Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Funny how you're so piss-pants scared of the topic that you had to change it to something else.

Oh well.
Says the dufus claiming he's just like the Founding Fathers.

Hey I look good for a guy 250 years old. Good genes, so sue me.

The point remains, you couldn't handle a point on "Liberal" so you had to shift it to "left".
I accept your humble concession. Now go learn your shit.
Your attempt to label today's leftists as liberals of the Founding Fathers caliber was blown out of the water by me. Now you're just whining.

Your attempt to revisionist-edit what I never said is plainly called out for the bogus bullshit it is in the thread nest. >>>YOU<<< brought up "leftist", not me. And you did that because you couldn't handle "Liberal", because you have no clue what either of them mean.

What's more you're wasting time here demonstrating that ignorance when you should be at the library addressing your own dearth of education.
There are no liberals in the Democrat party today. You're all leftists who'd vomit reading JFKs inaugural address.

Once again for the illiterate moron --- I said nothing about any "Democratic Party". Once AGAIN you try to move the goalposts. What an emptyheaded hack you are.
How dare people point to the violent people.
I question your source.
That's why he won't provide a link to his source.

Right-wing Terror Attacks in US Approach 90s Levels | ADLAnti-Defamation League
And a couple non news events mean something, dupe? Your RW media is a disgrace. We MAY know about a surge in RW violence against gays, Musims, jews, and blacks. ALL of you dupes know by heart a couple of tiny incidents, highly debatable, hateful narrations about some non-Dem fools. Stabbing a horse? We have no clue what your FOS hate machine is blaring about. lol. Why isn't real media covering it? Because it's crap, ignoramus.
I'm not surprised you're clueless about that ugly antifa bitch stabbing a horse....
Antifa Member Stabs Police Horse in Neck at Pennsylvania Demonstration
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe. And how many times were dupes told it was Dem violence again, not another of a tiny number of antifa jackass kids? You a-hole RWers do a great job at glorifying nonentities like the NBLL and antifa and making Dems out to be violent communists...You and your hate propaganda machine eat shytte, stupid. Lock her and them up is pure bs. Just like Trump tweets about the biggest witch hunt ever and the bad people doing it. He's watching Fox Noise too and he's feqing himself. You're all a lying or duped disgrace...
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

Well no, not all Lefty's. Take you for instance, you're a coward pussy who likes to throw out insults anonymously. But make no mistake, your side is as violent as it gets, you just don't have the balls to do anything about what you believe.
My side doesn't get violent unless they're insane. Your side's propaganda machine lies nonstop- you dupes just don't know. I vote and debate and try and tell you dupes the facts. Look up brainwashed, fool of lying, brainwashing, thieving megarich GOP idiots. Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moons, and their bought off HS grad ex cokehead DJ pundits. The horse wasn't stabbed. ANOTHER lie among THOUSANDS you fools believe, and you don't care. Poor America.
You don't sound creepy at all.
That baseball shooter makes our usmb punks look even more nuts than they usually look. He could at least convey ideas in a coherent manner.

Sure, because ten repetitions of "hater dupes" is intelligent communication. You're as stupid as he is. You killed any pubs honey? Or are you in franco's basement? franco is a coward. Hell at least the OWS, ANTIFA lefty's have the balls to do something.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
Looks like you've joined the thousands, perhaps millions of us who are shouting "Stop the insanity!" President Trump led the way with his well-reasoned and reasonable speech subsequent to this latest violent manifestation of that insanity. Seems like too few are listening, doesn't it? Maybe we need to start ensuring consequences for those who are truly verbalizing their insane hate speech. Let's start with Hillary, shall we? Moving on, Madonna, Schumer, Warren, Snoop Dog, the producers of that abortive interpretation of "Julius Caesar", "Hands up, don't shoot", Black Lives Matter, CAIR, and many, many others of the Left, should all be properly sanctioned for their hateful, inciteful rhetoric. Leaders on both sides need to start calling out those they supposedly "lead" and require them to calm down and think about consequences of their words and deeds. Just because one can do, or say, something does not mean they should.
Sure LOL- then check his tweet this afternoon about the bad people leading the worst witch hunt ever. The FBI? Congress? What an ass...
After reading the OP, I can honestly say I have respect for Coyote. Her and I are on the same page with the BS we've been seeing.
I'm not surprised you're clueless about that ugly antifa bitch stabbing a horse....
Antifa Member Stabs Police Horse in Neck at Pennsylvania Demonstration
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe. And how many times were dupes told it was Dem violence again, not another of a tiny number of antifa jackass kids? You a-hole RWers do a great job at glorifying nonentities like the NBLL and antifa and making Dems out to be violent communists...You and your hate propaganda machine eat shytte, stupid. Lock her and them up is pure bs. Just like Trump tweets about the biggest witch hunt ever and the bad people doing it. He's watching Fox Noise too and he's feqing himself. You're all a lying or duped disgrace...
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

