Homeschooled girl lured into sleepover and beaten by kids who went to a public school

Actually, the worst place in the world to work is a "family business". One where some loser is promoted beyond his abilities because a parent runs the company.

Um, yeah, if she had the socialization skills, she'd realize these were not girls she'd want to hang around with.... She'd know Sally and Heather are the "mean girls". Instead, because she didn't have a peer group she had been developing since kindergarten, she just fell in with the mean girls who were looking for someone to mistreat.

Um, yeah, it's called "real life". What do you think happens in College and the workplace?
You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. If a family business promotes a loser beyond their abilities--the business fails and the entire family suffers.

JOe, proof that unionized schools are for, create, and promote idiots.
No that is a LIE pushed by public education union morons, JOE.

Homeschooled kids tend to be better socially behaved than their public criminal counterparts even among people of their own age.

It takes are a real____to act like the victim is to be blamed here instead of the two UNIONIZED indoctrinted public school taught pieces of shit are.
One of the reasons I pulled my kids out was the constant bullying that was not being handled.... and the prevalence of sex and drugs as deep as grammar school. Believe it or not. One of my kids had a minority teacher who hated white people..... I am not white myself but my wife our kids are lighter skinned. My son was constantly in the punishment every day. When I made inquiries I found out that he was put there every time he tried to defend himself. I finally had enough....picked up the permission through the quadrant manager ( this was before the day and age of homeschooling companies btw....) then I purchased the necessary on.... Hired a tutor also. It was pricey but it was rewarding not to have to look at the terror on their faces in the morning when I forced them into the cauldron.

That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.

Is this an example of how well adjusted public school educated students act when sent to college or are they just a bunch of idiot Left Wing queer assholes?

One of the reasons I pulled my kids out was the constant bullying that was not being handled.... and the prevalence of sex and drugs as deep as grammar school. Believe it or not. One of my kids had a minority teacher who hated white people..... I am not white myself but my wife our kids are lighter skinned. My son was constantly in the punishment every day. When I made inquiries I found out that he was put there every time he tried to defend himself. I finally had enough....picked up the permission through the quadrant manager ( this was before the day and age of homeschooling companies btw....) then I purchased the necessary on.... Hired a tutor also. It was pricey but it was rewarding not to have to look at the terror on their faces in the morning when I forced them into the cauldron.

You are a great parent----to bad other kids don't have parents that would sacrifice for their kids well being as well.
So you think torturing a person is part of "real life"

Every single home schooled kid I know went to college and did just fine socially and academically. But you want to blame the antisocial behavior learned in public school on the victim of that antisocial behavior. I bet if that girl was raped you would be saying she asked for it too right?

I think that part of the school experience is kid being mean to each other and pecking orders establishing themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible, and frankly, I have very little good to say about my 12 years of Catholic Torment. But putting your kid in a hermetic bubble so they aren't exposed to any concepts you disapprove of, is just crazy.

I go to my granddaughter’s school to events and school activi ties and I see and hear kids say and dress weird. There are some that can complete a sentence without cussing, there are girls wearing boys clothing, boys wearing dresses, pink, blue, green, purple and red hair, some wear dog collars, some pierce their bodies on the cheeks, and you think home schoolers are weird?

I think you kind of make my point. Parents who want to home school work on the "Stop the World, I want to get off" mentality. It isn't the schools they object to, it's the world as it is. I remember when I was a teen, my parents HATED the music we listened to.

You need to enlighten your ignorant self, plenty of home schoolers have turned out great and have great personalities, just because your limited view of the world claims no home schoolers are successful, plenty of other evidence says otherwise.

Actually, they tend to be creepy bible thumping morons.
You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. If a family business promotes a loser beyond their abilities--the business fails and the entire family suffers.

Yup, that's exactly what happens... unfortunately, they make the people doing the work suffer in the process.

