Holocaust or Holohoax?

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9. The Nuremberg Trials 1945 to 1949:

The Nuremberg Trials were held in the German City of Nuremberg from 1945 to 1949. These Trials were held by the victorious Allies ( France, Britain , USA and Soviet Russia ) with the Germans as defendants. They were the worst sort of show trials with the main Judge being Nikitchenko, who had presided over Stalins’ show trials of 1936 to 1938 in the Soviet Union. The Court came up with ridiculous findings like jews being turned in to lampshades and even soap, these claims are now discredited and even the jews admit they were untrue.

The Chief Justice of the United States Harlan Fiske Stone called the Nuremberg trials a fraud. He said “Chief US prosecutor Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg,” he wrote. “I don’t mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a Court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas.”

The Nuremberg Trials – the ultimate Soviet show trial held under the Allies.

Associate Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas charged that the Allies were guilty of “substituting power for principle” at Nuremberg. “I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled,” he wrote. “Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time.”

According to British General Montgomery, the Germans had only one sin : They lost the war.

President John F Kennedy in his book, Profiles in Courage, criticised Nuremberg as a show trial.

Out of 139 German witnesses who testified that the Holocaust had occurred, the British Medical Officer recorded that 137 had “damage to their testicles that is beyond repair”. A number of Germans had died under interrogation by the Allies. There was also the threat of sending Peoples’ families to Soviet Gulags.

The Nuremberg prosecutors – Kempner, Rapp, Niederman – all Jews.
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...The Red Cross, who were stationed in all the camps...
Yeah ... that claim will require some substantiation.
I have already done my part.

Now the ball is in your court to refute it. ..... :cool:

There is nothing to refute because you've established nothing. You posted what you claim to be facts which were posted by someone named "cigpapers" on Wordpress where anyone can post anything.
Prove they are factual or admit they may well be camel crap.
Now that's strange. None of those you named as prosecutors are listed as such
You might want to read your Wiki link before you post it as evidence.

My post lists Chief U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg trails as Justice Robert H. Jackson.

And your Wiki link confirms this. ..... :cool:
Now that's strange. None of those you named as prosecutors are listed as such
You might want to read your Wiki link before you post it as evidence.
My post lists Chief US prosecutor as Justice Robert H. Jackson at the Nuremberg trials.
And your Wiki link confirms this. ..... :cool:

Allow me to point out that you named three - Kempner, Rapp & Niederman - and claimed they were both the prosecutors and Jewish yet none of them are listed as such. Are you now admitting you lied?
Do you have any evidence that Jackson was Jewish?
Allow me to point out that you named three - Kempner, Rapp & Niederman - and claimed they were both the prosecutors and Jewish yet none of them are listed as such. Are you now admitting you lied?
Do you have any evidence that Jackson was Jewish?
I haven't lied about anything.

I just posted information from a credible link.

If you have a problem with the material. You should contact the owner of the site. ..... :cool:
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10. The Concentration Camp Crematorium:

One of the main problems with the 6 million jews being murdered claim was disposal of the bodies. It was claimed at Nuremberg that they had been disposed of in the camp crematorium. There were crematorium in each camp, but they simply didn’t have the capacity. Each crematorium oven could burn a body in about one and a half hours, meaning a maximum capacity of 16 bodies every day or just less than 6000 bodies per year per oven. The camps had between four and twelve ovens each giving 24,000 to 72,000 bodies per year maximum at each camp – this still wouldn’t be possible as you can’t run these ovens non-stop without the metal fracturing. Even double or triple loading wouldn’t help as this increased the time to three hours for two bodies or four and a half hours for three bodies. Also bodies aren’t totally reduced by this process and usually leave the pelvis and thigh bones which need crushing with special machinery – no such machinery was found at any of the camps. There is also the problem of fuel as each body would need about 40 kilograms of coke to burn – there is no record of the massive amount of coke required being supplied.

Each oven could only burn less than 6000 bodies per year if working non-stop which isn’t possible without fracturing the metal.
Allow me to point out that you named three - Kempner, Rapp & Niederman - and claimed they were both the prosecutors and Jewish yet none of them are listed as such. Are you now admitting you lied?
Do you have any evidence that Jackson was Jewish?
I haven't lied about anything.

I just posted information from a credible link.

If you have a problem with the material. You should contact the owner of the site. ..... :cool:

Woo. So you admit you have nothing which substantiates anything you found in that Wordpress blog, no idea who the author is, and nothing that contradicts the actual judge and prosecutor line ups which include none of the three guys (who you say were Jewish) you claimed to have been the prosecutors yet you still claim the site is "credible?"
Thread moved from CDZ to "Debate Now". Some topics aren't workable for "civil debate". When you frame the topic by labeling an event "Holahoax" you've set the stage for uncivil debate. "Debate Now" provides a better platform in that any topic can be discussed but the rules can be structured as the OP wishes.

Looking at the OP, I am guessing you want the rules to be:

Stay on Topic
No flaming/insults/ad homs

If that is not the case, let me know and I will adjust this.
Many years ago I worked for manufacturing company that used coal fired burners to make steam.

Every day 2 dumps trucks hauled away the ashes to a large land fill.

Eventually there was a mountain of ash and a new land fill site was opened.

Which brings up the question:

"If 6 million bodies were cremated. Where are the huge mountains of ash from the ovens"? ..... :cool:
11. The Liberation Of Belsen Concentration Camp Film:

The whole World has probably seen the film of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp, it is horrific to say the least. Human skeletons are walking round with dead bodies covering the ground. This film was shown Worldwide at the time to show the evil of Nazi Germany. However Belsen was liberated by the Western Allies, and was never alleged to have had any gas chamber or be part of a systematic mass murder programme. The victims are in fact all dying from typhus which is confirmed by German Military, Red Cross and British Military medical records – this is never pointed out whenever this film is shown. Ironically the deaths were mostly due to a lack of Zyklon-B, at the end of the war with Germany collapsing, leading to a mass typhus outbreak in the camp.

British Military sign warning of typhus at Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation.
Typhus was the real killer in the work camps.

So I don't know why the Allies felt the need to invent the gas chamber story?

Maybe it just sounded more dramatic. ..... :dunno:
Having an open and clean debate about the alleged event known as the Holocaust is not anti-semitic.

Here is a site with a list of 21 amazing facts about the so called Holocaust.

Holocaust Or Holohoax 21 Amazing Facts cigpapers


Mod Edit to add rules:
Stay on Topic
No flaming/insults/ad homs

Typical BS. Here is the US governments report that includes the records of the Einsatzgruppen. They murdered well over 1 million people with rifle, machinegun and pistol bullets. They also kept meticulous records to justify their rest and relaxation requests.

Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Military Legal Resources Federal Research Division Customized Research and Analytical Services Library of Congress
The Einsatzgruppen mainly operated on the East front and weren't in charge of the work camps.

The vast majority of the Soviet Bolsheviks were jews. They were the sworn enemy of the Nazis .

So the Germans weren't killing the jews for just being jews.

They executed them because they were the enemy. ..... :cool:
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