Homeland Security Watches Twitter,Social Media,Drudge...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Still think it's all just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory?'

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's command center routinely monitors dozens of popular websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, WikiLeaks and news and gossip sites including the Huffington Post and Drudge Report, according to a government document.

A "privacy compliance review" issued by DHS last November says that since at least June 2010, its national operations center has been operating a "Social Networking/Media Capability" which involves regular monitoring of "publicly available online forums, blogs, public websites and message boards."

The purpose of the monitoring, says the government document, is to "collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture."...

News and gossip sites on the monitoring list include popular destinations such as the Drudge Report, Huffington Post and "NY Times Lede Blog", as well as more focused techie fare such as the Wired blogs "Threat Level" and "Danger Room." Numerous blogs related to terrorism and security are also on the list.

Some of the sites on the list are potentially controversial. WikiLeaks is listed for monitoring, even though officials in some other government agencies were warned against using their official computers to access WikiLeaks material because much of it is still legally classified under U.S. government rules.

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Homeland Security watches Twitter, social media | Reuters
- Big Journalism
I always assume that websites are watched, it just doesn't bother me. There are methods of assured web anonymity, look into them if you are that worried, as for me I do not have any opinion I am ashamed of or fearful to post on any internet forum.
I always assume that websites are watched, it just doesn't bother me. There are methods of assured web anonymity, look into them if you are that worried, as for me I do not have any opinion I am ashamed of or fearful to post on any internet forum.

Maybe you should be more worried? Just sayin?
I always assume that websites are watched, it just doesn't bother me. There are methods of assured web anonymity, look into them if you are that worried, as for me I do not have any opinion I am ashamed of or fearful to post on any internet forum.

Maybe you should be more worried? Just sayin?

The second anyone is too scared to open their mouth and speak their piece in any setting then they have willingly given up their right of free speech for the illusion of safety. Don't let them win Paulbot, be brave like us liberals.
I always assume that websites are watched, it just doesn't bother me. There are methods of assured web anonymity, look into them if you are that worried, as for me I do not have any opinion I am ashamed of or fearful to post on any internet forum.

Maybe you should be more worried? Just sayin?

The second anyone is too scared to open their mouth and speak their piece in any setting then they have willingly given up their right of free speech for the illusion of safety. Don't let them win Paulbot, be brave like us liberals.

No,bravery would be standing up and speaking out against Big Brother spying on its Citizens 24/7. The opposite of bravery would be to shut up or approve & cheerlead for it. You're not brave at all. You're just going along to get along. You're like most Americans these days.
Maybe you should be more worried? Just sayin?

The second anyone is too scared to open their mouth and speak their piece in any setting then they have willingly given up their right of free speech for the illusion of safety. Don't let them win Paulbot, be brave like us liberals.

No,bravery would be standing up and speaking out against Big Brother spying on its Citizens 24/7. The opposite of bravery would be to shut up or approve & cheerlead for it. You're not brave at all. You're just going along to get along. You're like most Americans these days.

No I just pick my battles wisely, why would the government not monitor these sites? They have monitored TV and radio longer than either of us have been alive.
You can bet your ass-ets that the Feds monitor this forum and any other domestic discussion group on the web. I recall when lefties were outraged when it was revealed that the Bush administration was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant. The left went crazy because Bush is a republican. Today federal surveillance is commonplace and there is little outrage in the media because a radical leftie is in the white house.
You can bet your ass-ets that the Feds monitor this forum and any other domestic discussion group on the web. I recall when lefties were outraged when it was revealed that the Bush administration was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant. The left went crazy because Bush is a republican. Today federal surveillance is commonplace and there is little outrage in the media because a radical leftie is in the white house.

Same idiots who praised their idiot for signing NDAA into Law. They're not worth listening to at this point. They're very disingenuous people.
You can bet your ass-ets that the Feds monitor this forum and any other domestic discussion group on the web. I recall when lefties were outraged when it was revealed that the Bush administration was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant. The left went crazy because Bush is a republican. Today federal surveillance is commonplace and there is little outrage in the media because a radical leftie is in the white house.

Monitoring phone calls is one thing, there is an expectation of privacy and I am not in the least bit accepting of that, but this is after all a public forum, if you want privacy you are in the wrong place.
I tend to pop this into threads like this one because at the time it aired there was no hoopla the next day at all.

From the 60 Minutes broadcast of February 2, 2000:

STEVE KROFT, co-host:

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, there's a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country's largest intelligence agency. The top-secret Global Surveillance Network is called Echelon, and it's run by the National Security Agency and four English-speaking allies: Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

'Go along to get along' is unfortunately the average American's mentality at this point. Sadly,it does remind you of what happened in Germany in the early days of the Nazi takeover. The German People either said nothing or actually fully supported the horror that was to come.
My TV, phone, and internet all come into the house via the cable.

