Home invasion...thank goodness victims didn't have a gun...grandfather was beaten to death though...

99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet. And that's a STILL paper target, not an attacker moving 30 feet in 3 seconds. I come from a family of certified sharp-shooters. So this is not just my humble opinion.

It's pure fantasy that simply owning a gun will insure your safety. The chances are great of misfiring or not getting to your gun at all and also shooting someone by accident, sort of like Dick Cheney did a few years ago when he shot his friend in the face. Remember that? No? Oh gee......

That is why Joe Biden said it's best to own a sawed-off shotgun. No pointing necessary. No skills necessary. He's not as nutty as you think.

Where is your evidence that 99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet"?

You have to do better than just spout off nonsense.

Misfiring is rare, if you come from a family of sharpshooters like you claim, though I doubt, ask them.

You're not offering up anything to offset my point, now are you?

Have you ever been to a shooting range? I have. And it's nice because for handguns you get to put the ear protectors on, lean forward, place both hands on the muzzle, place your feet apart, lean forward, balance, aim and shoot.....at a non-moving target. And even then most people never hit the bullseye because of kick-back.

Go back to your crib, child.

For coming from a long line of sharpshooters you sure dont know shit about firearms.
I'd love for you to show me this new grip where you grab the muzzle with both hands...I'm sure it would be educational. For one of us anyway....
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.
Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'
Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.
I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?
Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?

I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.

And even then, like I said, you have to sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand? Better to reinforce your home than accidentally shoot a family member if things in your personal life are that bad.

The only reason to reinforce the home is to give you more time to prepare your firearm and yourself.
It's not like reaching the nightstand will take more than a second but I would like a few extra seconds to get in a good firing position.

How many times have you had to defend your home? Are you closely related to criminals like this couple?

I've already told you at least once that I stopped a home invasion robbery attempted by three mexicans,who I can assure you I didnt know.
Thank God for sawed off 870's....
This just goes to show that our gun grabbing agenda is working! Oddly enough, whoever reported on this story failed to include the part about where democrats came to this guy's home, and took all of his guns away, before he was attacked. Just an oversight, I'm sure.
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.
Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'
Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.
I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?
Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?

I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.

And even then, like I said, you have to sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand? Better to reinforce your home than accidentally shoot a family member if things in your personal life are that bad.

The only reason to reinforce the home is to give you more time to prepare your firearm and yourself.
It's not like reaching the nightstand will take more than a second but I would like a few extra seconds to get in a good firing position.

How many times have you had to defend your home? Are you closely related to criminals like this couple?

I've already told you at least once that I stopped a home invasion robbery attempted by three mexicans,who I can assure you I didnt know.
Thank God for sawed off 870's....

How did you know they were Mexicans? Let's hear the details again.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?

I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.

And even then, like I said, you have to sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand? Better to reinforce your home than accidentally shoot a family member if things in your personal life are that bad.

The only reason to reinforce the home is to give you more time to prepare your firearm and yourself.
It's not like reaching the nightstand will take more than a second but I would like a few extra seconds to get in a good firing position.

How many times have you had to defend your home? Are you closely related to criminals like this couple?

I've already told you at least once that I stopped a home invasion robbery attempted by three mexicans,who I can assure you I didnt know.
Thank God for sawed off 870's....

How did you know they were Mexicans? Let's hear the details again.

I suppose they could have been from anyone of those "south american countries"
I didnt really discuss their country of origin with them.

Basically they came to my door claiming car trouble and they wanted to come inside to use the phone. I told the wife to get the cordless phone and about that time I noticed one had a cell phone in his hand. It became obvious that he knew I was on to them because at that point he started to bum rush me.
I dropped the shotgun I was holding in my right hand behind the door jam across the open door and brought it up.
They fell all over themselves scrambling back into their "broken down" vehicle and hauled ass.
Yes....Grandparent's with their 3 month old grand daughter are at their home....when a couple of home invaders break in, tie them up and beat the grand parents......the grand father dies, the grand mother is in the hospital the infant was unharmed....

Whew......it is a good thing they didn't use a gun to stop the attack.....right?

WHY I CARRY Grandfather Killed During Home Invasion Concealed Nation

A 68-year-old grandfather was at his home with his wife and three-month-old grandchild when a group of people broke into their home, then bound and beat them.

The baby was unharmed. The grandmother was taken to the hospital and is said to be expected to survive. The grandfather however, died of his injuries. The victims were identified as Hemchand and Sabitree Bhagwandin.

The incident happened just after 11pm Sunday night in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. At least one neighbor however, has said that in the recent weeks, crime has picked up in their immediate area.

