Holy Shit stop the presses. I agree with Nancy Pelosi!

Think about it, why would you be stunned when a democrat calls for stability? Isn't it something you would expect from the former Speaker of the House? Why does stability sound so strange coming from a democrat? Because it is so uncharacteristic of democrats these days?
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.


right there with you. i am never going to defend trump but i am doing to defend blind attacks based on emotional feelings. to see pelosi say this gives me hope we can eventually end the emotionally based ID politics we've been under for so long.
Think about it, why would you be stunned when a democrat calls for stability? Isn't it something you would expect from the former Speaker of the House? Why does stability sound so strange coming from a democrat? Because it is so uncharacteristic of democrats these days?
because til now it's all been "whatever hurts trump, say it" and that's my issue.

if true and factual, let's go. if made up cause you hate the man with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns, shut the fuck up.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

/---- I used that cliche with a Millennial who said it was a stupid expression because if a clock was broken the numbers wouldn't be visible. I tried to explain an analog clock where the hands were stuck at 10 to 2 it would be right twice a day. He couldn't understand the analogy or what 10 to 2 meant. View attachment 127114

Really wanna fuck one up? Next time one says "what if" you say well, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle." I would love to see them react to that one.
Really wanna fuck one up? Next time one says "what if" you say well, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle." I would love to see them react to that one./----- I tried it but my Uncle Caitlyn said - call me Aunt.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

/---- I used that cliche with a Millennial who said it was a stupid expression because if a clock was broken the numbers wouldn't be visible. I tried to explain an analog clock where the hands were stuck at 10 to 2 it would be right twice a day. He couldn't understand the analogy or what 10 to 2 meant. View attachment 127114

Really wanna fuck one up? Next time one says "what if" you say well, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle." I would love to see them react to that one.
Really wanna fuck one up? Next time one says "what if" you say well, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle." I would love to see them react to that one./----- I tried it but my Uncle Caitlyn said - call me Aunt.
View attachment 127126

That's bull shit. If they still used rep here I would beg you, sign into my sock puppet account and net you again.
Well, that puts a new twist on things.
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.

Well, that puts a new twist on things.
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.


Well, she is trying to keep her seat on the gravy train. Even that old slut knows this is all political theatre gone wild.
Seems to possibly confirm it's been a witch hunt.
Well, that puts a new twist on things.
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.


Well, she is trying to keep her seat on the gravy train. Even that old slut knows this is all political theatre gone wild.
One thing is for sure - Congress would prefer to impeach and remove anyone from the Presidency based on the LEAST drastic charges possible.

It would be a national disgrace if it were found out that a President had colluded with a foreign power to undermine an election. It would indicate a total failure of our political system. (it would be exactly what the Russians want).

I'd think that IF it were known that such an event had occurred, Congress would rather impeach the President on some lesser charge - like obstruction of Justice.

There will never be evidence of Russian trump collusion because it's nonsense. Its even more insane than the conspiracy that bush was behind 9/11

We don't know what we don't know.

There's a lot of information that the public does not know. Congress holds 'closed door' meetings all the time. The public has no idea what information has been revealed.

It may very well be true that there was no collusion, but Trump's actions make it awfully hard to believe that he's innocent.

Trump hasn't done anything to make those conspiracy claims more credible.

But yet Hillary lying her butt off with her server wasn't anything was it?
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.


right there with you. i am never going to defend trump but i am doing to defend blind attacks based on emotional feelings. to see pelosi say this gives me hope we can eventually end the emotionally based ID politics we've been under for so long.

I have no problem defending trump when he is unfairly attacked. Just like I had no problem defending Obama when he was unfairly attacked (though that clearly happened infrequently)
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.


right there with you. i am never going to defend trump but i am doing to defend blind attacks based on emotional feelings. to see pelosi say this gives me hope we can eventually end the emotionally based ID politics we've been under for so long.

I have no problem defending trump when he is unfairly attacked. Just like I had no problem defending Obama when he was unfairly attacked (though that clearly happened infrequently)
same thing - i'm more defending base right and wrong vs. biased attacks that make things right or wrong. :)
Apparently no other democrats got that memo?

I havent noticed any dems in congress yammering impeach anyone
Got your head stuck up your ass do you?

Your 214IQ is worthless.

Every Dem is saying get the facts.


You've never cared about facts before, why would you start now?

