Holocaust History

Really? You are insisting that you know the minds and actions of millions of people you never met? YOU ARE A FRaud.
What that poster said was quite disturbing, and telling:

1) He classifies as the “bad” type of Jew as those who discuss antI-semitism, as opposed to the Jew who keeps quiet and avoids it. That is more the Democrat way of thinking: focus your all on the horrors of racism, but tolerate and downplay antisemitism.

In the meantime, it is both flourishing on college campuses and throughout my liberal region at the high schools….from swastikas painted on the walls, a spray paint of “Jews are not welcome here,” and LOTS of fights on Jewish boys while their attackers yell anti-Israel crap. But I suppose we should be the good type of Jew who avoids discussing it.

2) The mere suggestion, as made by that posters, that Jews are responsible via their own behavior for the millenia of expulsions, persecution, blood libels, and of course mass murder just reeks of antIsemitism.
Really? You are insisting that you know the minds and actions of millions of people you never met? YOU ARE A FRaud.
Usually people like you, that resort to irrational argumentation are FRAUDS - there is no one on this planet that would know the minds of millions of people, that is why institutions carry out surveys and polls.
I am personally familiar with around 20 Israeli's and Jews - mostly from the IDF at Hatzerim air force base and some from Mossad. And I am good/very good friends with 7 of them. Those IDF members and Israelis that have served in the IDF are in vast majority sick and tired of antisemitism propagating Jews - because the latter usually never serve. But cause by far most of the problems in today's Israel. And I have been numerous times to Israel.

One of these IDF fellows is a Brig.General and an IDF hero - due to a specific mission in Lebanon. He is the chap on the Foto - bottom row, 2nd from left. And yes he also happend to work in China just as myself.


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I have been seeing a lot of article and threads on the Holocaust but have not found one which deals with the History, before, during and after. Therefore I am starting one now.

Any Holocaust denier is welcome to post and discuss here. Discuss, not attack, or troll. Proof that it did not happen, just post it.

It is important to tell History as it happened. Lets go at it.

Hey, Sixties Fan. Want a reality check? Yesterday I posted a thread called "A Holocaust Education." It went away. And you want a holocaust discussion?
Folks, this thread has been getting way off topic and into some pretty dicey terroritory. The topic is discussing the Holocaust, please get back to it.
Hey, Sixties Fan. Want a reality check? Yesterday I posted a thread called "A Holocaust Education." It went away. And you want a holocaust discussion?
I wouldn't even know what this thread is supposed to achieve - There are countless Books and reports about the Holocaust - so what is there to discuss? just the numbers?
And the history before and after the Holocaust is also known in detail - so?
I wouldn't even know what this thread is supposed to achieve - There are countless Books and reports about the Holocaust - so what is there to discuss? just the numbers?
And the history before and after the Holocaust is also known in detail - so?

It is about known and not well known Holocaust HISTORY.


It is about known and not well known Holocaust HISTORY.

Go and buy a book - or as many as you deem necessary - everything in regards to this chapter is known (it's by far the most covered topic in the world) - personally I don't care if 6.888,333 million Jews or 7,889,277 million Jews were murdered. Even a single person that was murdered due to a racial policy or deemed "not worth living" by the Nazi's was one too much. This thread obviously serves no other purpose but to promote the topic of antisemitism.
I wouldn't even know what this thread is supposed to achieve - There are countless Books and reports about the Holocaust - so what is there to discuss? just the numbers?
And the history before and after the Holocaust is also known in detail - so?

It's all a god damned lie! That's the point. This person posted this thread in this section promoting the holocaust. I posted one refuting it. This one remains. Mine disappeared. If there was a holocaust, and I denied it, it would be easy enough to refute it and shut me up. But what I have to say on the matter about the holocaust not happening can't be refuted. So it just isn't allowed to be spoken. Brainwashed slaves you are. And as far as this forum has the power to do, so you shall remain. How does that make you feel.
A new show of works by one of Germany’s most famous living artists, Gerhard Richter, opened at Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie museum on Friday.

“Gerhard Richter. 100 Works for Berlin” shows for the first time the long-term loan from the artist’s foundation. At the center of the exhibition is Richter’s 2014 series “Birkenau,” the result of the artist’s decades-long engagement with Germany’s Nazi past and the Holocaust.

The four large canvases of the Birkenau series are abstract paintings with many gray and black surfaces, but also some red and green dashes.

The basis of the paintings are four photos secretly taken in 1944 by Jewish prisoners at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, who risked their lives doing so. Richter transferred the four photographs with charcoal and oil onto the canvas and then gradually painted over them with oil paint until their content was no longer visible.

Richter’s process of abstraction was based on his conviction that he could not do justice to the incomprehensible horror of the Holocaust with direct depiction.

