Holocaust deniers

Oh I see, you cherry pick from your own sources. That makes perfect sense.

It does indeed because a quote is a cherry pick, all quotes are cherry picks, whether I do it or you do it.

For example a guy can spend his life claiming there was no mission to the Moon, He can write volumes stating his belief that there was no mission, but if he somewhere among all that dross states, of course there is no evidence at all for everything else I've written, then that is a major quote that stands in stark contrast to everything else he has ever said.
"Ask most people today what the holocaust was, and it was 6 million Jews were gassed in gas chambers in Germany. (that is mainly what they know about WWII)"

Correct. Even people who are not Jews or who know nothing else about the war and the other 50 million people killed will show great 'reverence' at the mention of the Jewish 'deaths' - but dont show any concern at all for the other victims.
After scrolling through every page of this 683-post thread in one sitting, reading hundreds of the posts and pages of information provided in links...I conclude that Coyote is by far the most legitimate debater participating and that Sunni Man and his multiple parrots are in dire need of serious professional help. I have never witnessed such delusional, repetitious rants and illogical lies as are being spewed by the so-called "revisionists" of well documented historical data concerning this topic.

To respond to a suggestion to explore the evidence of the Holocaust with the question, "What evidence?" is the logical equivalent of saying that there is no crime in New York. I can certainly understand a whole tribe of Pygmies in the Congo
Congo Pygmies - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

being ignorant of the Holocaust and have difficulty believing that MILLIONS of people were murdered for the sake of ethnic cleansing, but to even think that supposedly well educated posters on this forum could possibly contend that there is no evidence of the Holocaust is totally unfuckin' believable.

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False, there is plenty of evidence for gas chambers and for a plan to exterminate all the Jews.
Just because you choose to ignore it, doesn't mean the evidence isn't there.
Fake evidence is still fake evidence........... no matter how much you want to believe the Holohoax myth is real. ...... :cool:
So...before the liberators got there and photographed things and found reams of records ....somebody planted fake evidence of Nazi atrocities?

you truly are a loony, sunni man....a loony sunni...

A previous post in this thread is spot on: Responses to your loony posts do nothing more than encourage additional tripe.
False, there is plenty of evidence for gas chambers and for a plan to exterminate all the Jews.
Just because you choose to ignore it, doesn't mean the evidence isn't there.
Fake evidence is still fake evidence........... no matter how much you want to believe the Holohoax myth is real. ...... :cool:
So...before the liberators got there and photographed things and found reams of records ....somebody planted fake evidence of Nazi atrocities?

you truly are a loony, sunni man....a loony sunni...

A previous post in this thread is spot on: Responses to your loony posts do nothing more than encourage additional tripe.
Exactly. What do you expect from the official troll of USMB? :cool:
Who called you any names? Everything said about you was an accurate description of you :cool:
I wasn't aware this was a "Conservative Board". I thought this was a far mix of views. If you want to go to a board where you never hear a contrary opinion , maybe Townhall would be more to your liking. Or Stormfront.

You should not shoot a kid because he was jaywalking. Or even if he stole some cigars.

Fellows, there is no need for name calling.

If you guys want to believe in the Holohoax fantasy that is your prerogative.

But don't expect me to buy into your shared delusion. ....... :cool:

Are you denying the number of Jews killed by the Germans? If so that greatly reduces my fait in anything you say. Heck, it makes me hope you are on the other side of any point of view I have infact as your mere presence in "my camp" will lessen the value of any facts used or statements made.

Say it ain't so Sunni!
I wasn't aware this was a "Conservative Board". I thought this was a far mix of views. If you want to go to a board where you never hear a contrary opinion , maybe Townhall would be more to your liking. Or Stormfront.

You should not shoot a kid because he was jaywalking. Or even if he stole some cigars.

Fellows, there is no need for name calling.

If you guys want to believe in the Holohoax fantasy that is your prerogative.

But don't expect me to buy into your shared delusion. ....... :cool:

Are you denying the number of Jews killed by the Germans? If so that greatly reduces my fait in anything you say. Heck, it makes me hope you are on the other side of any point of view I have infact as your mere presence in "my camp" will lessen the value of any facts used or statements made.

Say it ain't so Sunni!
I believe the number is far less than the vaunted 6 million.

In fact, (look it up yourself if you do believe me) the Polish government reduced the official number from 4 million to 1.5 million deaths.

And changed the wording on the plaque at the entrance of Auschwitz to reflect this numerical reduction.
I believe the number is far less than the vaunted 6 million.

In fact, (look it up yourself if you do believe me) the Polish government reduced the official number from 4 million to 1.5 million deaths.

And changed the wording on the plaque at the entrance of Auschwitz to reflect this numerical reduction.