If you cares about facts you wouldn't be pushing this trump Russia narrative. You wouldn't be falsely claiming Russia hacked the election. You wouldn't be acting as if firing Comey was a a bad thing when you guys were calling for his termination for weeks. You would have been calling for Hillary's prosecution. You wouldn't push this global warming nonsense. And pretty much your entire agenda.

If you care about facts maybe you stop making crap up

They also would not push the falsehood that Teump,

1. Committed an impeachable offense. Even the under libtards on capital hill are telling their pundits to pump the breaks on that.

2. ANY Trump staff member or campaign official is under ANY type of criminal investigation.

2. That Trump is under any investigation of any kind. No one, not even he crazy ho Maxine Waters or Shela Jackson Lee will go on the news and say Trump himself is under investigation of any kind.

All of this is a good slimy wet dream of those who miss half black jesus and can't stand to see his legacy shit all over, torn out and tossed in the trash. This will come back to bite the democrat party bigly.

Not sure about any of the other stuff (didn’t read) but as for 1.; if the Comey memo is true and that vividly requestful of a stop to the Flynn probe, that is textbook obstruction of justice. I doubt Trump would be comically stupid enough to author such a thing but the longer he is President, the less he seems to know, is aware, or cares for the limitations on Presidential power. By the same token, it seemed bizarre that Clinton would bang an intern….so anything is possible.

Your post seems to be pretty desperate to re-assure someone (possibly yourself) of something you no longer believe about the small fraction of a man who is our President. “Half-black Jesus”? Really.
No shit huh? Good for her. Those wise to it see we're in dire straits, and it's not our POUS, it's those who hate him and Republicans.
One thing is for sure - Congress would prefer to impeach and remove anyone from the Presidency based on the LEAST drastic charges possible.

It would be a national disgrace if it were found out that a President had colluded with a foreign power to undermine an election. It would indicate a total failure of our political system. (it would be exactly what the Russians want).

I'd think that IF it were known that such an event had occurred, Congress would rather impeach the President on some lesser charge - like obstruction of Justice.

There will never be evidence of Russian trump collusion because it's nonsense. Its even more insane than the conspiracy that bush was behind 9/11

We don't know what we don't know.

There's a lot of information that the public does not know. Congress holds 'closed door' meetings all the time. The public has no idea what information has been revealed.

It may very well be true that there was no collusion, but Trump's actions make it awfully hard to believe that he's innocent.

Trump hasn't done anything to make those conspiracy claims more credible.

But yet Hillary lying her butt off with her server wasn't anything was it?

Ya gotta be joking! Seriously?

While you try to desperately deflect the discussion to Clinton, the fact is the Clinton investigation is CLOSED. No wrongdoing that warranted an indictment was found. Regardless of your delusions.

The investigation into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia is a current and VERY active investigation.

To date everything Trump has done is EXACTLY the actions of a VERY GUILTY man. He's fired everyone investigating this issue, he's tried to get the head of the FBI to give him assurances of loyalty and asked to have the investigation into Flynn dropped.

Everything Trump has done screams "GUILTY".

Try not to be such a partisan hack. We have rule of law. Try to put country ahead of party for once.
I just saw a bit of her from a CNN appearance and she was KIND OF DEFENDING TRUMP.
She said that the cries for impeachment need to stop if they are not backed up by facts of laws/rules broken and that Americans deserve stability.

She is back peddling because the call for an INDEPENDENT COUNSEL was a bluff.

They don't want the Investigation Resolved. That would frustrate their 2018 election initiative.

Comey was the perfect stooge and puppet to keep an Investigation about a Nothing Burger going so the Dems could use it as political leverage and in campaign adds.

Now they are Fucked because he will find the same thing The NSA, IRS, CIA, FBI, and Treasury Department did.


In fact, it is more likely that The Independent Counsel and his Investigation will Damage The Dems, and have Zero Impact on the Trump Administration.

This is why you haven't heard a peep from the people crying the loudest about an Independent Counsel needed.

Their goose is cooked, they are out of moves now, and their strategy for 2018 was just torpedoed.

Where is Crying Chuck Shummer, and Maxipad Watters? And Nancy Pelosi now backpeddling and defending Trump?

One thing is for sure - Congress would prefer to impeach and remove anyone from the Presidency based on the LEAST drastic charges possible.

It would be a national disgrace if it were found out that a President had colluded with a foreign power to undermine an election. It would indicate a total failure of our political system. (it would be exactly what the Russians want).

