Holy crap - this has to stop!

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While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.
But this is a political forum and the dupes deserve to be chastised for their willful racist bigoted ignorance and hate. See sig last line.
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe.

The b**** had put a nail in the end of the flag pole and STABBED the HORSE in the neck repeatedly. Stop lying, the horse is recovering and she rightfully is in jail!

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest – See How Cops Take To Her Aggression…
Posted by Bob Amoroso

The incident involved a 23-year-old “biological female” however described as a “he” named Lisa Joy Simon who apparently attacked a police horse with a flagpole fitted with a nail and stabbing the horse on the side of the neck.


Simon is currently being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6th.

This incident wasn't the only Antifa violence going on. Check out another thug throw urine on Conservative reporter Lauren Southern:

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest - See How Cops Take To Her Aggression... ⋆ US Herald

Show some character for a change and severely denounce this sorry excuse for a human.

Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.

No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

Can you read?
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.
But this is a political forum and the dupes deserve to be chastised for their willful racist bigoted ignorance and hate. See sig last line.
You're an idiot.
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe.

The b**** had put a nail in the end of the flag pole and STABBED the HORSE in the neck repeatedly. Stop lying, the horse is recovering and she rightfully is in jail!

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest – See How Cops Take To Her Aggression…
Posted by Bob Amoroso

The incident involved a 23-year-old “biological female” however described as a “he” named Lisa Joy Simon who apparently attacked a police horse with a flagpole fitted with a nail and stabbing the horse on the side of the neck.


Simon is currently being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6th.

This incident wasn't the only Antifa violence going on. Check out another thug throw urine on Conservative reporter Lauren Southern:

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest - See How Cops Take To Her Aggression... ⋆ US Herald

Show some character for a change and severely denounce this sorry excuse for a human.

Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.

No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

Can you read?

Send her up there then.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.
But this is a political forum and the dupes deserve to be chastised for their willful racist bigoted ignorance and hate. See sig last line.
I can feel the love....
Fuck them unAmerican turds man, we gonna make it happen, with or without ya.

Serious talk.

Maybe yur mama n daddy shoulda paddled you more.

As of this point in time, you're either onboard for America, or you're not.

Which is it? Do you support Jefferson? Or Alinsky? It's your choice.

Don't think it won't have consequences, though.
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe.

The b**** had put a nail in the end of the flag pole and STABBED the HORSE in the neck repeatedly. Stop lying, the horse is recovering and she rightfully is in jail!

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest – See How Cops Take To Her Aggression…
Posted by Bob Amoroso

The incident involved a 23-year-old “biological female” however described as a “he” named Lisa Joy Simon who apparently attacked a police horse with a flagpole fitted with a nail and stabbing the horse on the side of the neck.


Simon is currently being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6th.

This incident wasn't the only Antifa violence going on. Check out another thug throw urine on Conservative reporter Lauren Southern:

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest - See How Cops Take To Her Aggression... ⋆ US Herald

Show some character for a change and severely denounce this sorry excuse for a human.

Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.

No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

"The rape occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, in Twin Falls, when the three Muslims lured a 5-year-old girl into a laundry room and there committed upon her the most infamous acts of cruelty and barbarism, while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

"Following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borresen of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order barring those present in the courtroom from discussing it.

"... the victim’s lawyer is facing contempt charges because of a benign comment he made to the Idaho Statesman about the parents’ unhappiness with the verdict.

"WorldNetDaily consulted with Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, about the legality of issuing such a gag order after the fact in a criminal case: “It’s unconstitutional for the judge to do that. There are gag orders that can be put on people during a jury trial, or if it’s a minor they can prohibit you from mentioning the name of the minor, but they can’t gag you after the fact,” Staver said. “This is public at this point. This judge, it just seems like he’s forgotten about the First Amendment in this case. He has no authority to do this, he can’t hold someone in contempt to keep them from speaking out about their displeasure with the case after the fact.”

"Staver said case law is clear on the subject of gag orders.

“The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete,” wrote Geller. “In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

“The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers. He did allow them to say that they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they disclosed why they were unhappy with it."

"Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called ‘the biggest victim of them all.’

“The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings.

“After this lovefest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other. All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.

“In the midst of this judicial mugging, every time Lacy’s lawyer tried to speak up, he was silenced. The little victim, Jayla, was never even mentioned once by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police or anyone else. Only Lacy mentioned her, when she made her statement. Lacy detailed how the poor girl is still suffering the effects of this attack…

“Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy. She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.

“Understandably, the parents of the victim were and are devastated. Back in April, when the attackers initially pleaded guilty, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: ‘I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.’

“Nothing could be further from the truth. The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.

