Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

I think he did hijack it...they did NOT want him...emphatically...and his win for candidate was a sucker punch.

^ This is true. The GOP establishment did not want Trump, they funded his opposition, sent everyone they could

think of up against him, and he won anyway!

The truth is, the people are fed up with establishment politics.
What you don't understand is that there is going to be disenfranchisement no matter what system we use. Using the EC, Republicans in blue states have no use for voting. In red states, Democrats have no use for voting. But at least there is a neutralizing system in place.

This is what I just pointed out --- those (in my example) 2.8 million Rump voters in New York --- who would be considerably more numerous if their votes were actually going anywhere --- had no reason to leave the house that day. They're told, in effect, "unless you vote for whoever the Democrat is, you don't have a vote. Oh you can go through the motions and pretend, but there won't be any point in it. Now, if you can change your mind and vote for the Democrat, then we'll count your vote".

That's complete bullshit and there is no argument that it is not. You just tried to make one and twisted yourself into a pretzel that ended up agreeing --- "there is going to be disenfranchisement no matter what system we use". That's just throwing up your hands and giving up. Time to grow a pair and face realities.

If the entire country depended on popular vote where just two or three cities, and one or two states determined the election outcome, then over 90% of country would be disenfranchised.

Again, BULLSHIT. There is no scenario where the vote "depends on two or three cities or states". That's cherrypicked weasel math. It's the same bullshit fake argument that goes "hey if you subtract the California vote, Rump wins". Well you can't subtract California, you can't subtract this city, you can't subtract that state. The whole is a sum of ALL its parts. And you don't get to eliminate this city or that state just because you don't like what it chooses.

i'm sure as a Democrat, you'd be fine with that. But if 90% of Democrats were disenfranchised, you would have a real problem with such a system.

I wouldn't know since I've never been a Democrat and don't believe in joining political parties, but if I did, it would be just as dishonest to want to bias the electoral system to my own vote, as your own dishonesty here introducing this red herring. Don't sit there on your ass and ass-ume that just because you have no ethical standards, no one else does either. Again, you're following the same flaw you carried into our previous exchange, the idea of "if I never experienced it, then it doesn't exist". Trust me, it does.
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

As frustrating as it is to you and your ilk, the Electoral College perfectly serves its purpose. Were it not for the Electoral College, candidates would campaign in a dozen or so cities and the rest of the country would be slaves and cash cows to the citizens of those few wrecked cities.

Actually, replace "cities" with "states" and that's what it does already. The Wisconsins and Ohios get all the action, the Idahos and Massachusettses get the shaft. Both in terms of meeting the candidates and in terms of their vote. And nobody ever bothers with Alaska and Hawaìi --- they split 'em by 'gentlemen's agreement'. :lame2:

I'm in Carolina (the real one, not the banana republic) so I actually had a vote. My friends and relatives in Mississippi and California and Texas and Washington, had zippo. They could have voted with their states, could have voted against their states, or they could have stayed home. None of those "options" would have made a damn bit of difference to the end result.

That ain't a "vote". That's a farce. And it's why we get a pathetic 55% turnout 45% said, "fuck it, what's the point?" Surely you can remember tales of totalitarian states that hold a fake "vote" where the glorious dictator gets an amazing 99% of the vote. Yeah we can relate.

It also makes us dependent on polls to see whether we should even bother to "vote". If your state isn't close --- what's the point? It's already pre-decided FOR you.

Didn't think this through didja?

When that same state elects a governor, does it muster some kind of state electoral college to count up who won each county/parish/borough? Nope --- we do that by direct vote. All 57 states. What's the difference?

Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college.

My "side" huh? Yeah I am a citizen of this country, I don't consider that a "side" but what's yours?

See what I mean about there being no counterargument, Ray?
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

It sure does seem that way. I keep waiting for it to stop, or at least calm down, and it doesn't.
We should not allow the institutions of our media to be owned by businesses that also own other media, to prevent monopolization. Today about 6 corporations own almost all of our media.

We also should make it illegal for foreigners to own any part or stock in our media, period.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
So where is the condemnation of the left justifying the shooting?

The left are too busy justifying it.
And the silence of the left over their statements is passive approval.

Scott Pelley of CBS: It’s time to ask whether [Wednesday’s] attack was foreseeable, predictable, self-inflicted.

