Holocaust or Holohoax?

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He ignores all the documentation. Others have clearly shown his site is a lie and full of shit and yet he just ignores them and keeps on posting from it. He will just ignore this as well.
The Einsatzgruppen mainly operated on the East front and weren't in charge of the work camps.

The vast majority of the Soviet Bolsheviks were jews. They were the sworn enemy of the Nazis .

So the Germans weren't killing the jews for just being jews.

They executed them because they were the enemy. ..... :cool:
You obviously don't know anything about anything. Why do you bother participating on a public forum? Did you want to advertise your complete ignorance? Or did you prefer to emphasize your dishonesty?
There were not gas chambers at all the camps. I had one relative and one good friend who were in the American forces that liberated Dachau, as I recall the oldest and one of the most infamous of the Holocaust, I don't believe there were gas chambers at Dachau. The prisoners comprised of Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, gypsies, and Jews were treated horribly. While typhus and other uglies took their toll, many were literally worked to death. Dachau was also the center for the most horrible medical experiments. But those scheduled to be mass murdered were sent to other camps, mostly Hartheim at Linz. Dachau did have a large and busy crematorium though. My loved ones told me as they were approaching the camp where tens of thousands were liberated, they found some 30 railroad cars filled with bodies parked near the camp awaiting the crematorium.

But tens of thousands were liberated from Dachau and its satellite camps.

None of this was any hoax.
Many years ago I worked for manufacturing company that used coal fired burners to make steam.

Every day 2 dumps trucks hauled away the ashes to a large land fill.

Eventually there was a mountain of ash and a new land fill site was opened.

Which brings up the question:

"If 6 million bodies were cremated. Where are the huge mountains of ash from the ovens"? ..... :cool:
Uh huh, because who wouldn't notice huge assorted piles of ash and debris during the Second World War.....right genius?
There were not gas chambers at all the camps. I had one relative and one good friend who were in the American forces that liberated Dachau, as I recall the oldest and one of the most infamous of the Holocaust, I don't believe there were gas chambers at Dachau. The prisoners comprised of Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, gypsies, and Jews were treated horribly. While typhus and other uglies took their toll, many were literally worked to death. Dachau was also the center for the most horrible medical experiments. But those scheduled to be mass murdered were sent to other camps, mostly Hartheim at Linz. Dachau did have a large and busy crematorium though. My loved ones told me as they were approaching the camp where tens of thousands were liberated, they found some 30 railroad cars filled with bodies parked near the camp awaiting the crematorium.

But tens of thousands were liberated from Dachau and its satellite camps.

None of this was any hoax.
The twin pillars of the so called Holocaust narrative are the gas chambers and the alleged 6 million victims.

Once these two are eliminated for lack of evidence. The myth falls apart.

And all you have is just another generic tragedy........like so many others throughout history. ..... :cool:
He ignores all the documentation. Others have clearly shown his site is a lie and full of shit and yet he just ignores them and keeps on posting from it. He will just ignore this as well.
I have provided plenty of documentation to back my position.

You on the other hand have provided zip. ..... :cool:
Those infantile links don't count as documentation. Any history you find on websites that can't be counter referenced with actual documentation, is invariably false.
There were not gas chambers at all the camps. I had one relative and one good friend who were in the American forces that liberated Dachau, as I recall the oldest and one of the most infamous of the Holocaust, I don't believe there were gas chambers at Dachau. The prisoners comprised of Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, gypsies, and Jews were treated horribly. While typhus and other uglies took their toll, many were literally worked to death. Dachau was also the center for the most horrible medical experiments. But those scheduled to be mass murdered were sent to other camps, mostly Hartheim at Linz. Dachau did have a large and busy crematorium though. My loved ones told me as they were approaching the camp where tens of thousands were liberated, they found some 30 railroad cars filled with bodies parked near the camp awaiting the crematorium.

But tens of thousands were liberated from Dachau and its satellite camps.

None of this was any hoax.
The twin pillars of the so called Holocaust narrative are the gas chambers and the alleged 6 million victims.

Once these two are eliminated for lack of evidence. The myth falls apart.

And all you have is just another generic tragedy........like so many others throughout history. ..... :cool:
No, it just shows your complete ignorance of the facts of history.
I just don't believe that Sunni. There are too many witnesses with not a single one of them varying from the story. There are too many photographs. And there are too many Jews living today whose family history ended during that horrible time.
12. No Film Or Photographs Of Any Gas Chambers:

The Nazis were technology freaks, to say the least, and filmed and photographed virtually everything they did during World War Two. Hitler even had executions of his political enemies filmed so he could watch them with his cronies. However there has never been a single photograph or film found of any of the alleged gas chambers in operation. The Nazis did film, and photograph, themselves committing many atrocities across occupied Europe so it seems unlikely they wouldn’t film the alleged gas chambers. All the films we are shown of gas chambers are Hollywood recreations made after the war.

