Home schooling is booming!

I tend to agree....
However these homeschool advocates also have valid points in the extraneous subjects that are getting taught simultaneously. Such as antisemitism, sexual deviance, and other subjects that deal with controversial morality instead of information and problem solving skills.

The schools are teaching a warped system of wisdom principles that aren't truly wisdom. (Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge)

LGBTQ+ History month is not an acceptable teaching subject. However pre-pubuscent children are being subjected to drag shoes involving nudity and highly explicit details of deviant lifestyles. Not to mention the school violence, guns, recreational drugs, social media bullying, and wackanoodle teacher agendas.

So much deviant sex is being promoted in school these days to pre and early pubescent children they are opting for androgynous pronouns to avoid being stigmatized by the masses of thugs in schools or to avoid actually having sex with another person. (Who can blame them?)

Then there's the public schools trying to socially normalize students who have severe mental illnesses. And I understand the desire...but it's not really a task that should be undertaken by public schools.

Bigots used to oppose teaching kids that racism was wrong too.
They are doing great financially, except for the youngest still living at home. But he is already getting his feet set in a career already. They are also an asset in society.

And I can say the same about both of my children, who were both educated in the public school system.

Seems how kids turn out have more to do with how they are raised by their parents than where they were educated.
If a parent‘s home school curriculum consists of half an hour of reading the Bible and six hours of milking cows, that’s not okay and there should be accountability.
And when conservatives take over and decide to teach your kids their way?
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If a parent‘s home school curriculum consists of half an hour of reading the Bible and six hours of milking cows, that’s not okay and there should be accountability.

if a school teacher‘s curriculum is five minutes of reading a book and 45 minutes of watching reruns of Seinfeld, they will be fired.
I guarantee you my brother's kids are more educated than most public school graduates.
Indoctrination is good when we do it!
Yes it is. One thing though, if a church going kid changes his mind about Christianity when they are an adult. They can just change their mind and be done with it. Your indoctrination cannot be changed or reversed. Once you cut it off or take puberty blockers, the damage is done.
Yes it is. One thing though, if a church going kid changes his mind about Christianity when they are an adult. They can just change their mind and be done with it. Your indoctrination cannot be changed or reversed. Once you cut it off or take puberty blockers, the damage is done.
Conservatives view their children as property. They are supposed to believe what their parents believe. They are not taught to think for themselves.
And I can say the same about both of my children, who were both educated in the public school system.

Seems how kids turn out have more to do with how they are raised by their parents than where they were educated.
Is that your final answer?
That's funny right there.
Nope. You see it exemplified in the way they talk about kids. They’re property. They do what they’re told. They believe what they’re told. They are not individuals. They aren’t allowed individualism. They’re arent allowed to be what they want. They’re property.

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