First job I got out of after the army, the people who built the company over 40 years retired and left it to their kids. They ran it into the ground in two years.
I think that part of the school experience is kid being mean to each other and pecking orders establishing themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible, and frankly, I have very little good to say about my 12 years of Catholic Torment. But putting your kid in a hermetic bubble so they aren't exposed to any concepts you disapprove of, is just crazy.

I think you kind of make my point. Parents who want to home school work on the "Stop the World, I want to get off" mentality. It isn't the schools they object to, it's the world as it is. I remember when I was a teen, my parents HATED the music we listened to.

Actually, they tend to be creepy bible thumping morons.
The home schooled that I know are fine and most are well grounded and handle change and adversity and diversity well. So I get it, you prefer creepy atheists.

i would never home school my kids, however I have no issue whatsoever with someone who makes a decision to home school and raising their children as opposed to letting the state raising kids.

Bottom line, the girl didn’t deserve what happened and the perps need to be taught by society a lesson on their behavior issues. I hope the parents sue the perps parents and let the parents drive the point home with their kids. Beat someone up and you will pay.
That just shows they are good at taking tests.

Let's not forget, these girls beat up on the homeschooler because she was the "Weird kid", as home schoolers tend to be.
Some kids are spectrum kids for instance. I have a grandson that is AS..... he requires huge services in the Public school. Not sure If I could homeschool him....not trained well enough I don't think. But children who prey on Weird kids are in school for criminality training not learning.

The problem is not the homeschooled kid.

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Yup, that's exactly what happens... unfortunately, they make the people doing the work suffer in the process.

First job I got out of after the army, the people who built the company over 40 years retired and left it to their kids. They ran it into the ground in two years.
Then they got what they deserved-------along with a painful learning lessen.
The home schooled that I know are fine and most are well grounded and handle change and adversity and diversity well. So I get it, you prefer creepy atheists.

i would never home school my kids, however I have no issue whatsoever with someone who makes a decision to home school and raising their children as opposed to letting the state raising kids.

Homeschooling has become this weird little cult, and it does more damage than good.

Bottom line, the girl didn’t deserve what happened and the perps need to be taught by society a lesson on their behavior issues. I hope the parents sue the perps parents and let the parents drive the point home with their kids. Beat someone up and you will pay.

Yes, because the School to Prison Pipeline has worked SOOOO well.

Some kids are spectrum kids for instance. I have a grandson that is AS..... he requires huge services in the Public school. Not sure If I could homeschool him....not trained well enough I don't think. But children who prey on Weird kids are in school for criminality training not learning.

The problem is not the homeschooled kid.

The thing is, when Democrats have pushed anti-bullying programs, conservatives mocked them mercilessly. Remember the Gillette commercials from a couple years ago, and you all whined we were emasculating boys?

No one has convinced me these girls 'learned" to be bullies in school. We really don't know what the interactions were between these girls at all. But you are going to draw all sorts of conclusions from a internet article.

Then they got what they deserved-------along with a painful learning lessen.

Did they? It seems the people who worked for their company for years got most of the pain.
ust another example of why I rarely communicate with the likes of JoeB131.
90% troll and 10% parrot.
Seriously, this will be a much better forum if these guys don't get so much attention and constantly ruin threads.
That and you keep getting your ass handed to you...

You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. If a family business promotes a loser beyond their abilities--the business fails and the entire family suffers.

JOe, proof that unionized schools are for, create, and promote idiots.

Sorry, I went to Catholic Schools... where the Little Catholic Bastards raised bullying to an art form.

But I don't get outraged when I get PART of a story. I actually wait for the WHOLE story. We ain't getting the whole story here.

Like did the girls plan to do this all along, or did something happen during the sleepover that instigated it...

Have these girls abused other classmates? Or was this a one-off.
Homeschooling has become this weird little cult, and it does more damage than good.