Well no, not all Lefty's. Take you for instance, you're a coward pussy who likes to throw out insults anonymously. But make no mistake, your side is as violent as it gets, you just don't have the balls to do anything about what you believe.
My side doesn't get violent unless they're insane. Your side's propaganda machine lies nonstop- you dupes just don't know. I vote and debate and try and tell you dupes the facts. Look up brainwashed, fool of lying, brainwashing, thieving megarich GOP idiots. Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moons, and their bought off HS grad ex cokehead DJ pundits. The horse wasn't stabbed. ANOTHER lie among THOUSANDS you fools believe, and you don't care. Poor America.
You don't sound creepy at all.
That baseball shooter makes our usmb punks look even more nuts than they usually look. He could at least convey ideas in a coherent manner.

Sure, because ten repetitions of "hater dupes" is intelligent communication. You're as stupid as he is. You killed any pubs honey? Or are you in franco's basement? franco is a coward. Hell at least the OWS, ANTIFA lefty's have the balls to do something.
Yup, violence is great, hater dupe. What an a-hole.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

uh-huh. trump rallies were nothing but giant love fests, right? & i am positive you were incredulous & outraged at the portland alt right white supremacist who stabbed to death innocent men defending innocent muslim women on that train right?
...another Bernie Bro, not a alt-right, whatever that is. Yes, Trump rallies were a love fest, a few maggots tried to spoil it and lost though.

uh-huh. trump has had his share of white suprememies show up at his rallies from the start. no worries though. he's a goner.

i can't wait.

Please do tell: What was the alternative to Trump?
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe. And how many times were dupes told it was Dem violence again, not another of a tiny number of antifa jackass kids? You a-hole RWers do a great job at glorifying nonentities like the NBLL and antifa and making Dems out to be violent communists...You and your hate propaganda machine eat shytte, stupid. Lock her and them up is pure bs. Just like Trump tweets about the biggest witch hunt ever and the bad people doing it. He's watching Fox Noise too and he's feqing himself. You're all a lying or duped disgrace...
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

Well no, not all Lefty's. Take you for instance, you're a coward pussy who likes to throw out insults anonymously. But make no mistake, your side is as violent as it gets, you just don't have the balls to do anything about what you believe.
My side doesn't get violent unless they're insane. Your side's propaganda machine lies nonstop- you dupes just don't know. I vote and debate and try and tell you dupes the facts. Look up brainwashed, fool of lying, brainwashing, thieving megarich GOP idiots. Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moons, and their bought off HS grad ex cokehead DJ pundits. The horse wasn't stabbed. ANOTHER lie among THOUSANDS you fools believe, and you don't care. Poor America.
You don't sound creepy at all.
That baseball shooter makes our usmb punks look even more nuts than they usually look. He could at least convey ideas in a coherent manner.

Sure, because ten repetitions of "hater dupes" is intelligent communication. You're as stupid as he is. You killed any pubs honey? Or are you in franco's basement? franco is a coward. Hell at least the OWS, ANTIFA lefty's have the balls to do something.
Yup, violence is great, hater dupe. What an a-hole.

