Home Sweet Home: American Korean history, athenian democracy presbyterianism

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017

Home Sweet Home: American Korean history and Athenian democracy Presbyterianism
by Mike Dwight

Dedicated to business administration nationwide. I graduated with a Bachelor's Business Administration field and today's international fields of business, auditing, politics, logistics, are the sanity that glues this discussion. This is a theoretical primer in social sciences Korean American.

I. Prologue
1. Elizabethan Korea
2. Europa
3. Athenian Democracy
4. World Peace One
5. Conspiracy or agreement?

I'm not Korean. I haven't stepped foot in Korea. I could brag about seeking out a number of Korean conversations, which is worthless.
Why did I call this an American Korean history instead of Korean-American history? It may be because the Ulster-Scots were Scottish migrants to the Irish county of Ulster, or it may be because the Korean language has Object-Subject-Verb sentences in which these are switched around anyway, and this isn't about two brains thinking the same thing at the same time, this is a history of two totally different brains moving on with vague agreement. Business is to Sociology, what engineering is to Science, the Scientist makes a theory, the engineer says close enough.
Koreans come to America on thin ice. Lets face that fact. Lets make a chart of enabled and empowered immigrants from the history of the United States.

1. British nation countries trickled out to the colonies of their Empire since 1621 (English, Scottish, Irish) Reformed Christian Dutch started New Jersey.
2. White Protestant Northern Europeans were a preferred quota class until 1960ish immigration reform in the United States.
3. Italians, Polish, or say, southern German Austrians, share Latin alphabets, and some culture and history, heavy 1900 to present immigration.
4. New African immigrants often assimilate into African American communities.
5. So Asian Americans as an immigrant class can be seen to be completely alienated and inexperienced since legal immigration actually started around 1969.

African Americans themselves, are a special class when it comes to immigration, obviously. Immigration is not actually a useful word either for the Founding Fathers creating the country from the ideas in their heads out of a wilderness before them, or relatively.

Korean Americans then do not have a lot of norms to ignore before being considered by us on the whole, outside the fragile bonds of Citizenship, nationhood, and commitment or belonging. They are actually well-versed on these mechanisms. Koreans in the Korean language will methodically call a Korean moving to America an "American". I am highly confused that they really do not allow immigration, or foreign owners, or that this translates to losing "Korean citizenship" is easy translation garbage. I'm trying to say Korean Americans want a good first impression to you in All situations, and how will you catch them lying, and what does it mean to you personally if they did? Korean Americans have a shot they, still in the majority first-generation, take a chance to come here and there's a lot of fear in that.

My Prologue should explain my Title and Picture choice fully, or at least makes the rest of the reading interesting. First, Japan had an Empire, remember? They were basically trying to appear like the European Powers who were in the imperial age. During the 1910 to 1946 Occupation of Korea by Japan, more than 3 million Japanese imperialists moved to Korea, which I can't confirm, may be more Actual Invaders than were ever involved in all 300 years of all European Imperialism. I do know that British India never involved more than 100,000 officers at the same time. Japanese in close contact, could cheat all economics, in summary, most farm owners or market owners became tenant farmers and renters by Japanese Judges or very thinly veiled racial prejudice. Japan is very open that the people were looking to open up New Lands with their empire as Immigrants to open up More Land for the Japanese People. After the Japanese occupation, American intervention was unsure of Koreans status during wartime and ensuing peace, and Koreans were outraged with Japanese administration or any other associations to the defeated Japanese. The Korean War which is only a brief mention and part of dubious US government cover-ups, too bad hippies and conspiracy theorists weren't around a decade earlier, man. Where we only briefly consider this situation, to Koreans a 4000 year old history is torn in two halves, the invalid North and the legitimate South. Over 4 million Koreans died in a war of Korean blood and American bombs, the United States has not experienced Korean tragedy in any ten times scale. Korean by some sources is also a word meaning a troubled outlook. Korea through all this has developed a Presbyterian Church from a few hundred thousand conformers to maybe the largest share of the world's Presbyterians depending on counts and translations, maybe 9 Million Presbyterians. Koreans still do not have a sense and right and attainment of home and family that we enjoy, and most of this is a history of invasions and a denial of home-rule. South Korea is one of the highest density place in the world, especially Seoul the mega-city.

