Holocaust History

No - since you did not answer my questions of my previous post - e.g. responsibility
I did comment entirely in regards to the topic Holocaust, e.g. KZ Flossenbürg, and that Russians are not using the Holocaust to make solely antirussiantism out of it.

You can't live with the comments and posts you get - well then don't compose headlines - that only serve the topic antisemitism.

My suggestion to you:
Get a new headline - e.g. Why does antisemitism exist all over the world. Off course you won't like the answers - since it would not serve the purpose of merely highlighting antisemitism as such.
As for the Holocaust - you can stick to it and have to live with the posts/reactions/answers given to you.
And in the end, as your last paragraph shows, you are nothing more, nothing less, than a worthless little Jew hater who blames the Jews for any and all attacks on them.

You are very clear about it. Jews must stop talking about the Holocaust, the pogroms, the Inquisition because according to you, they brought it on themselves.

And I do not have to guess WHERE you got that very sick idea and will continue to think that way.

And your sick thinking belongs in the antisemitism threads and NOT on the Holocaust threads, where you can spit on every Jew you like.

Kruska is an antisemite:

Why does antisemitism exist all over the world. Off course you won't like the answers -

And does not like being called one.

Back to ignore, Kruska, because I have learned about you all that is needed to learn. All that you actually have to show anyone, anywhere.

And I suggest everyone else leave this worthless Jew hater talk to him/herself. That is what becomes a Jew hater best.
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Hitler did not TARGET Russians for extermination. The Jews were the only religious group he attempted to genocide, and he succeeded by 2/3rds.
He is a Jew hater derailing this and any other thread.

I seriously suggest putting this poster on ignore, or just ignore the posts. Enough of dealing this thread into the "Jews deserve what they got" thinking this poster is into.
He is a Jew hater derailing this and any other thread.

I seriously suggest putting this poster on ignore, or just ignore the posts. Enough of dealing this thread into the "Jews deserve what they got" thinking this poster is into.
I’ve heard it all before from antisemites: some version of “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.” Disgusting. Millions of innocent souls cry out.

I’ll take your advice and try to ignore him. It’s hard not to punch back though.
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Where did I down play the Holocaust in regards to Jews? Stating the fact that the Russians lost more people then the Jewish community due to Nazi racial doctrines - is defined as being antisemitic by you.
Thanks - proofs exactly my point.
you did not SIMPLY state that the Russians lost more people
in world war II than did jews-----YOU interpreted the fact
"APPARENT" preoccupation with anti-semitism which you imply
is unwarranted. Long ago---I was an adolescent. There was
an episode of similar ANNOYANCE in my town. It happened that
the movie "THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" came to the single
town movie house very early after it was made for the simple
reason that the main actor was born in that town. There was an
actually BACKLASH-----by people like you who were also
annoyed. Any other focus on past tragedy due to ethnicity
bother you?
I’ve heard it all before from antisemites: some version of “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.” Disgusting. Millions of innocent souls cry out.

I’ll take your advice and try to ignore him. It’s hard not to lunch back though.
The Ignore choice when one highlights their name is there for a good reason. So that we do not have to see the posts of sick posters like this one.
you did not SIMPLY state that the Russians lost more people
in world war II than did jews-----YOU interpreted the fact
"APPARENT" preoccupation with anti-semitism which you imply
is unwarranted. Long ago---I was an adolescent. There was
an episode of similar ANNOYANCE in my town. It happened that
the movie "THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" came to the single
town movie house very early after it was made for the simple
reason that the main actor was born in that town. There was an
actually BACKLASH-----by people like you who were also
annoyed. Any other focus on past tragedy due to ethnicity
bother you?

Put this poster on ignore. I just explained how above.

Hitler did not TARGET Russians for extermination. The Jews were the only religious group he attempted to genocide, and he succeeded by 2/3rds.
OMG, what a right-out lie and deliberate distortion of history.

Start reading his idiopathic Bestseller - Mein Kampf

The elimination of people deemed to be not worth living - starting with Communists, Freemasons, Socialists, mentally handicapped people, the race of Jews and the Slavic Race. The latter to serve as serfs for the Germanic race and those of no use or in abundance to be exterminated. More then two million Russian POW's were executed or worked to death - same for the Slavic population living in the USSR and foremost those in Nazi-Germany's newly designated Lebensraum and Cornchamber Ukraine.
the Slavs BROUGHT IT ON THEMSELVES -----as did
the Irish in the USA and the Hindus in East Bengal

Put this poster on ignore. I just explained how above.

YOU should do just that - since you can't live with the facts and truth - instead calling out people being a Jew Hater - God you are such a pathetic little man

The nonstop antisemitic posting person just stated:
I’ve heard it all before from antisemites: some version of “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”
I had stated, and I will repeat it again - WHY is antisemitism existing all over the world?
I had never stated; “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”

That is however the typical refuge - path of escape, that antisemitism propagating Jews take - via fake and falsified accusations.
YOU should do just that - since you can't live with the facts and truth - instead calling out people being a Jew Hater - God you are such a pathetic little man

The nonstop antisemitic posting person just stated:
I’ve heard it all before from antisemites: some version of “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”
I had stated, and I will repeat it again - WHY is antisemitism existing all over the world?
I had never stated; “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”

That is however the typical refuge - path of escape, that antisemitism propagating Jews take - via fake and falsified accusations.
I have never met an antisemitic HINDU or BUDDHIST or
ZOROASTRIAN-----examine your idiotic BOOK
YOU should do just that - since you can't live with the facts and truth - instead calling out people being a Jew Hater - God you are such a pathetic little man

The nonstop antisemitic posting person just stated:
I’ve heard it all before from antisemites: some version of “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”
I had stated, and I will repeat it again - WHY is antisemitism existing all over the world?
I had never stated; “Jews need to examine their own behavior to understand why Hitler wanted them wiped off the face of the Earth.”