During the Holocaust, the Nazis and their henchmen murdered 6 million European Jews.

A woman walks in front of the ‘Birkenau’ paintings in a new exhibition with art works of German artist Gerhard Richter at the New National Gallery in Berlin, Germany, Friday, March 31, 2023. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

In the gallery across from the Birkenau paintings is a large mirror which not only reflects the four works, but also visitors who thus become part of the installation.

“I think that is what makes this work so central and so intense, that you as a visitor are really questioned about your responsibility during the time of Nazis and your position on the Holocaust,” said Maike Steinkamp, the curator of the exhibition.

(full article online)

“I think that is what makes this work so central and so intense, that you as a visitor are really questioned about your responsibility during the time of Nazis and your position on the Holocaust,” said Maike Steinkamp, the curator of the exhibition.
As I stated before, this thread of yours is only about antisemitism and keeping this topic alive in any of your other threads.
For anyone born after 1930 - what responsibility during their time, would those have towards the Holocaust? answer NONE and the eldest group would now be 93 years old.

Position onto the Holocaust - you have those who will keep denying it, no matter the irrefutable proof. And you have those who will want to make sure that a repeat of murdering or systematic murder due to a racial, political and "not worth living" policy will not happen again. Independent of what race, ethnics, religion, etc.

Go and visit e.g. KZ Flossenbürg, - to which I have been,

Nearly 97,000 prisoners (of whom just over 16,000 were female) passed through the Flossenbürg system between 1938 and 1945. An estimated 30,000 prisoners died in Flossenbürg and its subcamps or on the evacuation routes, including 3,515 Jews.
The systematic racial and political murder policy by the Nazis encompassed more then 20 million people - not just confined towards 6 million Jews. Russians alone encompassed around 10+ million people.
So the never-ending pointing out only towards the Jewish-Holocaust is simply an ongoing totally one-sided campaign in regard to highlighting antisemitism - nothing else.

I have never come across Russians or a Russian government constantly highlighting since 1945, anti-Russian / Slavic sentiments, and as such reserving/claiming the Holocaust for themselves.
As I stated before, this thread of yours is only about antisemitism and keeping this topic alive in any of your other threads.
For anyone born after 1930 - what responsibility during their time, would those have towards the Holocaust? answer NONE and the eldest group would now be 93 years old.

Position onto the Holocaust - you have those who will keep denying it, no matter the irrefutable proof. And you have those who will want to make sure that a repeat of murdering or systematic murder due to a racial, political and "not worth living" policy will not happen again. Independent of what race, ethnics, religion, etc.

Go and visit e.g. KZ Flossenbürg, - to which I have been,

Nearly 97,000 prisoners (of whom just over 16,000 were female) passed through the Flossenbürg system between 1938 and 1945. An estimated 30,000 prisoners died in Flossenbürg and its subcamps or on the evacuation routes, including 3,515 Jews.
The systematic racial and political murder policy by the Nazis encompassed more then 20 million people - not just confined towards 6 million Jews. Russians alone encompassed around 10+ million people.
So the never-ending pointing out only towards the Jewish-Holocaust is simply an ongoing totally one-sided campaign in regard to highlighting antisemitism - nothing else.

I have never come across Russians or a Russian government constantly highlighting since 1945, anti-Russian / Slavic sentiments, and as such reserving/claiming the Holocaust for themselves.
SO? people do talk about that which interests THEM IN
PARTICULAR. Some 2000 years ago the romans murdered
---by crucifixion--at least, tens of thousands of jews---probably
murdered jews in the hundreds of thousands if one includes the
YEARS of roman oppression and the actual wars.---maybe even
a million When I was a kid, my playmates seemed to IMAGINE that there was but ONE crucifixion in history----and even more idiotically---they learned, in JELLY BEAN SUNDAY SCHOOL----that DA JOOOOS DONE IT
SO? people do talk about that which interests THEM IN
PARTICULAR. Some 2000 years ago the romans murdered
---by crucifixion--at least, tens of thousands of jews---probably
murdered jews in the hundreds of thousands if one includes the
YEARS of roman oppression and the actual wars.---maybe even
a million When I was a kid, my playmates seemed to IMAGINE that there was but ONE crucifixion in history----and even more idiotically---they learned, in JELLY BEAN SUNDAY SCHOOL----that DA JOOOOS DONE IT
Are you NOT able to STOP derailing this thread into something else?

POst about the Holocaust !!!!!

Stay away from discussing another poster's antisemitism on this thread.

Does a MOD have to warn people again?
As I stated before, this thread of yours is only about antisemitism and keeping this topic alive in any of your other threads.
For anyone born after 1930 - what responsibility during their time, would those have towards the Holocaust? answer NONE and the eldest group would now be 93 years old.

