holy shit this is awesome if true, could reduce oil imports by half in 10 years

News Headlines

A new drilling technique is opening up vast fields of previously out-of-reach oil in the western United States, helping reverse a two-decade decline in domestic production of crude.

Companies are investing billions of dollars to get at oil deposits scattered across North Dakota, Colorado, Texas and California. By 2015, oil executives and analysts say, the new fields could yield as much as 2 million barrels of oil a day—more than the entire Gulf of Mexico produces now.

great news :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I really hope no one from the goverement fucks this up. keep the epa away

This is truly a job-creating industry. One that produces hard goods, employs millions, contributes to real GDP, reduces the need for imported oil, provides a secure and reliable commodity, pays billions in taxes and royalties.

No - the government IS out to fuck it up. Obama wants $40 billion of this industry's money.

RIGZONE - Oil-Drilling Boom Under Way

Oil-drilling activity in the U.S. has accelerated to a pace not seen in a generation as energy companies, oilfield contractors and landowners rush to exploit newly profitable sources of crude.

The number of rigs aiming for oil in the U.S. is the highest since at least 1987, according to Baker Hughes. The 818 rigs tallied by the oilfield-service company last week are nearly double last year's count and about 10 times the number in the late 1990s.

While the drilling surge is unlikely to yield enough crude to alter the global oil-supply picture, analysts predicted that the new activity, centered on so-called unconventional reservoirs, could greatly boost domestic oil production and help offset declining output in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.
you could reduce your oil import down to a quarter within 1 year if you would finally scrap your useless and chauvinistic SUV/Pick-Up/V8 monsters and take cars für intelligent people instead. The whole world drives mid-size sedans (except from russian gangsters and saudi sheikhs) and is happy with it. Why you can´t?
you could reduce your oil import down to a quarter within 1 year if you would finally scrap your useless and chauvinistic SUV/Pick-Up/V8 monsters and take cars für intelligent people instead. The whole world drives mid-size sedans (except from russian gangsters and saudi sheikhs) and is happy with it. Why you can´t?

When you can finally make a trip here to the US you will realize just how silly your comment is.
Proper tire inflation, regular engine maintenance, and removing un-needed trunk junk would do wonders for MPG.
So they are as ignorant about the oil business as you are. Hardly a surprise. And "Gasland" is a joke, people have been lighting their well water on fire for generations, only someone ignorant of what happens when coal mines are dewatered would think it was caused by hydraulic fracturing.
But the documentary makes very clear that the instances alluded to arise only AFTER the fracking infrastructure goes in.

Thats the difference between me and a parrot like you. I am quite familiar with what this type of docudrama DOESN'T tell you. You don't have a clue...all you can do is parrot. I've suggested this before...fire off a neuron occasionally and learn something, stop being led around by the nose by your own ignorance of these topics.

Jiggscasey said:
Oh no? OK.... Why don't you write up a concise little narrative that explains the process for everyone in layman's terms. I mean, you know, replete with all the obligatory condescending bullshit on a personal level, but still possessing some semblance of substance. Tell us how the process in no way resembles a mini-earth quake. Or how the chemical mixture used is harmless.

Why? You haven't even displayed the minimum intelligence of a layman on any topic involved in the energy subforum. You certainly can't even show that during the process of reading what I have wrote you have actually even LEARNED anything, you can't even be counted on to google up some EIA numbers which anyone who wants to pretend to understand oil topics should be able to locate in less than 2 minutes of googling. Display a working intelligence and I would be more than happy to have a conversation on how hydraulic fracturing works, until then....learn to google something except peak oil propaganda.

Jiggsacasey said:
Regardless, to respond to your latest challenge, here's that pesky Joint Chiefs thing again:


Note page 25, and that flat-as-can-be tan segment in the bottom IEA graph.

Again...for the ignorant here who don't actually read their own references prior to pretending they have value.....page 2 of the cited reference:

"This document is speculative in nature and does not suppose to predict
what will happen in the next twenty-five years."

Cool. So they speculate,and aren't predicting what's going to happen. I suggest you read the disclaimers on your references to determine if they are, or are not, worth dick. This document is better than a normal peaker document if only because they admit it up front when they do some good ol' fashioned arm waving.

Jiggscasey said:
No doubt, you'll have some epin spin-spective on what that passage "reeeeally" means.

No spin necessary when they admit they aren't trying to predict stuff. It requires some fool to pretend it has value when they themselves aren't willing to use it to predict anything.

Jiggscasey said:
It's telling that you had no comment on the WikiLeaks cable regarding that "violin playing" former Saudi-Aramco VP, though.

Heinberg is the violin player you moron, pay better attention to your own sources. al-Husseini has a decent resume...so does Dr. Saleri, the engineer who made darn certain that the peak oil accountant ( Matt Simmons ) was wrong when he wrote about Saudi oilfields.

