Holocaust History

Your antisemitism is so embedded that when you are called out on a lie that Jews don’t help anyone but themselves, you then claim they only help non-Jews for PR purposes.

Also, isn’t this supposed to be a thread on the Holocaust? Why are you jumping in to make false, Jew-hating comments? Start a different thread.

It's just another racist bigot's PR thread. They're never anything else but bigots sniveling and po facing. I've never made a single 'Jew hating comment' anywhere on this board or any other. You're a liar, is all.
It's just another racist bigot's PR thread. They're never anything else but bigots sniveling and po facing. I've never made a single 'Jew hating comment' anywhere on this board or any other. You're a liar, is all.
Here is an antisemitic comment you posted:

"To most Orthodox and Hasidics non-Jews are irrelevant, not humans, and don't count. That's why the bigots have several 35 page threads about themselves. lol"

Nothing is antisemitic to you because you live and breathe your disdain for Jews. It is all absolutely normal to you.

Go to the other thread and cry about it. Not here. You are doing nothing but derailing it, and enjoying it while you do it.
Oh, so it's not an old post, it's a prior comment. Okay. You do yourself no favors here. I suppose birds of a feather.

good bye
We seriously prefer that antisemites who have not been seen for a year, do not come back because someone decided to answer all the posts starting from the first page. I hope that is easier to understand.

Thank you.
We seriously prefer that antisemites who have not been seen for a year, do not come back because someone decided to answer all the posts starting from the first page. I hope that is easier to understand.

Thank you.
Well, if new to a serious thread, it is the habit of some of us to start at the beginning before jumping in.

you're welcome

From child to WWII prisoner of war​

Basch’s father was a rabbi and she said she grew up very religious. She described having a wonderful childhood until her teenage years.

A seemingly overnight legal and societal shift had former friends, neighbors and teachers suddenly treating her and other Jewish members of the community horribly. Her father was forced to shave his beard because people would pull on it so harshly, he would bleed.

“When I went to school next day, of course I had to wear a yellow star (of David). The teacher threw me out – ‘you’re a dirty Jew. You don’t have to have an education’ – and I came home crying,” Basch recalled. “I actually liked school. I liked to learn history and all of that, but I had to come home and it was not a fun time. The three friends that I was friends with for years, next day they called me ‘dirty Jew.’ I did not understand at age 14 how I was clean yesterday and today am dirty.”

Jewish people were rounded up and forced to travel by cattle car to Auschwitz in southern Nazi-occupied Poland. People were stuffed inside the car so tightly that there was no room for anyone to sit for several days. Basch said one person in their car died on the way and the rest of the passengers were forced to hold him up.

It was Basch’s 16th birthday when they arrived at the extermination camp. Relief from stepping off the train car was quickly replaced by the horror of being separated from her parents. Basch said Nazi soldiers took the men to the right first. Her mother clung to her hand but soldiers ripped them apart and the older woman was also sent to the right.

(full article online)

Following the liberation of Nazi camps, many survivors found themselves living in displaced persons camps where they often had to wait years before emigrating to new homes.

Many feared returning to their former homes due to postwar violence and antisemitism.

Finding refuge in other countries was frequently problematic or dangerous.Initially, immigration abroad was very difficult.

(full article online)

Here is an antisemitic comment you posted:

"To most Orthodox and Hasidics non-Jews are irrelevant, not humans, and don't count. That's why the bigots have several 35 page threads about themselves. lol"

Nothing is antisemitic to you because you live and breathe your disdain for Jews. It is all absolutely normal to you.

Go to the other thread and cry about it. Not here. You are doing nothing but derailing it, and enjoying it while you do it.

lol more rubbish. You bigots can't handle being subjected to your own tactics. My comment is far from being 'antisemitic', and is in fact a common practice among Orthodox and Hasidim, and part of your Talmud. You raise your kids with Scary Xian Stories. Your strawmen are nonsense.
At the center of Old Munich is Marienplatz, the Town Hall Square whose buildings and monuments date back 500 years. Almost 18 km. northwest of Munich stands Dachau, a small town where the first Nazi concentration camp was established, on March 10, 1933. It is Friday morning, August 3, 1984. I am 20 years old.....
This is a classic-perfect example as to why antisemitism still exists in Germany and is on the rise since the 80's.

Publishing/propagating the accounts of a 20 years old Jewish person, born almost 40 years after the Holocaust, standing at Munich's town hall square - and envisioning Jewish people in e.g. Ukraine and Germany getting shot and murdered. Simply pathetic and prone to cause antisemitism in e.g. today's Germany.

