Holy crap - this has to stop!

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You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
GIVEN? LOL. And obstruction like never seen before. The GOP wouldn't vote for even their own ideas if Obama decided to try that...AND pure misinformation, character assassination from GOP media. Trump can't get GOPers to go along with him on his ridiculous ideas based on BS. The GOP had 200 filibusters againstObama/Dem ideas when they said he had total control LOL. Dems have had none against Trump (OK 1), but the GOP bs now is that they are blocking everything. BS!
8 years of obama is why you're now crying. Get over it.
35 years of Reaganism wrecking the nonrich and the country, and 30 years of GOP BS/hate propaganda more like...dupe. Rolling on...
You'll always be our village idiot. That's an accomplishment you can be proud of.
See sig, brainwashed functional moron.
2) They didn't go after Obama like this because he didn't do dumb arse shit like the Orange Buffoon...
Obama had uber fake news libsocialist press to support him as he accelerated liberal policies that destroyed the family, schools, children, middle class, military, and health care. 1+1=2
Amazing, since he couldn't pass anything, superdupe.
You mean other than take control of 20% of the entire American economy with Obamacare and you mean the stimulus and cash for clunkers and 100 other little things that prevented of the economy from ever recovering Super super superduper liberal Duper super
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Common ground isn't rare. It's just forgotten by some in times of heated debates.

People often choose emotions over common sense. I'd win a prize if I could explain why that happens.

We all have things we're passionate about - I certainly do...and common sense doesn't always enter in to it. But it doesn't hurt to listen to what the other person has to say. I think one of the most dangerous things we as a people are facing is the diminishment of diverse voices. We choose - or - it's chosen for us through some algorythum - what voices we "like" to hear or that this algorythum thinks we'd "like". What ends up happening is we create a self-reinforcing cycle where are opinions are never challenged but instead legitimized in an echo chamber that excludes or demonizes the "other". So instead of "the other" being a person, he becomes an idea or a stereotype and we prejudge what he thinks, stands for and even says. We don't hear him. I like USMB because all voices have a place here.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Common ground isn't rare. It's just forgotten by some in times of heated debates.

People often choose emotions over common sense. I'd win a prize if I could explain why that happens.

On one side, we have people that believe they can legislate mortality. On the other, we have people that believe they can legislate morality. The truth is neither can be legislated.

There is no common ground between two groups of people: one that believes government should run our lives, and the other that wants as much government out of our life as possible. There is no middle ground there.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes it takes a village, and the other that believes it takes personal responsibility.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes we should reward irresponsibility, and the other that believes we should reward success.

If there is middle ground, I have yet to find it.
Dumb shit like what? Closing down sanitary cities so alien criminals have less places to hide? Trying to stop more illegals from entering the country? Trying to safeguard us from terrorists by temporarily stopping them from coming here? Trying to untangle Commie Care that cost many of us to become uninsured and making premiums soar for those still insured? Getting rid of intrusive and expensive regulations on businesses hoping they will keep jobs here and hopefully bring some back? That kind of dumb shit?

Um, he hasn't done a damn thing. Temporarily stopping terrorists? What terrorists? You mean like stopping Saudi citizens? One of the biggest sponsors of world wide terrorism? Oh ,that's right, he curtsied to them...Intrusive regulations? You mean like stopping big business contaminating the water supply? That kind of 'instrusive' legislation..?
On one side, we have people that believe they can legislate mortality. On the other, we have people that believe they can legislate morality. The truth is neither can be legislated.

There is no common ground between two groups of people: one that believes government should run our lives, and the other that wants as much government out of our life as possible. There is no middle ground there.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes it takes a village, and the other that believes it takes personal responsibility.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes we should reward irresponsibility, and the other that believes we should reward success.

If there is middle ground, I have yet to find it.

Actually, in most other western countries there is plenty of middle ground. Only in the US is there so much vitriol...
You mean other than take control of 20% of the entire American economy with Obamacare and you mean the stimulus and cash for clunkers and 100 other little things that prevented of the economy from ever recovering Super super superduper liberal Duper super

All those things stimulated the economy. You should be kissing Obama's feet you didn't live in a banana republic...of course The Orange Buffoon is doing his best to change that...
Dumb shit like what? Closing down sanitary cities so alien criminals have less places to hide? Trying to stop more illegals from entering the country? Trying to safeguard us from terrorists by temporarily stopping them from coming here? Trying to untangle Commie Care that cost many of us to become uninsured and making premiums soar for those still insured? Getting rid of intrusive and expensive regulations on businesses hoping they will keep jobs here and hopefully bring some back? That kind of dumb shit?

