Home schooling is booming!

Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, took a break Sunday from championing radical causes to share an article to X detailing how the spike in home schooling that occurred during the pandemic wasn't a flash in the pan.

Weingarten made the mistake of captioning the post, "What's behind the increase in homeschooling," prompting concerned parents, conservatives, and other critics of her union's ruinous initiatives to read it as a question and provide their own answers, which the ATF boss later characterized as attacks.

While various commenters indicated leftist indoctrination efforts in the classroom helped drive the home schooling boom, the most common answer to Weingarten's unintended question appears to have been "you."

Whether it be parents concerned over never ending school violence, every day we see a story of children molested, every day we see stories of children transitioning into another sex or having an abortion without their parents knowing, every day we see children protesting guns, climate change, Israel, or any number of Left wing agendas instead of being in class, parents have had it.

It is time for a divorce. The government no longer represents the people, just radical Left-wing loons.

Don't look for government to save you, that is not why they are there.

Home schooling is not the future of education in the USA. In fact, it's destroying education in the USA. The people who are leading the charge AGAINST home schooling are not the parents, but rather the children who were home schooled and are now adults.

Former home-schoolers have been at the forefront of those arguing for greater oversight of home schooling, forming the nonprofit Coalition for Responsible Home Education to make their case.

“As an adult I can say, ‘No. What happened to me as a child was wrong,’” said Samantha Field, the coalition’s government relations director. . . . .

Aaron had grown up believing Christians could out-populate atheists and Muslims by scorning birth control; Christina had been taught the Bible-based arithmetic necessary to calculate the age of a universe less than 8,000 years old. Their education was one in which dinosaurs were herded aboard Noah’s ark — and in which the penalty for doubt or disobedience was swift. Sometimes they still flinched when they remembered their parents’ literal adherence to the words of the Old Testament: “Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.”

Home schooling has been used by abusive parents to cover physical and sexual abuse, and other behaviours which are both illegal and harmful to children. One home schooled high school student showed reporters her "daily 'to do' list". Two hours of study - 4 hours of household chores and cleaning.

All in the hopes their children won't grow up to be liberals.
Let's see:
  • You are not a student
  • You are not a teacher
  • You do not have children
But you know ALL about it. :rolleyes:
You're not a teacher because this time of day teachers are actually teaching

And I never claimed to know all about it but our education system sucks in just about every metric

you must be so proud huh?
Nope. You see it exemplified in the way they talk about kids. They’re property. They do what they’re told. They believe what they’re told. They are not individuals. They aren’t allowed individualism. They’re arent allowed to be what they want. They’re property.
Where did you get this idea?
When was the last time you set foot in a public school?

Great job

I wonder how many other teachers are trolling message boards during school hours.

Great job

I wonder how many other teachers are trolling message boards during school hours.
When was the last time you set foot in a public school?
Yes it is. One thing though, if a church going kid changes his mind about Christianity when they are an adult. They can just change their mind and be done with it. Your indoctrination cannot be changed or reversed. Once you cut it off or take puberty blockers, the damage is done.

Nothing is "cut off" prior to adulthood. As for "puberty blockers", female athletes have been taking them for generations and not one of you assholes said word one about how these girls were being harmed by them.

A lot. There’s plenty of parents out there that are not capable of homeschooling their kids and there’s basically zero accountability.
Not in the schools and not in the rest of the government is there any accountability. On the federal level and in many states government is today a criminal organization.
It means that you do not have the capacity to understand the real problem and thereby unable to make an informed and viable opinion on the subject.
Sounds like you are blaming me for your inability to articulate a point. Or maybe you’re just too lazy to do it.

I find that conservatives are so heavily influenced by social media and right wing media, they’ve detached from reality especially when it comes to what is actually happening in schools.
This is simply untrue.
Can you offer any examples of government or school officials who broke the law being held accountable? Local, state or federal?

For example, the USA Patriot Act violated several elements of the US Constitution, but nobody has been held accountable for that, and successors to the criminals who passed the original bill have renewed it every year.

School boards around the country have violated all sorts of laws, but nobody is held accountable for violating the law and the rights of parents to oversee the education of their children.
Sounds like you are blaming me for your inability to articulate a point. Or maybe you’re just too lazy to do it.

I find that conservatives are so heavily influenced by social media and right wing media, they’ve detached from reality especially when it comes to what is actually happening in schools.
No....I succinctly did argue the point. But you somehow do not understand parental rights to parent their children in a manner in accordance with their heritage.

Martin Luther would be appalled at your assertions that a Federal Government is there to strip children of their heritage in essence. It is usually called anthropological genocide. It's what is regularly accused of white people as to what they did to Native Americans.

Dress it up However you want....it is cultural genocide.

Start filling Saudia Arabian grocery stores with Pork as the only meat option and see how well that is received.
Conservatives view their children as property. They are supposed to believe what their parents believe. They are not taught to think for themselves.
That is one of the most ignorant, bigoted moronic statements. The sheer stupidity is just mindset. The ignorant right and left just create hate and division.

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