Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
GIVEN? LOL. And obstruction like never seen before. The GOP wouldn't vote for even their own ideas if Obama decided to try that...AND pure misinformation, character assassination from GOP media. Trump can't get GOPers to go along with him on his ridiculous ideas based on BS. The GOP had 200 filibusters againstObama/Dem ideas when they said he had total control LOL. Dems have had none against Trump (OK 1), but the GOP bs now is that they are blocking everything. BS!
8 years of obama is why you're now crying. Get over it.
35 years of Reaganism wrecking the nonrich and the country, and 30 years of GOP BS/hate propaganda more like...dupe. Rolling on...
You'll always be our village idiot. That's an accomplishment you can be proud of.
‘If a Muslim Did This, the Perpetrator Would Be Immediately Identified as a Terrorist’

(The Muslims of America Inc.)

Robert Doggart: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The fact that the case originally received no local or national media coverage and has resulted in an outcry from The Muslims of America, Inc., the organization and community Doggart targeted.

The organization said in a press release it was notified about the threat and worked with state and federal authorities to provide Islamberg residents with around the clock security.

“Doggart is an example of the results of unchecked and rampant Islamophobia which has spread lies for years about our peaceful community,” the organization’s public relations director, Mathew Gardner, said in a statement. “This man plotted to mercilessly kill us, kill our children, and blow up our mosque and our school. We have sound reason to believe he has already visited our other locations around the U.S. What other murderous plans do he and his private militia have and where are his accomplices?”

“All would agree, if a Muslim did this, the perpetrator would be immediately identified as a terrorist then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The examples are numerous,” Gardner said. “Therefore, we call on all branches of justice to see to it that this man is prosecuted for planning a heinous hate crime and terrorist act.”

Oh look, a bunch of muslim slaves being forced to protest.

Not like that hasn't happened before...

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 8.13.44 PM.png
Some people still don't realize that the thread is only about the unhinged, murderous left, with a massive false equivalency thrown in, without any evidence to back it up.


How long does it take before someone snaps? CNN should be ashamed.
Link, hater dupe?

Link to what? More than 12,000 tweets call for Trump's assassination | Daily Mail Online


You should be ashamed too, far left retard.
Link to CNN saying anything like you said, DUHHH> Internet is FOS who cares. Also half of RW "news"...

According to CNN Trump is a Russian spy or something like that. Unbelievable conspiracy theories from start to end. If you are going to live that far apart from reality, I can see why you might snap.
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'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?

I gave Obama a 1-year chance. He umm, was disappointing.

Leftists have been calling for Trump impeachment since Obama was president. :eek:
On Fox...
Some people still don't realize that the thread is only about the unhinged, murderous left, with a massive false equivalency thrown in, without any evidence to back it up.


How long does it take before someone snaps? CNN should be ashamed.
Link, hater dupe?

Link to what? More than 12,000 tweets call for Trump's assassination | Daily Mail Online


You should be ashamed too, far left retard.
Link to CNN saying anything like you said, DUHHH> Internet is FOS who cares. Also half of RW "news"...

According to CNN Trump us a Russian spy or something like that. Unbelievable conspiracy theories from start to end. If you are going to live that far apart from reality, I can see why you might snap.
Absolutely clueless. And a GOPer more interested than most. Read something. Collusion is being investigated... Also all that Russian messing with our election. Comey throwing it too.
Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?

I gave Obama a 1-year chance. He umm, was disappointing.

Leftists have been calling for Trump impeachment since Obama was president. :eek:
On Fox...

Look here uber-dupe:

Your stupid dupe ass has no business interacting with me because you are a sub-retarded dupe, ok?

You are beyond
retarded. No meaningful introspection coming from you so fuck right on off, ok?
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
‘If a Muslim Did This, the Perpetrator Would Be Immediately Identified as a Terrorist’

(The Muslims of America Inc.)

Robert Doggart: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The fact that the case originally received no local or national media coverage and has resulted in an outcry from The Muslims of America, Inc., the organization and community Doggart targeted.

The organization said in a press release it was notified about the threat and worked with state and federal authorities to provide Islamberg residents with around the clock security.

“Doggart is an example of the results of unchecked and rampant Islamophobia which has spread lies for years about our peaceful community,” the organization’s public relations director, Mathew Gardner, said in a statement. “This man plotted to mercilessly kill us, kill our children, and blow up our mosque and our school. We have sound reason to believe he has already visited our other locations around the U.S. What other murderous plans do he and his private militia have and where are his accomplices?”