Um, he hasn't done a damn thing. Temporarily stopping terrorists? What terrorists? You mean like stopping Saudi citizens? One of the biggest sponsors of world wide terrorism? Oh ,that's right, he curtsied to them...Intrusive regulations? You mean like stopping big business contaminating the water supply? That kind of 'instrusive' legislation..?

How can he do a damn thing with liberal activists judges stopping him? The law is clear (and passed by Congress) that a President has the sole power to stop any group of people he feels is a threat to the US from coming here. The activist courts ruled that he can't exercise that law. Yes, it will be overturned by the Supreme Court, but it goes to show the anti-Americanism of leftists if given power.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Common ground isn't rare. It's just forgotten by some in times of heated debates.

People often choose emotions over common sense. I'd win a prize if I could explain why that happens.

On one side, we have people that believe they can legislate mortality. On the other, we have people that believe they can legislate mortality. The truth is neither can be legislated.

There is no common ground between two groups of people: one that believes government should run our lives, and the other that wants as much government out of our life as possible. There is no middle ground there.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes it takes a village, and the other that believes it takes personal responsibility.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes we should reward irresponsibility, and the other that believes we should reward success.

If there is middle ground, I have yet to find it.

I see a middle ground if you cease looking at each situation as only two polar extremes...

The role of government in our lives - we can all agree that SOME government role is beneficial. We can agree that there is a legitimate need for the government in making sure our food supplies are safe, unadulterated, and contain what they claim to contain. We can agree there is a role for the government in disease prevention in a public health setting. We can agree that there should be a role for the government in making sure minimum safety requirements are met in buildings so a situation like Grenfell Towers doesn't happen or that when an earthquake hits (like it did in China) our schools don't pancake, killing everyone within.

Conversely, I think we can agree we don't want the government in our bedrooms. Nor do we want our government in our churches telling us what we can or can not believe. We don't want the government criminalizing thought.

In terms of responsibility vs irresponsibility I think we can find some common ground. For example we can agree that there are people who are unfortunate - who have suffered devestating losses, illness', catastrophes that are not of their making or choice. We can, I hope, agree that there should be some sort of safety net for them. Likewise, I think most of us agree success SHOULD be rewarded - in higher payscales, and the ability to spend money more freely.

That doesn't mean there aren't those who do want the extremes - but most don't. So right there is some common ground.

I think when you take the issue apart you will find there are points where we can agree.
How can he do a damn thing with liberal activists judges stopping him? The law is clear (and passed by Congress) that a President has the sole power to stop any group of people he feels is a threat to the US from coming here. The activist courts ruled that he can't exercise that law. Yes, it will be overturned by the Supreme Court, but it goes to show the anti-Americanism of leftists if given power.
No he doesn't have that right. Your FF made three branches of govt for a reason. They are implementing their powers. If not, then their decision would be irrelevant.

As an aside, the thing I find funny out of all of this is that most Yanks - especially those that lean right - declare they are the freest country in the world, yet give one man almost dictatorial powers. Free my arse...
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

If you think hate doesn't exist on both sides, you've been blinded by it.
Hate exists on both sides, sure. But one side acts out on it.

All sides act on it, because humans are inherently violent animals.
I keep asking for a list of the republican supporters shooting democrat congresspeople. Or of them rioting threatening or assaulting anyone. We have emails that PROVE Hillary Clinton and party conspired to cause just that riots and assaults at Trump tallies. And they happened.
On one side, we have people that believe they can legislate mortality. On the other, we have people that believe they can legislate morality. The truth is neither can be legislated.

There is no common ground between two groups of people: one that believes government should run our lives, and the other that wants as much government out of our life as possible. There is no middle ground there.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes it takes a village, and the other that believes it takes personal responsibility.

There is no middle ground between two groups of people: one that believes we should reward irresponsibility, and the other that believes we should reward success.

If there is middle ground, I have yet to find it.

Actually, in most other western countries there is plenty of middle ground. Only in the US is there so much vitriol...
In other western countries there is no right wing.
How can he do a damn thing with liberal activists judges stopping him? The law is clear (and passed by Congress) that a President has the sole power to stop any group of people he feels is a threat to the US from coming here. The activist courts ruled that he can't exercise that law. Yes, it will be overturned by the Supreme Court, but it goes to show the anti-Americanism of leftists if given power.
No he doesn't have that right. Your FF made three branches of govt for a reason. They are implementing their powers. If not, then their decision would be irrelevant.