I'm sure that at the other end there is a system in place to log phone calls, what I watch on TV, and where I go on the internet.

I would imagine that the most nefarious reason the cable company has in keeping a track of my activites is to sell the info to people who want to sell me shit.
'Go along to get along' is unfortunately the average American's mentality at this point. Sadly,it does remind you of what happened in Germany in the early days of the Nazi takeover. The German People either said nothing or actually fully supported the horror that was to come.

Just because you seem to be ruled by fear does not mean everyone is.

There are appropriate, immediate fears that we all must deal with, the rest are phantom fears and do nothing except make you a fearful person. Fear is the mind killer.
My TV, phone, and internet all come into the house via the cable.

I'm sure that at the other end there is a system in place to log phone calls, what I watch on TV, and where I go on the internet.

I would imagine that the most nefarious reason the cable company has in keeping a track of my activites is to sell the info to people who want to sell me shit.

Government and Telecoms work very closely together. In fact,it would probably be accurate to say they're the same entity at this point. The same can be said of the Social Networking sites like Facebook & Twitter. And very quietly a few years back Google signed an agreement to work very closely with the NSA. The story was not widely covered by the MSM though. But the deal was signed. Also,Telecoms have recently received immunity form prosecution for spying for the Government on Citizens. So they're all connected and are now one entity. It's actually pretty sad & frightening.
The Government has been monitoring us for years.
Its only okay when they monitor people who might be a communist. ;)
My TV, phone, and internet all come into the house via the cable.

I'm sure that at the other end there is a system in place to log phone calls, what I watch on TV, and where I go on the internet.

I would imagine that the most nefarious reason the cable company has in keeping a track of my activites is to sell the info to people who want to sell me shit.

Government and Telecoms work very closely together. In fact,it would probably be accurate to say they're the same entity at this point. The same can be said of the Social Networking sites like Facebook & Twitter. And very quietly a few years back Google signed an agreement to work very closely with the NSA. The story was not widely covered by the MSM though. But the deal was signed. Also,Telecoms have recently received immunity form prosecution for spying for the Government on Citizens. So they're all connected and are now one entity. It's actually pretty sad & frightening.

Everyone knows this by now, I have decided to not let it change what I say to anyone in any way. If it means that somewhere down the road it gets used against me then on that day I will hold my head high and be proud that I did not live my life in fear and paranoia. Anything other than leading a life of courageous defiance is a waste.
My TV, phone, and internet all come into the house via the cable.

I'm sure that at the other end there is a system in place to log phone calls, what I watch on TV, and where I go on the internet.

I would imagine that the most nefarious reason the cable company has in keeping a track of my activites is to sell the info to people who want to sell me shit.

Government and Telecoms work very closely together. In fact,it would probably be accurate to say they're the same entity at this point. The same can be said of the Social Networking sites like Facebook & Twitter. And very quietly a few years back Google signed an agreement to work very closely with the NSA. The story was not widely covered by the MSM though. But the deal was signed. Also,Telecoms have recently received immunity form prosecution for spying for the Government on Citizens. So they're all connected and are now one entity. It's actually pretty sad & frightening.

Better get yourself a tinfoil hat, and a bomb shelter. If you think the government cares about what you are doing, you should get your ego in check.
Living in the area I do, I would rather the government monitored what we post on a PUBLIC website. When they start telling me what I can and cannot say on these PUBLIC sites, I might be worried. Until then, I am not shocked, figured they already were.
My TV, phone, and internet all come into the house via the cable.

I'm sure that at the other end there is a system in place to log phone calls, what I watch on TV, and where I go on the internet.

I would imagine that the most nefarious reason the cable company has in keeping a track of my activites is to sell the info to people who want to sell me shit.

Government and Telecoms work very closely together. In fact,it would probably be accurate to say they're the same entity at this point. The same can be said of the Social Networking sites like Facebook & Twitter. And very quietly a few years back Google signed an agreement to work very closely with the NSA. The story was not widely covered by the MSM though. But the deal was signed. Also,Telecoms have recently received immunity form prosecution for spying for the Government on Citizens. So they're all connected and are now one entity. It's actually pretty sad & frightening.

Everyone knows this by now, I have decided to not let it change what I say to anyone in any way. If it means that somewhere down the road it gets used against me then on that day I will hold my head high and be proud that I did not live my life in fear and paranoia. Anything other than leading a life of courageous defiance is a waste.

No,you're just going along to get along. You're too scared to stand up to Big Brother but you feign some sort of pious nobility in shutting up and ignoring. But there's no bravery or nobility in what you're doing. You're no different than the Millions of German Citizens who went along to get along in Nazi Germany. So quit kidding yourself. You're neither 'courageous' or 'defiant.' You're just a sheep.

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