“All would agree, if a Muslim did this, the perpetrator would be immediately identified as a terrorist then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The examples are numerous,” Gardner said. “Therefore, we call on all branches of justice to see to it that this man is prosecuted for planning a heinous hate crime and terrorist act.”

Oh look, a bunch of muslim slaves being forced to protest.

Not like that hasn't happened before...

View attachment 133365

They were filmed. Should I believe my own eyes, or a far left fact checker?

My eyes or a hard left fact checker?

Left Leaning Fact Checking Site Snopes Lies About CNN Staging Protest

Here is how snopes checked the fact in this case. They asked CNN if it was true, they said no. Then they wrote the story. ROFLMAO! Choreographed news network.
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?

I gave Obama a 1-year chance. He umm, was disappointing.

Leftists have been calling for Trump impeachment since Obama was president. :eek:
On Fox...

Look here uber-dupe:

Your stupid dupe ass has no business interacting with me because you are a sub-retarded dupe, ok?

You are beyond
retarded. No meaningful introspection coming from you so fuck right on off, ok?
A RW troll. What next? Any intelligent argument?
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?

I gave Obama a 1-year chance. He umm, was disappointing.

Leftists have been calling for Trump impeachment since Obama was president. :eek:
On Fox...

Look here uber-dupe:

Your stupid dupe ass has no business interacting with me because you are a sub-retarded dupe, ok?

You are beyond
retarded. No meaningful introspection coming from you so fuck right on off, ok?
A RW troll. What next? Any intelligent argument?

Not from you, that's for sure.

Dupe retard.

Have a good night now.

While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Communism is dictatorship with gov't owning all business and industry. Also dead as a doornail. Socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. You are insane.
After reading the OP, I can honestly say I have respect for Coyote. Her and I are on the same page with the BS we've been seeing.

I respect anybody from the other side of the fence that can have a conversation without insults or personal attacks.
I'm good with people being honest about their opinions. I think it's why I can appreciate some of the things Coyote has said to me.

I'm not talking about opinions; we all have them. I'm talking about adult conversations void of personal insults and attacks.

When I come here, I try to discuss issues (right and left) with people as if I'm talking to them in person at a bar or gathering. Let's face it, most of these loud mouths would never speak to people in person as they do on a forum such as this one. I know they wouldn't talk to me like that in person. Of course, I'm 6'3" 240 lbs with extensive self-defense training. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

There are only few on the left here I actually respect (coyote being one of them) because of their candor and returned respect. The rest of them are curb cadets that feel empowered in the safety behind their keyboard.
You clearly don't. But then seeing someone pretend they do isn't something new or shocking for me.
I've seen your posts...............that's enough for me..........whatever floats your boat.

Oh, wow, you've seen my posts..... you must be an expert on me then.
Jesus...................I have an opinion based on what I've seen you post in the past................and guess what............I DISAGREE WITH YOU most of the time..........

Get over it.......

There's a difference between disagreeing with someone, and pretending you know what they think. Or, in your case it's a "I disagree with you most of the time, so I'll just pretend you're the same as everyone else I speak to that I disagree with, and then make comments pretending I know this person"

Get over it? Look dude, I put up with a lot of people on this forum using the same old fucking tactics day in, day out, without an ounce of logic. It gets tiring.

Whatever.........I simply don't care.

Good for you. I don't care for people trying to pretend they know what I think either. So maybe next time, you won't try telling someone that.
It isn't going to stop. It is the tool of the left. Divide and conquer. Divide by race, skin color, sexual orientation, gender, age, anything. They divide us and then tell them who their enemy is.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Common ground isn't rare. It's just forgotten by some in times of heated debates.

People often choose emotions over common sense. I'd win a prize if I could explain why that happens.
2) They didn't go after Obama like this because he didn't do dumb arse shit like the Orange Buffoon...
Obama had uber fake news libsocialist press to support him as he accelerated liberal policies that destroyed the family, schools, children, middle class, military, and health care. 1+1=2
There ya go, dupes believing Obama got his way. Absolutely duped...
It isn't going to stop. It is the tool of the left. Divide and conquer. Divide by race, skin color, sexual orientation, gender, age, anything. They divide us and then tell them who their enemy is.
Actually, they try to unite us all- like the Dem party does duhhh...All the New BS GOP has is lies and dupes...
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