Homeschooled girl lured into sleepover and beaten by kids who went to a public school

You are confused Moon Bat, as usual. You demean home schooled schooled children because you are pissed that you can't brainwash them with the Libtard filth we often find in the public schools.

I know several families that home school kids.

These kids have a good social network with other home school children, church friends and other friends. They also participate in some of the activities in the district schools like sports and science projects. Your steotype is very wrong. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, as usual.

That was a hate crime against that child. Stop being a hateful piece of Moon Bat shit. It makes you look like a turd.
Did three of mine....also had a tutor in 3 days a week....
Taught them the classics..
Poe, Longfellow, Shakespeare...
Also the top composers...
Bach, Beethoven, Mozart...
It was a blast.

Well, since that is preferable to DYING or maybe bringing Covid home and killing Nana, I don't worry about it that much.

Really, how many products of Home School do you work with?
I've known at least 5 or 6 couples that have home schooled and their kids are far better behaved, more mature and do very well in the world
I've known at least 5 or 6 couples that have home schooled and their kids are far better behaved, more mature and do very well in the world

And how do they function as adults? I mean, that's awesome if you want a child to be a compliant fashion accessory... but at some point, they have to go out in the world and work in a job that will require the ability to interact with peers. Skills you don't learn when mommy is telling you about talking snakes because she doesn't want you to hear about evolution.
And how do they function as adults? I mean, that's awesome if you want a child to be a compliant fashion accessory... but at some point, they have to go out in the world and work in a job that will require the ability to interact with peers. Skills you don't learn when mommy is telling you about talking snakes because she doesn't want you to hear about evolution.
You are confused Moon Bat. Most home school kids go out in the world as much, and in some cases more, than the babysitting of the Public Schools.

You know nothing about it. Home school kids do a lot of activities and interact with other people.

You are like all stupid Moon Bats. You don't know jackshit about you are talking about most of the time.

If anybody needs to pull their head out of their ass and see what is going on in the real world it is you. Then maybe you wouldn't be so damn bigoted and intolerant.
You are confused Moon Bat. Most home school kids go out in the world as much, and in some cases more, than the babysitting of the Public Schools.

You know nothing about it. Home school kids do a lot of activities and interact with other people.

You are like all stupid Moon Bats. You don't know jackshit about you are talking about most of the time.

If anybody needs to pull their head out of their ass and see what is going on in the real world it is you. Then maybe you wouldn't be so damn bigoted and intolerant.
Some people stereotype and remain ignorant and intolerant, instead of opening their minds to new ideas, and new opportunities.
You are confused Moon Bat. Most home school kids go out in the world as much, and in some cases more, than the babysitting of the Public Schools.

You know nothing about it. Home school kids do a lot of activities and interact with other people.

You are like all stupid Moon Bats. You don't know jackshit about you are talking about most of the time.

If anybody needs to pull their head out of their ass and see what is going on in the real world it is you. Then maybe you wouldn't be so damn bigoted and intolerant.

I haven't encountered an adult home-schooler in any work place... they just don't fit in.

That should tell you a lot.

If they can't sit in a classroom for 6 hours a day, they can't work in workplace for 8.

Work at your own pace might be awesome at your home school, where you are mommy's precious little genius, but in the real world, you have these things called "bosses", who expect things to be done by "Deadlines".
Some people stereotype and remain ignorant and intolerant, instead of opening their minds to new ideas, and new opportunities.
Libtards, like this Joe idiot, are always ignorant and closed minded. They are also full of Leftest hate.
They should be tried as adults.
They need to spend years in prison. Years.
This is sadistic torture, criminal confinement and it was all planned.

Also... I would look into the parents whose home this was in. How is it possible they didn't hear anything??
Did they leave these 12 year old girls alone all night?? At least charge them with neglect and abandonment that led to serious injury.
I haven't encountered an adult home-schooler in any work place... they just don't fit in.

That should tell you a lot.

If they can't sit in a classroom for 6 hours a day, they can't work in workplace for 8.

Work at your own pace might be awesome at your home school, where you are mommy's precious little genius, but in the real world, you have these things called "bosses", who expect things to be done by "Deadlines".