The Japanese had occupied large parts of China from 1880-1945 (that is 65 years - the holocaust as such existed for barley 6 years). In those 65 years the Japanese murdered, incarcerated and labored to death approximately 20+million Chinese. I have never come across a Chinese article - where a 20 year old Chinese person upon standing at Tokyo's town square starts to envision Chinese people getting murdered and labored to death in Manchuria or Jiangsu province. That there are annual commemoration ceremonies and services held in China itself e.g. in Nanjing is known and IMO the correct thing to do. China hasn't received a single cent from Japan - not even a simple official apology by the Japanese government.

Is there antijapanism in China? No absolutely not - but if Japan declares falsely, that China pursues an aggressive policy towards them - the Chinese people will certainly boycott Japanese products e.g. Japanese cars.

So every-time an Israeli or Jew gets into his German car, or a Mercedes Taxi, - or e.g. Binyamin Netanyahu gets into his US$1 million Audi W12 - they start to envision Jews being murdered by Germans? Must be a hell of a driving experience.

There isn't a single German politician that hasn't gone to Israel and wont continuously apologizes towards Israel.

For your and everyone else's information, Germany has payed approx. US$75 billion in reparations since 1952 directly to the State of Israel. And several Billions in separate law suits filed by e.g. Jews in the USA. And Germany until today still keeps paying. Even compensations to those Israeli Olympic athletes families - who's members were killed in 1972. Former registered property and identified possessions of German-Jewish people that had been confiscated or stolen during the Nazi reign, have all been returned.

How much did Israel pay or compensate those Palestinians for the ethnic cleansing at e.g. Nakba - now around 74 years ago?

When Binyamin Netanyahu visited Germany in 2012, alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel, Netanyahu said not a word about the Holocaust or Nazi history, but focused on the attempts to “wipe out the Jewish state” by e.g. Iran. he also stated: I know, and I heard it again yesterday and today, how important to you is the relationship between Israel and Germany. You said it’s not just another relationship; it’s a special relationship and it’s deeply felt, that you deeply feel it. And I appreciate it greatly. I appreciate the time and energy that you’re devoting to strengthening this relationship…

But anyway, keep on publicizing such articles/posts, under the disguise of Holocaust - since you are so extremely interested in keeping antisemitism alive - so that you and alike can point it out. Whilst still avoiding at all costs the cardinal question; Why does antisemitism exist worldwide?
So every-time an Israeli or Jew gets into his German car, or a Mercedes Taxi, - or e.g. Binyamin Netanyahu gets into his US$1 million Audi W12 - they start to envision Jews being murdered by Germans? Must be a hell of a driving experience.

lol Jewish comedians make fun of that quirk quite a bit. As I pointed out, Netahnyahu also gushed over that racist bigot rabbi when the thing finally died, but these idiots think we're 'antisemitic' for bringing up their own racist bullshit. They yell 'antisemitism' for citing Jews own words. They obviously feel extremely guilty about something.

The Master Race must never be criticized by the lowly goy animals, according to Lisa and the other racist bigots. We find them mouthing off fake claims about Christians in the Religion Forum. They like to pretend Da Evul Catlicks were responsible for the holocaust, which is absurd. This thread is supposed to shut down anything contrary to their PR narratives.
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But anyway, keep on publicizing such articles/posts, under the disguise of Holocaust - since you are so extremely interested in keeping antisemitism alive - so that you and alike can point it out. Whilst still avoiding at all costs the cardinal question; Why does antisemitism exist worldwide?

Creating fear and and a bunker mentality is a typical tactic for cults and racists. It forms a base for manipulation and control.
lol Jewish comedians make fun of that quirk quite a bit.
Yeah I know, and not just comedians, been to Israel many times.
Its especially directed towards Jewish folks who propagate antisemitism but own German cars.

One of those encounters I will never forget was when some IDF guys and myself were passing a group of Orthodox Jews (Charedi - manipulating the Haskalah) and the IDF Captain and his men started swearing at those guys. I was quite astonished at first - until they told me that these fuck...., cause most of the trouble - but refuse to serve in the IDF. Israel is a very interesting country.
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Yeah I know, and not just comedians, been to Israel many times.
Its especially directed towards Jewish folks who propagate antisemitism but own German cars.

