Homeschooled girl lured into sleepover and beaten by kids who went to a public school

I think that part of the school experience is kid being mean to each other and pecking orders establishing themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible, and frankly, I have very little good to say about my 12 years of Catholic Torment. But putting your kid in a hermetic bubble so they aren't exposed to any concepts you disapprove of, is just crazy.

I think you kind of make my point. Parents who want to home school work on the "Stop the World, I want to get off" mentality. It isn't the schools they object to, it's the world as it is. I remember when I was a teen, my parents HATED the music we listened to.

Actually, they tend to be creepy bible thumping morons.

You are twisted.

There's "being mean" and then there is being sadistic. You are still defending the little sociopaths and victim blaming

And you don;t know anything about people who home school their kids. All you have are the same bullshit assumptions that you have on everything

All the home schooled kids I know are far more accomplished than their public school counterparts. They have a broader knowledge base and actually have more time to spend rounding out their education with the arts and other endeavors.

The only thing I can see that they don;t get is participation in team sports but I don;t see that as a negative.

And missing out on the bullying, the cliques and the other "social education" hasn't harmed any of them.
You are twisted.

There's "being mean" and then there is being sadistic. You are still defending the little sociopaths and victim blaming

And you don;t know anything about people who home school their kids. All you have are the same bullshit assumptions that you have on everything

I know what I see...

All the home schooled kids I know are far more accomplished than their public school counterparts. They have a broader knowledge base and actually have more time to spend rounding out their education with the arts and other endeavors.

the ones I have known are socially awkward and don't work well with others. Oh, yeah, and are more inclined to be religiously stupid.

And missing out on the bullying, the cliques and the other "social education" hasn't harmed any of them.

Until they get out in the real world and they discover the real world kind of works the same way.
You are twisted.

There's "being mean" and then there is being sadistic. You are still defending the little sociopaths and victim blaming

And you don;t know anything about people who home school their kids. All you have are the same bullshit assumptions that you have on everything

All the home schooled kids I know are far more accomplished than their public school counterparts. They have a broader knowledge base and actually have more time to spend rounding out their education with the arts and other endeavors.

The only thing I can see that they don;t get is participation in team sports but I don;t see that as a negative.

And missing out on the bullying, the cliques and the other "social education" hasn't harmed any of them.
The little thugs that beat this girl are the criminals, not the child that is home schooled. If this had been white girls beating the hell and permanently scaring a black girl, Joe’s attitude would be very different and he would have been outraged.

Young kids beating, torturing and killing other young kids is a deeply disturbing crime and should never be minimized or overlooked. These kids have serious issues. For one to put any blame on the victim is sheer ignorance.

Home schooling or public schooling there are pros and cons and is a decision for the parents and child. They have a right to decide and it is called freedom, to deny this right because of ignorance and bigotry is wrong.

Many states allow home schooled kids to play sports. The crossover and acceptance is getting much better over the years as schools and parents work together to provide a rounded education. It is only the uninformed, bigots and ignorant that seem to be stuck in stereotypes And are against home schooling. This falls mainly on the intolerant left.
Based on religious hate and bigotry. If this had been white girls attacking a black girl your attitude would have been much different. The fact is, kids that can beat, torture and sometimes kill others is very disturbing. That is the bottom line, not whether a child is of color, gay, or homeschooled. That should be the main thrust of the crime. The demeaning of the victim is just pure hate, ignorance and bigotry.
The little thugs that beat this girl are the criminals, not the child that is home schooled. If this had been white girls beating the hell and permanently scaring a black girl, Joe’s attitude would be very different and he would have been outraged.

Um, yeah, that would have a completely different context.

Young kids beating, torturing and killing other young kids is a deeply disturbing crime and should never be minimized or overlooked. These kids have serious issues. For one to put any blame on the victim is sheer ignorance.

Okay, if you want to get hysterical, I guess. Kids bully each other all the time. Sorry, it just happens.

Home schooling or public schooling there are pros and cons and is a decision for the parents and child. They have a right to decide and it is called freedom, to deny this right because of ignorance and bigotry is wrong.

Home schooling should be outlawed. It does more damage than good, usually because the parents are idiots.

Many states allow home schooled kids to play sports. The crossover and acceptance is getting much better over the years as schools and parents work together to provide a rounded education. It is only the uninformed, bigots and ignorant that seem to be stuck in stereotypes And are against home schooling. This falls mainly on the intolerant left.

Which means the resources that should go to schools have to end up making allotments for these freaks.
Based on religious hate and bigotry. If this had been white girls attacking a black girl your attitude would have been much different. The fact is, kids that can beat, torture and sometimes kill others is very disturbing. That is the bottom line, not whether a child is of color, gay, or homeschooled. That should be the main thrust of the crime. The demeaning of the victim is just pure hate, ignorance and bigotry.

Religion is a choice.
Race is not.

Every religious point of view, including Atheism, is "bigoted". You think the universe works a certain way and everyone else is wrong.