Are talking you believe a couple million jews were killed and the Germans were terrible racists history needs to remeber and learn from?
After scrolling through every page of this 683-post thread in one sitting, reading hundreds of the posts and pages of information provided in links...I conclude that Coyote is by far the most legitimate debater participating and that Sunni Man and his multiple parrots are in dire need of serious professional help. I have never witnessed such delusional, repetitious rants and illogical lies as are being spewed by the so-called "revisionists" of well documented historical data concerning this topic.

To respond to a suggestion to explore the evidence of the Holocaust with the question, "What evidence?" is the logical equivalent of saying that there is no crime in New York. I can certainly understand a whole tribe of Pygmies in the Congo
Congo Pygmies - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

being ignorant of the Holocaust and have difficulty believing that MILLIONS of people were murdered for the sake of ethnic cleansing, but to even think that supposedly well educated posters on this forum could possibly contend that there is no evidence of the Holocaust is totally unfuckin' believable.

Blah-blah, never mind all the waffle, give us some of this evidence for this holocaust.

We've heard the endless waffle over and over just give us the evidence.
"Are you denying the number of Jews killed by the Germans? If so that greatly reduces my fait in anything you say. Heck, it makes me hope you are on the other side of any point of view I have infact as your mere presence in "my camp" will lessen the value of any facts used or statements made."

You dont have any facts.
Are you denying the number of Jews killed by the Germans? If so that greatly reduces my fait in anything you say. Heck, it makes me hope you are on the other side of any point of view I have infact as your mere presence in "my camp" will lessen the value of any facts used or statements made.

Say it ain't so Sunni!

I believe the number is far less than the vaunted 6 million.

In fact, (look it up yourself if you do believe me) the Polish government reduced the official number from 4 million to 1.5 million deaths.

And changed the wording on the plaque at the entrance of Auschwitz to reflect this numerical reduction.

To holocausters 6 - 3 = ...............................................................................6 :)
To holocausters 6 - 3 = ...............................................................................6 :)

Ok so you admit the Germans were racist scum who killed at least six times the number of Jews as there are people in the city of St Louis? Type it outloud for the world to see. Don't hide behind coy 12 year old girl word tricks.

Are you denying the number of Jews killed by the Germans? .

Say it ain't so Sunni!

He is not the only one. If you should not know, I am a German. and I doubt this figures, too.
There is no doubt about the mass murder of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, mentally ill persons, regime opponents, in concenration camps as such.
The problem is the taboo to go in the details. Here it is actually sanctioned by law, where the question arises why the truth has to be protected by jail sentences against revisionists. Even if most of them are blunt idiots.
You could simply lay out the evidence and ridicule them.

But it is pretty hard to access details. Real details, not some revisionist bullshit or JCC compensation frauds.
The reason for that is, both sides perform an extreme form of cherrypicking of numbers, which are both highly doubtful because there are no real census based figures (except Germany, the figure of 320.000 Jews around 1930 is pretty exact), but extremely biased estimates depending which view is promoted. Or even blunt lies and fakes.
Actually you will find also the number 499.000 Jews for Germany 1930. It takes you weeks to find out whch one is true. So, if you don't have another job to meet ends.

There are no neutral facts in this case. If any, you have no access as normal citizen, you have to be an accredited historian and showcase your intentions. This is nuts.
If there is a cover, sombody has something to cover.
He is not the only one. If you should not know, I am a German. and I doubt this figures, too.
There is no doubt about the mass murder of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, mentally ill persons, regime opponents, in concenration camps as such.
The problem is the taboo to go in the details. Here it is actually sanctioned by law, where the question arises why the truth has to be protected by jail sentences against revisionists. Even if most of them are blunt idiots.
You could simply lay out the evidence and ridicule them.

But it is pretty hard to access details. Real details, not some revisionist bullshit or JCC compensation frauds.
The reason for that is, both sides perform an extreme form of cherrypicking of numbers, which are both highly doubtful because there are no real census based figures (except Germany, the figure of 320.000 Jews around 1930 is pretty exact), but extremely biased estimates depending which view is promoted. Or even blunt lies and fakes.
Actually you will find also the number 499.000 Jews for Germany 1930. It takes you weeks to find out whch one is true. So, if you don't have another job to meet ends.

There are no neutral facts in this case. If any, you have no access as normal citizen, you have to be an accredited historian and showcase your intentions. This is nuts.
If there is a cover, sombody has something to cover.

The fewer Jews in Germany then the higher percentage of them they must have kilked.

The Germans do get a bad rap. Part of it is necessity. I feel a need to show modern looking people commiting genocide to my kid to warn him how dangerous grouo think can be. Heck, I have a difficult time getting the generation older than me to talk about their seperate but equal waterfountains and segregated schools.

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