HOLY TOLEDO! New poll has Trump at 32% WhoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!

I'm enjoying the establishment getting rocked..............I'm loving it.......
Then they send in the media and they get SMACKED.............

Reality T.V. here we go...........LOL............

They deserve getting TRUMPED.

He's blunt, refreshing, and DOMINATING!!!!!

So far this is the best election cycle in my lifetime. I have a feeling it will get better!


He's definitely going to make the others step up their game, it is entertaining.
You libs really don't get it. I really should call you progressives because a classical liberal would understand what we are all jaked about.

Win or lose is not the point. The Donald is shaking the RNC up. The Donald isn't taking any shit from the establishment. Nor the media.

Long overdue that someone shook the political pillars of heaven and hell and Trump is pulling it off.

Damn you progressives are lamo. Abbie and Jerry would be ashamed of you.

Look who you have running your party. Pfffffffffffffft. Old white people who are just as locked in as the RINO'S.

You should be looking for a mover and a shaker on your side of the aisle too.

We're in the 7th year of a presidency that the RWnuts like you thought was impossible,

because of your delusions about the US being a center/right country.
It's a shame that conservatives are too stupid to be embarrassed,

because when the Trump pretend candidacy disappears it would be so much fun to embarrass his supporters.

As usual, making a JACKASS of himself with another "SWISH and a MISS" when trying to TOUCH, President Trump! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!


Would you like to bet 10,000 that Trump will win the presidency? I'll put the money up with a neutral party. Will you?

What kind of ODDS are you giving me?
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??
It's a shame that conservatives are too stupid to be embarrassed,

because when the Trump pretend candidacy disappears it would be so much fun to embarrass his supporters.

As usual, making a JACKASS of himself with another "SWISH and a MISS" when trying to TOUCH, President Trump! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

Would you like to bet 10,000 that Trump will win the presidency? I'll put the money up with a neutral party. Will you?

Get with the program! Trump knows what's best for America!
God damn right! Trump is the way! Watch out Bush and Cruz! Donald has you in his sights!

You keep posting like that and one day, not to soon mind you but one day...somebody MIGHT like you.
You think I'm posting because I want you socialists to "like" me? Get a clue foo, and help the last true America DONALD TRUMP win the Presidency!!!
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??
Seems to me like instead of asking who's the RINO, you should be asking who's the PUSSY! And then LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!! :mad:
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??
We are a very long way off from the real deal.

I'm loving the fact that the establishment, aka Status Quo is currently getting hammered............and I'm enjoying it even more when the Media attacks him...........He hits back and his ratings go up..........and one asking the questions gets attacked........

This is hilarious..............
Seems to me like instead of asking who's the RINO, you should be asking who's the PUSSY! And then LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!! :mad:

You could have stated instead "I have no fucking clue how to answer your question" and you could have saved yourself from being exposed as an ignorant clown......But do go on........
He's going to continue to surge as long as he keeps hitting on the issues such as illegals. I have to give him credit on that stance

we all know the problems but trump does not have real solutions that can pass congress or the courts.

Create jobs? He keeps firing those who work for him.

No increase in national income not money to pay for shipping imigrant in or out. No money to create higher paying jobs that people can actually live on. He does not budget money, he throws money at problems and makes them shinier and more austentatious and gaudy

PR is not a solution. He knows PR, not actually working and solving social and government problems. He can't out bluster Putin and ayatollah to bring them to heal.

He is a show man, not a politician
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??

Health care - Trump is not for single payer. He was back in 1999 and cited the success of Scotland and some Nordic countries, but after the Obamacare fiasco he doesn't believe it is a workable plan for our country- says "that ship has sailed". He prefers an open health insurance market that competes across state lines. - that is a conservative position.

Abortion - He is not pro-choice- He is pro-life,. He says he "evolved" on that issue.

2nd amendment - He says he is not anti-gun. But he supported an assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background checks back in 2000. He says he no longer does.Personally - I am not too worried about this issue. I believe that if he is elected Trump will focus on the economy and trade.

he's not a "check off the box" conservative, but he's conservative enough for me.

You libs really don't get it. I really should call you progressives because a classical liberal would understand what we are all jaked about.

Win or lose is not the point. The Donald is shaking the RNC up. The Donald isn't taking any shit from the establishment. Nor the media.

Long overdue that someone shook the political pillars of heaven and hell and Trump is pulling it off.

Damn you progressives are lamo. Abbie and Jerry would be ashamed of you.

Look who you have running your party. Pfffffffffffffft. Old white people who are just as locked in as the RINO'S.

You should be looking for a mover and a shaker on your side of the aisle too.

Democrats do have movers and shakers!

But, they are kind of wierd!:(
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??

Health care - Trump is not for single payer. He was back in 1999 and cited the success of Scotland and some Nordic countries, but after the Obamacare fiasco he doesn't believe it is a workable plan for our country- says "that ship has sailed". He prefers an open health insurance market that competes across state lines. - that is a conservative position.

Abortion - He is not pro-choice- He is pro-life,. He says he "evolved" on that issue.

2nd amendment - He says he is not anti-gun. But he supported an assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background checks back in 2000. He says he no longer does.Personally - I am not too worried about this issue. I believe that if he is elected Trump will focus on the economy and trade.

he's not a "check off the box" conservative, but he's conservative enough for me.


not long ago he was pro choice. Now he is selling himself for republican votes

if he run independant, he might shift platforms again

PR just PR
It's a shame that conservatives are too stupid to be embarrassed,

because when the Trump pretend candidacy disappears it would be so much fun to embarrass his supporters.

I just don't believe his business acumen would allow him to blow millions and millions and millions on a pretense. Do you think he'll drop out at 45 % or 60 %?
This is our country giving our politicians the finger. And the checkbook and pen to an American businessman, who is rooting for America instead of the globe.
Please help me understand this:

All of you who are cheering for Trump (including me, BTW) are stating that he is "giving it" to RINOs.......

However, Trump is FOR single payer HC; FOR a woman's right to choose (pro-choice) and Trump is FOR curbing excesses of the 2nd amendment.

So, who really is the RINO??
HEARD that he was for those things but also HEARD that he has evolved and changed his mind NAT . No matter though , I'd rather have a Trump that 'may' be good on immigration and a few other things then a 'rino' like bush , christy , roobio . No matter how it goes , it looks like Trump is hurting the 'gop' brand and I like that Nat .
He's showing the lame milquetoast Neocons who's boss. How can you not like him? Can't wait for future debates. Haven't felt that way since Ron Paul. Go get em Trump!!
Donald Trump is a serious contender. He has good chance of winning the presidential election if he can invest some money in getting a better haircut.

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