Homeschooling: the ultimate results

I understand why parents may be terrified of having children enter the real world. Imagine a child being able to make their own friends without parental supervision?
I understand why people like Wrongwinger are terrified of not being able to indoctrinate and control young minds and future generations.

Imagine a child being able to think for themselves. They would unquestionably reject the failed progressive ideology. And that would leave Wrongwinger with no one to mooch off of.
Public schools may teach kids not to hate gays, Jews, negroes or Muslims Ruining everything their parents have been trying to teach them
Here we see Wrongwinger accidentally admit that school’s indoctrinate children and that - as a true fascist - he will not be satisfied until every child is forced into the indoctrination process.
Homeschooling is a great way to raise little Snowflakes

Every day is a safe space
No - every day is spent on real education instead of the left-wing agenda (like how to properly fuck a transgender in the ass and how communism is the solution to all of life’s problems). You know - all the demented and disturbing stuff that really turns you on about the left-wing agenda.
The results don’t lie - homeschooled students are better educacted and exponentially more successful than their public-schooled counterparts.
  • A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.
  • Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.
  • The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost 2x’s as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost 3x’s times as involved in politics.
  • Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.
As you can see - it goes so much further than just education. They are better citizens and better people, more actively involved in their communities and with less behavioral problems.

Excerpt From The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
Wayne Allyn Root. This material may be protected by copyright.

homeschooling... the perfect means of keeping kids from meeting anyone who isn't a white christian or actually learning science.

Homeschooling is a great way to raise little Snowflakes

Every day is a safe space
No - every day is spent on real education instead of the left-wing agenda (like how to properly fuck a transgender in the ass and how communism is the solution to all of life’s problems). You know - all the demented and disturbing stuff that really turns you on about the left-wing agenda.

yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people and that gay people aren't aberrations.

but your rant is spoken like someone who has zero education and has never been in a classroom.

The results don’t lie - homeschooled students are better educacted and exponentially more successful than their public-schooled counterparts.
  • A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.
  • Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.
  • The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost 2x’s as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost 3x’s times as involved in politics.
  • Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.
As you can see - it goes so much further than just education. They are better citizens and better people, more actively involved in their communities and with less behavioral problems.

Excerpt From The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
Wayne Allyn Root. This material may be protected by copyright.

Shameless plug - Ron Paul Curriculum: The Story of Liberty, K-12
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:


What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

*snip bigot's ignorant meme*

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?

thanks for your memet..... and thanks for proving my point.

where I live, ignorant white trash are a departure.
The results don’t lie - homeschooled students are better educacted and exponentially more successful than their public-schooled counterparts.
  • A recent study shows that homeschooled kids score almost twice as high on exams as public school students. Other studies show that homeschooled kids score 72 points higher than the national average on SAT exams.
  • Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college, are more likely to graduate, and have higher college GPAs (Grade Point Averages) than other students.
  • The old wives’ tale spread by the teachers’ unions (who are afraid of competition) is that homeschoolers are not “socialized.” Well, the facts are in. Homeschoolers are almost 2x’s as involved in their local community or church as public school students, and almost 3x’s times as involved in politics.
  • Homeschooled children also have far fewer behavioral problems.
As you can see - it goes so much further than just education. They are better citizens and better people, more actively involved in their communities and with less behavioral problems.

Excerpt From The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
Wayne Allyn Root. This material may be protected by copyright.

You got a link for your claims? A advertisement for a book isn't very informative.
Yes, where is the link to all the studies that are cited in the OP?
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

View attachment 162313

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
What a moron.
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

View attachment 162313

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
What a moron.
She really is, isn’t she? But God Bless her. She can’t help it.
Home schooled students do not have the distractions of bullying, violence, pressure to use drugs, as public schooled children. That's why they do so much better.

Homeschoolers Win High-school Mock Trial Championship

HSLDA | Homeschool Wins IT Competition; Spurs National Debate

Indeed, besides the terrible public school teachers only after their own benefits, the pupils raised by single mothers are possibly even more detrimental.

Unless child abuse is your thing, you would steer the kids far far away from a public school.

Some of the homeschoolers who are actually taught possibly do quite well. Since there is no federal requirement for any standardized tests or even monitoring to see if the children are being taught anything, and many states don't bother to do that, there is no way to know how many just fall through the cracks and receive little of no education.
Check with the college instructors, particular those at community colleges who deal with mommas' darlings.

No need to check with anyone. I have direct knowledge of children who weren't taught anything. Imagine an 8 year old child who doesn't know the difference between a nickle and a quarter because his parents didn't bother to teach him. With no monitoring whatsoever, the state had no idea what the situation was, and no reason to do anything about it.

I have a nephew who was home schooled, and today, he is the union shop steward in a Peterbilt Truck assembly plant, so it is not as if he didn't learn any skills at all.
It's not like he's a Rhodes Scholar either: my point being that based on the stats given in the OP on home schooled kids, they all should end up being high level college graduates.
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

View attachment 162313

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
What a moron.
She really is, isn’t she? But God Bless her. She can’t help it.
You are the moron. I was responding to your post. Shall I say it again?