I understand your position and view, you have nothing to back up your opinion and I believe you are just unleashing your hatred for religion. I believe we all have freedom to worship whoever and we all have freedom to home school or not. As long as kids hit the academic marks it is a good freedom

Gillette commercial? I never said a word or cared.

I never said any of those girls learned their behavior at school but you are sure eager to blame what happened on home schooling. That makes no sense to me. Home school, public school, those girls need help with their lack of diversity.
But I don't get outraged when I get PART of a story. I actually wait for the WHOLE story. We ain't getting the whole story here.

Like did the girls plan to do this all along, or did something happen during the sleepover that instigated it...

Have these girls abused other classmates? Or was this a one-off.
This reminds me a lot of a similar story ---- remember just maybe 5 years ago when two girls the same age tied up another girl and inflicted dozens of little cuts on her, as a sacrifice to a horror cartoon character "Slim Man"? I think they were all about 12 years old, too. And white.
I understand your position and view, you have nothing to back up your opinion and I believe you are just unleashing your hatred for religion. I believe we all have freedom to worship whoever and we all have freedom to home school or not. As long as kids hit the academic marks it is a good freedom

Except, again, they don't hit the socialization marks, that's kind of the point. This girl went off with the mean girls because she didn't have any friends... it's kind of sad, really.

Gillette commercial? I never said a word or cared.
Other people did...

I never said any of those girls learned their behavior at school but you are sure eager to blame what happened on home schooling. That makes no sense to me. Home school, public school, those girls need help with their lack of diversity.

Actually, the article clearly says they have NO IDEA why these girls did what they did. But they wrote it up as a "homeschool vs. Public School" kind of thing, rather than "Mean girls pick on the weird kid."

This reminds me a lot of a similar story ---- remember just maybe 5 years ago when two girls the same age tied up another girl and inflicted dozens of little cuts on her, as a sacrifice to a horror cartoon character "Slim Man"? I think they were all about 12 years old, too. And white.

And those girls got psychological counselling... (It was "Slender Man" by the way.) They were found not guilty due to mental defect. One of those two girls was in fact schizophrenic.
Except, again, they don't hit the socialization marks, that's kind of the point. This girl went off with the mean girls because she didn't have any friends... it's kind of sad, really.
That is your perception based on stereotyping, you have nothing but a bigoted opinion. You have no idea if she had other friends either, that is also pure conjecture based on bias and stereotyping.

Other people did...

And I don’t agree so it doesn’t apply to me at all, it is more of your stereotyping.
Actually, the article clearly says they have NO IDEA why these girls did what they did. But they wrote it up as a "homeschool vs. Public School" kind of thing, rather than "Mean girls pick on the weird kid."

The only person to call the girl “weird” was you. You based it solely on your perception of being home schooled. You have based it on your opinion and prejudice. I am glad we have the 1st amendment to practice our beliefs because people like you hate that freedom.
Um, okay. I mean, nice if you can afford it...

I went to parochial schools for 12 years. What it left me with was an undying hatred for organized religion.
Or you could go to public schools and learn the same, in addition to hating whitey, conservatives, being gender confused, and from what I have learned from you just learning to b e ass holes to other kids.

I guess in this regard, public schools offer much more.
That is your perception based on stereotyping, you have nothing but a bigoted opinion. You have no idea if she had other friends either, that is also pure conjecture based on bias and stereotyping.

Again, she went on a sleepover with the mean girls who beat her up... she must not have had any real friends.

The only person to call the girl “weird” was you. You based it solely on your perception of being home schooled. You have based it on your opinion and prejudice. I am glad we have the 1st amendment to practice our beliefs because people like you hate that freedom.

Too bad we don't have freedom FROM religion.

Or you could go to public schools and learn the same, in addition to hating whitey, conservatives, being gender confused, and from what I have learned from you just learning to b e ass holes to other kids.


Horrific. Demonic.

No worse than the shit I put up with from the Little Catholic Bastards in Parochial Schools.

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