This girl was too stupid to recognize the mean girls had it out for her, or she said something really stupid at the sleepover and they kicked her ass. Of course, no one will tell us what precipitated the incident, so we can only speculate. Did she start screaming "JESUS" at them and they got fed up? Who knows. Who cares. Well, you guys do, because it plays into your "help, help, my white privilege is being repressed" theme.
Um, yeah, that would have a completely different context.

Not really, you and I would be on the same page.
Okay, if you want to get hysterical, I guess. Kids bully each other all the time. Sorry, it just happens.
This wasn’t bullying, this is beyond bullying, this is an assault, torture, as the article pointed out, you know the one you and I read.
Home schooling should be outlawed. It does more damage than good, usually because the parents are idiots.
We know that is your opinion, it is based on hate, intolerance and bigotry, which has nothing to do with girls beating the shit out of another girl.
Which means the resources that should go to schools have to end up making allotments for these freaks.
Their parents pay taxes just like everyone else. More of your intolerance, bigotry and hate.
This wasn’t bullying, this is beyond bullying, this is an assault, torture, as the article pointed out, you know the one you and I read.

Wow, we are extra whiny this morning.

I'm checking my Give a Fuck Meter..


Boo-hoo Funditard Girl is being picked on. Just can't get worked up about it.
Religion is a choice.
Race is not.

Every religious point of view, including Atheism, is "bigoted". You think the universe works a certain way and everyone else is wrong.

This girl was too stupid to recognize the mean girls had it out for her, or she said something really stupid at the sleepover and they kicked her ass. Of course, no one will tell us what precipitated the incident, so we can only speculate. Did she start screaming "JESUS" at them and they got fed up? Who knows. Who cares. Well, you guys do, because it plays into your "help, help, my white privilege is being repressed" theme.

Good point, the difference is you are in tolerant. My ideas on how things work is not confined to just my point of view, others have other views. I don’t call for intolerance as a solution, you do. In this case religion.

The rest of your post is hateful, intolerant, ignorant BS.
Good point, the difference is you are in tolerant. My ideas on how things work is not confined to just my point of view, others have other views. I don’t call for intolerance as a solution, you do. In this case religion.

Nope, here's a simple way to understand my view on religion. Something silly doesn't become less silly because you dress it up in vestments.


THis is silly


This is still silly!

It seems you are worked up about it because you keep responding. Take care Joe have a good day.
I'm having a great time watching you get your panties in a bunch ,Stalkergeorgio..


Religion is a choice.
Race is not.

Every religious point of view, including Atheism, is "bigoted". You think the universe works a certain way and everyone else is wrong.

This girl was too stupid to recognize the mean girls had it out for her, or she said something really stupid at the sleepover and they kicked her ass. Of course, no one will tell us what precipitated the incident, so we can only speculate. Did she start screaming "JESUS" at them and they got fed up? Who knows. Who cares. Well, you guys do, because it plays into your "help, help, my white privilege is being repressed" theme.
You're a lousy, sick punk.
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I know what I see...

the ones I have known are socially awkward and don't work well with others. Oh, yeah, and are more inclined to be religiously stupid.

Until they get out in the real world and they discover the real world kind of works the same way.
You're too stupid to see anything but what you're told by people who are just as ignorant as you are
I've seen the sort of "socialization" that's available in public schools. It's one of the many reasons all my children were homeschooled.
And I'm sure they'll all be more successful in life than Joe Blowjob.

I think that's the real reason he has such animosity for home schooled kids
And I'm sure they'll all be more successful in life than Joe Blowjob.

I think that's the real reason he has such animosity for home schooled kids

Except I've never seen a Homeschool kid in business or an office... because they don't have the social skills to last.
Except I've never seen a Homeschool kid in business or an office... because they don't have the social skills to last.
That you know of and we all know that you don't know much about anything

No one asks any professional where they went to high school all that matters is where they went to college

Besides that such a small percentage of kids are home schooled that most people don't run into many anyway. I happen to know quite a few because I was friends with a couple that did and I met a lot of people in their network
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Homeschooling has become this weird little cult, and it does more damage than good.

Yes, because the School to Prison Pipeline has worked SOOOO well.

The thing is, when Democrats have pushed anti-bullying programs, conservatives mocked them mercilessly. Remember the Gillette commercials from a couple years ago, and you all whined we were emasculating boys?

No one has convinced me these girls 'learned" to be bullies in school. We really don't know what the interactions were between these girls at all. But you are going to draw all sorts of conclusions from a internet article.

Did they? It seems the people who worked for their company for years got most of the pain.
What? Were none of you lib "workers" good enough to get a job for a better company?
Except I've never seen a Homeschool kid in business or an office... because they don't have the social skills to last.
Bwahahahah----this a guy who couldn't get a new job when his employers left their company to their kids. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN a HOMESCHOOLED KID? You don't even know one--maybe they all do far far far better than you so really don't talk to you about their lives.

Alexander Graham Bell
Taylor Swift
Whoopi goldberg
Wolfgang Armadus
Simone Biles
Venus and Serena Willionas
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Albert Einstein
Many of our founding fathers

Were all homeschooled
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