Home schooling is booming!

Home schooling is not the future of education in the USA. In fact, it's destroying education in the USA. The people who are leading the charge AGAINST home schooling are not the parents, but rather the children who were home schooled and are now adults.

Home schooling has been used by abusive parents to cover physical and sexual abuse, and other behaviours which are both illegal and harmful to children. One home schooled high school student showed reporters her "daily 'to do' list". Two hours of study - 4 hours of household chores and cleaning.

All in the hopes their children won't grow up to be liberals.
Exactly. Abandoning our public education will result in a less educated populace.

If home school parents would just be nearly so involved in their kids' public education, their kids will fare just as well. Better, even.
That is one of the most ignorant, bigoted moronic statements. The sheer stupidity is just mindset. The ignorant right and left just create hate and division.
sorry if I don’t feel as charitable towards the right as you want. The way they use kids as a wedge issue turns my stomach.
sorry if I don’t feel as charitable towards the right as you want. The way they use kids as a wedge issue turns my stomach.
*unless those children have bullet holes in their heads

Then, suddenly, talking about children's well being is off the table.
sorry if I don’t feel as charitable towards the right as you want. The way they use kids as a wedge issue turns my stomach.
Fine, remain ignorant and bigoted as you want, not my issue. I just include you with the other far left and right nuts, I just read your posts and think you are an ignorant, bigoted moron that tries to divide America and you don’t disappoint.
Nope. You see it exemplified in the way they talk about kids. They’re property. They do what they’re told. They believe what they’re told. They are not individuals. They aren’t allowed individualism. They’re arent allowed to be what they want. They’re property.
It's the parents responsibility to take care of their kids. Especially not making life altering decisions before they are 18.
Fine, remain ignorant and bigoted as you want, not my issue. I just include you with the other far left and right nuts, I just read your posts and think you are an ignorant, bigoted moron that tries to divide America and you don’t disappoint.
Im truly heartbroken.
Nothing is "cut off" prior to adulthood. As for "puberty blockers", female athletes have been taking them for generations and not one of you assholes said word one about how these girls were being harmed by them.

Then why are girls suing doctors for cutting their breast off when they were 14?
Exactly. Abandoning our public education will result in a less educated populace.

If home school parents would just be nearly so involved in their kids' public education, their kids will fare just as well. Better, even.
So, let's say they do that. Let's say conservatives organize and take over the local school board. And then decide that teaching kids that there's more than two genders is "bad science", that kids should know that slavery had it's "up" side, that vaccinations are dumb, and climate change is a hoax - how would you deal with it?
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Good idea…

You want to keep them away from any books that might teach liberal thought, interactions with children of other faiths, minorities……God forbid they are prevented from picking on gays
How's that working out in government schools?
So, let's say they do that. Let's say conservatives organize and take over the local school board. And then decide that teaching kids that there's more than two genders is "bad science", that kids should know that slavery had it's "up" side, that vaccinations are dumb, and climate change is a hoax - how would you deal with it?
Cue the cricket choir ...
So, let's say they do that. Let's say conservatives organize and take over the local school board. And then decide that teaching kids that there's more than two genders is "bad science", that kids should know that slavery had it's "up" side, that vaccinations are dumb, and climate change is a hoax - how would you deal with it?
Ah so you have been to East Texas...🤪
Thanks! I shall look at.
Just a note. If you use this, many major universities also have AP / college level classes online a student can take, especially STEM type. It can be really helpful. Plus itf you are homeschooling high school, these are serious, tough classes. Statistics, economics, calculus, different types of physics, electrical and chemistry classes. :salute:
Just a note. If you use this, many major universities also have AP / college level classes online a student can take, especially STEM type. It can be really helpful. Plus itf you are homeschooling high school, these are serious, tough classes. Statistics, economics, calculus, different types of physics, electrical and chemistry classes. :salute:
Yup, there are a lot of options out there for an involved parent to choose from.
A lot. There’s plenty of parents out there that are not capable of homeschooling their kids and there’s basically zero accountability.
There’s plenty of teachers who aren’t capable of educating kids too..
Ah so you have been to East Texas...🤪
Or Florida, or any number of places. There's a very real chance the next round of election will be a hard right turn for the US.

If that happens, it will be interesting to see how many liberals magically transform into libertarians and homeschoolers.

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