MSNBC Host Suggests Rep. Steve Scalise Deserved To Be Shot Due To Conservative Record

WHERE do you get this "the left" that somehow has a spokesman reading a statement that was voted in unanimously? Do you actually not understand the difference between a collective, and a cherrypicked unit taken out of its context? Are you completely ignorant of what Cherrypicking and Composition Fallacies are?

Wanna see how it works? Watch this.

"David Duke is a Klan racist. David Duke is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans are Klan racists. Because he speaks for them."

Completely dishonest. But hey ----- your logic. Wanna keep it?

As OL noted eloquently, some wag you trawled around the internets to find, some obscure gadfly none of us, including yourself, ever heard of until you dug it up, does not run "the left", does not own "the left", does not speak for "the left". NO ONE speaks for the left, and NO ONE speaks for the right. These are abstract concepts of a collective, not some fucking organization.

This is classic Composition Fallacy, and it's complete BULLSHIT.
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Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
So where is the condemnation of the left justifying the shooting?

The left are too busy justifying it.
And the silence of the left over their statements is passive approval.

Scott Pelley of CBS: It’s time to ask whether [Wednesday’s] attack was foreseeable, predictable, self-inflicted.

MSNBC Host Suggests Rep. Steve Scalise Deserved To Be Shot Due To Conservative Record

WHERE do you get this "the left" that somehow has a spokesman reading a statement that was voted in unanimously? Do you actually not understand the difference between a collective, and a cherrypicked unit taken out of its context? Are you completely ignorant of what Cherrypicking and Composition Fallacies are?

Wanna see how it works? Watch this.

"David Duke is a Klan racist. David Duke is a Republican. Therefore all Republicans are Klan racists. Because he speaks for them."

Completely dishonest. But hey ----- your logic. Wanna keep it?
Now you justify the support of political violence.
You validate the OP.
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

It sure does seem that way. I keep waiting for it to stop, or at least calm down, and it doesn't.
We should not allow the institutions of our media to be owned by businesses that also own other media, to prevent monopolization. Today about 6 corporations own almost all of our media.

We also should make it illegal for foreigners to own any part or stock in our media, period.

Not sure where media came in here but this is an excellent point. If you're a multi-tentacled megacorporation that wants to push an agenda, you can have the author that's under contract to your publishing house write a book... then you can have that author interviewed on your radio and TV stations..... you can have a nice splash about it in the magazines you publish, write favorable stories in the newspapers you publish, and eventually have it made into a movie by the film production house you own, which is then advertised on those same broadcast stations, splashed in your same magazines, and festooned on your network of billboards.

Oh and then you can hammer some part of the concept into a piece of music put out by your record company --- because you own that too. All this is already going on.

It always amazes that there walk among us people who wet their pants about overreaching government running people's lives through legislation --- yet then turn a blind eye to a corporatocracy doing the same thing through a different, far more secretive and more insidious means.
Now you justify the support of political violence.

Oh did I Chuckles?





Exactly See what I mean about dishonesty?

"This computer is a Toshiba. Therefore all computers are Toshibas. My computer does not have a touch screen. Therefore no computer has a touch screen".

You validate the OP.

The OP was valid as soon as it went up, and before it went up. It's noting that dishonest hacks like you continually flail around trying to score your personal intenet "points" with this divisive dishonest rhetoric such as I just exposed. The OP notes where that's taking us, and it's called 'down the drain'.

That's absolutely a valid observation. And you just demonstrated it. You're doing your part to destroy your country. And I'm here to stand up for it. Rotsa ruck.
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Why should Planned Parenthood be funded is the better question?
The best way to reduce the number of abortions is by preventing pregnancies, a major mission of Planned Parenthood. Other missions include providing clinical breast examinations, cervical cancer screening, pregnancy testing, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, sex education and vasectomies. Only a third of PP funding is federal, and except in rare circumstances, that funding can't be used for abortion.

Years ago in our state, they pushed to have a lottery system. The claim was that proceeds would help fund our public schools. Okay, so we got the lottery and they paid into our school system. That's when our state government reduced state funding to the schools, so they didn't benefit at all.

When the federal government pays PP to fund other things than abortion, the money they get from other resources goes to abortions. There is no possible way for them to separate all money that comes in. The federal money they get simply offsets their private donations and fees that do go to abortion. If not for federal money, they would't be able to use private money for abortions. They would have to use that money to fund their other services.

