Homeschooled girl lured into sleepover and beaten by kids who went to a public school

Not sure kids benefit from the social skills learned in many schools. Curious do you share the same opinion on young children just starting school being forced to mask which prevent them from learning various social skills?
Mostly what they learn is how to deal with being traumatized by bullies, with no one upholding law and order and crimes against them.
I know, right? Leftists spout the silliest things about homeschooled kids all the time.

But, don't you want to have their "social skills"? :badgrin:

That kids are mean to outcasts and freaks, and HS kids tend to be freaks because they lack socialization skills.
HS kids are mean? The homeschool kid was not mean.

Should we send our children to public schools to learn mean social skills?

What would society be like if we abstained from the mean social skills indoctrination?
Not sure kids benefit from the social skills learned in many schools. Curious do you share the same opinion on young children just starting school being forced to mask which prevent them from learning various social skills?
Well, since that is preferable to DYING or maybe bringing Covid home and killing Nana, I don't worry about it that much.

That has been debunked more times than your 43 times more likely bullshit

Really, how many products of Home School do you work with?
The kids involved plotted and planned, that is malicious intent, also with physical violence this could have turned out with someone having permanent physical damage. The perps need to be put Into a detention center for a few days for assault and then need to be taught social skills and take a diversity class, because they are truly ignorant, envious, bigots. The parents of these kids also need to be held accountable for not properly raising their children.
The kids involved plotted and planned, that is malicious intent, also with physical violence this could have turned out with someone having permanent physical damage. The perps need to be put Into a detention center for a few days for assault and then need to be taught social skills and take a diversity class, because they are truly ignorant, envious, bigots. The parents of these kids also need to be held accountable for not properly raising their children.
Should we lock your parents up for your being an idiot?

Is this indicative of the difference between home schooled kids and public school kids?

What say you?
I dunno…it is probably as indicative of the difference between home schooled kids and public school kids as this…

which is to say not much

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