Holocaust or Holohoax?

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When you don't care enough to check the ludicrous information a site posts to see if they are accurate and they turn out not to be, and yet still expect clean debat. You want real facts, contact the ITS, holder of all the documents that were found.

About ITS International Tracing Service

Sadly, I am not surprised by your attempt to deny the magnitude of the holocaust.

I don't know how a "clean debate" can be done when insulting millions of jews and other "undesirables" i.e. gypsies, special needs people, etc..never happened.

Oh. Wait. It can't be done. So..never mind.
Gracie this thread was published in order to discuss the details of an historical event which happened several decade's ago.

It is not meant to insult anyone. ..... :cool:
You know what would kind of prove the gas chambers? The amount of dead people in piles. I guess they all just died from motion sickness on the train they were forced into on the way to the non-existent gas chamber which they died in. Maybe they were actually hospitals using gas treatments that didn't work out.
Of course many inmates at the work camps died of disease and lack of food.

But there is no physical evidence to back up the highly inflated 6 million figure.
Those first into the camps entered and documented the gas chambers and ovens. They left detailed accounts of what they saw and many photos exist. Perhaps this thread should be moved to the conspiracy theories topic. After all you are saying almost the entire world conspired to perpetrate this alleged hoax.
There was no written documentation of gas chambers by the Allies when they liberated the camps.

Gen. Eisenhower never mentioned any gas chambers when wrote his extensive memoirs after the war. ..... :cool:

Based on Islamic methodology------lots of stuff was quickly destroyed----just as the
islamo Nazis in Iraq are now destroying Sumerian art and just as islamo Nazis in
Saudi Arabia destroyed all churches and synagogues. Rapid destruction of reality and history is Islam's contribution to mankind-----not "the wheel" not "sliced bread" not "art" not "technology" -------but the glory of OBLTERATION of real
My uncle is Polish, but not a Jew.
He was sent to a camp as a slave worker and, some years ago, described what he saw before he escaped.
I have no reason to disbelieve him.
I have every confidence the camps existed, and mass murder took place in these camps.
Those first into the camps entered and documented the gas chambers and ovens. They left detailed accounts of what they saw and many photos exist. Perhaps this thread should be moved to the conspiracy theories topic. After all you are saying almost the entire world conspired to perpetrate this alleged hoax.
There was no written documentation of gas chambers by the Allies when they liberated the camps.

Gen. Eisenhower never mentioned any gas chambers when wrote his extensive memoirs after the war. ..... :cool:

U.S. soldier poses in front of the door into one of the 4 small gas chambers at Dachau
My uncle is Polish, but not a Jew.
He was sent to a camp as a slave worker and, some years ago, described what he saw before he escaped.
I have no reason to disbelieve him.
I have every confidence the camps existed, and mass murder took place in these camps.
No one, especially me, is denying the existence of the camps. They had to be terrible places where people lived under horrendous conditions. And yes, many inmates were murdered for no reason.

My only point of contention is the gas chamber story and the 6 million figure.
7. The Gas Chambers Of World War One:

It was widely reported during World War One ( 1914 to 1918 ) that the Germans, and their allies, were using gas chambers to kill thousands of prisoners. However after the end of the War Stanley Baldwin admitted in Parliament that it had been propaganda and no such gas chambers had existed. He also apologised publicly to the German People for this racist slur on them.
7. The Gas Chambers Of World War One:

It was widely reported during World War One ( 1914 to 1918 ) that the Germans, and their allies, were using gas chambers to kill thousands of prisoners. However after the end of the War Stanley Baldwin admitted in Parliament that it had been propaganda and no such gas chambers had existed. He also apologised publicly to the German People for this racist slur on them.

Nothing to do with the Holocaust. I've been to Germany and I've seen the camps. It happened
8. Amounts Of Zyklon-B Used At The Camps:

Zyklon-B was the trade name for of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in the early 1920s. It was used in Germany, before and during the Second World War, for disinfection and pest extermination in ships, buildings and machinery. Zyklon-B consisted of diatomite, in the form of granules the size of fine peas, saturated with prussic acid. In view of its volatility and the associated risk of accidental poisoning, it was supplied in sealed metal canisters. One of the co-inventors of Zyklon-B, the chemist and businessman Bruno Tesch, was executed by the British in 1946 for his role in the alleged Holocaust.

