DC Juries - nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts

I am arguing about your racism in america by pointing put that far worse crimes are still happening aceoss the world than ever happened here,,
What does that happen with what is happening here? You claim to be moral above everybody else in the world, you claim you are more civilized than everywhere else in the world.
OH it also proves youre a racist of the highest order,,

thats to bad really cause we could have worked together against this abuse being done to all people from authorities,,
DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.

carville trump.jpg
What does that happen with what is happening here? You claim to be moral above everybody else in the world, you claim you are more civilized than everywhere else in the world.

when did I claim I had higher morals or more civilized??? what comment did I say that??

yes your racism is unbelievable,,

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