No it isn't, but your side uses it all of the time. You are a sad little man who has never done anything for anyone but you. Derp, dupe, hater, derp.
I'm not surprised you're clueless about that ugly antifa bitch stabbing a horse....
Antifa Member Stabs Police Horse in Neck at Pennsylvania Demonstration
The horse wasn't STABBED- it was hit with a flag pole in the neck and wasn't injured, hater dupe. And how many times were dupes told it was Dem violence again, not another of a tiny number of antifa jackass kids? You a-hole RWers do a great job at glorifying nonentities like the NBLL and antifa and making Dems out to be violent communists...You and your hate propaganda machine eat shytte, stupid. Lock her and them up is pure bs. Just like Trump tweets about the biggest witch hunt ever and the bad people doing it. He's watching Fox Noise too and he's feqing himself. You're all a lying or duped disgrace...
Philly counterprotest woman charged with allegedly striking police horse at conservative rally

Well no, not all Lefty's. Take you for instance, you're a coward pussy who likes to throw out insults anonymously. But make no mistake, your side is as violent as it gets, you just don't have the balls to do anything about what you believe.
My side doesn't get violent unless they're insane. Your side's propaganda machine lies nonstop- you dupes just don't know. I vote and debate and try and tell you dupes the facts. Look up brainwashed, fool of lying, brainwashing, thieving megarich GOP idiots. Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moons, and their bought off HS grad ex cokehead DJ pundits. The horse wasn't stabbed. ANOTHER lie among THOUSANDS you fools believe, and you don't care. Poor America.
You don't sound creepy at all.
That baseball shooter makes our usmb punks look even more nuts than they usually look. He could at least convey ideas in a coherent manner.

Sure, because ten repetitions of "hater dupes" is intelligent communication. You're as stupid as he is. You killed any pubs honey? Or are you in franco's basement? franco is a coward. Hell at least the OWS, ANTIFA lefty's have the balls to do something.
The horse wasn't stabbed, dupe. And violence is not brave, hater dupe. Get a grip. The horse wasn't stabbed. Obama had control for 60 days, not 2 years, and passed only the stimulus and ACA. Hillary did nothing criminal or evil Ditto Obama, Lerner etc etc.You are absolutely FOS, Your whole party is, AND You DON"T CARE. Poor America.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

uh-huh. trump rallies were nothing but giant love fests, right? & i am positive you were incredulous & outraged at the portland alt right white supremacist who stabbed to death innocent men defending innocent muslim women on that train right?
...another Bernie Bro, not a alt-right, whatever that is. Yes, Trump rallies were a love fest, a few maggots tried to spoil it and lost though.

uh-huh. trump has had his share of white suprememies show up at his rallies from the start. no worries though. he's a goner.

i can't wait.

Please do tell: What was the alternative to Trump?
Hillary, duh, and all the character assassination you're duped with is bs.
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

uh-huh. trump rallies were nothing but giant love fests, right? & i am positive you were incredulous & outraged at the portland alt right white supremacist who stabbed to death innocent men defending innocent muslim women on that train right?
...another Bernie Bro, not a alt-right, whatever that is. Yes, Trump rallies were a love fest, a few maggots tried to spoil it and lost though.

uh-huh. trump has had his share of white suprememies show up at his rallies from the start. no worries though. he's a goner.

i can't wait.

Please do tell: What was the alternative to Trump?
Hillary, duh, and all the character assassination you're duped with is bs.

Dude,you're the dupe to end all dupes, if ever there was a dupe, and you're a faggot, mk? True story!
As a liberal I want to fund a "Fainting couch" so you Right winger can clutch your Pearls and faint away jejune style....

You're a dealer aren't you kid? Actually you want to send anyone on the "right" to a camp.
Duped to the point of hate of opponents ...hater dupe is a perfect description- read my book. See sig, last line. How bout those Cubs? lol. You RWers are the haters. All my friends out here are racist dupes....lol. Your politics SUQQQENT...misinformation and emotion...
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