Holocaust History

....and return to what the thread is about.
Exactly = propagating antisemitism without being able to willingly recognize - as to why its exists, and why it started to significantly rise since the 80'ies.

To claim the Holocaust and the NAZI racial policy solely for Jewish people - e.g. according to your likes, there was never a Holocaust in Rwanda since these Africans ain't Jews.
Ignoring that e.g. KZ Flossenbuerg wasn't just about Jews, but in vast majority towards non-Jews.
Same applies e.g. towards KZ Dachau:
On April 26, 1945, as American forces approached, there were 67,665 registered prisoners in Dachau and its subcamps. More than half of this number were in the main camp. Of these, 43,350 were categorized as political prisoners, while 22,100 were Jews,

Constantly highlighting 6 million Jews and swiping the other 14 million non-Jews under the carpet.
At the center of Old Munich is Marienplatz, the Town Hall Square whose buildings and monuments date back 500 years. Almost 18 km. northwest of Munich stands Dachau, a small town where the first Nazi concentration camp was established, on March 10, 1933. It is Friday morning, August 3, 1984. I am 20 years old.

We walk off the touring bus and onto the Marienplatz at about 10:45 a.m. Crowds wait for the chiming of the Glockenspiel. Every morning at 11 o’clock, the colorful Bavarian figurines of the Neues Rathaus, the New Town Hall at Marienplatz 8, move mechanically in a circular motion accompanied by the sounding of the chimes.

I leave our group – 13 Jewish high school and college students touring in Europe – and walk through the square. The New Town Hall dominates the Marienplatz and this is the first building I pass. The neo-Gothic structure took 40 years to build and was completed in 1908. The main, south facade of the Rathaus is richly ornamented with buttresses, balconies and towers. The largest of the towers is 80 meters high and the figurines of the Glockenspiel stand outside its open arched bay windows. To my left is the Mariensaule, a marble column topped by a statue of Madonna, erected by the Elector of Bavaria, in 1638.

Coopers and hassidim

THESE DANCING, Bavarian coopers receive applause from the delighted crowd. I stare at the figurines. No longer are they 16th-century coopers but 20th-century hassidim, pious Eastern European Jews who are dancing and singing themselves into ecstasy to come closer to God. The sound of the chimes starts to warp into a distant rumbling that seems to be coming closer.

I hear the staccato of machine gun fire. Its volume increases with each chime. I hear the cries of the dancing Jews as they fall into the pits they have dug with their own hands. I see my distant relatives in Pinsk being shot by the drunken officers of the mobile killing units, the Einstazgruppen, in July 1941. I hear the machine gun fire, the screams and the sobbing of one million victims of the four Einsatzgruppen.

The chiming continues as the coopers dance and the screams continue as old photographs I have seen return from memory: Jews, young and old, being led to their execution in Ponary, the ninth Fort, Babyn Yar and Lvov, as SS men laugh as the victims attempt to cover their nakedness. I hear the screams of Jews in Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno and the cries of terror from death by gas. The screams and the chimes of the Glockenspiel fuse – they are one. A feeling of shame passes over me: my own vague nightmare seems to belittle the suffering of one million Jewish children, five million Jewish adults and millions of other humans whom the Nazis murdered.

The chiming of the Glockenspiel pauses and the horrible cries leave me. The uppermost level of the balcony presents its lone, small figurine: a crowing cock. The sound of the chime changes slightly and mimics the sound of a bird at cockcrow. Yet, I can only hear the whistle of trains packed with human cargo.

I can only see 300,000 Warsaw Jews being loaded like cattle onto trains for Treblinka by smiling SS men brandishing truncheons. I see 400,000 Hungarian Jews destroyed in Birkenau in 10 weeks during the summer of 1944. The mouth of the bird opens but it is not his crowing chime that I hear, only the whistle of trains heading for the death camps of Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka.

The whistling disappears. The chiming stops. The tourists applaud and begin to disperse. In envy, I look at them and ask myself: Can’t a Jew in Munich who stands at Marienplatz 8 listening to the chimes of the Glockenspiel simply enjoy the beauty of the colorful figurines, the aesthetics of the Rathaus facade and the clarity of the chimes without thinking of mass graves, gas chambers and crematoria? No.

For the destruction of European Jewry – the systematic murder of one out of every three Jews living on earth – took place in our epoch, a minute span in the history of mankind. Memory must overcome the ravages of time. We must see photographs of the Holocaust period and read the accounts of those who lived through it.

(full article online)

Titled “The Multiple Faces of Antisemitism in Europe,” the conference was led by members of the European Parliament and of national parliaments throughout Europe, and various pro-Israel organizations.

“Antisemitism is a threat not just for the Jewish people, but it is a poison for our society, our values and our democracy,” European Parliament member Niclas Herbst of Germany told the audience in the jam-packed parliamentary conference hall at the opening of the event. “It is a topic that does not need any introduction.”

