Holy Spankings! Democrats open 14% lead in ABC/WaPo midterms poll

Polls are just tests of peoples leanings at that moment in time. depending on who is doing the poll they will usually lean the way the pollsters set it up, I use one poll that is a collection of polls, and unless there is more than a ten point swing I give it little to no value.
Polls are worthless this early in the game not even a tenth of campaign money is spent yet, futhermore shoing big leads early can make voters complacent and not show up!
What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump

I'm pretty sure we'll have more comprehensive numbers after the election in November. Until then it's still fun to watch politicians and pundits beat each other over the head with statistics that don't matter and have been proven to be unreliable in the past. Would you like another glass of Kool-Aid, or maybe some animal crackers to go with the one you are already drinking?
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The majority of the country clearly wants to move Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar Left in terms of both social and economic policies. I am not sure I understand why but cannot fight the majority.
You believe the media?

I believe the voters. 3mil more voted for HRC.
Thankfully the East and West coast don't control who becomes the President as the founders intended.

Correct but it is still frightening that so many people want to move left. WTF are they learning in universities? Certainly not basic economics or history.
This is a bullshit poll that idiots in so called “conservative media” are giving credence to because they are idiots.

End of story.
No one will call their shot and predict the exact balance of power in Congress after this election?

I thought that poll told the whole story.

Tell us the story, then.

Mud engaged, so did I.

No one else has the pine cones to respond?

Shit talking cowards.

Good, productive people don’t respond to polls.
Spending time with pollsters is a thing for lowlifes, bottom feeders, weirdos and barely legals.
Guess what that means?

You are an ignorant idiot, thats what that means.

Polling remains the ONLY way to seriously guage public opinion.
Only if it is done correctly. This one wasn’t.

And you say this because...?
Because their basis was flawed by having the majority of those polled as Democrats

...Because as we all know there is exactly same number of Republicans and Democrats in this country at any given time, so therefore polling sample must have equal number of Democrats and Republicans for it to be considered good.

Right? No silly, that is WRONG.

Democratic Edge in Party Affiliation Up to Seven Points
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If you think the majority of America support Antifa, support gutting ICE and support repealing the 2nd amendment, you are an idiot.

You actually think people are going to vote thinking about Antifa and ICE? :777:

Democrats didn’t run on those things in 2006 or 2008.

Democrats have done everything they could to lose voters.

And yet they have a handy lead in multiple polls across the board. Oh right, I forgot. It's all fake news :10:

If they win here then this country is literally 5 years away from full blown communism

Look up the word literally, because you have no clue what it means and you sound like a kook.
If you think the majority of America support Antifa, support gutting ICE and support repealing the 2nd amendment, you are an idiot.

You actually think people are going to vote thinking about Antifa and ICE? :777:

Democrats didn’t run on those things in 2006 or 2008.

Democrats have done everything they could to lose voters.

And yet they have a handy lead in multiple polls across the board. Oh right, I forgot. It's all fake news :10:

If they win here then this country is literally 5 years away from full blown communism

Look up the word literally, because you have no clue what it means and you sound like a kook.
I know exactly what it means, moron.

Democrats are far closer to communism right now than you are capable of understanding.
Good, productive people don’t respond to polls.
Spending time with pollsters is a thing for lowlifes, bottom feeders, weirdos and barely legals.
Guess what that means?

You are an ignorant idiot, thats what that means.

Polling remains the ONLY way to seriously guage public opinion.
Only if it is done correctly. This one wasn’t.

And you say this because...?
Because their basis was flawed by having the majority of those polled as Democrats

...Because as we all know there is exactly same number of Republicans and Democrats in this country at any given time, so therefore polling sample must have equal number of Democrats and Republicans for it to be considered good.

Right? No silly, that is WRONG.

Democratic Edge in Party Affiliation Up to Seven Points
Hey there doofus. When they are making a statement about the swing, you must use the same criteria. In this case they didn’t. They screwed it heavier with democratic respondents than the previous polls. Maybe even you can understand that. I doubt it though.
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Of course not.
But do you think the Dems can bus enough people into Republican held states to flip them? They can do it one state at a time but not all at once.

Around 66 seats are less Republican that Ohio-12 that Republicans won by less than 1 percentage point. The suburbs are revolting against Trump. Even in Republican Alabama, Democrats did better than Clinton did.
Maybe you're right....but I doubt it.
People are getting tired of the ridiculous crap the Democrats are pulling.
Democrats can't change people's minds....so they instead manufacture votes.

People are tired of the ridiculous crap Trump is pulling.
Suburban women will likely bury Trump and Republicans in the midterms..
What "ridiculous crap?"
Building a wall, cutting taxes, putting the unemployed back to work, conducting trade wars with countries that have been screwing America for decades.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
She lost stupid. I does not matter if every person in California votes for you you need to win electoral votes and that means win more States then you opponent.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
She lost stupid. I does not matter if every person in California votes for you you need to win electoral votes and that means win more States then you opponent.
That's beside the point. I replied to the fake claim that the WaPo/ABC predicted a Hillary "blowout".
If you don't show otherwise, sit down and get smart. Moron.
Yawn...Sep 4, 2018 by a Liberal rag.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.

Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote.

Every one of their polls gave Hillary the EC.
Trump had no path to 270.
What happened?
That's idiotic. Polls don't predict electoral vote.
WaPo polls in 2016 referred to popular vote.
The popular vote does not matter in our electoral system. If CA is able to manufacture an extra 2.9 million votes by relaxing federal election laws the electoral college goes around that. One state filled with illegal voters cannot overrule every other state.

It does in midterms.
State only so your lead was in a few states, trump led in 32. Oops
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
She lost stupid. I does not matter if every person in California votes for you you need to win electoral votes and that means win more States then you opponent.
That's beside the point. I replied to the fake claim that the WaPo/ABC predicted a Hillary "blowout".
If you don't show otherwise, sit down and get smart. Moron.
Already presented in here search it
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
She lost stupid. I does not matter if every person in California votes for you you need to win electoral votes and that means win more States then you opponent.
That's beside the point. I replied to the fake claim that the WaPo/ABC predicted a Hillary "blowout".
If you don't show otherwise, sit down and get smart. Moron.

I replied to the fake claim that the WaPo/ABC predicted a Hillary "blowout".


Predicted a blowout?
Well, they did publish, on election day, a forecast that she'd win Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. They only forecast she'd get 91 more electoral votes than she had after election day.

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