Holy toledo!! PC gone wild. Healthline changes "vagina" to "front hole" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

I get the LGBT, but what does the “QIA” mean?

Is yer Google broke?

  1. Initialism of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/allies.

As long as we're on the topic, for the sake of brevity can we change that LGBTQIA....etc, etc....bullshit to FF for Faggots & Freaks? Much more efficient and easier to remember. I can never remember if it's supposed to be LGBTQ or LGTBQ and I'm sure I'm missing some letters. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. I think FF pretty much covers 'em all.
:haha:I think that making fun of weird people only feeds into their false stereotypes of conservatives, and is a major part of their party platform. :soapbox:

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/allies....unite.:rock:

Meh, all the gay folk I know don’t know all the acronims and hunk they are retarded to.
My sister's gay......she just wishes these gay activists would just STFU.
Most fags think tranny’s are freaks.
Roughly half of fags think feminine traits in a sexual partner are a turn on. (lisping, hip wiggling, soft skin, small shoulders etc...a hole in the lower end in which to insert the penis is a plus in that combination..). :popcorn:

Now all the medical books have to be changed...........

Here's a question: how come ONLY the vagina gets renamed? I don't see anything on that website about changing the names of any other genitalia.

My vagina is now feeling very singled out and discriminated against. SEXISM!!!! Quick, someone call my vagina a lawyer!
I get the LGBT, but what does the “QIA” mean?

Is yer Google broke?

  1. Initialism of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/allies.

As long as we're on the topic, for the sake of brevity can we change that LGBTQIA....etc, etc....bullshit to FF for Faggots & Freaks? Much more efficient and easier to remember. I can never remember if it's supposed to be LGBTQ or LGTBQ and I'm sure I'm missing some letters. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. I think FF pretty much covers 'em all.
:haha:I think that making fun of weird people only feeds into their false stereotypes of conservatives, and is a major part of their party platform. :soapbox:

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/allies....unite.:rock:

Meh, all the gay folk I know don’t know all the acronims and hunk they are retarded to.
My sister's gay......she just wishes these gay activists would just STFU.



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Somehow, "grab her by the front hole" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
----------------------------------------------------------- yep , i just tell the wife , hey sweetheart , lets git some 'tuppy' tonight and she'd turn red and giggle .
Here's a question: how come ONLY the vagina gets renamed? I don't see anything on that website about changing the names of any other genitalia.

My vagina is now feeling very singled out and discriminated against. SEXISM!!!! Quick, someone call my vagina a lawyer!
Don't worry, Cecile. it isn't just your vajayjay.

Your clitoris has been renamed "ignition button".
Holy toledo!! PC gone wild. Healthline changes "vagina" to "front hole"

holy front hole

ain't that awful

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stupid thread....just saying

love the poster though

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