Holy Crap!!

..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!

100%? When did you start buying stock, January 22nd? Christ, I cleaned up under Obama, which is good because much of my wealth was destroyed under Bush.

Your bank stocks were worth $6 a share, in 2016? What pay-day loan shack do you bank at?
I own stocks as part of my extended retirement program. I try to be earth friendly and recycle and cycle to work and try to reduce my carbon footprint. I feel like such a bourgeoisie swine cruising past hundreds of homeless people holding will work for food signs... And my broker? Wells Fargo, and NOW with their track record, I can't sleep at night.

Did those "homeless" people work a job for years and invest their money?

You know that a large portion of them are just begging so they can buy drugs, alcohol, and a Big Mac.

Don't feel guilty about what you have, you earned it.
I have no idea why these people lost their homes. But the housing bubble collapse fiasco of 08' seems more likely the larger culprit. And there has always been homeless, but I am 60 years old, I think this compares to the great depression, another failure of the market. We are fortunate because we have our money and we are whistling past the graveyard. My brother and his wife, lost their home in a suburb of San Francisco. My sister, also living in the outskirts of San Francisco, is practically a millionaire. It's like living in America is a high stakes gamble.

There is no excuse for anyone in this country to be homeless or hungry, unless they want to be. Many of them have emotional problems, drug problems, or alcohol addiction. Many of them just like living on the streets because it gives them a sense of "freedom" from responsibility.

Granted there are homeless who have fallen on hard times but with the help available to them from local, state, and federal programs, they should be homeless.
I see these people every day . I see how the liberal politicians enable illegal immigration not out of humanitarianism, but just plain straight out cynical pandering to greedy elitist wealthy businesses that don't care who they hurt as long as they profit. Then they cynically hide that exploitation as humanitarianism, I am about done with capitalism , but I still hold to it...I want it to work.

The left is not so much enabling illegal immigration for financial gain, as they are to increase their voter base. It's all about power. That's why there were so many programs to give them driver's licenses in several states.
I sat in a restaurant near the Idaho-Oregon border listening to the farmers at the next table discuss this very issue. Now that area is a conservative stronghold in Oregon. However, these farmers were very much in favor of giving the illegal immigrants special drivers licenses. You see, they are the only people that they can get to work their crops. Too many low skilled Americans believe that they are just too good to work in the fields, even though that is the only job they are qualified for now. A number of these people are posting 'Conservative' messages on this very board.
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

Damn dude, you must not be a very savvy investor. The market grew 235% 16.4% annualized over Obamas term. You should go find a professional advisor. Looks like you missed out
I own stocks as part of my extended retirement program. I try to be earth friendly and recycle and cycle to work and try to reduce my carbon footprint. I feel like such a bourgeoisie swine cruising past hundreds of homeless people holding will work for food signs... And my broker? Wells Fargo, and NOW with their track record, I can't sleep at night.

Did those "homeless" people work a job for years and invest their money?

You know that a large portion of them are just begging so they can buy drugs, alcohol, and a Big Mac.

Don't feel guilty about what you have, you earned it.
I have no idea why these people lost their homes. But the housing bubble collapse fiasco of 08' seems more likely the larger culprit. And there has always been homeless, but I am 60 years old, I think this compares to the great depression, another failure of the market. We are fortunate because we have our money and we are whistling past the graveyard. My brother and his wife, lost their home in a suburb of San Francisco. My sister, also living in the outskirts of San Francisco, is practically a millionaire. It's like living in America is a high stakes gamble.

There is no excuse for anyone in this country to be homeless or hungry, unless they want to be. Many of them have emotional problems, drug problems, or alcohol addiction. Many of them just like living on the streets because it gives them a sense of "freedom" from responsibility.

Granted there are homeless who have fallen on hard times but with the help available to them from local, state, and federal programs, they should be homeless.
I see these people every day . I see how the liberal politicians enable illegal immigration not out of humanitarianism, but just plain straight out cynical pandering to greedy elitist wealthy businesses that don't care who they hurt as long as they profit. Then they cynically hide that exploitation as humanitarianism, I am about done with capitalism , but I still hold to it...I want it to work.

The left is not so much enabling illegal immigration for financial gain, as they are to increase their voter base. It's all about power. That's why there were so many programs to give them driver's licenses in several states.
Yep, rich white elitists that confuse helping with enabling. And meanwhile, how these same elitist bourgeois piggies LOVE to spank poor white peple and
Did those "homeless" people work a job for years and invest their money?

You know that a large portion of them are just begging so they can buy drugs, alcohol, and a Big Mac.