It's simple money laundering is what it is. Indirectly, yes, our federal tax dollars are funding PP abortions.
There is that logic, but then it can be applied to all things. Why do churches and non-profits like PP have tax breaks? Shouldn't they all pay full taxes just like everyone else?

As for the abortion issue, I support it. After all, it's mostly Democrats being aborted, isn't it? LOL

Again, the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Who helps the most with that concept?

So you don't want church and state separate?

Or you just want their money?

What is it?

Church and state should remain separate. What money are you claiming I want?

Both questions back to you.
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

It sure does seem that way. I keep waiting for it to stop, or at least calm down, and it doesn't.
We should not allow the institutions of our media to be owned by businesses that also own other media, to prevent monopolization. Today about 6 corporations own almost all of our media.

We also should make it illegal for foreigners to own any part or stock in our media, period.

Not sure where media came in here but this is an excellent point. If you're a multi-tentacled megacorporation that wants to push an agenda, you can have the author that's under contract to your publishing house write a book... then you can have that author interviewed on your radio and TV stations..... you can have a nice splash about it in the magazines you publish, write favorable stories in the newspapers you publish, and eventually have it made into a movie by the film production house you own, which is then advertised on those same broadcast stations, splashed in your same magazines, and festooned on your network of billboards.

Oh and then you can hammer some part of the concept into a piece of music put out by your record company --- because you own that too. All this is already going on.

It always amazes that there walk among us people who wet their pants about overreaching government running people's lives through legislation --- yet then turn a blind eye to a corporatocracy doing the same thing through a different, far more secretive and more insidious means.
Agreed in part. While I, too, am concerned about overreaching government, media companies are businesses and businesses, especially corporations, not only seek profit but have a legal fiduciary responsibility to their investors to make a profit.

The difference between an overreaching government and a megacorp is that one can censor what you see, read and learn whereas the other can only influence it. Especially if there are regulations in place to prevent monopolies. See China for examples of government overreach and see CNN as a corporation desperate to catch up to "Fox money".
Now you justify the support of political violence.

Oh did I Chuckles?





Exactly See what I mean about dishonesty?

"This computer is a Toshiba. Therefore all computers are Toshibas. My computer does not have a touch screen. Therefore no computer has a touch screen".

You validate the OP.

The OP was valid as soon as it went up, and before it went up. It's noting that dishonest hacks like you continually flail around trying to score your personal intenet "points" with this divisive dishonest rhetoric such as I just exposed. The OP notes where that's taking us, and it's called 'down the drain'.

That's absolutely a valid observation. And you just demonstrated it. You're doing your part to destroy your country. And I'm here to stand up for it. Rotsa ruck.
The passive and active support the left has for Islamic terrorism and political violence is well documented in just this message board, let alone all of the internet.
What kind of moron hears about a shooting and goes to find out "quick, what's his political party?"

You'd have to be an absolute cretin.

That would be as stupid as hearing about a shooting and going "quick, what's his religion?"
You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.
Now you justify the support of political violence.

Oh did I Chuckles?





Exactly See what I mean about dishonesty?

"This computer is a Toshiba. Therefore all computers are Toshibas. My computer does not have a touch screen. Therefore no computer has a touch screen".

You validate the OP.

The OP was valid as soon as it went up, and before it went up. It's noting that dishonest hacks like you continually flail around trying to score your personal intenet "points" with this divisive dishonest rhetoric such as I just exposed. The OP notes where that's taking us, and it's called 'down the drain'.

That's absolutely a valid observation. And you just demonstrated it. You're doing your part to destroy your country. And I'm here to stand up for it. Rotsa ruck.
The passive and active support the left has for Islamic terrorism and political violence is well documented in just this message board, let alone all of the internet.

Then document it and stop wimping out.

You're already trying to back away from your own lie without admitting you lied. Trying to shift your own goalposts right back to this nebulous "the left", because you can't take simple responsibility for your own statement. :gay:

YOUR words Hunior, and I quote, verbatim:

Now you justify the support of political violence.

DOCUMENT that. Or man the fuck up and admit you're a liar.

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You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

I'm not gonna argue the fact, PC.

He was driven insane by political rhetoric, not political ideology.
Straw man argument. I didn't say Federal funding was unimportant, I said it was only a third of it's funding and that none of it could be used for abortions.

If you have some facts, please post them:
For Planned Parenthood abortion stats, ‘3 percent’ and ’94 percent’ are both misleading

Do know the meaning of the word fungible?