“From the beginning to the end, for Idaho officials this case was about one thing, and one thing only: not justice for this poor little girl who was brutalized and abused, but about making sure that Americans don’t start to realize what is happening and oppose the Muslim migrant influx. "

Lefties get off on sacrificing children to sexual deviants and predators to promote false narratives.

Israel National News: Muslim attackers of 5-year-old in Idaho unpunished - Geller Report
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe.

The b**** had put a nail in the end of the flag pole and STABBED the HORSE in the neck repeatedly. Stop lying, the horse is recovering and she rightfully is in jail!

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest – See How Cops Take To Her Aggression…
Posted by Bob Amoroso

The incident involved a 23-year-old “biological female” however described as a “he” named Lisa Joy Simon who apparently attacked a police horse with a flagpole fitted with a nail and stabbing the horse on the side of the neck.


Simon is currently being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6th.

This incident wasn't the only Antifa violence going on. Check out another thug throw urine on Conservative reporter Lauren Southern:

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest - See How Cops Take To Her Aggression... ⋆ US Herald

Show some character for a change and severely denounce this sorry excuse for a human.

Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.

No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

"The rape occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, in Twin Falls, when the three Muslims lured a 5-year-old girl into a laundry room and there committed upon her the most infamous acts of cruelty and barbarism, while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

"Following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borresen of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order barring those present in the courtroom from discussing it.

"... the victim’s lawyer is facing contempt charges because of a benign comment he made to the Idaho Statesman about the parents’ unhappiness with the verdict.

"WorldNetDaily consulted with Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, about the legality of issuing such a gag order after the fact in a criminal case: “It’s unconstitutional for the judge to do that. There are gag orders that can be put on people during a jury trial, or if it’s a minor they can prohibit you from mentioning the name of the minor, but they can’t gag you after the fact,” Staver said. “This is public at this point. This judge, it just seems like he’s forgotten about the First Amendment in this case. He has no authority to do this, he can’t hold someone in contempt to keep them from speaking out about their displeasure with the case after the fact.”

"Staver said case law is clear on the subject of gag orders.

“The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete,” wrote Geller. “In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

“The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers. He did allow them to say that they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they disclosed why they were unhappy with it."

"Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called ‘the biggest victim of them all.’

“The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings.

“After this lovefest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other. All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.

“In the midst of this judicial mugging, every time Lacy’s lawyer tried to speak up, he was silenced. The little victim, Jayla, was never even mentioned once by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police or anyone else. Only Lacy mentioned her, when she made her statement. Lacy detailed how the poor girl is still suffering the effects of this attack…

“Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy. She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.

“Understandably, the parents of the victim were and are devastated. Back in April, when the attackers initially pleaded guilty, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: ‘I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.’

“Nothing could be further from the truth. The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.

“From the beginning to the end, for Idaho officials this case was about one thing, and one thing only: not justice for this poor little girl who was brutalized and abused, but about making sure that Americans don’t start to realize what is happening and oppose the Muslim migrant influx. "

Lefties get off on sacrificing children to sexual deviants and predators to promote false narratives.

Israel National News: Muslim attackers of 5-year-old in Idaho unpunished - Geller Report

I know it happened, it's franco denying it. Yet he won't send any of "his" girls up there. Go figure.
"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Torry losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.
The ideals of the Revolution are grounded in Christian faith. The Puritans had the "Mayflower Compact" which challenged divine right of kings. The Baptist in Virginia had the idea of "re-birth" which has been a theme throughout U.S. history. See Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, in which he talks of a "new birth of freedom." Self rule and republican form of government are not liberal ideals. Rome was a republic...but also an oppressive empire.

Almost immediately after the remains of Abraham Lincoln were laid to rest at Springfield, one of his biographers put forward the claim that he was a devout believer in Christianity. The claim was promptly denied by the dead President’s friends, but only to be renewed again, and again denied. Ever since, the question of Lincoln’s religious belief has been bandied about.

The author, a proponent of Freethought or Freethinking, suggests that Lincoln’s religious beliefs were in line with a sort of Deism, or natural religion, and that he didn’t believe in Christianity or other organized religion. While not claiming Lincoln as a Freethinker directly, Remsburg conducts numerous interviews and other research demonstrating Lincoln’s admiration for Freethinkers such as Thomas Paine, and his contempt for religious revivalism.
Last edited:
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

It's a damn shame that our president play such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

He's a sucko piece of crap president BUT he is OUR elected representative. His office does stand for something and that includes basic respect. If he's not the leader to heal wounds - WE HAVE TO BE. We can't just crawl around crying and blaming and damaging our society and blaming the election. We CAN'T allow OUR rhetoric to energize our wingnuts into unspeakable actions because we have a p.o.s. president.

