Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?
Fuck them unAmerican turds man, we gonna make it happen, with or without ya.

Serious talk.

Maybe yur mama n daddy shoulda paddled you more.

As of this point in time, you're either onboard for America, or you're not.

Which is it? Do you support Jefferson? Or Alinsky? It's your choice.

Don't think it won't have consequences, though.
your idea of America is kaput i.e. white and christian

What kind of people founded America? White and Christian, that is correct.

Personally, my family wasn't involved in all that. We were in America since before all that went down.

I won't give dates until I go up and take pics of the fambly graveyard.

I guarantee before 1776, though, way before.
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
The attacks on Obama started as soon as he was elected. Birthers.
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?

I gave Obama a 1-year chance. He umm, was disappointing.

Leftists have been calling for Trump impeachment since Obama was president. :eek:
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
The attacks on Obama started as soon as he was elected. Birthers.

That deflection is sad. :(
Soros is funding the sedition, neutralize him and it stops the next day

I wish that were true, but at this point, the disease has metastasized.
The blind RW hate is with you. Soros does nothing like what you dupes believe. Luckily, the young Murdochs will end the hate brainwashing...and Rush is getting old...like the angry old racist white people/dupes...
Lol, calling people "hater dupes" doesn't exactly help your case. I guess people like you will never learn.
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
The attacks on Obama started as soon as he was elected. Birthers.
Would you equate that with what we're now seeing?
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
Then how can you complain that people didn't give Trump a chance?
I oppose your opposition to his policies wishes.....................I agree with much of his ideas but not all...............the Democratic Party can use the Constitution and separation of powers to oppose it...............that is the way it's supposed to work.

But that is not what we have................now do we..................the Wacks from the left.........never Trumpers are going postal................doing everything they can whether the truth or lies to take him out.........................What we have now...........is this.........

Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.

And all that is perfectly reasonable in our democracy!

We are allowed to campaign against your guy, that is expected.

What we aren't allowed to do is threaten your guy, tell lies meant to incite riot and murder or the overthrow of our government.

And that's what your side does.
So once again, it is made clear to us that the left isn't protesting anything except our form of government, and they aren't doing anything except attempting to overthrow it.
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.

And all that is perfectly reasonable in our democracy!

We are allowed to campaign against your guy, that is expected.

What we aren't allowed to do is threaten your guy, tell lies meant to incite riot and murder or the overthrow of our government.

And that's what your side does.
Like paid protesters trying to shut down rallies............blocking roads..............destroying businesses...................trying to DENY the RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY in this country.......................and then get ticked off when they GET BLOWBACK for their actions..............BLAMING the other side for SHIT THEY PROVOKED..........


THE TOLERANT LEFT: Anti-Trump Rioters Destroy Businesses, Trash Streets, Smash Cars, And More

Pardon me for saying................I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire...................They are ANARCHIST..............
Nobody is defending them. And the horse wasn't stabbed. But your hate propaganda machine does a great job of gllorifying them and confusing them with Dems, dupe.Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

Democrat Party Antifa Stabs Police Horse in the Neck Using a Nail-Topped Pole
S. Noble
June 13, 2017

A Philadelphia woman was arrested after she attacked a police horse with a flag pole topped with a silver nail during a demonstration in Harrisburg on Saturday morning. The Sharia-supporting Antifs was rioting against a “March Against Sharia” protest.

She hit the horse in the neck to prevent an officer from doing his duty. The horse will be okay but she’s in the Dauphin County Prison on $100,000 bail.


Lisa Simon, animal abuser
Lisa Simon, 23, is charged with aggravated assault, illegally taunting a police animal, prohibited offensive weapons, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstruction administrative law. She was arraigned and taken to Dauphin County Prison in lieu of $100,000 bail.

Democrats do not speak out against these terrorists. They make general comments saying they are against violence, paying lip service only.


Democrat Party Antifa Stabs Police Horse in the Neck Using a Nail-Topped Pole

Instead of repeatedly lying, why not denounce this file "woman" and move on? Or are you as despicable as you are as well?
Thread is getting good derailed - the topic is not what happened Idaho.
We are discussing rhetoric and partisan violence, and instances which explain it.

not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.

And all that is perfectly reasonable in our democracy!

We are allowed to campaign against your guy, that is expected.

What we aren't allowed to do is threaten your guy, tell lies meant to incite riot and murder or the overthrow of our government.

And that's what your side does.
Like paid protesters trying to shut down rallies............blocking roads..............destroying businesses...................trying to DENY the RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY in this country.......................and then get ticked off when they GET BLOWBACK for their actions..............BLAMING the other side for SHIT THEY PROVOKED..........


THE TOLERANT LEFT: Anti-Trump Rioters Destroy Businesses, Trash Streets, Smash Cars, And More

Pardon me for saying................I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire...................They are ANARCHIST..............

They don't want to try to break bad 'round heanh.

They will get an abject lesson in "Oh I fucked up" if they they try it.

Unfortunately, the protests at Berkeley quickly turned into violent riots leading to smashed windows, fires in the streets and even one innocent student being pepper sprayed in the face after an interview with a local television station. The reality is these were not peaceful demonstrations, rather criminal acts of violence.

These violent protesters were doing Milo a favor – not only are they getting him a wild amount of free publicity, they're proving his point about how intolerant the Left can be.

It's a sad state of affairs to realize students at UC Berkeley cannot act as adults and engage in civil discourse, but are instead so intent on ridding their campus of any dissenting opinion. It is shameful, inexcusable behavior.

These people believe in Freedom of speech.......................IF YOU AGREE WITH THEM................

So once again, it is made clear to us that the left isn't protesting anything except our form of government, and they aren't doing anything except attempting to overthrow it.
Money laundering added to the list You repubs can run but you can't hide
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