“Many Europeans live with distorted views of Jews and the Holocaust,” said MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen of the Netherlands, citing multiple surveys showing a lack of knowledge of the Holocaust among young people eight decades after the murder of 6 million Jews.
“Antisemitism is not a problem for Jews to solve,” said Krueger, noting that she is both a non-Jew and a German. ”We need an alliance of all faiths.”

“Faith-based diplomacy in support for Israel is one of the most powerful tools available today to combat the steady rise of antisemitism around the world, including its most recent manifestation, anti-Zionism,” said Josh Reinstein, president of the Israel Allies Foundation.

He said that institutional antisemitism had taken root in places such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and the European Parliament, where Israel is singled out as an alleged aggressor.

“We learn from history that it always starts with the Jews but never ends with the Jews, said Reinstein.

(full article online)

Constantly highlighting 6 million Jews and swiping the other 14 million non-Jews under the carpet

To most Orthodox and Hasidics non-Jews are irrelevant, not humans, and don't count. That's why the bigots have several 35 page threads about themselves. lol
To most Orthodox and Hasidics non-Jews are irrelevant, not humans, and don't count. That's why the bigots have several 35 page threads about themselves. lol
You’re such a lying, antisemitic POS. Orthodox Jews made up HALF of all volunteer blood plasma donors during COVID, even though they’re less than 1% of the population. And their donations went to people throughout the United States.

Jews, in general, are quite charitable. And they donate to ALL causes, not just Jewish ones.

Stanford University has digitized thousands of pages and documents from the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed the defeat of the Nazis and the end of World War II in 1945.

The archive is a collaboration with the library of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. It relied on funding from Taube Philanthropies and cataloging assistance from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“The idea is to present to the public, without any cost, information that is directly derived from these trials, directly derived from the prosecution of people who have committed crimes against humanity,” Michael Keller, a librarian at Stanford, told NBC’s Bay Area affiliate.

The Taube Archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-46, includes a digital version of Nuremberg courtroom proceedings, films, audio recordings of the proceedings, and about 250,000 pages of digitized English, French, German and Russian documents, according to its website.

The more than 9,900 items—searchable and viewable in digital form—also include “evidence exhibits filed by the prosecution and the defense” and “documents of the Committee for the Investigation and Prosecution of Major War Criminals,” as well as the judgment.

You’re such a lying, antisemitic POS. Orthodox Jews made up HALF of all volunteer blood plasma donors during COVID, even though they’re less than 1% of the population. And their donations went to people throughout the United States.

Jews, in general, are quite charitable. And they donate to ALL causes, not just Jewish ones.

So what? PR campaigns is all. like these zillion post threads. How much blood did Israeli Jews send? As I already pointed out, the demographics in Israel are very different than in the U.S. You're the liar here; you don't know squat or you know you're lying.
Well I will start that Hitler was Mary Poppins compared to Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky

Hitler killed 6 million..........Them?????.........40?....50.....60? million

So we must start this thread saying the Soviets were 10 times worse. You have to admit that reality before you think further

We don't learn that in public skewls even 50 yrs ago. It was forbidden
false moral equivalencies do not favor you.
So what? PR campaigns is all. like these zillion post threads.
Your antisemitism is so embedded that when you are called out on a lie that Jews don’t help anyone but themselves, you then claim they only help non-Jews for PR purposes.

Also, isn’t this supposed to be a thread on the Holocaust? Why are you jumping in to make false, Jew-hating comments? Start a different thread.
So what? PR campaigns is all. like these zillion post threads. How much blood did Israeli Jews send? As I already pointed out, the demographics in Israel are very different than in the U.S. You're the liar here; you don't know squat or you know you're lying.
American Jews sent HALF - and they are only 1%. I have no idea about Israeli Jews, but knowing their humanitarian efforts with non-Jews, such as with the Save-a-Heart Foundation, I imagine they were generous there too.

Jews are an industrious, hard-working, and charitable people. Your Jew-hate doesn’t allow you to see that, you POS.
Why does anyone continue to answer the antisemites about antisemitism?

Holocaust. Respond only to posts concerning the Holocaust.

Thank you.
American Jews sent HALF - and they are only 1%. I have no idea about Israeli Jews, but knowing their humanitarian efforts with non-Jews, such as with the Save-a-Heart Foundation, I imagine they were generous there too.

Jews are an industrious, hard-working, and charitable people. Your Jew-hate doesn’t allow you to see that, you POS.
If one does not answer them, they will not respond, and we do not have to waste our time with them.

Thank you.
We need to squelch these antisemitic lies.
In the right thread:

American Jews sent HALF - and they are only 1%. I have no idea about Israeli Jews, but knowing their humanitarian efforts with non-Jews, such as with the Save-a-Heart Foundation, I imagine they were generous there too.

Jews are an industrious, hard-working, and charitable people. Your Jew-hate doesn’t allow you to see that, you POS.

Crawl back up your ass and have lunch again. Sent half of what? They're only big in NYC, LA, and parts of Florida; they donate 'half' nowhere.

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