Holy Mary, Mother of God - Boehner loses his ever-loving mind

Under Reagan the debt ceiling was raised to:

  1. $985 billion in February 1981;
  2. $999.8 billion in September 1981;
  3. $1.0798 trillion September 1981;
  4. $1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
  5. $1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
  6. $1.389 trillion in May 1993;
  7. $1.49 trillion in November 1983;
  8. $1.52 trillion in May 1984;
  9. $1.573 trillion in July 1984;
  10. $1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
  11. $1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
  12. $2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
  13. $2.111 trillion in August 1986;
  14. $2.3 trillion in October 1986;
  15. $2.32 trillion in July 1987;
  16. $2.352 trillion in August 1987;
  17. and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.

Debt Ceiling - Under Modern U.S. Presidents
How is that fiscally responsible? The debts are owed. It is not fiscally responsible to refuse to honor the debts.

And since the debt ceiling was raised o so very many times on Bush's watch - why was he not refused.

Where in there did he say we weren't going to pay the debt? He was saying that the DEBT LIMIT shouldn't be raised unless we cut spending.

And what happens if it's not lifted? .... We don't honor our debts. Exactly.

Wrong, other things get cut. That what he meant when he said "cuts".
We pay our debt and cut some programs, there's been no problem dropping long term unemployment benefits the past couple of weeks.

Funny in the fall of 2010, it was very important to keep those folks collecting and extending the benefits, why isn't it a priority now and where's the media. Oh that's right, it only makes the news when Republicans require something be fiscally conservative.
We pay our debt and cut some programs, there's been no problem dropping long term unemployment benefits the past couple of weeks.

Funny in the fall of 2010, it was very important to keep those folks collecting and extending the benefits, why isn't it a priority now and where's the media. Oh that's right, it only makes the news when Republicans require something be fiscally conservative.

It was precisely to get so many onboard withBig Government the Statists bet they couldn't lose...They are finding out different.
And when we get downgraded again? Y'all going to blame Obama, like last time?

Rhetorical, of course.
We pay our debt and cut some programs, there's been no problem dropping long term unemployment benefits the past couple of weeks.

Funny in the fall of 2010, it was very important to keep those folks collecting and extending the benefits, why isn't it a priority now and where's the media. Oh that's right, it only makes the news when Republicans require something be fiscally conservative.

We'll be cutting entitlements for big oil? Works for me!
What I saw was someone being the adult in the room. Speaking of losing their ever loving mind, has Reid passed a budget yet?

Yes he was...and fiscally so. He knows the problem is spending and addressed it properly. The Democrats are Hell-bent on taking us down the path of the EU or bust.

the euros think they should spend more to solve their economic problems......if that's true why isn't our economic problem solved already......we've been spending so damn much we should be already recovered and rolling in economic prosperity...! :lol:
Sure lets pretend this is about fiscal responsibility and not about making sure the Pentagon never receives one red cent less than before. We need more bombs and if that means more people go hungry then hey, make 'em a tomahawk missle sandwich
Sure lets pretend this is about fiscal responsibility and not about making sure the Pentagon never receives one red cent less than before. We need more bombs and if that means more people go hungry then hey, make 'em a tomahawk missle sandwich


Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.
I should be grateful. I know he's throwing the election. But it's like watching a train wreck.

Taxmageddon sparks rising anxiety - The Washington Post

In the meantime, political leaders are focused less on finding solutions than on drawing lines in the sand. In a speech Tuesday, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) plans to address the issue of national debt, which will once again be nearing its legal limit in January, just as the tax hikes and spending cuts are due to hit.

According to advance remarks provided to The Post, Boehner will insist that any increase in the debt limit be accompanied by spending “cuts and reforms greater than the debt limit increase” — the same demand that pushed the Treasury to the brink of default during last summer’s debt-limit standoff.

“This is the only avenue I see right now to force the elected leadership of this country to solve our structural fiscal imbalance,” Boehner plans to say at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation fiscal summit. “If that means we have to do a series of stop-gap measures, so be it.”

Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.

So the majority leader demanding spending cuts be made...is out of his mind according to you?
And when we get downgraded again? Y'all going to blame Obama, like last time?

Rhetorical, of course.

If Obama agrees to the cuts to go along with that increase, i bet it won't be downgraded again. It's all up to him..........
And when we get downgraded again? Y'all going to blame Obama, like last time?

Rhetorical, of course.

If Obama agrees to the cuts to go along with that increase, i bet it won't be downgraded again. It's all up to him..........

So again, they refuse to negotiate, and this .... just like last year.

Can't wait for the downgrade.

Followed by the November vote.

Good times. I'd hate for people to have to remember all the way back to late last summer, when Congressional approval rating was 9% over this exact same situation. Now they only have to remember back six months.
Sure lets pretend this is about fiscal responsibility and not about making sure the Pentagon never receives one red cent less than before. We need more bombs and if that means more people go hungry then hey, make 'em a tomahawk missle sandwich


Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.

They all seem to conveniently miss or ignore that point and scream "Fiscal Responsibility!!!" I'm sure it's merely a coincidence
Sure lets pretend this is about fiscal responsibility and not about making sure the Pentagon never receives one red cent less than before. We need more bombs and if that means more people go hungry then hey, make 'em a tomahawk missle sandwich


Last week, the House approved a plan to protect the Pentagon in January by reconfiguring $110 billion in across-the-board spending cuts — known as “sequestration” — so they would fall exclusively on domestic programs, such as food stamps and health care for the poor.

They all seem to conveniently miss or ignore that point and scream "Fiscal Responsibility!!!" I'm sure it's merely a coincidence

Not a problem! The big difference this year is that Obama learned his lesson from last year.
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And when we get downgraded again? Y'all going to blame Obama, like last time?

Rhetorical, of course.

No, this time I'm sure they'll blame...uhhhh...You're right

Mitt Romney blames President Obama for U.S. credit downgrade - The Washington Post

Returning to the campaign trail here Monday, Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney sought to blame the U.S. government’s credit downgrade squarely on President Obama.

I know.


Returning to the campaign trail here Monday, Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney sought to blame the U.S. government’s credit downgrade squarely on President Obama.

Romney said the downgrade by ratings agency Standard & Poor’s, which has sparked a sharp drop in global financial markets, “punctuated once again the failure of leadership by the president.”

Yup-yup! Because Obama was operating in a vacuum, amirite?!

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