1. Elizabethan Korea
The funniest and most long-lasting joke I've had from all this maybe 10 years has been, an Elizabethan Korea. Queen Elizabeth's well studied here for the Spanish Armada victory or the religious reforms. Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry's second attempted Wife, Anne Boleyn. King Henry will be ranked most important in Church schism histories, especially Koreans, I disagree and history will. Feudal Europe in focus, the peasants and nobles of a land must support a King, and how progressive of us to notice them down there as well, this down-trodden Church in the works. King Henry's first wife was a complete political marriage Queen Catherine from Spain. King Henry broke with the Pope who always encouraged these inter-Roman marriages in the Roman Empire. King Henry's second Wife was younger, from the region from a lesser noble, and newly Protestant, or just Lutheran would be the early descriptions. She is often depicted providing Bibles to read to her Servants. By his first wife Catherine sired Bloody Mary, by his second wife Anne sired Elizabeth.
Bloody Mary would be known when the crown passed to her for violently putting down protestants, but she died, in childbirth, with the newest Spanish Noble. Queen Elizabeth famously unmarried and virgin, wished to show 'a woman alone in her power could rule' if she chose an epithet on her grave, and she did, all about 50 years. This highlighted no subjugating England to a Lesser Union to some foreign Male Kingdom. This highlighted a break from the Catholic Mariology on the Virgin Mary, as she was the new Virgin Queen. The Pope only has one papal bull excommunication of one ruler and that's Queen Elizabeth called a Calvinist. This is important as Presbyterians, a subgroup of Reformed, a subgroup or maybe synonymous with Calvinism. The Coronation of Elizabeth was shown in parade as the true Ascendancy of the Protestants as she paraded with Bibles. She is not, Herself, the Bible, as Anglican doctrine makes confusing, but, very enthusiastic linkage , Monarch and Bible.

Just to highlight how hard it is to see from another's perspective, look at Scotland's perspective through this whole history. Scotland in medieval times was allied with France in the Auld Alliance, but people and Kingdoms move with fervor and change and old bitter enemies met in the Protestant Reformation, Elizabethan forces also helped Scottish Nobles Reform the religion in Scotland. Elizabeth's intervention to aid the Reformation in Netherlands overthrowing Spanish and Roman overlords led to the Spanish Armada battle. Church always is meant to bring all Nations together in Christ's Kingship, or so religious sources tell me, which at this point, is Scotland, Netherlands, Switzerland, we will find through history, a begrudging attempt to include, ignore, or bring England into this list. The Elizabethan Religious settlement, at least in OUR language, has complicated our minds. As it made the compromise for peace under the Monarch, led to English Methodists, Baptist, Anglicans or Episcopalians, in a world in other languages might best just be seen Reformed, Lutheran maybe Protestants, the English often in this category, Orthodox Christian, and Catholic, and these are still solidly religions of a Christendom and unity and political force. King Charles overthrow and William Of Orange's revolution or countless examples , including the illegality of a Catholic King in the United Kingdom, show the religious regulating relevancy. This was rather than Lutheran peasant revolutionary forces, Feudal-born states organizing against the Roman hierarchy. This is both true, and repeated regularly later with fervor! Elizabeth you will see, actually preserved the Kingdoms, in not making an Empire under herself, as she turned down an Offered Kingdom of Netherlands, or nominated King James in Scotland, or the Scottish nobles did. The Scottish view today is of these co-equal Churches not under Italy or Roman domination. The Presbyterian "Church of Scotland" was established 1560 by John Knox who studied with John Calvin, so again, Presbyterianism, under Calvinism, under or meaning Reformed.