Don't feel guilty about what you have, you earned it.
I have no idea why these people lost their homes. But the housing bubble collapse fiasco of 08' seems more likely the larger culprit. And there has always been homeless, but I am 60 years old, I think this compares to the great depression, another failure of the market. We are fortunate because we have our money and we are whistling past the graveyard. My brother and his wife, lost their home in a suburb of San Francisco. My sister, also living in the outskirts of San Francisco, is practically a millionaire. It's like living in America is a high stakes gamble.

There is no excuse for anyone in this country to be homeless or hungry, unless they want to be. Many of them have emotional problems, drug problems, or alcohol addiction. Many of them just like living on the streets because it gives them a sense of "freedom" from responsibility.

Granted there are homeless who have fallen on hard times but with the help available to them from local, state, and federal programs, they should be homeless.
I see these people every day . I see how the liberal politicians enable illegal immigration not out of humanitarianism, but just plain straight out cynical pandering to greedy elitist wealthy businesses that don't care who they hurt as long as they profit. Then they cynically hide that exploitation as humanitarianism, I am about done with capitalism , but I still hold to it...I want it to work.

The left is not so much enabling illegal immigration for financial gain, as they are to increase their voter base. It's all about power. That's why there were so many programs to give them driver's licenses in several states.
I sat in a restaurant near the Idaho-Oregon border listening to the farmers at the next table discuss this very issue. Now that area is a conservative stronghold in Oregon. However, these farmers were very much in favor of giving the illegal immigrants special drivers licenses. You see, they are the only people that they can get to work their crops. Too many low skilled Americans believe that they are just too good to work in the fields, even though that is the only job they are qualified for now. A number of these people are posting 'Conservative' messages on this very board.
I am old enough to remember project Brazos , and it sort got out of control . I read Steinbeck, Americans used to do these same jobs . I have no idea where this ends, but hiring illegals isn't a solution. It's just kicking the can down the road. And it hurts Americans in the here and now.
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........
Damn But I love that. And you could just as well go broke in a year. Timing or is it LUCK?
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........
Damn But I love that. And you could just as well go broke in a year. Timing or is it LUCK?

Hell no I wont go broke!!!
It's time to sell!!! I'll walk away with millions!!!!!!
As a teen, I worked the fields, and bucked bales. Now the bales are to big to buck, and the work is mechanized. Yes, Americans that are qualified for nothing else should work the fields. For one thing, four months in the hot summers sun working crops might give them the incentative to go to school and get a craft. There are 6 million technical jobs going begging right now in this nation. Jobs that pay from 50K to 150K per year.

Many of the immigrants are filling a need that can be filled no other way at present. How to change that, I have no idea. I honestly don't have any idea how to instill ambition in another person. So what we have is a group of Americans that won't do that work, and Mexicans that are eager to do it. Maybe we are sending the wrong people to Mexico. LOL
As a teen, I worked the fields, and bucked bales. Now the bales are to big to buck, and the work is mechanized. Yes, Americans that are qualified for nothing else should work the fields. For one thing, four months in the hot summers sun working crops might give them the incentative to go to school and get a craft. There are 6 million technical jobs going begging right now in this nation. Jobs that pay from 50K to 150K per year.

Many of the immigrants are filling a need that can be filled no other way at present. How to change that, I have no idea. I honestly don't have any idea how to instill ambition in another person. So what we have is a group of Americans that won't do that work, and Mexicans that are eager to do it. Maybe we are sending the wrong people to Mexico. LOL

The thing you're missing ......
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!

You didn't make good money during the Obama years in the stock market? Either you weren't invested or you're an idiot (no offense). Funny thing, the Lefties seem to conveniently forget how much richer the top 2% got while he was in office while everybody pretty much stagnated income-wise.

This. I don't like to invest on the stock market, I'd rather take financial risks that I have more control over (mainly my own business). However I did invest quite a bit in McDonald's....I figured it paid a dividend (small but whatever), and if the economy goes to shit-more people will be eating at McDonald's. I didn't get rich by any means, but life is a little more comfortable.
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........
Damn But I love that. And you could just as well go broke in a year. Timing or is it LUCK?

Hell no I wont go broke!!!
It's time to sell!!! I'll walk away with millions!!!!!!

You made a million this year alone but didn't make a dime under 8 years of Obama? Is that what you are saying? That is astoundingly moronic.
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........

Home | Southwestern Energy
..and the funniest thing is, I haven't heard a single liberal try to give Obama credit.


The timing makes it impossible...100% of my gains were realized after Tump was elected!!!
How did your portfolio do over the Obama reign?

I've already answered that.
I made well over 1.1 mill thanks to Conservative policies.
And thats this year.
The Bush years were far better.....like four fold.

I love voting for my own self interest........

Home | Southwestern Energy
Not too many other options when discussing the Bush years.

Conservative policies.....lol

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