Homeschooling: the ultimate results

Yes, and there are lots of resources explaining how to become drug free, but that doesn't mean we don't have a lot of druggies. Without requirements that those resources are used, they might as well not exist for many.
Because drug addicts are addicted. They have a physical craving for a substance. That’s a far cry from educating one’s self through the internet. :eusa_doh:

You’ll have to do much better than that if you want to be taken seriously here. Again, the numbers don’t lie. You’re attempting to dispute facts with an absurd analogy that doesn’t even remotely apply.
Did you read my post? Evidently you were homeschooled and never learned to read for content.

One example would disprove your theory. I provided that.

I stated fact not theory and a truly educated person knows that anecdotes ( which is your one example ) prove nothing.

You stated no evidence of any sort to undermine or challenge the facts and my facts were not absolutes but generalizations supported by evidence as many throughout the thread have shown,

My anecdotes are acquired through years of personal experience. What do you have? Stats that you haven't provided and if you did could be easily disproven in a matter of seconds.

As I said other provided them and you refuse to even look at them and it is irrelevant where anecdotes come from they are evidence of nothing at all.

You are arguing from authority without any credible authority which is a logical fallacy.

You actually admitted you have seen the stats proving you wrong but discount them do not like them.

You have offered nothing of any credibility to refute them

Yes, I am arguing from a position of authority because I have 20 years teaching experience, served as a school administrator, and have a Master's degree in Education. What is your level of experience?

Grandiose claims on the internet are not credible and I have stated what evidence I am referring to some of which you have cited but not refuted

Grandiose claims?

You are trolling! That is all there is to it.

I have yet to see any links, except those posted by the OP which I have on ignore for being an idiot above and beyond the call of duty.

If you have a link, post it and I will destroy it in a matter of seconds.
Yes, and there are lots of resources explaining how to become drug free, but that doesn't mean we don't have a lot of druggies. Without requirements that those resources are used, they might as well not exist for many.
Because drug addicts are addicted. They have a physical craving for a substance. That’s a far cry from educating one’s self through the internet. :eusa_doh:

You’ll have to do much better than that if you want to be taken seriously here. Again, the numbers don’t lie. You’re attempting to dispute facts with an absurd analogy that doesn’t even remotely apply.

You're either intentionally trying to misunderstand or you're just dumb. Just because resources are available, that doesn't mean parents who home school will make use of them.
You're either intentionally trying to misunderstand or you're just dumb. Just because resources are available, that doesn't mean parents who home school will make use of them.
And you’re either asshole or you’re an asshole. The fact that you stick your nose into what is going on with the children of other people shows how desperate and pitiful you are. Most likely because you can’t get a woman to procreate with you (thank God).

Second - as I’ve explained to your ignorant ass many times - homeschooled children still have to meet all state requirements.

Now worry about how ignorant you are and stop worrying about the education of people who owe you nothing and don’t answer to you - asshole.
I have yet to see any links, except those posted by the OP which I have on ignore for being an idiot above and beyond the call of duty.
Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I guess I have to ask two questions:

1. If you have me on ignore, how would you know that I posted links? :dunno:

2. Why exactly am I “an idiot above and beyond the call of duty”? :dunno:
You're either intentionally trying to misunderstand or you're just dumb. Just because resources are available, that doesn't mean parents who home school will make use of them.
And you’re either asshole or you’re an asshole. The fact that you stick your nose into what is going on with the children of other people shows how desperate and pitiful you are. Most likely because you can’t get a woman to procreate with you (thank God).

Second - as I’ve explained to your ignorant ass many times - homeschooled children still have to meet all state requirements.

Now worry about how ignorant you are and stop worrying about the education of people who owe you nothing and don’t answer to you - asshole.

You're losing it buddy. Yes homeschoolers have to meet all state requirements.
That doesn't look like it would be too hard to do since no one will check anyway.
Homeschooling is a myth

They concentrate on the successes and ignore the failures
Yep, teaching bigotry and hatred of tens of millions of your follow Americans is such a wonderful things.

There's a reason 90% of kids go to public school! Parents don't have the fucking time when they have to work to make a rich man richer to just have a roof over their goddamn head.

Manufacturing jobs are the kind of jobs that enable One Income Families.

It may take me some time to process this post. I really don't have the slightest idea what you are trying to say. But, speaking from personal experience, my stepfather had a manufacturing job at Ford when I was growing up, and the only thing it enabled for me was the fact that if I wanted lunch money for school, I had to work everyday after school and all day Saturday all through high school. Of course, years later, after I had moved out, the union had managed to get him a stock option and profit sharing plan that enabled him to retire with a little dignity.
The results don’t lie - homeschooled students are better educacted and exponentially more successful than their public-schooled counterparts.
  • A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.
  • Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.
  • The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost 2x’s as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost 3x’s times as involved in politics.
  • Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.
As you can see - it goes so much further than just education. They are better citizens and better people, more actively involved in their communities and with less behavioral problems.

Excerpt From The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
Wayne Allyn Root. This material may be protected by copyright.

a. If P@triot is an example of home schooling, it is clearly a failure.
b. If a child is raised as an adult, he or she will have trouble with peers for life
c. Not every home school teacher can teach
e. Grades do not equate to success in the real world
f. Rote learning does not develop creativity
g. Being active in Church is not always a virtue.
There are no facts and numbers, and those who say there are simply do not know the facts or are deliberately misleading.