King Sejong around this time is known to have made the Korean alphabet, where the Chinese alphabet did not prove suitable. King Sejong also showed preference to Confucianism from China over the older Mayhana Buddhism. Now look I'm a western business major, what I know and read is, Confucianism from China hyper-enforced in Korea led to ranks and statuses and social obligations creating order and being in order made things run right. There were Buddhist monks burning themselves in the Vietnam War, I hadn't seen a Yangban Korean doing that. They might be more likely to take bribes or considered money and status conscious. Korea developed an entrance exam into the high-class Yangbang landowners reflected in today's College entrance exam culture. When students or adults don't fit into their perceived role in these situations, the pressures are even greater than here!

2. Europa

A favorite game series called Europa Universalis makes the Presbyterian religion and Korea little map sprites , pow pow, ow im dead, respawn. Europa is latin for Europe and Universalis latin for Universal. You're a white man carrying a gun around to places to define the age between 1444 and 1830. Christopher Colombus in when? Right, 1492. We're just moving along with our two Europes, the Reformed/Protestant and the Catholic Europe. Spain moves right in with the Mexicans, Philippines, Chile. Portugal in Brazil. United Kingdom to America, Canada, Australia, India. The Presbyterian foundation is decidedly from a European Feudal age compared to Methodism from free America's religious revival traditions of the 1800s , compared to most of the world that , still today, Conformists to the Established Church of Scotland, are Presbyterians, note conforming and not getting hit on the head with a cane.
Korean theologians in the Presbyterian tradition almost exclusively study the Puritans! They also tend to highlight syncretism. I'm here to say, there is only one True idea, in this, that's not the misleading temptations of the Devil, and that's western Denominationalism. Puritans were a Reform movement that avoided the mixed English crowd by moving to the Promised City on a Hill in America, often then called the Pilgrims. They were a notable first Successful colony and that perhaps 60% of Americans can trace some DNA to them. The Puritans even merged in with the Presbyterians in some number! Nobody ever really says where "Father Turkey" went, but around the 1800s the Puritans were no longer a community-controlling and Scarlet Letter community, or still organized.

Korea did suffer a Japanese invasion fended off at great cost in the 1600 by Admiral Yi and others. Korea tends to just sit there, lets move on.

3. Athenian Democracy
I'm not here to give fake-confederates a self-confirmation, so I need non-Confederates and fake-confederates to keep eyes and ears focused on facts we're going to take out of the Civil War. Our very American minds will tend to bend subconsciously around the Confederate defeat for about 150 years now. They're not stupid people, from the lack of 1900s public funding to roads or schools. They're not seen as incurably vicious immoralists from the judgment of a 1960 TV screen at a fumbling populist governor George Wallace.

"There is a half-completed replica of the Parthenon in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. A memorial to the veterans of the Napoleon war "

Throughout Edinburgh, one will see the Scottish bonnie blue Saltire flag hanging co-equal with the Union Jack. Where else did Americans have an idea about a United State? The United Kingdom occurred in 1702 not only from Scotland and England's long alliance and a new need for solidarity, economics, prevent foreign backdoor interventions, and even Scottish immigration to the 13 English Colonies. The 14 presidents between George Washington and Abraham Lincoln described this relationship as a Confederacy. That's in all their inaugural addresses. States related to each other and their combined solidarity would produce a Federal Government, a small diplomatic nicety at this time.

Skip straight to the States called Dixie. An ulster-scot named Andrew Jackson said these states, of whom have, 12 million happy peoples, need not be bothered by Indians who will not conform to our agriculture or civilized practices, thus, the Trail of Tears enforced the boundaries and wishes of the states of mississippi, George, Alabama and others. Before this, Andrew Jackson had defended the "territorial Integrity" of our states, by defeating the british at New Orleans. When elected president he found this Confederacy 'invlunerable' in some million militiamen. Andrew Jackson was a Stonewaller, the author deposits. This president was from Tennessee, operated a full military career in the South, in publications, noted in the South, and this is from a time when people do not Realize regionalism's full extent.