Position onto the Holocaust - you have those who will keep denying it, no matter the irrefutable proof. And you have those who will want to make sure that a repeat of murdering or systematic murder due to a racial, political and "not worth living" policy will not happen again. Independent of what race, ethnics, religion, etc.

Go and visit e.g. KZ Flossenbürg, - to which I have been,

Nearly 97,000 prisoners (of whom just over 16,000 were female) passed through the Flossenbürg system between 1938 and 1945. An estimated 30,000 prisoners died in Flossenbürg and its subcamps or on the evacuation routes, including 3,515 Jews.
The systematic racial and political murder policy by the Nazis encompassed more then 20 million people - not just confined towards 6 million Jews. Russians alone encompassed around 10+ million people.
So the never-ending pointing out only towards the Jewish-Holocaust is simply an ongoing totally one-sided campaign in regard to highlighting antisemitism - nothing else.

I have never come across Russians or a Russian government constantly highlighting since 1945, anti-Russian / Slavic sentiments, and as such reserving/claiming the Holocaust for themselves.
NOWHERE and never have I not said that there were not non Jews systematically murdered by the Nazis.

I will GLADLY start a thread on the subject unless you can stop crying about this thread or any other about the Holocaust and bother ....yourself to start one, which I think people would be very interested in.

But .....so far.....you have done nothing but BS about this thread and any other which is about the Holocaust and not bothered for ONE second, AT ALL, to start that thread.

Which only shows how serious you are about showing what happened to all the non Jews under Nazi system, their individual stories, the survivors, etc.

So, ARE YOU going to stop kvetching about threads about the Holocaust and start your threads about all the other victims, or does someone else has to do that job for you?
Are you NOT able to STOP derailing this thread into something else?

POst about the Holocaust !!!!!

Stay away from discussing another poster's antisemitism on this thread.

Does a MOD have to warn people again?
HUH? I RESPONDED to a post----I did not INITIATE a diversion
Are you NOT able to STOP derailing this thread into something else?

POst about the Holocaust !!!!!

Stay away from discussing another poster's antisemitism on this thread.

Does a MOD have to warn people again?
Pointing out that a poster’s continued attempt to downplay the targeted attack on Jews during the Holocaust - the sole religion that Hitler attempted to eradicate - is connected to antisemitism, and thar how some people like to say “it wasn’t only about Jews.” I think Rosie should be permitted to address it.
NOWHERE and never have I not said that there were not non Jews systematically murdered by the Nazis.

I will GLADLY start a thread on the subject unless you can stop crying about this thread or any other about the Holocaust and bother ....yourself to start one, which I think people would be very interested in.

But .....so far.....you have done nothing but BS about this thread and any other which is about the Holocaust and not bothered for ONE second, AT ALL, to start that thread.

Which only shows how serious you are about showing what happened to all the non Jews under Nazi system, their individual stories, the survivors, etc.

So, ARE YOU going to stop kvetching about threads about the Holocaust and start your threads about all the other victims, or does someone else has to do that job for you?
No - since you did not answer my questions of my previous post - e.g. responsibility - that YOU brought into the topic Holocaust.
I did comment entirely in regards to the topic Holocaust, e.g. KZ Flossenbürg, and that Russians are not using the Holocaust to make solely antirussiantism out of it.

You can't live with the comments and posts you get - well then don't compose headlines - that only serve the topic antisemitism.

My suggestion to you:
Get a new headline - e.g. Why does antisemitism exist all over the world. Off course you won't like the answers - since it would not serve the purpose of merely highlighting antisemitism as such.
As for the Holocaust - you can stick to it and have to live with the posts/reactions/answers given to you. or don't start threads that you can't handle by yourself.
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Pointing out that a poster’s continued attempt to downplay the targeted attack on Jews during the Holocaust - the sole religion that Hitler attempted to eradicate - is connected to antisemitism, and thar how some people like to say “it wasn’t only about Jews.” I think Rosie should be permitted to address it.
Where did I down play the Holocaust in regards to Jews? You are stating false statements/accusations.
Stating the fact that the Russians lost millions more people then the Jewish community due to Nazi racial doctrines - is defined as being antisemitic by you.
And it isn't about Religion at all - Hitler made that clear by referring to the Jewish Race - and via not excluding Jewish converts from his racial policy.

But thanks anyway - you proof exactly my point.
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Where did I down play the Holocaust in regards to Jews? Stating the fact that the Russians lost more people then the Jewish community due to Nazi racial doctrines - is defined as being antisemitic by you.
Thanks - proofs exactly my point.
Hitler did not TARGET Russians for extermination. The Jews were the only religious group he attempted to genocide, and he succeeded by 2/3rds.

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