Homophobe "christian" pastor Smacked Down on TV- MUST SEE.

As the Pastor was willing to appear and discuss the topic I am wondering how they feel justified in using the word, "homophobe". If he had a phobia about homosexuals why would he be willing to sit down and talk to them? You see, the truth is that Christians are not homophobic. I've met some very nice people who are living in that sin and I have never been afraid of them. Ever. Nor am I afraid to tell them that it is a sin and they have to come to the LORD to be delivered of it.

This is not a matter of being afraid of homosexuals or in any way phobic, it is a matter of calling sin -sin and saying, There is a way out. There is deliverance through Jesus Christ. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Whosoever means whosoever. Anyone. They too can have a new life. God loves them and wants them to have a new life in Christ.

i think you misunderstand what that word means. Homophobia doesn't mean that you are afraid of them beating you up, even though that might be part of some people's fear. It means you believe that homosexuals will somehow harm your life. What you do in the privacy of your own bedroom has no more effect on them than what they do in theirs. It's none of your business, so quit worrying about it.

Promoting perversion as "normal" is a lie to those who eventually get suckered into relationships they barely understand. Predator perverts infest many places in many ways. Calling Pervert-"phobias" negative things is frankly an attack on decency.


A little boy wanting to play with a doll is not a perversion.

You have a connection there somewhere to what I was saying?? I recall when baby boys were dressed in dresses...made it a lot easier to change the nappies. But what has that to do with perversions??

WATCH: Anti-gay evangelist gets smacked down on national TV — and it’s beautiful

This is the new way of America - just like in the 60's when we publicly shamed Bigots, today we need to be publicly shaming the homophobes, especially the faux-christian ones.

America needs to become a place where hateful bigots are no longer allowed to call themselves Christian.
“I think it comes down to this,” he explained. “You right as a parent, you do shape your children. But there is a big difference between telling you children to stay from, say, drugs, don’t drink and drive, and picking out a mermaid doll. So, my issue is… I understand your ideology. I get it. And everyone can have their own choice in life, in terms of what ideology they follow,” only to be interrupted by Dr. Lisa Masterson.

“Let me say one thing,” she said. “You cannot mold someone’s sexuality.”

Feuerstein returned once again to defending traditional gender roles –to boos from the audience — only to be stopped dead in his tracks by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, who said: “Guess what? I played with my sister’s dolls and her doll house and now look at me.”

I'm an agnostic who's an infinitesimal away from being an atheist - some days I call myself an atheist. So naturally I'm kneejerk leary of any ideology that's rooted in religion of any nature, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, whatever. And I'm usually disdainful of the Evangelist tribe who I find, as a rule, hypocritical, ignorant (not necessarily uneducated but ignorant of nature and dismissive of Science) and yes, usually bigoted. This Pastor Josh Feuerstein didn't raise my hackles though nearly as much as he did yours. He didn't come across to me as a "hateful bigot" and I'm satisfied he is publicly shamed enough simply by the fact that he is as wrong on the homosexuality issue as most religiosos are usually wrong on cultural issues when they rely solely on ancient myths to form their worldview.

I think you over reacted and exaggerated his "despicability". Also I don't think you self-edited very carefully. For instance the quote you start with from the article is a statement by host Dr. Travis Stock and not as your post structure makes it appear to me, and probably others, from Feuerstein. That kind of muddled your point for me right from the get go. Progressives and liberals are attacked enough in these forums without us putting targets on ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I deeply disagree with most of what he said. The part about "molding" our children and shaping them like clay vessels in our image as parents I found especially disturbing, even dangerous. It's our job to guide them, protect them, teach them how to decide right from wrong as much as possible but then we have to let them become their own personality, not carbon copies of us, that would really be a roadblock to society's progress. So I'm starting to even piss myself off sounding like a holier-than-thou pompous ass so I better shut up and end by wishing you a good night.

P.S. This video of Feuerstein I found on YouTube might soften your opinion of him a little bit.
Since the sixties, jews have worked night and day to vilify other minorities. He's obviously realized the time for vilifying homosexuals is over and the latest target is transgendered folk.

No one. Wants to destroy gender boundaries more than a lesbian. Yet he hugs her. Make no mistake, this man is not a moron of the gentile gene pool but a grave nationalist for the jewish.

I have to disagree with you, Great Goose. The Jews have nothing to do with this. Jews have never worked day and night to vilify other people. That is just not true.
He's jewish so one jew has something to do with it.

Whenever you find Christianism (political Christianity) behind it, will be a jew. His name is Jesus.

It's just dsgusting that this young man has set out to vilify a tiny and extremely marginalized part of the population when the same thing was done to his people before the war in Germany. Except of course that the Brown Shirts leadership was quite gay!!

Defcon you bastard!!! I was about to "out" you as being as bad as the author for writing it!!! lmao Oh: as for you, Goose; may your time here be very short!!

Thank you for showing yourself up in public you anti-Semite pig!!

Stop your people from vilifying and stirring up mobs and I'll stop hating them. You can harrass me to death but I will never stop hating you. You can't touch my hate.
Defcon you bastard!!! I was about to "out" you as being as bad as the author for writing it!!! lmao Oh: as for you, Goose; may your time here be very short!!

Thank you for showing yourself up in public you anti-Semite pig!!

Uh..hi Greg...I see you are doing quite well.
Hey, what's with the Orwellian thought control? Goose has to love everybody if she doesn't want to be labeled as anti-Semite, racist, homophobe, Nazi, Fascist, communist ...etc?
All inclusiveness is not limited to only those who agree with us all the time. It would be like poor North Koreans clapping to Kim Jong-un every time he takes a shit.
WATCH: Anti-gay evangelist gets smacked down on national TV — and it’s beautiful

This is the new way of America - just like in the 60's when we publicly shamed Bigots, today we need to be publicly shaming the homophobes, especially the faux-christian ones.

America needs to become a place where hateful bigots are no longer allowed to call themselves Christian.

“I think it comes down to this,” he explained. “You right as a parent, you do shape your children. But there is a big difference between telling you children to stay from, say, drugs, don’t drink and drive, and picking out a mermaid doll. So, my issue is… I understand your ideology. I get it. And everyone can have their own choice in life, in terms of what ideology they follow,” only to be interrupted by Dr. Lisa Masterson.

“Let me say one thing,” she said. “You cannot mold someone’s sexuality.”

Feuerstein returned once again to defending traditional gender roles –to boos from the audience — only to be stopped dead in his tracks by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, who said: “Guess what? I played with my sister’s dolls and her doll house and now look at me.”

In the sense that homosexuality's condemned by the Bibke and mainstream religions, and society's tolerance for it is antithetical to reliigous values, I agree with clergy who rail and denounce it. Just not to the extent that they do. It's one sin among hundreds of others. How about they channel 99% of that energy into condemning adulterers for a while?

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