Hitler and his cronies demanded film of virtually everything happening in Nazi occupied territory but no film of gas chambers was ever found.
Sunni Man says islam is a religion of peace too. The only peace a muslim wants is the peace they'l have when all infidels are dead, converted, or enslaved. And that is the peace of islam.
I just don't believe that Sunni. There are too many witnesses with not a single one of them varying from the story. There are too many photographs. And there are too many Jews living today whose family history ended during that horrible time.
There's nothing to believe or disbelieve, the facts of history are not subject to racially and politically motivated revisions. The facts just are...... there's really no need to discuss or even consider his crazed opinions.
I just don't believe that Sunni. There are too many witnesses with not a single one of them varying from the story. There are too many photographs. And there are too many Jews living today whose family history ended during that horrible time.
There's nothing to believe or disbelieve, the facts of history are not subject to racially and politically motivated revisions. The facts just are...... there's really no need to discuss or even consider his crazed opinions.

Well I won't comment on whether his opinions are 'crazed' though I have already commented that I think he is very wrong on this subject. :)

But we all also have to be careful in what history we put our faith in. What we believe is all based on pure faith that we we read or are taught or hear or even the pictures that we see are the truth.

I am blessed, however, with being old enough to remember the testimony of those who were there--both our American forces who were Germany and Jews who were there as well as the testimony of other historians who were there and who had absolutely no motive to lie about what they witnessed and what they knew.
The Einsatzgruppen mainly operated on the East front and weren't in charge of the work camps.

The vast majority of the Soviet Bolsheviks were jews. They were the sworn enemy of the Nazis .

So the Germans weren't killing the jews for just being jews.

They executed them because they were the enemy. ..... :cool:

It doesn't matter. It shows a pattern of behavior instigated by the Party and supported by the government as a whole. When the German army rolled into the Ukraine they were welcomed as liberators. Then they started murdering the Jews and the inhabitants figured out they were no better. So no, history shows you to be ludicrously wrong.
The Einsatzgruppen mainly operated on the East front and weren't in charge of the work camps.

The vast majority of the Soviet Bolsheviks were jews. They were the sworn enemy of the Nazis .

So the Germans weren't killing the jews for just being jews.

They executed them because they were the enemy. ..... :cool:

Wow ... just one baseless Nazi lie after another. Does it not strike you at least a bit odd that the only substantiation you can find for your silliness is a Wordpress blog from an anonymous Nazi?
I just don't believe that Sunni. There are too many witnesses with not a single one of them varying from the story. There are too many photographs. And there are too many Jews living today whose family history ended during that horrible time.
There's nothing to believe or disbelieve, the facts of history are not subject to racially and politically motivated revisions. The facts just are...... there's really no need to discuss or even consider his crazed opinions.

Well I won't comment on whether his opinions are 'crazed' though I have already commented that I think he is very wrong on this subject. :)

But we all also have to be careful in what history we put our faith in. What we believe is all based on pure faith that we we read or are taught or hear or even the pictures that we see are the truth.

I am blessed, however, with being old enough to remember the testimony of those who were there--both our American forces who were Germany and Jews who were there as well as the testimony of other historians who were there and who had absolutely no motive to lie about what they witnessed and what they knew.

Unfortunately we are looking at a generation of people who think the internet is good source of real information.
I just don't believe that Sunni. There are too many witnesses with not a single one of them varying from the story. There are too many photographs. And there are too many Jews living today whose family history ended during that horrible time.
There's nothing to believe or disbelieve, the facts of history are not subject to racially and politically motivated revisions. The facts just are...... there's really no need to discuss or even consider his crazed opinions.

Well I won't comment on whether his opinions are 'crazed' though I have already commented that I think he is very wrong on this subject. :)

But we all also have to be careful in what history we put our faith in. What we believe is all based on pure faith that we we read or are taught or hear or even the pictures that we see are the truth.

I am blessed, however, with being old enough to remember the testimony of those who were there--both our American forces who were Germany and Jews who were there as well as the testimony of other historians who were there and who had absolutely no motive to lie about what they witnessed and what they knew.

Unfortunately we are looking at a generation of people who think the internet is good source of real information.

It actually does offer us some great sources for real information. We just have to be savvy about the difference between good sources and some that aren't to be trusted. :)
Sunni man, you are a hoax, prove YOU exist. With facts, be clean and open. Just how does one go about proving stuff to people that are total ignoramuses?
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