Holocaust deniers

Ok so you admit the Germans were racist scum who killed at least six times the number of Jews as there are people in the city of St Louis? Type it outloud for the world to see. Don't hide behind coy 12 year old girl word tricks.

I dont think the Germans were any more racist scum than the US were, twas the times that were in it.

Point I was making is that the Auschwitz figure was reduced from 4 million to 1 million: it was 6 million in total yet the reduction of 3 million didnt see the total reduced. On the contrary, its still 6 million :)

This is the problem with this issue, there's no honesty about it, its all obfuscation and myth.

I dont believe it was 3 million, probably between 0.3 and 1 million.
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I dont think the Germans were any more racist scum than the US were, twas the times that were in it.

Point I was making is that the Auschwitz figure was reduced from 4 million to 1 million: it was 6 million in total yet the reduction of 3 million didnt see the total reduced. On the contrary, its still 6 million :)

This is the problem with this issue, there's no honesty about it, its all obfuscation and myth.

With me, its the thought that counts not the numbers. The Germans would have killed every Jew they got their hands on and the Klan every black man they thought theh could get away with. As long as we do not let petty squabbles over numbers get in the way of that fact.

As I stated earlier. It is very difficult to make history and the danger of repeating it seem real to the youth of any age. Being able to point to a good number of modern looking, western european Germans and then to the pictures of their concentration camps is a good thing. The toubles of six miles down the road from me in Ferguson and the ridiculous opinions it has let out of the closet have driven this home to me.
He is not the only one. If you should not know, I am a German. and I doubt this figures, too.
There is no doubt about the mass murder of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, mentally ill persons, regime opponents, in concenration camps as such.
The problem is the taboo to go in the details. Here it is actually sanctioned by law, where the question arises why the truth has to be protected by jail sentences against revisionists. Even if most of them are blunt idiots.
You could simply lay out the evidence and ridicule them.

But it is pretty hard to access details. Real details, not some revisionist bullshit or JCC compensation frauds.
The reason for that is, both sides perform an extreme form of cherrypicking of numbers, which are both highly doubtful because there are no real census based figures (except Germany, the figure of 320.000 Jews around 1930 is pretty exact), but extremely biased estimates depending which view is promoted. Or even blunt lies and fakes.
Actually you will find also the number 499.000 Jews for Germany 1930. It takes you weeks to find out whch one is true. So, if you don't have another job to meet ends.

There are no neutral facts in this case. If any, you have no access as normal citizen, you have to be an accredited historian and showcase your intentions. This is nuts.
If there is a cover, sombody has something to cover.

Fair play to you for standing up for truth indiajo, but I would advise you not to say this in public or you will end up in prison; in Germany today there is no freedom of speech. Remember Zundel who spent 6 years in prison even tho he never hurt a fly in his life.

Codoh.com is an excellent site and imo is honest, not that I would agree with all I have read there but 90% is genuine research.
He is not the only one. If you should not know, I am a German. and I doubt this figures, too.
There is no doubt about the mass murder of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, mentally ill persons, regime opponents, in concenration camps as such.
The problem is the taboo to go in the details. Here it is actually sanctioned by law, where the question arises why the truth has to be protected by jail sentences against revisionists. Even if most of them are blunt idiots.
You could simply lay out the evidence and ridicule them.

But it is pretty hard to access details. Real details, not some revisionist bullshit or JCC compensation frauds.
The reason for that is, both sides perform an extreme form of cherrypicking of numbers, which are both highly doubtful because there are no real census based figures (except Germany, the figure of 320.000 Jews around 1930 is pretty exact), but extremely biased estimates depending which view is promoted. Or even blunt lies and fakes.
Actually you will find also the number 499.000 Jews for Germany 1930. It takes you weeks to find out whch one is true. So, if you don't have another job to meet ends.

There are no neutral facts in this case. If any, you have no access as normal citizen, you have to be an accredited historian and showcase your intentions. This is nuts.
If there is a cover, sombody has something to cover.

Fair play to you for standing up for truth indiajo, but I would advise you not to say this in public or you will end up in prison; in Germany today there is no freedom of speech. Remember Zundel who spent 6 years in prison even tho he never hurt a fly in his life.

Codoh.com is an excellent site and imo is honest, not that I would agree with all I have read there but 90% is genuine research.

Ever see Triumph Of The Will?
You've already demonstrated very clearly that you don't.....try reading a book once in a while.