I'd think that IF it were known that such an event had occurred, Congress would rather impeach the President on some lesser charge - like obstruction of Justice.

There will never be evidence of Russian trump collusion because it's nonsense. Its even more insane than the conspiracy that bush was behind 9/11

We don't know what we don't know.

There's a lot of information that the public does not know. Congress holds 'closed door' meetings all the time. The public has no idea what information has been revealed.

It may very well be true that there was no collusion, but Trump's actions make it awfully hard to believe that he's innocent.

Trump hasn't done anything to make those conspiracy claims more credible.

But yet Hillary lying her butt off with her server wasn't anything was it?

Ya gotta be joking! Seriously?

While you try to desperately deflect the discussion to Clinton, the fact is the Clinton investigation is CLOSED. No wrongdoing that warranted an indictment was found. Regardless of your delusions.

The investigation into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia is a current and VERY active investigation.

To date everything Trump has done is EXACTLY the actions of a VERY GUILTY man. He's fired everyone investigating this issue, he's tried to get the head of the FBI to give him assurances of loyalty and asked to have the investigation into Flynn dropped.

Everything Trump has done screams "GUILTY".

Try not to be such a partisan hack. We have rule of law. Try to put country ahead of party for once.
It's really not acceptable for a man to speak to the board like you do with Obama's Pubic hair stuck between your teeth. Ever hear of a tooth brush?

You should use one once in a while.

An Independent Counsel Just Destroyed your chances in 2018. The Dems will lose in a landslide.

You should have "LET IT GO" when The NSA, FBI, CIA, Treasury Department told you there was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion. These were Obama Holdovers most of them. And You were TOO STUPID TO TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT.

Now you are phucked because people like Susan Rice, Obama, The Clinton Campaign, Evelyn Farkas, and Obama Sycophant Traitors who leaked Classified Information are going to go down along with your failing party, and failing Liberal Media Machine.
One thing is for sure - Congress would prefer to impeach and remove anyone from the Presidency based on the LEAST drastic charges possible.

It would be a national disgrace if it were found out that a President had colluded with a foreign power to undermine an election. It would indicate a total failure of our political system. (it would be exactly what the Russians want).

I'd think that IF it were known that such an event had occurred, Congress would rather impeach the President on some lesser charge - like obstruction of Justice.

There will never be evidence of Russian trump collusion because it's nonsense. Its even more insane than the conspiracy that bush was behind 9/11

We don't know what we don't know.

There's a lot of information that the public does not know. Congress holds 'closed door' meetings all the time. The public has no idea what information has been revealed.

It may very well be true that there was no collusion, but Trump's actions make it awfully hard to believe that he's innocent.

Trump hasn't done anything to make those conspiracy claims more credible.

But yet Hillary lying her butt off with her server wasn't anything was it?

Ya gotta be joking! Seriously?

While you try to desperately deflect the discussion to Clinton, the fact is the Clinton investigation is CLOSED. No wrongdoing that warranted an indictment was found. Regardless of your delusions.

The investigation into the Trump campaign's connections to Russia is a current and VERY active investigation.

To date everything Trump has done is EXACTLY the actions of a VERY GUILTY man. He's fired everyone investigating this issue, he's tried to get the head of the FBI to give him assurances of loyalty and asked to have the investigation into Flynn dropped.

Everything Trump has done screams "GUILTY".

Try not to be such a partisan hack. We have rule of law. Try to put country ahead of party for once.
It's really not acceptable for a man to speak to the board like you do with Obama's Pubic hair stuck between your teeth. Ever hear of a tooth brush?

You should use one once in a while.

An Independent Counsel Just Destroyed your chances in 2018. The Dems will lose in a landslide.

You should have "LET IT GO" when The NSA, FBI, CIA, Treasury Department told you there was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion. These were Obama Holdovers most of them. And You were TOO STUPID TO TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT.

Now you are phucked because people like Susan Rice, Obama, The Clinton Campaign, Evelyn Farkas, and Obama Sycophant Traitors who leaked Classified Information are going to go down along with your failing party, and failing Liberal Media Machine.

If you insist on living in a world of partisan delusions no one can stop you.

Those of us that live in the real world know that things look awfully bad for Trump right now.

IF Trump is innocent, the he has to be one of the stupidest people on the face of the earth. He is his own worst enemy.

One question - if there was no collusion then there was nothing to be leaked, so how could these people be guilty of leaking classified information?

BTW - At worst they leaked confidential information, not classified information.

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