Going to have to call you on something here. He is in fact NOT a "sucko piece of crap". He is the President of the United States. If we ever want this stuff to stop the first thing you need to bring to the table is respect. He is the leader of this country and his authority supersedes yours and mine by orders of magnitude. This kind of name calling only engenders more hatred. This does not promote healing, it encourages more acts of hatred.

I'm as entitled to my personal opinion on my president as anyone else - I feel he is a sucko piece of crap (and I'm willing to bet those who are offended have said the same about Obama) - but he IS my president and I'm not going to go out and proclaim to the world he is a sucko piece of crap, or say he's not the legitimate president, or call him the gropenfuher etc. He's a crappy president in my eyes until he proves himself otherwise. I can't pretend I respect him as a person but I can respect the office and I will defend his legitimacy to hold that office..
You say this has to stop.................tell us to turn down the rhetoric.................Then call Trump a Sucko piece of crap..........

Point taken.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.
But this is a political forum and the dupes deserve to be chastised for their willful racist bigoted ignorance and hate. See sig last line.
I can feel the love....
The b**** had put a nail in the end of the flag pole and STABBED the HORSE in the neck repeatedly. Stop lying, the horse is recovering and she rightfully is in jail!

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest – See How Cops Take To Her Aggression…
Posted by Bob Amoroso

The incident involved a 23-year-old “biological female” however described as a “he” named Lisa Joy Simon who apparently attacked a police horse with a flagpole fitted with a nail and stabbing the horse on the side of the neck.


Simon is currently being held in lieu of $100,000 bail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 6th.

This incident wasn't the only Antifa violence going on. Check out another thug throw urine on Conservative reporter Lauren Southern:

Antifa Thug Stabs Police Horse With Nail While Standing Up For Sharia Law At Protest - See How Cops Take To Her Aggression... ⋆ US Herald

Show some character for a change and severely denounce this sorry excuse for a human.

Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.

No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

"The rape occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, in Twin Falls, when the three Muslims lured a 5-year-old girl into a laundry room and there committed upon her the most infamous acts of cruelty and barbarism, while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

"Following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borresen of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order barring those present in the courtroom from discussing it.

"... the victim’s lawyer is facing contempt charges because of a benign comment he made to the Idaho Statesman about the parents’ unhappiness with the verdict.

"WorldNetDaily consulted with Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, about the legality of issuing such a gag order after the fact in a criminal case: “It’s unconstitutional for the judge to do that. There are gag orders that can be put on people during a jury trial, or if it’s a minor they can prohibit you from mentioning the name of the minor, but they can’t gag you after the fact,” Staver said. “This is public at this point. This judge, it just seems like he’s forgotten about the First Amendment in this case. He has no authority to do this, he can’t hold someone in contempt to keep them from speaking out about their displeasure with the case after the fact.”

"Staver said case law is clear on the subject of gag orders.

“The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete,” wrote Geller. “In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

“The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers. He did allow them to say that they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they disclosed why they were unhappy with it."

"Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called ‘the biggest victim of them all.’

“The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings.

“After this lovefest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other. All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.

“In the midst of this judicial mugging, every time Lacy’s lawyer tried to speak up, he was silenced. The little victim, Jayla, was never even mentioned once by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police or anyone else. Only Lacy mentioned her, when she made her statement. Lacy detailed how the poor girl is still suffering the effects of this attack…

“Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy. She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.

“Understandably, the parents of the victim were and are devastated. Back in April, when the attackers initially pleaded guilty, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: ‘I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.’

“Nothing could be further from the truth. The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.

“From the beginning to the end, for Idaho officials this case was about one thing, and one thing only: not justice for this poor little girl who was brutalized and abused, but about making sure that Americans don’t start to realize what is happening and oppose the Muslim migrant influx. "

Lefties get off on sacrificing children to sexual deviants and predators to promote false narratives.

Israel National News: Muslim attackers of 5-year-old in Idaho unpunished - Geller Report

I know it happened, it's franco denying it. Yet he won't send any of "his" girls up there. Go figure.

Me and every fact checker there is. But you go with known liars, dupe.
While people might be divided by political opinions/issues, we share common ground on many things that really matter.

I like focusing on that common ground. It makes for a better life.
But this is a political forum and the dupes deserve to be chastised for their willful racist bigoted ignorance and hate. See sig last line.
I can feel the love....
Stabbed a horse? :mad: I don't want to know any more , I don't need prison.

This is the left on display.
No, the horse wasn't injured. More fake news for the chumps.
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

You know those Syrian refugee kids that raped the 5 year old girl with a knife? Not Syrian refugees, not raped, no knife. Your lies are nonstop.

Cool, send your little girl up to Idaho to be with them boy.

"The rape occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, in Twin Falls, when the three Muslims lured a 5-year-old girl into a laundry room and there committed upon her the most infamous acts of cruelty and barbarism, while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

"Following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borresen of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order barring those present in the courtroom from discussing it.