I doubt you've ever read a book :eusa_whistle:

Do you deny that Hilberg admitted under oath that there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers?

Do you deny that Van Pelt admitted under oath that despite his many visits to Auschwitz he never saw any holes in the gas chamber roof?
He is not the only one. If you should not know, I am a German. and I doubt this figures, too.
There is no doubt about the mass murder of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, mentally ill persons, regime opponents, in concenration camps as such.
The problem is the taboo to go in the details. Here it is actually sanctioned by law, where the question arises why the truth has to be protected by jail sentences against revisionists. Even if most of them are blunt idiots.
You could simply lay out the evidence and ridicule them.

But it is pretty hard to access details. Real details, not some revisionist bullshit or JCC compensation frauds.
The reason for that is, both sides perform an extreme form of cherrypicking of numbers, which are both highly doubtful because there are no real census based figures (except Germany, the figure of 320.000 Jews around 1930 is pretty exact), but extremely biased estimates depending which view is promoted. Or even blunt lies and fakes.
Actually you will find also the number 499.000 Jews for Germany 1930. It takes you weeks to find out whch one is true. So, if you don't have another job to meet ends.

There are no neutral facts in this case. If any, you have no access as normal citizen, you have to be an accredited historian and showcase your intentions. This is nuts.
If there is a cover, sombody has something to cover.

Fair play to you for standing up for truth indiajo, but I would advise you not to say this in public or you will end up in prison; in Germany today there is no freedom of speech. Remember Zundel who spent 6 years in prison even tho he never hurt a fly in his life.

Codoh.com is an excellent site and imo is honest, not that I would agree with all I have read there but 90% is genuine research.

Ever see Triumph Of The Will?

It is called "Triumph des Willens" , and was produced by Leni Riefenstahl. Most probably the most remarkable woman in film history. She used the system to realise aestethically unparalled movies and pictures, triumph of the will is actually just a propaganda movie about the Reichs Party Congress and the Führer Cult. Nothing more, except its phantastic picture material.

Did youn know that Beate Uhse, the later Entrepreneur porno queen of Germany who had to fight bitter legal wars against the bigotet puritan justuíce system of the sixties, was formerly a test pilot of Hitlers Luftwaffe?

Life is not as simple as you seem to think.
I have always wondered why questioning any part of the official Holocaust narrative is a criminal offense in Europe and Canada?

What are the governments trying to hide from the public? ..... :cool:

Fair play to you for standing up for truth indiajo, but I would advise you not to say this in public or you will end up in prison; in Germany today there is no freedom of speech. Remember Zundel who spent 6 years in prison even tho he never hurt a fly in his life.

Codoh.com is an excellent site and imo is honest, not that I would agree with all I have read there but 90% is genuine research.

Well, as I said, Zuendel is one of the idiots. But it is truly remarkable that he ends up in jail for publishing his, admitteldly pretty confused, opinions.

The whole thing cannot be seen out of the context of the full half of the past century. Germany was made solely responsible for WWI. This was simply because the people of the other participating nations would have hanged their politicians and military leaders at the next lantern if they would have admitted the truth. A truth that slowly emerges to the surface after 100 years.
(did anyone ever think how it came that the German Reich mobilized its forces the last? Just saying)

Hitler was the consequence of the then demoralized and supressed Germany, to keep it short.
Actually, National socialism was no ideology as such. It lacked all of the characterisitcs of an ideology. It was just a patchwork system of lots of irrational dogmas, whereas some of them were for sure pretty attractive when the rest of the world is pissing on you.
This patchwork system went out of control, because it gave everybody the opportunity to be a mini Hitler if he wanted to.

Then, about WWII, Hitler and his entourage were dumb enough to walk into the trap that was laid out by the British, French and in the background the US who were already in control of the crumbled former European Empires after WWI.
Poland at that time was a country which today would be called a rogue state. It had led several wars agains the young Soviet Union with huge atrocities against Belarus, Ukrainian Minorities, and of course the German minotity in Poland. Almost forgotten, after Hitler had smashed Czecoslovakia, Poland had annexed an important Czech industrial region just because they could.

Poland wanted to occupy Germany, the had mobilized their troops 4 Months before Germany. In the last days Poland told the Swedish emissary they would be in Berlin in two weeks, relying on the treaties with GB and France. We know how this came out.
Facts are, Germany was surrounded by lots of bloodthursty warmongers, and lacked itself of wise diplomats and strategists, instead had violent esoteric idiots who were bound to lead the country into the next catastrophy after they lost the surprise momentum.

