wonder why ???

They were work camps and concentration camps, not death camps.

of course. the death camps had ways of disposing of the ashe's
.................^^ Looks like someone forgot to take their med's today......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

that the best you can really do??? your backing down now. thank you for confirming the holocaust did happened
Incorrect peckerwood.......the so called holocaust is nothing but a made up zionist fantasy tale used to extort money from gullible people like you. .. :cool:

you and your ilk are weak and feeble minded. you'll believe anything. you suffer from dementia which is a symptom of Alzheimer's. the good news here is someday you'll forget to breath and that's it
The jewish holocaust museum's collect B&W photo's taken of dead bodies during WWll in a desperate attempt to add them all together and come up with the magical 6 million number in order to bolster the holohoax myth.

But there is nothing in the pictures to identify the people as jews or that they were gassed to death. ... :doubt:

more dementia
of course. the death camps had ways of disposing of the ashe's

Dead bodies should be burnt, if not able then buried at least 6 feet or more down.

they were burned in the ovens. faster and more expedient and Nazi's were keen on staying on schedule. how long would it take to bury thousands of bodies???
At least you acknowledge there were only thousands and not millions of bodies.

Congratulations on your first big step into reality concerning the holohoax.......... :thup:
Dead bodies should be burnt, if not able then buried at least 6 feet or more down.

they were burned in the ovens. faster and more expedient and Nazi's were keen on staying on schedule. how long would it take to bury thousands of bodies???
At least you acknowledge there were only thousands and not millions of bodies.

Congratulations on your first big step into reality concerning the holohoax.......... :thup:

over 24 million murdered by you pals. and you can't prove it didn't happen. can ya??? you ancient gas bag

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