In 1860 or so, the Northern States had to a Southern administrator's mind, fully caused every grievance possible of hostile disposition by Northern States and people against Southern States and its people. This discussion has to be Very brief, tariffs helped Northern industry, hurt southern mercantile to the UK. The South had most slaves, John Brown abolitionists came to the States to terrorize, a particular revolutionary hung with the help of Robert E Lee. One Lieutenant at the outbreak, named Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, rose quickly through the ranks and class system compared to generals AP Hill and others, not without merit and extensive proof of deeds on the battlefield. However, more relevant, he was a greek 'mythical hero' of this Southern Cause. He was in his patrilineal line a Scotsman who identified many things in Presbyterianism and in the will of God, including States in Unions like Scotland's holy position really, co-equal in such a Union, slavery, predestined war discipline. The army he commanded in Northern Virginia rallied to the song of "The Bonnie Blue Flag". There are no good recordings of this song Anywhere. First off, Harry McCarthy the author is an impressionist, so I imagine, a heavy, Scottish accent. Every time he calls for a cheer and a hurrah, shouldn't there be some big hurrah, or yay, ya great idea. Anyway... I like to harken this 2nd anthem of Dixie to Scottish blue bonnie flag in a Republican setting, seeing itself, although English might not or the other states or Italy, as co-equals, in a protestant Reformation morality.

The loud and clear and valid, reason for the war, people held in bondage! I'm not here to argue in the 3rd grade. Tennessee by census was maybe less than 1% slave. Edinburgh Scotland proclaimed the Athens of the North, Nashville Tennessee is a cheeky Athens of the South, with a Complete Parthenon replica by a Confederate veteran. Every confederate battle song or war related song, will have some mention of popery, of protestant reformation, of Romanist ideas. Talk about two sides talking past each other! Greece since British times being of the Orthodox Religion, during Christian times, was compose in Greece of the city-states of Athens, Sparta, Macedon, Pontus and others, no center Rome in these city-states in the Greek Empire era.

The Parthenon in Nashville and Edinburgh and Athens, Greece even, was symbolic of Athenian Democracy. The South was known for an old evil Democrat party. In Athens Greece I believe at the Parthenon every Male voted with white stone or black stone to go to war with Persia. Do we have true Democracy today, because Representative Democracy is more the platform of the Roman Senate and Republicans. Do we decide ourselves who is friend to our country, and our country's diplomacy or is this all represented for us? One third of eligible males were casualties in the South , a good majority vote really wasn't an issue.

Everything Scottish can tie of course to Presbyterianism. See Bishops were introduced from the English and Roman system to try to attempt to bring some Roman or Anglican elements back to conform with England. Bishops were then completely removed. This isn't necessarily hard-fast in Reformed Churches so again with Subsets. Presbyter is the greek word for Elder, which is also a lowest-rank in a greek Orthodox church's clergy. Saint Andrew as well as the Church recognize "highness and sovereignty" of God and do away with ranks. "Stonewall Jackson's Way" was a northerner's sympathetic song, quite interesting find.

4. World Peace One
In World War One, Europe tore itself apart and a euro-centric world helplessly looked on. A few years earlier in New York in 1911, was the famous Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. 140 Italian, jewish, other immigrant women burned alive in a New York factory fire and New York and voters felt responsible. They were locked into the factory that burned. President Woodrow Wilson who was elected a couple years later, is an unforgiving, true, loud and clear, "Dangerous Southern Democrat". The election was about sanctity home-values, protected life, in some secondary apologetics to the 50 year old Dixie cause. He was noted as , what they would have named, a "native American", his wife related to Pocahontas, really was trying to express, coming from the Mayflower, or My Country Tis of Thee roots, and the international policy he took the world at the end of World War One, a very complicated imperial alliance situation especially archduke Ferdinand in Austria by native rebels, was that States should not be colonized, consideration by those ruled, adjustment of all states, as a Presbyterian minister and founder in the southern Presbyterian Church the germans said 'God only had 10 commandments".

These 14 points are actually at least noted, if not central, to current South Korean political circles. Because this was picked up by Koreans in 1912, and caused the March 1st movement in Korea, that caused the Japanese to put down and shut almost 10 thousand protestors, it shows the thwarted government of the people of Korea on this March 1st holiday, and the validity of the Provisional Government of Korea, during the occupation by Japan, and the actual government of Korea during this time was away in China from 1910 to 1945. Their anthem was the Aegukga used by South Korea currently.