Neighbors, like John Shelley, say they are getting accustomed to the police activity.

“This house was broken into once and the house down the street has been broken into once since we’ve been here,” Shelley said.

It’s a sad reminder of why it is so important to arm ourselves against evil such as this. Police have no motive, and find it to be a seemingly random home invasion. During an interview, Police added:
If they'd had a gun, somebody might have gotten hurt!

Oh wait!
I suppose they could have been from anyone of those "south american countries"
I didnt really discuss their country of origin with them.

Basically they came to my door claiming car trouble and they wanted to come inside to use the phone. I told the wife to get the cordless phone and about that time I noticed one had a cell phone in his hand. It became obvious that he knew I was on to them because at that point he started to bum rush me.
I dropped the shotgun I was holding in my right hand behind the door jam across the open door and brought it up.
They fell all over themselves scrambling back into their "broken down" vehicle and hauled ass.
Since you didn't kill them, the anti-gun loons do not consider this a defensive gun use.
I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.

And even then, like I said, you have to sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand? Better to reinforce your home than accidentally shoot a family member if things in your personal life are that bad.

The only reason to reinforce the home is to give you more time to prepare your firearm and yourself.
It's not like reaching the nightstand will take more than a second but I would like a few extra seconds to get in a good firing position.

How many times have you had to defend your home? Are you closely related to criminals like this couple?

I've already told you at least once that I stopped a home invasion robbery attempted by three mexicans,who I can assure you I didnt know.
Thank God for sawed off 870's....

How did you know they were Mexicans? Let's hear the details again.

I suppose they could have been from anyone of those "south american countries"
I didnt really discuss their country of origin with them.

Basically they came to my door claiming car trouble and they wanted to come inside to use the phone. I told the wife to get the cordless phone and about that time I noticed one had a cell phone in his hand. It became obvious that he knew I was on to them because at that point he started to bum rush me.
I dropped the shotgun I was holding in my right hand behind the door jam across the open door and brought it up.
They fell all over themselves scrambling back into their "broken down" vehicle and hauled ass.

Interesting. Describe this bum rush. Through the door?
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.

Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'

Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.

I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?

Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.

1. It takes my wife less than 20 seconds to retrieve her revolver from the safe and assume a defensive position in our bedroom so she can speed-dial 911. How do I know...because she practices doing just that...as well as going after firearms or weapons of opportunity in other various locations around the house. We also do fire drills...don't you?

2. One should not be that clueless and unaware of their surroundings to allow someone enter their property and get all the way up to a door/window unnoticed. Either way, the entry points to your home...you know, the place where you sleep and store the majority of your possessions...should be secured enough so that it takes a bit more than a love tap to gain forced entry.

3. I don't need an argument to own a firearm, it is my birth right, but you are correct, shoulda/woulda/couldas make stupid arguments.
I always answer the door holding a shotgun. Then again, now that I think about it, nobody I know ever comes to my house any more.

I always hold my "gun" when I open the door. The lil feller may not scare em, but the sight of him might get them to laughing...which is all the opening I need. :D
As soon as you verify anything you have said......

So you admit you are making it up. Thanks. Kleck says most defenders are involved in criminal activity.

No, he said many defenders carried their guns without permits, and others may ot have met the paper work to have guns in their homes.....he did not say they were robbers, rapists, drug dealers or any sort of actual criminal....you are making that up.....

You make up the numbers brain, not me.........

Don't have to make anything up. Criminals are armed and in high crime areas. Of course they are the majority of defenses. Are you suggesting a criminal won't use his gone for defense? Show where any of your studies excluded criminals.

brain, they are not getting reported in these studies so they are not the majority of the defenses.........you are making this up as well as other things.........

There is no incentive for a criminal to respond to an unknown person on the phone to admit to using a gun to commit a felony, since as a criminal they can't own, carry or touch a gun....and since the unknown caller has their phone number, and hence their name and address, they would be admitting to committing several felonies by using a gun for anything, including self defense......

Law abiding citizens....much less to fear from admitting to self defense with a gun....but still, there is a risk...that is why the number of actual gun use for self defense is actually higher, not lower than what these studies claim.........

Then quote from a study saying they aren't being reported. Otherwise you are just making it up.

Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....
Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....
Brain lies to you. You both know it.
So you admit you are making it up. Thanks. Kleck says most defenders are involved in criminal activity.

No, he said many defenders carried their guns without permits, and others may ot have met the paper work to have guns in their homes.....he did not say they were robbers, rapists, drug dealers or any sort of actual criminal....you are making that up.....

You make up the numbers brain, not me.........