Do you ask people if they were home schooled or not? Do you keep a book on it? You have no idea who is home schooled and who is not.

Home schooled kids can do anything that public school kid can do and they usually learn a lot more. Home schooled kids usually do very well in achievement test. They are better educated.

You are simply a confused ignorant bigoted asshole that can't stand the fact that some people choose not to send their kids to the public school disaster. You can't stand the fact they are not brain washed by the filthy greedy Teacher Unions.
Do you ask people if they were home schooled or not? Do you keep a book on it? You have no idea who is home schooled and who is not.

Home schooled kids can do anything that public school kid can do and they usually learn a lot more. Home schooled kids usually do very well in achievement test. They are better educated.

You are simply a confused ignorant bigoted asshole that can't stand the fact that some people choose not to send their kids to the public school disaster. You can't stand the fact they are not brain washed by the filthy greedy Teacher Unions.

That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.
And how do they function as adults? I mean, that's awesome if you want a child to be a compliant fashion accessory... but at some point, they have to go out in the world and work in a job that will require the ability to interact with peers. Skills you don't learn when mommy is telling you about talking snakes because she doesn't want you to hear about evolution.
Very well as I said already.

2 of them have taken over their father's business and expanded it, one is a successful accountant one is a financial planner

Are you so much of a moron as to think parents who homeschool lock up their kids and never let them leave the house?
They also lack socialization skills that are necessary to life.
No that is a LIE pushed by public education union morons, JOE.

Homeschooled kids tend to be better socially behaved than their public criminal counterparts even among people of their own age.

It takes are a real____to act like the victim is to be blamed here instead of the two UNIONIZED indoctrinted public school taught pieces of shit are.
That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.
good test takers, better educated, do better in both College and work statistically speaking.........

Public school kids don't do as well by any metric.
That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.
Boy you are a real piece of work.
This 12 year old girl get's lured in by other 12 year old girls who torture and burn her for hours.
And all you want to talk about is home schooling is bad.
Very well as I said already.

2 of them have taken over their father's business and expanded it, one is a successful accountant one is a financial planner

Are you so much of a moron as to think parents who homeschool lock up their kids and never let them leave the house?

Actually, the worst place in the world to work is a "family business". One where some loser is promoted beyond his abilities because a parent runs the company.

Boy you are a real piece of work.
This 12 year old girl get's lured in by other 12 year old girls who torture and burn her for hours.
And all you want to talk about is home schooling is bad.

Um, yeah, if she had the socialization skills, she'd realize these were not girls she'd want to hang around with.... She'd know Sally and Heather are the "mean girls". Instead, because she didn't have a peer group she had been developing since kindergarten, she just fell in with the mean girls who were looking for someone to mistreat.

Not weird just different. This is what kids learn in public schools: how to form cliques and bully other kids.

Um, yeah, it's called "real life". What do you think happens in College and the workplace?
Actually, the worst place in the world to work is a "family business". One where some loser is promoted beyond his abilities because a parent runs the company.

Um, yeah, if she had the socialization skills, she'd realize these were not girls she'd want to hang around with.... She'd know Sally and Heather are the "mean girls". Instead, because she didn't have a peer group she had been developing since kindergarten, she just fell in with the mean girls who were looking for someone to mistreat.

Um, yeah, it's called "real life". What do you think happens in College and the workplace?
So you think torturing a person is part of "real life"

Every single home schooled kid I know went to college and did just fine socially and academically. But you want to blame the antisocial behavior learned in public school on the victim of that antisocial behavior. I bet if that girl was raped you would be saying she asked for it too right?
That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.
I go to my granddaughter’s school to events and school activi ties and I see and hear kids say and dress weird. There are some that can complete a sentence without cussing, there are girls wearing boys clothing, boys wearing dresses, pink, blue, green, purple and red hair, some wear dog collars, some pierce their bodies on the cheeks, and you think home schoolers are weird?

You need to enlighten your ignorant self, plenty of home schoolers have turned out great and have great personalities, just because your limited view of the world claims no home schoolers are successful, plenty of other evidence says otherwise.

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