Holocaust or Holohoax?

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Well it was a hoax I guess. Other than the train loads taken to the camps, the actual existence of the gas chambers, the ovens to cremate them and the piles of fucking bodies that were found. Other than all of that it was probably a hoax.
I agree.

The official story is a huge exaggeration with inflated numbers.

Basically a fairy tale for the gullible.

The same can be said for those who believe the opposite numbers and sources.
Do you really think all the piled up bones and bodies were faked photos?

Or are you saying all that only adds up to 200,000
Would you like to take a count of all the Jews reported missing by families and communities?

I know someone whose grandmother was a Holocaust camp survivor.
Do you want to do an online campaign and take a count of all the cases that can be verified by family history
and birth records that these people went missing?

Count it up and see if it is closer to 200,000 dead or missing or closer to 1-3 million.
4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.

Archaeologist at Treblinka Nazi death camp finds evidence of gas chambers - Jewish World - Jerusalem Post

This article and comments reference the deliberate destruction of evidence
except at Treblinka where more was preserved.

There was also this comment:
"Germans are very punctual people. They recorded everything on paper. The Nazis archives became available to the general population in 2006. Nothing stands between you and these documents to become more reasonable.

You can even watch the short documentaries on SBC . com:
"Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust"
4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.
So, basically, we don't ha e to read your OP link.
You're going to systematically copy/paste the entire biased article piece by propaganda piece
4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.
Good to know the Germans were amateurs at killing people. Although they killed millions. Maybe the muslims will perfect it eh? Seems to be the goal.
4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.

Archaeologist at Treblinka Nazi death camp finds evidence of gas chambers - Jewish World - Jerusalem Post

This article and comments reference the deliberate destruction of evidence
except at Treblinka where more was preserved.

There was also this comment:
"Germans are very punctual people. They recorded everything on paper. The Nazis archives became available to the general population in 2006. Nothing stands between you and these documents to become more reasonable.

You can even watch the short documentaries on SBC . com:
"Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust"
You know what would kind of prove the gas chambers? The amount of dead people in piles. I guess they all just died from motion sickness on the train they were forced into on the way to the non-existent gas chamber which they died in. Maybe they were actually hospitals using gas treatments that didn't work out.
4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.

Archaeologist at Treblinka Nazi death camp finds evidence of gas chambers - Jewish World - Jerusalem Post

This article and comments reference the deliberate destruction of evidence
except at Treblinka where more was preserved.

There was also this comment:
"Germans are very punctual people. They recorded everything on paper. The Nazis archives became available to the general population in 2006. Nothing stands between you and these documents to become more reasonable.

You can even watch the short documentaries on SBC . com:
"Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust"
You know what would kind of prove the gas chambers? The amount of dead people in piles. I guess they all just died from motion sickness on the train they were forced into on the way to the non-existent gas chamber which they died in. Maybe they were actually hospitals using gas treatments that didn't work out.

If Sunni Man thinks those photos are used to inflate numbers,
what about documenting the numbers of people missing, whose genealogy can be documented and traced?

How can you use photos to verify millions of dead versus 200,000 as the minimal count?

Wouldn't archived names and numbers do more to establish a more accurate count?
You do not get to post lies while trying to protect yourself in the CDZ. And I am on topic, I asked you why we should believe someone that supports a pedophile Prophet.
Remind us Sunni Man while you are claiming Jews lied why you support a man that had sex with a 9 year old?
Please remember this is the CDZ and you are to stay on topic.

Mods please delete all off topic posts.

Thank You.
Try substantiating the sources for your link. You can't, and you know that. Which can only mean that the intent of the OP is disingenuous.
I don't know how a "clean debate" can be done when insulting millions of jews and other "undesirables" i.e. gypsies, special needs people, etc..never happened.

Oh. Wait. It can't be done. So..never mind.

There are still some surviving eye witnesses to the concentration camps.
Peter Loth Peace by Piece
Jewish Holocaust Jedwabne Neighbors Nalibki Kielce never forget Concentration Camp Gas Chamber Nazi-Germany Ghetto Uprising

Whether rape, false imprisonment and torture happens to one person, 200K or a few million,
it's still a human rights violation.