Did I mention that Stalin had quadrupled his military in the two years before 1941, and had rejected the milityry alliance with GB only because he played for a war between Germany, GB and France before taking over the devastated remainings?

All that is well documented and pops to the surface now. After decades of so called historians had again busted Germany as the one and only culprit.
I have always wondered why questioning any part of the official Holocaust narrative is a criminal offense in Europe and Canada?

What are the governments trying to hide from the public? ..... :cool:

Only a few countries have holocaust "denial" laws, most countries including the US and UK defend freedom of speech...List of countries where Holocaust denial is legal - RationalWiki

These are the countries which are anti-freedom: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland,Portugal, Romania and Switzerland ... The Netherlands have ruled that such a statement is a form of hate speech.
Well, as I said, Zuendel is one of the idiots. But it is truly remarkable that he ends up in jail for publishing his, admitteldly pretty confused, opinions.

The whole thing cannot be seen out of the context of the full half of the past century. Germany was made solely responsible for WWI. This was simply because the people of the other participating nations would have hanged their politicians and military leaders at the next lantern if they would have admitted the truth. A truth that slowly emerges to the surface after 100 years.
(did anyone ever think how it came that the German Reich mobilized its forces the last? Just saying)

Hitler was the consequence of the then demoralized and supressed Germany, to keep it short.
Actually, National socialism was no ideology as such. It lacked all of the characterisitcs of an ideology. It was just a patchwork system of lots of irrational dogmas, whereas some of them were for sure pretty attractive when the rest of the world is pissing on you.
This patchwork system went out of control, because it gave everybody the opportunity to be a mini Hitler if he wanted to.

Then, about WWII, Hitler and his entourage were dumb enough to walk into the trap that was laid out by the British, French and in the background the US who were already in control of the crumbled former European Empires after WWI.
Poland at that time was a country which today would be called a rogue state. It had led several wars agains the young Soviet Union with huge atrocities against Belarus, Ukrainian Minorities, and of course the German minotity in Poland. Almost forgotten, after Hitler had smashed Czecoslovakia, Poland had annexed an important Czech industrial region just because they could.

Poland wanted to occupy Germany, the had mobilized their troops 4 Months before Germany. In the last days Poland told the Swedish emissary they would be in Berlin in two weeks, relying on the treaties with GB and France. We know how this came out.
Facts are, Germany was surrounded by lots of bloodthursty warmongers, and lacked itself of wise diplomats and strategists, instead had violent esoteric idiots who were bound to lead the country into the next catastrophy after they lost the surprise momentum.

Did I mention that Stalin had quadrupled his military in the two years before 1941, and had rejected the milityry alliance with GB only because he played for a war between Germany, GB and France before taking over the devastated remainings?

All that is well documented and pops to the surface now. After decades of so called historians had again busted Germany as the one and only culprit.

I wouldnt be too hard on Zundel, I wouldnt agree with everything he has said but he didnt deserve to get 6 years for thought crimes.
You've already demonstrated very clearly that you don't.....try reading a book once in a while.

I doubt you've ever read a book :eusa_whistle:

Do you deny that Hilberg admitted under oath that there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers?

Do you deny that Van Pelt admitted under oath that despite his many visits to Auschwitz he never saw any holes in the gas chamber roof?

You're not even a good Holocaust denier......you don't read your own sources.
You're not even a good Holocaust denier......you don't read your own sources.

Do you deny that Hilberg admitted under oath that there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers?

Do you deny that Van Pelt admitted under oath that despite his many visits to Auschwitz he never saw any holes in the gas chamber roof?
You're not even a good Holocaust denier......you don't read your own sources.

Do you deny that Hilberg admitted under oath that there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers?

Do you deny that Van Pelt admitted under oath that despite his many visits to Auschwitz he never saw any holes in the gas chamber roof?

How would you know? You never read his book.
How would you know? You never read his book.

They were from trials not from their many holocaust industry books, thats why they were under oath, telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

People write lies in books all the time, in court they have to tell the truth.
How would you know? You never read his book.

They were from trials not from their many holocaust industry books, thats why they were under oath, telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

People write lies in books all the time, in court they have to tell the truth.
You don't even know anything about your own sources, how embarrassing for you.

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