One of those encounters I will never forget was when some IDF guys and myself were passing a group of Orthodox Jews (Charedi - manipulating the Haskalah) and the IDF Captain and his men started swearing at those guys. I was quite astonished at first - until they told me that these fuck...., cause most of the trouble - but refuse to serve in the IDF. Israel is a very interesting country.

Yes. Those self-isolate even from other Jews.

Yes. Those self-isolate even from other Jews.

Quote from your posted link - thanks

JJ Gross 27.08.21

For both the sake of Israel and for their own sake I would urge American haredim not to come on Aliyah.
From the perspective of an Israeli taxpayer I ask them to remain in Lakewood or wherever they currently live because our country is already overburdened with the cost of maintaining the rapidly growing haredi population which contributes little or nothing to the nation’s defense, welfare, agriculture, industry, infrastructure etc while costing us billions in tax subsidies, medical care, kolel stipends and lost tax revenue from the huge haredi underground economy.

For their own sake, I urge American haredim to stay where they are (unless they are independently wealthy) because they do not understand ‘haredinomics’ which is essential in order to survive and thrive for a large family headed by a non-income producing father.

American haredi olim cannot begin to penetrate the byzantine ‘kombinot’ of haredi finagling that enables so many to live quite well and even manage to purchase apartments for their children despite having no visible source of income. Between government subsidies, kolel handouts, underground jobs (when they are supposed to be learning) overseas schnorrs, multiple Meir Baal Haness entitlements – and these are but the tip of the haredinomic iceberg – ‘Eretzyisroeldike’ haredim are very astute and know how to game every system. American olim are too straight, and still retain some vestiges of derekh eretz, to swim in these shark inhabited waters. Best to remain where they are both for our sake and for their own.

Imagine a non-Jew stating this - those ever propagating antisemitism folks would tar and feather or סטאָנינג you for being supposedly antisemitic.
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Quote from your posted link - thanks

JJ Gross 27.08.21

For both the sake of Israel and for their own sake I would urge American haredim not to come on Aliyah.
From the perspective of an Israeli taxpayer I ask them to remain in Lakewood or wherever they currently live because our country is already overburdened with the cost of maintaining the rapidly growing haredi population which contributes little or nothing to the nation’s defense, welfare, agriculture, industry, infrastructure etc while costing us billions in tax subsidies, medical care, kolel stipends and lost tax revenue from the huge haredi underground economy.

For their own sake, I urge American haredim to stay where they are (unless they are independently wealthy) because they do not understand ‘haredinomics’ which is essential in order to survive and thrive for a large family headed by a non-income producing father.

American haredi olim cannot begin to penetrate the byzantine ‘kombinot’ of haredi finagling that enables so many to live quite well and even manage to purchase apartments for their children despite having no visible source of income. Between government subsidies, kolel handouts, underground jobs (when they are supposed to be learning) overseas schnorrs, multiple Meir Baal Haness entitlements – and these are but the tip of the haredinomic iceberg – ‘Eretzyisroeldike’ haredim are very astute and know how to game every system. American olim are too straight, and still retain some vestiges of derekh eretz, to swim in these shark inhabited waters. Best to remain where they are both for our sake and for their own.

Imagine a non-Jew stating this - those ever propagating antisemitism folks would tar and feather or סטאָנינג you for being supposedly antisemitic.
lol Jewish comedians make fun of that quirk quite a bit. As I pointed out, Netahnyahu also gushed over that racist bigot rabbi when the thing finally died, but these idiots think we're 'antisemitic' for bringing up their own racist bullshit. They yell 'antisemitism' for citing Jews own words. They obviously feel extremely guilty about something.

The Master Race must never be criticized by the lowly goy animals, according to Lisa and the other racist bigots. We find them mouthing off fake claims about Christians in the Religion Forum. They like to pretend Da Evul Catlicks were responsible for the holocaust, which is absurd. This thread is supposed to shut down anything contrary to their PR narratives.
You were on the other thread showing your contempt for Jews, and now you’re here with your sarcastic “Master Race” crap - and you’re now implying I think of gentiles as “lowly goy animals.”

You’re a disgusting, antisemitic POS who can’t resist stomping on Jews at every opportunity, and I will continue to call you out.
You were on the other thread showing your contempt for Jews, and now you’re here with your sarcastic “Master Race” crap - and you’re now implying I think of gentiles as “lowly goy animals.”

You’re a disgusting, antisemitic POS who can’t resist stomping on Jews at every opportunity, and I will continue to call you out.
Simply report the posts as off topic.
End of story.

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