In the concentration camps it was used for sanitation and pest control. There were disinfectant chambers, in all the camps, where inmates clothes were disinfected to combat typhus and other diseases. When you break down the amount of Zyklon-B used in all the camps, those not alleged to have gas chambers and those alleged to have gas chambers, the amount per inmate is very similar. This means the alleged death camps would have had to have had a secret supply for the “gas chambers”.

Zyklon-B granules came in sealed tins.
The only reason you're not on ignore is so I can keep up with your latest propaganda. Nothing you post has merit.
Please feel free to join in on the debate.

It's an interesting topic that deserves honest discussion. ..... :cool:

No, it doesn't deserve honest discussion. You are trying to appeal to Jew haters, sorry, I'm not one.

Want an honest post? Let's discuss your prophet, you know the one, the one who married a six year old girl and started vaginally raping her when she was nine. Who knows what your pedephile prophet did to her between ages six and nine.
Want an honest post? Let's discuss your prophet, you know the one, the one who married a six year old girl and started vaginally raping her when she was nine. Who knows what your pedephile prophet did to her between ages six and nine.
If you feel so strongly about the topic start a thread. ..... :cool:
sunni----I witnessed that which you believe----the jumah rant I heard the first time I stepped into a mosque almost 50 years ago ---had nothing to do with jews -----
it was all filthy lie and swallowed whole by all present other than me
Want an honest post? Let's discuss your prophet, you know the one, the one who married a six year old girl and started vaginally raping her when she was nine. Who knows what your pedephile prophet did to her between ages six and nine.
If you feel so strongly about the topic start a thread. ..... :cool:

its not a topic-------it is a book of filth
1. International Committee of the Red Cross Records:

The International Red Cross was stationed in all German labour, internment, concentration and prison camps throughout World War Two. The Red Cross were never given access to any Russian camps before, during or after World War Two. At his trials in Canada, during the 1980s and 1990s, Professor Ernst Zundel finally got the Red Cross to release their records from the German camps despite strong Israeli objections. The Red Cross records seem to suggest that there were no gas chambers, and a total of 271,301 died during World War Two in these camps, mostly from typhus.

In a letter to the US State Department dated November 22nd 1944 The Red Cross, who were stationed in all the camps, stated : “We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners.”

Criticism of Holocaust denial - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Holocaust deniers misrepresent and omit information contained in ICRC reports that contradict their claims.[59] Critics argue that Richard Harwood in his "Did Six Million Really Die?" pamphlet could only claim that the ICRC had found no evidence of a policy to exterminate Jews by ignoring key sections of the 1948 report, where the ICRC explicitly states that the systematic extermination of Jews was Nazi policy.[60]

Harwood disputed the notion that homicidal gas chambers were disguised as shower facilities by citing references in the report where ICRC officials inspected bathing facilities. He used their responses to argue that showers functioned as showers and were not part of a killing installation. However this is considered misrepresentation by critics, as the passage Harwood cited is in reference to Allied camps for civilians in Egypt and thus had nothing to do with Nazi concentration camps.

Harwood also claimed that Die Tat, a Swiss tabloid newspaper, published statistics that concluded the number of people who died in Nazi prisons and camps from 1939 to 1945 based on ICRC statistics was "300,000, not all of whom were Jews".[62] The January 19, 1955 edition of Die Tat did indeed give a 300,000 figure, but this was only in reference to "Germans and German Jews" and not nationals of other countries.[63] In a 1979 response to this pamphlet, the ICRC said that they have "never tried to compile statistics on the victims of the war",[64] nor "certified the accuracy of the statistics produced by a third party",[64] and state that the authors of such material have "falsified" both claims that the document originates from the ICRC and refers exclusively to Jews.[64]

As well as in personal correspondence, the ICRC has also addressed this misrepresentation by several other means. In 1975, the ICRC wrote to the Board of Deputies of British Jews in London regarding Harwood's citations, stating:

The figures cited by the author of the booklet are based upon statistics falsely attributed to us, evidently for the purpose of giving them credibility, despite the fact that we never publish information of this kind.[65]
—Françoise Perret, Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, to Jacob Gerwitz, August 22, 1975.
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