Jiggscasey said:
That's the far-more impacting story that broke this week. A good decision on your part to ignore it. You guys haven't quite gotten your marching orders on how to spin that one. You probably won't, and just get back to your "tried and true" method of pretending I'M the one who's the zealot and parrot between the two of us. Irony.

al-Husseini wasn't talking about Saudi reserves, he was talking about every else in OPEC. Here is him clearing up why the cable was wrong. Seems like diplomats don't know any more about oil, reserves and resources than ignorant peak oil parrots.

RIGZONE - Ex-Aramco Official: US Cable Wrong to Dispute Saudi Reserves
Obama thinks we'd be better off building more choo choo trains!!



you are going to go there?

Do you understand at all what high speed rail offers a country?
A chance to lose hundreds of billions? If it is such a great idea, let private enterprise build it. We don't need another Amtrak.
No, Zander understands little. If Grandpa didn't do it, it ain't worth doing. Another willfully ignorant ass.

I am all for private enterprise building high speed rail lines.
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you could reduce your oil import down to a quarter within 1 year if you would finally scrap your useless and chauvinistic SUV/Pick-Up/V8 monsters and take cars für intelligent people instead. The whole world drives mid-size sedans (except from russian gangsters and saudi sheikhs) and is happy with it. Why you can´t?

Because your little beer cans with 1.3 liter engines are useless for stuff like this:



Obama thinks we'd be better off building more choo choo trains!!



you are going to go there?

Do you understand at all what high speed rail offers a country?
A chance to lose hundreds of billions? If it is such a great idea, let private enterprise build it. We don't need another Amtrak.

Like private enterprise built Hoover Dam?
We need longer term planning than how much profit it will bring in next quarter.

Private enterprise actually bought out and shut down many public transit systems like trollyies and such early in the 20th century to make people buys cars , gas and tires.
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you are going to go there?

Do you understand at all what high speed rail offers a country?
A chance to lose hundreds of billions? If it is such a great idea, let private enterprise build it. We don't need another Amtrak.

Like private enterprise built Hoover Dam?
We need longer term planning than how much profit it will bring in next quarter.

Private enterprise actually bought out and shut down many public transit systems like trollyies and such early in the 20th century to make people buys cars , gas and tires.

Just imagine what would happen if instead of pissing 50 billion, minimum, down a rat hole for something that very few actually want, that no one needs, that will continue to lose countless more billions, and instead gave it to those doing research on fusion power. 50 billion couldn't help them one bit now could it?

Nah, that would be too anti-science. Fools.
The desire to swat at ANYTHING that Obama proposes is obsessional with some of these people

You mean like the high speed rail that they wanted to spend billions on in Ohio? It would have averaged about 39 MPH. that's some high speed shit right there.

Fortunately our new (Republican) Governor put a halt to the stupidity.
So they are as ignorant about the oil business as you are. Hardly a surprise. And "Gasland" is a joke, people have been lighting their well water on fire for generations, only someone ignorant of what happens when coal mines are dewatered would think it was caused by hydraulic fracturing.
But the documentary makes very clear that the instances alluded to arise only AFTER the fracking infrastructure goes in.

Thats the difference between me and a parrot like you. I am quite familiar with what this type of docudrama DOESN'T tell you. You don't have a clue...all you can do is parrot. I've suggested this before...fire off a neuron occasionally and learn something, stop being led around by the nose by your own ignorance of these topics.

I haven't seen Gasland, but understand the basic fracing procedure: Pump liquid down a hole at high pressure, and "Fracture" the underlying formation. The liquid can be a combination of many different components: water, sand, acid, and other chemicals which for propriatary reasons, Baker, Champion, et al., won't identify. These other components will enhance the effectiveness of the fracture (i.e., acid will eat away at rock, and the sand acts to hold the fracture in place), and more oil or gas will flow out the well-head.

Generally the stimulation technique is used on older wells, which comprise most plays in the USA, including Pennsylvania where a couple of producers have been shut down because of groundwater contamination issues, real or imagined.

There are environmentally friendly alternatives...ClO2 comes to mind, but it is not as easy to apply as dumping a bunch of HF down hole.
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you could reduce your oil import down to a quarter within 1 year if you would finally scrap your useless and chauvinistic SUV/Pick-Up/V8 monsters and take cars für intelligent people instead. The whole world drives mid-size sedans (except from russian gangsters and saudi sheikhs) and is happy with it. Why you can´t?

Do save up for your trip here. You must have some really weird fantasies.

This statement makes as much sense as I were to assume Germany is nothing more than brown shirts and liederhosen.
you could reduce your oil import down to a quarter within 1 year if you would finally scrap your useless and chauvinistic SUV/Pick-Up/V8 monsters and take cars für intelligent people instead. The whole world drives mid-size sedans (except from russian gangsters and saudi sheikhs) and is happy with it. Why you can´t?

Do save up for your trip here. You must have some really weird fantasies.

This statement makes as much sense as I were to assume Germany is nothing more than brown shirts and liederhosen.

Ya, you forgot das Fraulines


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