Another interesting story on that, the 1885 Presbyterian missionaries along with many American missionaries in that year, brought the Scottish tune Auld Lang Syne, which of course, relates to Scottish people remaining dear to each other and their landscape, which is a tune that is feasible and likely, that modernizer and independence activist Ahn Chang Ho picked up from Horace Underwood's missionary singing of Auld Lang Syne, to the writing of Aegukga. The tune of Auld Lang Syne was changed around 1950. For 50 years already, this strain of Presbyterians and Koreans at a whole can be seen as fervently reaching out to Europeans and the Western world. Koreans arrived at the world war one peace settlement by sled-dog all the way to France, in a way suggesting that Korea itself was a World War One readjustment that Woodrow Wilson was speaking of. The delegation being refused entry, especially by Japanese recognized colonial control, the delegation committed mass suicide. Notable, if not very Western.

5. Conspiracy or agreement?
I'm reaching the End, not the Beginning, of my American Korean history. Not the simplest fool in this proud nationalistic, chauvinistic, American country, can be so distance and morally broken, to say the beginning of our responsibility to the Korean person begins at a citizenship immigration procedure in 1969 along with a Cambodian and a Swahili. Anyway, after world war 2 was another war that Koreans are almost equally, without self-rule, self-decisions, or home-rule, and that was the Cold War. By some demeaning series of often repeated theories, the Domino Theory says we need to keep enough satellites and buffer states around us to keep communism far away. That's why 5 million mass civilian slaughter events happened in Korea I suppose and not here, and all politics there is mired in that heated ideological era. I'm able to question what I can, and that's President Dwight Eisenhower. People who study Presbyterianism will actually read News cycles about how they are the First to accept Gay Marriage. Presbyterians are the spirit of Antichrist says Pat Robertson. Presbyterians Will have an open lesbian moderator name this the 2nd Protestant Reformation. These events definitely stem from conspiracy-worthy actions in Eisenhower's administration. Eisenhower who definitely, does not care or know or has any history in Presbyterianism, from his dutch Menonite family roots with the extent of his theology I'm aware of, being the D-Day landing prayer for liberty for Europe. His inaugural prayer as president was equal government treatment for all Citizens of this country, he converted to Presbyterianism in rough equal timing with the first recorded speech of Martin Luther King Jr. Is that bad? Is that good? Most people understand the Positive government steps for, and specifically for, African Americans. I didn't see this prevent Korean Americans targeted during the LA Riots? Its still a government trying to be fair. President Eisenhower with full outward zeal in religion, put religious messages on money, or Under God in the pledge of allegiance which made religious this message against the Confederacy, we'll note. What we really can see is, the high patriotism and zeal in nationalism of the United States of America and for its citizens and its works abroad, starting with the end of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America in 1958, the transition churches to the 1980's Presbyterian Church (USA). Is it better or worse to be looking to "The Bonnie Blue Flag" on how to diplomatically entreat Korean Americans? I know that this is making both a non-religious, a sometimes unwelcoming environment to the international community. The Presbyterian Church of Mexico started by Americans cut relations with the PC(USA). This certainly makes Americans have no obligation internationally, to a liberty-loving, person-to-person language-based understanding with other liberals, started and that really can't be seen any fixes, such as PC in America. You're not going to use this to entreat and understand Korean issues. South Korea suffered under military dictatorships preferable to communism for a couple decades under Park Chung Hee, and has never seen a successful transfer of Presidential power on its 6th Republic to date, and this is only an embarrassing example of dropping the ball that isn't worth mentioning. President Eisenhower most likely settled with the Chinese!

So I had some primers on my thoughts on American Korean relations, and those thoughts relate in total, to Home Sweet Home. In the Civil War and again with Alma Gluck the famed Romanian Soprano, was a famous song called, Home! Sweet Home! Hyundai plant managers often speak and applaud and agree with our values of hospitality, when they have plants here. Decisions framed around this seem appropriate. You can listen to little international business snippets, about, a business card should be treated like your soul, or the important man shows his importance by making everyone wait on his decision, but you know, these are all little around the edge snippets, and I thank you for your time in fully looking and considering an American racial issue.

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