Don't have to make anything up. Criminals are armed and in high crime areas. Of course they are the majority of defenses. Are you suggesting a criminal won't use his gone for defense? Show where any of your studies excluded criminals.

brain, they are not getting reported in these studies so they are not the majority of the defenses.........you are making this up as well as other things.........

There is no incentive for a criminal to respond to an unknown person on the phone to admit to using a gun to commit a felony, since as a criminal they can't own, carry or touch a gun....and since the unknown caller has their phone number, and hence their name and address, they would be admitting to committing several felonies by using a gun for anything, including self defense......

Law abiding citizens....much less to fear from admitting to self defense with a gun....but still, there is a risk...that is why the number of actual gun use for self defense is actually higher, not lower than what these studies claim.........

Then quote from a study saying they aren't being reported. Otherwise you are just making it up.

Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....

I didn't say only criminals. I said it includes criminals which you cannot deny. Kleck said most defenders are involved in criminal activity. I've shown why your 1.6 is an imaginary number and not close to accurate. I use the ncvs number as most accurate, it's not made up.
Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....
Brain lies to you. You both know it.

Prove it.
Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....
Brain lies to you. You both know it.

Prove it.

Just pick any one of your post.
Brain....you are the one who makes things up...the study is the study...you say it only records criminals, I explain why it can't, and you accuse me of making things up....I give you 16 actual studies that report the defensive use of guns by Americans...you say they are all made up....and then make up your own number that to you "sounds right.".....so please, don't project onto me the things you do to justify your anti gun beliefs.....
Brain lies to you. You both know it.

Prove it.

Just pick any one of your post.

Then you go for it.
I suppose they could have been from anyone of those "south american countries"
I didnt really discuss their country of origin with them.

Basically they came to my door claiming car trouble and they wanted to come inside to use the phone. I told the wife to get the cordless phone and about that time I noticed one had a cell phone in his hand. It became obvious that he knew I was on to them because at that point he started to bum rush me.
I dropped the shotgun I was holding in my right hand behind the door jam across the open door and brought it up.
They fell all over themselves scrambling back into their "broken down" vehicle and hauled ass.
Since you didn't kill them, the anti-gun loons do not consider this a defensive gun use.

That is a common game that anti-gun people like to play with the numbers.
Yes....Grandparent's with their 3 month old grand daughter are at their home....when a couple of home invaders break in, tie them up and beat the grand parents......the grand father dies, the grand mother is in the hospital the infant was unharmed....

Whew......it is a good thing they didn't use a gun to stop the attack.....right?

WHY I CARRY Grandfather Killed During Home Invasion Concealed Nation

A 68-year-old grandfather was at his home with his wife and three-month-old grandchild when a group of people broke into their home, then bound and beat them.

The baby was unharmed. The grandmother was taken to the hospital and is said to be expected to survive. The grandfather however, died of his injuries. The victims were identified as Hemchand and Sabitree Bhagwandin.

The incident happened just after 11pm Sunday night in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. At least one neighbor however, has said that in the recent weeks, crime has picked up in their immediate area.

Neighbors, like John Shelley, say they are getting accustomed to the police activity.

“This house was broken into once and the house down the street has been broken into once since we’ve been here,” Shelley said.

It’s a sad reminder of why it is so important to arm ourselves against evil such as this. Police have no motive, and find it to be a seemingly random home invasion. During an interview, Police added:
These things happen.
The only reason to reinforce the home is to give you more time to prepare your firearm and yourself.
It's not like reaching the nightstand will take more than a second but I would like a few extra seconds to get in a good firing position.

How many times have you had to defend your home? Are you closely related to criminals like this couple?

I've already told you at least once that I stopped a home invasion robbery attempted by three mexicans,who I can assure you I didnt know.
Thank God for sawed off 870's....

How did you know they were Mexicans? Let's hear the details again.

I suppose they could have been from anyone of those "south american countries"
I didnt really discuss their country of origin with them.

Basically they came to my door claiming car trouble and they wanted to come inside to use the phone. I told the wife to get the cordless phone and about that time I noticed one had a cell phone in his hand. It became obvious that he knew I was on to them because at that point he started to bum rush me.
I dropped the shotgun I was holding in my right hand behind the door jam across the open door and brought it up.
They fell all over themselves scrambling back into their "broken down" vehicle and hauled ass.

Interesting. Describe this bum rush. Through the door?

That's an odd question.

It is clear from his account that he was using the door to hide his gun.

Thus the simple act of lowering his gun, as he describes would make the doorway the point where his gun was.

It is clear that the "Mexicans" reversed direction when confronted by a shotgun.

If they had reached the gun, this story would be very different, and in a way that would certainly have been mentioned already.

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