As an aside, the thing I find funny out of all of this is that most Yanks - especially those that lean right - declare they are the freest country in the world, yet give one man almost dictatorial powers. Free my arse...
Their decision is irrelevant(and ignorant)in the long term.

The president DOES have that right.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.

I'm afraid common ground is rare.

On the right, the Tea Party types are trying to control the party. Tea Partiers are Constitutionalists. The other side is the establishment. Like Democrats, they believe in big government too, just their kind of big government.

On the left, an admitted socialist almost won the nomination. The American Communist party not only backed Sanders, but said if he lost, would gladly back up Hilary as they did DumBama both his terms.

So where is the middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. We are becoming a more and more divided country with every election.
Common ground isn't rare. It's just forgotten by some in times of heated debates.

People often choose emotions over common sense. I'd win a prize if I could explain why that happens.

We all have things we're passionate about - I certainly do...and common sense doesn't always enter in to it. But it doesn't hurt to listen to what the other person has to say. I think one of the most dangerous things we as a people are facing is the diminishment of diverse voices. We choose - or - it's chosen for us through some algorythum - what voices we "like" to hear or that this algorythum thinks we'd "like". What ends up happening is we create a self-reinforcing cycle where are opinions are never challenged but instead legitimized in an echo chamber that excludes or demonizes the "other". So instead of "the other" being a person, he becomes an idea or a stereotype and we prejudge what he thinks, stands for and even says. We don't hear him. I like USMB because all voices have a place here.

People are often quick to dismiss the importance of demonstrating a level decorum that holds us together as a civilized society.
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Says the dufus claiming he's just like the Founding Fathers.

Hey I look good for a guy 250 years old. Good genes, so sue me.

The point remains, you couldn't handle a point on "Liberal" so you had to shift it to "left".
I accept your humble concession. Now go learn your shit.
Your attempt to label today's leftists as liberals of the Founding Fathers caliber was blown out of the water by me. Now you're just whining.

Your attempt to revisionist-edit what I never said is plainly called out for the bogus bullshit it is in the thread nest. >>>YOU<<< brought up "leftist", not me. And you did that because you couldn't handle "Liberal", because you have no clue what either of them mean.

What's more you're wasting time here demonstrating that ignorance when you should be at the library addressing your own dearth of education.
There are no liberals in the Democrat party today. You're all leftists who'd vomit reading JFKs inaugural address.

Once again for the illiterate moron --- I said nothing about any "Democratic Party". Once AGAIN you try to move the goalposts. What an emptyheaded hack you are.
You're a liar dufus
Says the dufus claiming he's just like the Founding Fathers.

Hey I look good for a guy 250 years old. Good genes, so sue me.

The point remains, you couldn't handle a point on "Liberal" so you had to shift it to "left".
I accept your humble concession. Now go learn your shit.
Your attempt to label today's leftists as liberals of the Founding Fathers caliber was blown out of the water by me. Now you're just whining.

Your attempt to revisionist-edit what I never said is plainly called out for the bogus bullshit it is in the thread nest. >>>YOU<<< brought up "leftist", not me. And you did that because you couldn't handle "Liberal", because you have no clue what either of them mean.

What's more you're wasting time here demonstrating that ignorance when you should be at the library addressing your own dearth of education.
There are no liberals in the Democrat party today. You're all leftists who'd vomit reading JFKs inaugural address.

Once again for the illiterate moron --- I said nothing about any "Democratic Party". Once AGAIN you try to move the goalposts. What an emptyheaded hack you are.
Youre a delusional psychotic dufus thinking you're like the Founding Fathers
Libs acting like there is still a contest going on with an undetermined outcome
Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to the stunned glee of some and the stunned dismay of some
Apparently a goodly portion never experienced the maturation process of losing a contest. Playing softball just for fun with no rules and no score and quit when you get thirsty is no good
There are beginnings and ends to contests and outcomes with a final score
Hillary got more hits but Trump scored more runs-again a competition thing perhaps foreign to some
So they libs feel as though they could not have lost and thus the contest is still ongoing(Russians,Comey , mueller, investigations, hearings, impeachment)
Trump has done a poor job of at least trying to jump on this with both feet. He talked tough like new Sherrif in town so start acting like one
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