If you agree the verified number is 200,000 that's still mass murder.

I find it more important to do the healing and forgiveness work,
which is individual.

One person willing to forgive has more lasting impact that a million who aren't.

The Jewish survivors, of the Holocaust and its victims,
who ARE teaching forgiveness and healing are more important to humanity's future.

Even if you listen to only one. It's the message of redemption that's important, not the numbers leading up to it.
I am not denying that over 200 thousand jews perished under terrible conditions.

I just dispute the official story of the 6 million and the gas chambers we have been force feed for years.
There is no actual dispute, no real debate, just some very dishonest people who like to pretend.
I think that holocaust denial should be illegal. It is documented in the greatest detail. The gas chambers can be visted today and the plans can be still seen as well as delivery notes for gas cannisters in the German language. It is unfortunately that a muslim man is taking this stance, thereby reinforcing the image of the muslim who hates Jews.
1. International Committee of the Red Cross Records:

The International Red Cross was stationed in all German labour, internment, concentration and prison camps throughout World War Two. The Red Cross were never given access to any Russian camps before, during or after World War Two. At his trials in Canada, during the 1980s and 1990s, Professor Ernst Zundel finally got the Red Cross to release their records from the German camps despite strong Israeli objections. The Red Cross records seem to suggest that there were no gas chambers, and a total of 271,301 died during World War Two in these camps, mostly from typhus.

In a letter to the US State Department dated November 22nd 1944 The Red Cross, who were stationed in all the camps, stated : “We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners.”
There were no international Red Cross in any of the camps. The idea is ludicrous.
3. Western Allies Never Liberated Any Death Camps With Gas Chambers:

None of the Western Allies ( Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France etc. ) liberated any camps that had gas chambers, or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia. The Western Allies liberated a total of 12 main camps and the Soviet Russians 8 main camps.
Even if this is true, the Russians are not to be believed? Why would they make up something to help the Jews? They don't, as a culture, particularly like the Jews.
There are still some surviving eye witnesses to the concentration camps.
Peter Loth Peace by Piece
Jewish Holocaust Jedwabne Neighbors Nalibki Kielce never forget Concentration Camp Gas Chamber Nazi-Germany Ghetto Uprising

Whether rape, false imprisonment and torture happens to one person, 200K or a few million,
it's still a human rights violation.

If you agree the verified number is 200,000 that's still mass murder.

I find it more important to do the healing and forgiveness work,
which is individual.

One person willing to forgive has more lasting impact that a million who aren't.

The Jewish survivors, of the Holocaust and its victims,
who ARE teaching forgiveness and healing are more important to humanity's future.

Even if you listen to only one. It's the message of redemption that's important, not the numbers leading up to it.
I am not denying that over 200 thousand jews perished under terrible conditions.

I just dispute the official story of the 6 million and the gas chambers we have been force feed for years.
Okay, so what happened to the millions of Jews who disappeared from Europe during WWII?

Why did the vacate their homes and businesses? Why did they leave all their belongings behind? Where did they go? Did aliens from outer space come and take them away?
Okay, so what happened to the millions of Jews who disappeared from Europe during WWII?

Why did the vacate their homes and businesses? Why did they leave all their belongings behind? Where did they go? Did aliens from outer space come and take them away?
Of course large numbers of jews where rounded up and placed in work camps. That is not disputed.

Fortunately, the vast majority survived the work camps. Which is why soo many people claim to have known a jewish person with a set of numbers tattooed on their arm.

Which is why the claim of 6 million perishing is clearly fraudulent.
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I don't know how a "clean debate" can be done when insulting millions of jews and other "undesirables" i.e. gypsies, special needs people, etc..never happened.

Oh. Wait. It can't be done. So..never mind.
Gracie this thread was published in order to discuss the details of an historical event which happened several decade's ago.

It is not meant to insult anyone. ..... :cool:
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