That is however the typical refuge - path of escape, that antisemitism propagating Jews take - via fake and falsified accusations.
This is what you keep posting:

Why does antisemitism exist all over the world. Off course you won't like the answers -

Now, you play with words and insist that Jews do not know why antisemitism exists all over the world, that Jews would not like the answer.

In one sentence TELL the Jews, once and for all, what the answer is.
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Now, you play with words and insist that Jews do not know what antisemitism exists all over the world, that Jews would not like the answer.

In one sentence TELL the Jews, once and for all, what the answer is.
Did I state ALL Jews? no you did. again you proof as to who you are and what your posting agenda is all about.
Did I state; why are Jews disliked all over the world? - no, you did, just now

I stated: Why does antisemitism exist all over the world? - nothing more, nothing less.

I stated in a previous post - that there are two distinctive groups of Jews known to me personally.
One that keeps whining about and highlighting antisemitism
One that knows about their own history (and acquits to it) and therefore never reverts into highlighting antisemitism (doesn't mean that they wouldn't be aware about it)

Everyone on this planet has a right to comment or discuss the Holocaust committed by the Nazis towards ALL those affected by it - has never and will never be disputed by me.
You get the drift?
Did I state ALL Jews? no you did. again you proof as to who you are and what your posting agenda is all about.
Did I state; why are Jews disliked all over the world? - no, you did, just now

I stated: Why does antisemitism exist all over the world? - nothing more, nothing less.

I stated in a previous post - that there are two distinctive groups of Jews known to me personally.
One that keeps whining about and highlighting antisemitism
One that knows about their own history (and acquits to it) and therefore never reverts into highlighting antisemitism (doesn't mean that they wouldn't be aware about it)

Everyone on this planet has a right to comment or discuss the Holocaust committed by the Nazis towards ALL those affected by it - has never and will never be disputed by me.
You get the drift?
no! You have stated that "antisemitism exists all over the world" and intimated FOR A REASON. You were asked what
the "reason" is---(in your opinion)---and refused to answer, but
resorted to your personal experience with the very few jews
you claim you "know"
Did I state ALL Jews? no you did. again you proof as to who you are and what your posting agenda is all about.
Did I state; why are Jews disliked all over the world? - no, you did, just now

I stated: Why does antisemitism exist all over the world? - nothing more, nothing less.

I stated in a previous post - that there are two distinctive groups of Jews known to me personally.
One that keeps whining about and highlighting antisemitism
One that knows about their own history (and acquits to it) and therefore never reverts into highlighting antisemitism (doesn't mean that they wouldn't be aware about it)

Everyone on this planet has a right to comment or discuss the Holocaust committed by the Nazis towards ALL those affected by it - has never and will never be disputed by me.
You get the drift?
Your refusal to tell Jews the answers that you insist they will not like is beyond telling.


"I stated in a previous post - that there are two distinctive groups of Jews known to me personally.
One that keeps whining about and highlighting antisemitism
One that knows about their own history (and acquits to it) and therefore never reverts into highlighting antisemitism (doesn't mean that they wouldn't be aware about it)"

Is totally meaningless.

We totally get your drift.

You insist in using the word Holocaust to ALL who were killed by the Nazis during WWII, when that is not why the word exists and what it refers to. In other words, you want to change reality.

Antisemitism, and its endless existence and rise, is what prompts anyone, Jews and non Jews, to discuss and deal with it. And none of your cries wanting people to stop discussing the Holocaust or even antisemitism, is going to make anyone, from any walk of life, to stop seeing it, experience it, talk about it, or do something about it.

What are the answers as to why Antisemitism exists all over the world?

You want to put it on the Jews. You are not the first, and won't be the last to use almost exactly the same words and arguments in order to make others, somehow, stop talking about antisemitism or the Holocaust .

We shall not stop talking and showing either, you like it or not.

For antisemites there is only one kind of Jew. Jews. All Jews. And all Jews are target of antisemitism whether they end up discussing or talking about it and remind people about it, or not.

That is how antisemites see Jews. ALL JEWS are wrong. ALL JEWS must change. ALL Jews this, all Jews that.

And I know you will never understand or own up to how wrong you are about the way you think.
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no! You have stated that "antisemitism exists all over the world" and intimated FOR A REASON. You were asked what
the "reason" is---(in your opinion)---and refused to answer, but
resorted to your personal experience with the very few jews
you claim you "know"
He knows where he got his thinking from. He is totally gutless to tell us and make it clear.

As usual, the antisemite puts the blame on the Jew. For antisemitism, for the pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust and the endless attacks which they insist could only be coming because Jews themselves have caused it, and continue to cause it.

He is gutless to a fault. Enough said. He will never tell us the truth about where his beliefs come from.

We know where they come from. And that is enough for us.
He knows where he got his thinking from. He is totally gutless to tell us and make it clear.

As usual, the antisemite puts the blame on the Jew. For antisemitism, for the pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust and the endless attacks which they insist could only be coming because Jews themselves have caused it, and continue to cause it.

He is gutless to a fault. Enough said. He will never tell us the truth about where his beliefs come from.

We know where they come from. And that is enough for us.
Here is a clue for the K. Hindus, Zoroastrians, and Buddhists
are not antisemites------over to you, K.
Here is a clue for the K. Hindus, Zoroastrians, and Buddhists
are not antisemites------over to you, K.
Individual Hindus, etc, can be as antisemitic as some of their fellow Christian and Muslims.

All they have to do is believe any of the lies about anything which may affect their lives.

Jew haters have been working overtime to affect all of those non Christian and Muslims who were not against Jews before.

Let us leave this worthless conversation at that and return to what the thread is about.

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