P@triot = MORON>a very stupid person
Indeed, besides the terrible public school teachers only after their own benefits, the pupils raised by single mothers are possibly even more detrimental.

Unless child abuse is your thing, you would steer the kids far far away from a public school.

Some of the homeschoolers who are actually taught possibly do quite well. Since there is no federal requirement for any standardized tests or even monitoring to see if the children are being taught anything, and many states don't bother to do that, there is no way to know how many just fall through the cracks and receive little of no education.
Check with the college instructors, particular those at community colleges who deal with mommas' darlings.

No need to check with anyone. I have direct knowledge of children who weren't taught anything. Imagine an 8 year old child who doesn't know the difference between a nickle and a quarter because his parents didn't bother to teach him. With no monitoring whatsoever, the state had no idea what the situation was, and no reason to do anything about it.

I have a nephew who was home schooled, and today, he is the union shop steward in a Peterbilt Truck assembly plant, so it is not as if he didn't learn any skills at all.

Of course. Some home school parents are concerned and capable of giving their children a great education. The one on one teaching is much better than a large class. However, it's wrong to say all parents are educated enough to give their children a quality education, and pointing to the ones lucky enough to have parents do as the expected outcome of home schooling is just wrong. With required standards home schooling could be a great idea. Without them lots of children are missing the chance at a better, more productive life.
Yes, if there are parents who have the time and capabilities to do a good job of homeschooling their kids, they will be successful. However, the vast majority of parents either do not have the time because both mom and dad are working or they are not well enough educated or intelligent enough to do a good job educating their kids on their own. Home schooling is really not the definitive answer to the problems in US education.
yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

View attachment 162313

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
What a moron.
She really is, isn’t she? But God Bless her. She can’t help it.

you know, being called a moron by brain dead trumptards is a badge of honor. but I love the whole "I know you are, but what am I" thing. it suits your lack of intellect and childishness. l

we can't help it if you're bitter, ignorant and a lowlife, little boy. and psssst..... no matter how many times you and your uneducated, uniformed angry white male loons repeat the same thing, it doesn't make you any less delusional.

yes, how dare schools teach that the civil war was because southern states liked owning people
Actually, the Civil War was because Dumbocrats (such as yourself) liked owning people. And when they could no longer own people, Dumbocrats (such as yourself), founded the KKK in Tennessee.
and that gay people aren't aberrations.
Um...that’s exactly what they are. By the literal, scientific, textbook definition. :lmao:

View attachment 162313

What is homosexuality if not a “departure from what is normal”?
What a moron.

yes, he is. what's amusing about him is he actually tries to pretend he isn't, bless his heart
Yep, teaching bigotry and hatred of tens of millions of your follow Americans is such a wonderful things.

There's a reason 90% of kids go to public school! Parents don't have the fucking time when they have to work to make a rich man richer to just have a roof over their goddamn head.

Manufacturing jobs are the kind of jobs that enable One Income Families.

It may take me some time to process this post. I really don't have the slightest idea what you are trying to say. But, speaking from personal experience, my stepfather had a manufacturing job at Ford when I was growing up, and the only thing it enabled for me was the fact that if I wanted lunch money for school, I had to work everyday after school and all day Saturday all through high school. Of course, years later, after I had moved out, the union had managed to get him a stock option and profit sharing plan that enabled him to retire with a little dignity.

That's counter to the information I've had about manufacturing jobs, especially old school car plants.

There might be something unusual about your earlier situation, unusual expenses or something.
Homeschooling is a myth

They concentrate on the successes and ignore the failures

YOu got anything to back that up?

Rhetorical Question. There was a time you might have tried, but that was before Trump and your realization that your dream world you were working towards will be a nightmare.
90% of parents can't home school anyways....They have to fucking work their asses off just to afford the roof and food! This shit can never work as this is reality! Maybe a few percent of parents have the education and the free time to do so but that isn't a good reason to destroy public education.

1. If we had a school voucher system, that could be used for home schooling, that would be easier for more people.

2. Different schedules can be set up so that one parent is always there. That's what my wife and I did to avoid paying for child care.

3. Economic and trade and immigration policies to serve the interests of the working poor and middle class could help with that., the policies that you lefties and establishment republicans are fighting against so hard.

4. Older kids, depending on maturity, could be self motivating with the proper resources.
Home schooled students do not have the distractions of bullying, violence, pressure to use drugs, as public schooled children. That's why they do so much better.

Homeschoolers Win High-school Mock Trial Championship

HSLDA | Homeschool Wins IT Competition; Spurs National Debate
So...they will be SO prepared for those things as an adult in the work force.
I know....those homeschool kids will be forced to work with negroes

Oh get a grip.
Are you saying the racial makeup of the local school doesn’t play into the decision to homeschool?

I'm saying people decide to home school for many reasons. Insisting they're racist is just plain hateful and stupid.

Which pretty much sums up the modern left.

And RW knows it, that is why he has become so bitter and unhinged.

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