Those who say stupid things like parents can't give their children a better education than what they themselves have are deliberately blinding themselves to reality in order to make a lame point.

Yes, all mothers know Calculus

They don't have to if they utilize an online curriculum. This is the modern era.
Check with the college instructors, particular those at community colleges who deal with mommas' darlings.

No need to check with anyone. I have direct knowledge of children who weren't taught anything. Imagine an 8 year old child who doesn't know the difference between a nickle and a quarter because his parents didn't bother to teach him. With no monitoring whatsoever, the state had no idea what the situation was, and no reason to do anything about it.

I have a nephew who was home schooled, and today, he is the union shop steward in a Peterbilt Truck assembly plant, so it is not as if he didn't learn any skills at all.

Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.

You don't have to have a great education yourself to give your child one. There are resources that make that possible.

Of course there are. That's where the ones with the high SATs come from. Many don't take advantage of those resources, and nothing in federal law says they have to. If there were requirements for parents to use those resources, or to determine if the child is being taught anything, then home schooling might be a viable option.

If the parents want their kids to go on to college, they have to take the SAT's just like everyone else. We don't see large numbers of home schooled children suffering because they didn't get s good education. Just the opposite.
No need to check with anyone. I have direct knowledge of children who weren't taught anything. Imagine an 8 year old child who doesn't know the difference between a nickle and a quarter because his parents didn't bother to teach him. With no monitoring whatsoever, the state had no idea what the situation was, and no reason to do anything about it.

I have a nephew who was home schooled, and today, he is the union shop steward in a Peterbilt Truck assembly plant, so it is not as if he didn't learn any skills at all.

Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.

You don't have to have a great education yourself to give your child one. There are resources that make that possible.

Of course there are. That's where the ones with the high SATs come from. Many don't take advantage of those resources, and nothing in federal law says they have to. If there were requirements for parents to use those resources, or to determine if the child is being taught anything, then home schooling might be a viable option.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Let the kids take the SOL's. As long as they do well, leave them the heck alone.
Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.

You don't have to have a great education yourself to give your child one. There are resources that make that possible.

Of course there are. That's where the ones with the high SATs come from. Many don't take advantage of those resources, and nothing in federal law says they have to. If there were requirements for parents to use those resources, or to determine if the child is being taught anything, then home schooling might be a viable option.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard

If public school is so bad, homeschool should have no problem meeting basic standards

They typically don't have any problem. The proof is in the results.
I think that homeschooling is great, as long as you don't want your kids to be more educated than you.

That's dumb. Have you never heard of an online school? The student works at home and remote teachers grade the work and give help when needed.

This isn't the 1950's any more.

Sort of like DeVry University, and Phoenix University!

Exactly. Even a poorly educated parent can give their children a quality education today. The detractors are just looking for reasons to detract.
Home schooled students do not have the distractions of bullying, violence, pressure to use drugs, as public schooled children. That's why they do so much better.

Homeschoolers Win High-school Mock Trial Championship

HSLDA | Homeschool Wins IT Competition; Spurs National Debate
So...they will be SO prepared for those things as an adult in the work force.
I know....those homeschool kids will be forced to work with negroes

Oh get a grip.
I think that homeschooling is great, as long as you don't want your kids to be more educated than you.

That's dumb. Have you never heard of an online school? The student works at home and remote teachers grade the work and give help when needed.

This isn't the 1950's any more.

Online schools are great for some kids, but most do not learn as well.

Ever tried taking an on-line PE class?

How about chorus?



They do that in co-ops. Face it, modern home schoolers have good resources at their fingertips.
I used to have a woman live next to me who was a Jesus freak

Of course her two young kids were homeschooled. Class consisted of reading the bible

The kids were dumb as rocks and sort of creepy

My brother and his wife taught their kid this way, too. The kid came out undereducated, and angry. My brother and his wife remain kind of creepy themselves Their kid hasn't talked to them in decades.

Anecdotal evidence doesn't prove the rule. How many kids get out of government schools angry, undereducated and creepy?
Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.

You don't have to have a great education yourself to give your child one. There are resources that make that possible.

Of course there are. That's where the ones with the high SATs come from. Many don't take advantage of those resources, and nothing in federal law says they have to. If there were requirements for parents to use those resources, or to determine if the child is being taught anything, then home schooling might be a viable option.
Make home schoolers meet the same standards a public school must meet. If you don't, your kid gets placed in public school

Public school standards suck and home schooled kids generally do better.

it is public schools which should be elevated to a higher standard
Interesting comparison....when you do that you count ALL public school students including those in Special Ed?...speaking of which...what about those special ed students? Home school them? Private school them?

Depends on why they're classified special ed. If it's because they're on the autistic spectrum and just can't handle the classroom situation, home schooling is a viable alternative.
There are no facts and numbers, and those who say there are simply do not know the facts or are deliberately misleading.

Those who say stupid things like parents can't give their children a better education than what they themselves have are deliberately blinding themselves to reality in order to make a lame point.

Yes, all mothers know Calculus
And astro-physics.

Again, unneeded.
There are no facts and numbers, and those who say there are simply do not know the facts or are deliberately misleading.

Those who say stupid things like parents can't give their children a better education than what they themselves have are deliberately blinding themselves to reality in order to make a lame point.
Yes, some parents can provide that environment for which you hope, but it is merely an assertion until some documentation showing they can is given.

We see home schooled kids succeeding every day. What more do you need to prove parents can successfully home school their kids?

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