"... the victim’s lawyer is facing contempt charges because of a benign comment he made to the Idaho Statesman about the parents’ unhappiness with the verdict.

"WorldNetDaily consulted with Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, about the legality of issuing such a gag order after the fact in a criminal case: “It’s unconstitutional for the judge to do that. There are gag orders that can be put on people during a jury trial, or if it’s a minor they can prohibit you from mentioning the name of the minor, but they can’t gag you after the fact,” Staver said. “This is public at this point. This judge, it just seems like he’s forgotten about the First Amendment in this case. He has no authority to do this, he can’t hold someone in contempt to keep them from speaking out about their displeasure with the case after the fact.”

"Staver said case law is clear on the subject of gag orders.

“The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete,” wrote Geller. “In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.

“The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers. He did allow them to say that they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they disclosed why they were unhappy with it."

"Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called ‘the biggest victim of them all.’

“The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings.

“After this lovefest, which lasted for five hours in the courtroom, all three boys were sentenced, one after the other. All three were given probation. They were not found guilty of rape, but of sexually lewd conduct.

“In the midst of this judicial mugging, every time Lacy’s lawyer tried to speak up, he was silenced. The little victim, Jayla, was never even mentioned once by Kroeger or the judge – or by the police or anyone else. Only Lacy mentioned her, when she made her statement. Lacy detailed how the poor girl is still suffering the effects of this attack…

“Yet when Lacy completed her statement, Kroeger lashed out not at the perpetrators or their parents, but at Lacy. She viciously tongue-lashed Lacy for a full 15 minutes, until finally Judge Borreson had to stop her.

“Understandably, the parents of the victim were and are devastated. Back in April, when the attackers initially pleaded guilty, Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said: ‘I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.’

“Nothing could be further from the truth. The resolution of the case was not accepted by the victim’s family, and it was not resolved properly.

“From the beginning to the end, for Idaho officials this case was about one thing, and one thing only: not justice for this poor little girl who was brutalized and abused, but about making sure that Americans don’t start to realize what is happening and oppose the Muslim migrant influx. "

Lefties get off on sacrificing children to sexual deviants and predators to promote false narratives.

Israel National News: Muslim attackers of 5-year-old in Idaho unpunished - Geller Report

I know it happened, it's franco denying it. Yet he won't send any of "his" girls up there. Go figure.
Me and every fact checker there is. But you go with known liars, dupe.

Send your little girl up there then. If not, shut the fuck up. You are a liar.
Fuck them unAmerican turds man, we gonna make it happen, with or without ya.

Serious talk.

Maybe yur mama n daddy shoulda paddled you more.

As of this point in time, you're either onboard for America, or you're not.

Which is it? Do you support Jefferson? Or Alinsky? It's your choice.

Don't think it won't have consequences, though.
your idea of America is kaput i.e. white and christian
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Thread is getting good derailed - the topic is not what happened Idaho.
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't think folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.

Edited. Well I did, I was disappointed, as well.
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Obama was given a second term to make good on his promises. The attacks against Trump started the day we elected him.

I'm seeing a problem here.
Amost all the fake news and BS is RW..
not at all. The MSM is 95% liberal so all the news they have presented for the last 50 years has been fake. Thanks to Sir Donald the whole world knows it now.

'sir' donald?

more like prisoner # 3576620 :eusa_dance:

Please don't play into that. It's so un-American.

Look, when Obama was elected, he was our president.

Did anyone dispute that? No.

I gave him 1 year before I realized all that "most transparent administration ever" was horseshit.

Leftists? They were looking to impeach The Donald before Inauguration Day.

That ain't right. Looky here, this country is going to get back to God and the Bible whether whoever likes it or not.

That's how this place came to be and what gives certain fucktards around here the leniency necessary to spew their bullshit.

That's right!

You don't like it? move to a progressive country. Dis heanh The United States of America. Are you for us or against us?
You forget how they decided right off the bat to do everything possible to make him a one term president. You forget the demonstrations withe signs saying a village in Africa lost its idiot.

I don't folks gave Obama any more chance then Trump.
Politics is a blood sport...................He gave his agenda before he was elected............I disagreed with it before, during, and after..................

I did not go off the reservation with those examples...................

Under the Constitution we have the right to oppose his agenda and prevent laws from being made that we disagree with. That is why there is separation of powers to prevent a Temporary majority the ability to trample the beliefs of the 49% that disagree............They made laws HARD TO PASS FOR A REASON..................hoping the art of compromise would make laws that both sides can agree with. So when people say you are obstructionist.................in regards to policies I disagree with.............Damned Skippy.......................

That is how the Republic is supposed to work............our founders have rolled over in their graves long ago for what we have become.
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