Sorry, you are the one with the ignorant, straw man argument.

The "statistics" you quote are frog wash.

They deal exclusively with "contacts". If someone comes in 12 times during the year for contraception pills, they count that as 12 incidents. If someone comes in for an abortion, that is ONE incident. Which generates the most money for Planned Parenthood?

Really, try doing some honest research.
The difference between the LWLs and the RWNJs is agenda. Both are authoritarian assholes who seek to dominate all Americans, ban freedoms and impose their beliefs upon others. Fuck them all.

You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

"What's more I understand Loughner's cousin's babysitter personally met somebody who once used a fingernail clipper she found in the glove compartment of a used car that was previously owned by Jon Voight, so Jon Voight made him do this"

:rofl: Ah, the unique pretzel-logic entertainment value of this site....
Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

"What's more I understand Loughner's cousin's babysitter personally met somebody who once used a fingernail clipper she found in the glove compartment of a used car that was previously owned by Jon Voight, so Jon Voight made him do this"

:rofl: Ah, the unique pretzel-logic entertainment value of this site....

Seems you've been deeply wounded by the facts that I posted....that Loughner was 'educated' in a Leftwing propaganda factory funded by Hussein Obama.

These facts:

  1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News
  • If you could fulfill your wish....refuting any of the above....you would have.
  • Instead, you remain like the eunuch in the harem....
  • ....You want to, but you just can't.
  • Isn't that the truth?
Now you justify the support of political violence.

Oh did I Chuckles?





Exactly See what I mean about dishonesty?

"This computer is a Toshiba. Therefore all computers are Toshibas. My computer does not have a touch screen. Therefore no computer has a touch screen".

You validate the OP.

The OP was valid as soon as it went up, and before it went up. It's noting that dishonest hacks like you continually flail around trying to score your personal intenet "points" with this divisive dishonest rhetoric such as I just exposed. The OP notes where that's taking us, and it's called 'down the drain'.

That's absolutely a valid observation. And you just demonstrated it. You're doing your part to destroy your country. And I'm here to stand up for it. Rotsa ruck.
The passive and active support the left has for Islamic terrorism and political violence is well documented in just this message board, let alone all of the internet.

Then document it and stop wimping out.

You're already trying to back away from your own lie without admitting you lied. Trying to shift your own goalposts right back to this nebulous "the left", because you can't take simple responsibility for your won statement. :gay:

YOUR words Hunior, and I quote, verbatim:

Now you justify the support of political violence.

DOCUMENT that. Or man the fuck up and admit you're a liar.

The left have exposed themselves for the violent haters they are.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

"What's more I understand Loughner's cousin's babysitter personally met somebody who once used a fingernail clipper she found in the glove compartment of a used car that was previously owned by Jon Voight, so Jon Voight made him do this"

:rofl: Ah, the unique pretzel-logic entertainment value of this site....

Seems you've been deeply wounded by the facts that I posted....that Loughner was 'educated' in a Leftwing propaganda factory funded by Hussein Obama.

These facts:

  1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News
  • If you could fulfill your wish....refuting any of the above....you would have.
  • Instead, you remain like the eunuch in the harem....
  • ....You want to, but you just can't.
  • Isn't that the truth?

:lmao: No, but it is entertaining, in a pathos sort of way.

Hey, run with this --- "Loughner" begins with an L. "Lansky" begins with an L. Therefore Jared Loughner is Meyer Lansky. He's a gangster! :eusa_dance:

How'm I doin'?

This is a fun exercise, but kinda pointless.
Straw man argument. I didn't say Federal funding was unimportant, I said it was only a third of it's funding and that none of it could be used for abortions.

If you have some facts, please post them:
For Planned Parenthood abortion stats, ‘3 percent’ and ’94 percent’ are both misleading

Do know the meaning of the word fungible?

Sorry, you are the one with the ignorant, straw man argument.

The "statistics" you quote are frog wash.

They deal exclusively with "contacts". If someone comes in 12 times during the year for contraception pills, they count that as 12 incidents. If someone comes in for an abortion, that is ONE incident. Which generates the most money for Planned Parenthood?

Really, try doing some honest research.
The difference between the LWLs and the RWNJs is agenda. Both are authoritarian assholes who seek to dominate all Americans, ban freedoms and impose their beliefs upon others. Fuck them all.

BS meme. The left have zero tolerance of anything that does not conform to their thinking, and oppose personal freedoms openly.
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